Sapphire Queen

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Sapphire Queen Page 6

by L C Taylor

  Emersyn, Drake, Onika, and Luca surrounded her and Heath. It was like her own personal fortress of love.

  Although words were spoken by the priest, Sarifena wouldn’t remember them. Her mind was on the forgotten apology, the lost forgiveness she owed her mother. Alex wound his fingers through her hair, burying his head against her neck as she watched her mother’s casket lower into the ground.

  Emersyn gripped Sarifena’s hand, “Are you ready?”

  Blinking at her words, Sarifena didn’t understand what she was asking, “Ready for what?”

  “I’m going to close the ground. I wanted to make sure you were ready.”

  “Heath,” Sarifena turned, handing Alex to him, “hold him, please.”

  She stepped out from under the umbrella, letting the rain wash over her face as she tilted her head towards the sky. Pressing her eyelids closed, Sarifena inhaled, taking the dewy air into her lungs. This was it. This was the last goodbye to her mom.

  “All right,” she glanced back at Emersyn, “I’m ready.”

  Sarifena watched in awe as her sister weaved her magic across the ground. The ground shook as the dirt knitted itself back together, the wooden box holding her mother’s remains closing off from the world above. Once the mound of dirt was returned to its original state, tiny blue flowers sprouted, covering the bare soil.

  “Emersyn,” Sarifena stared wide-eyed, “That’s beautiful.”

  “I wanted to do something special for you and her.”

  Embracing her, “Thank you.”

  “Whatever you need, Sari, I’m here for you.”

  Onika stepped up to the two women, “Yes. Me too, Sarifena.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  “Mad at you? Sarifena,” Onika hugged her, “No, I’m not mad. And I have a confession. Amalee already knew. When Luca and I ran off, we were in the Amethyst Kingdom. She found me and demanded to know why I was hiding. She promised not to tell anyone.”

  “Thank god, I worried I’d screwed up.”

  “Everyone knows now. So, it’s water under the bridge.”

  Rory stepped up beside the three of them, her belly round with child.

  “Wow, Rory, you’re finally showing.”

  Rory grinned, “I’m almost four months.”

  “Christ… Dimitra’s been missing that long?”

  The women grew somber, a silent understanding that one of their own was still out there.

  “My men have scoured the deadlands. Still no sign of her.” Amalee glanced into the distance, “I wish I knew what that damn riddle meant.”

  Sarifena knew the riddle she was referring to. When Anthony was found, he’d mentioned the man who helped him escape, gave him a clue. He’d said, ‘The place where fire meets water and is covered in darkness. That is where he will take her.’

  “We can’t give up hope. She’s alive. I just know it.” Amalee spoke, her voice only a whisper.

  “You're right. We must believe this man, Jason, was it? Is keeping his word that he would protect her.” Anthony spoke as he wrapped his arms around his wife. “I believed him. He wasn’t there because he wanted to be.”

  Sarifena nodded, lacing her hands with Heath’s as they made their way towards their awaiting cars. Now that the funeral was over, everyone was planning to meet back at the Sapphire Castle. Sarifena was happy to have her friends and family around. It helped ease the pain.

  “Your Majesty,” Constable Dennis grabbed Amalee’s arm, “There’s been another explosion. We need to return to the Amethyst Kingdom.”

  “Shit.” Amalee turned toward everyone, “I’m sorry, Sarifena, I need to go.”

  “Do you need us to come with you?” Onika glanced around at the shocked faces.

  “That is not necessary. My men have contained the damage – but the Queen should be seen by the people.”

  “I understand,” Sarifena gripped her hand, “Thank you for being here today. Let us know if you need anything.”

  Amalee nodded as the Constable escorted her away. His hand pressed into the small of her back, comforting her as he ushered her to their car.

  Chapter 21

  “Another letter has arrived, Your Majesty.” Constable James handed her the folded paper and sat down.

  Trepidation filled her veins as she unfolded the parchment. Sarifena was tiring of these games. A letter only added to her frustration.

  The time is near.

  The birth of a new ruler is soon upon you.

  “That’s it?” She tossed the paper at the Constable. “there isn’t anything worth reading this time. Seriously, who is this? Has Amalee read the journal yet? I’m over this bullshit.” Sarifena stood, pacing the office, “We need to find answers.”

  “I know, Sarifena. We are working with the other kingdoms to uncover any information we can dig up.”

  “Still no word on Dimitra?” Sarifena tugged through her hair, frustration coiling in her belly.

  “No. A villager near the edge of the Onyx Kingdom swears she saw someone who looked like the Diamond Queen, but so far, Onika’s men have come up empty-handed.”

  “Four months, Constable. FOUR…” Sarifena’s rage burst out, causing his glass of water to explode on his desk. Shards of glass scattered across the wooden top as the cold liquid splattered all over the place. “Shit… I’m sorry.”

  “I understand your frustration. We all feel like we are failing – but we cannot let anger cloud our judgment.”

  “Where did this letter come from?”

  “Again, it was left at the primary entrance. No one saw who placed it there.”

  Sarifena stood, “Let me know when you have something more.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Making her way down the corridor, she stopped at the entry to the kitchen. Heath was sitting at the table across from Alex. Her heart warmed, watching him interact with the child. Both had smiles stretched across their faces. It was the first time she’d seen Alex so relaxed. Losing his parents was awful at his age, but Heath told her it would likely make it more comfortable in the long run. His memory of them would eventually fade, leaving an opening for fresh memories.

  “Good morning,” Sarifena dipped her head and kissed Alex on the cheek, “I see you guys are happy. Whatcha eating?”

  “I made some waffles. He likes them, don’t you,” Heath ruffled his hair and laughed as he shoved a mound of fluffy waffle into his mouth. His hands were dripping with a sticky mess.

  “I see that.”

  “Sarifena,” Heath stood and grabbed a washcloth, “We need to talk about what to do moving forward.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look,” he wiped Alex’s fingers off and tossed the wet rag to the table, “You realize he will have a hard time adjusting once social services take him. He’s grown fond of you.”

  “What do you mean, social services taking him?”

  “Slow down, Sarifena. Let me talk,” Heath placed his hand on her shoulder, “I have grown to love this little guy in the brief time he’s been here. What I’m saying is maybe it’s time you formally agreed to keep him.”

  Sarifena stared at Heath. Her heart thumped against her ribcage, as the mere thought of someone taking him made her physically sick. “You're right. I won’t let anyone take him. I’ll call social services today and let them know.”

  Heath smiled, “I already did.”

  “Wait… you knew I’d want to keep him?”

  “I see how you are with him, Sari. You love him. It’s in your smile when you look at him. That day you picked him up at the explosion, something changed in you. At first, I thought you were hiding your grief behind him… but now I know it was your heart growing to include him.”

  Sarifena laced her fingers with his, “I know this isn’t what you planned for. If it’s too much, I understand if you want to walk away from me. I love you, Heath, but I love him too.” She glanced at Alex, who was oblivious to their conversation, he looked angelic and happy. That wa
sn’t something she would take away from him.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Like I said,” Heath pressed a kiss to her palm, “I’ve fallen in love with the fella too.”

  Blinking away tears, Sarifena took a deep breath, “Well, let’s go get the paperwork and make this permanent. I don’t want anyone to take him from me. I’d hate to drown someone.”

  Chapter 22

  The damp smell of mildew and dust filled the dank room. Room… that was stretching it. This was more like a bear’s cave for winter. The cool rocks behind her back reminded her she was still being held, prisoner.

  “How long does he plan to keep me?” Dimitra’s voice echoed off the cavern walls.

  “I don’t know.” His voice cut through the dimly lit space. Dimitra watched as Jason pushed off the wall and walked towards her.

  Dimitra sucked in a breath, confused about her body’s response to her captor. Four months was a long time to be stuck with someone – she told herself she was suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

  “When will I see this illustrious boss? I have a few things I’d like to say to him or her.”

  “Trust me, you're better off not having anything to do with him.”

  “Jason,” Dimitra pushed to her feet, “Why don’t we just leave? You said you don’t want to be here.”

  “I’ve told you why Dimitra. They have my sister. I can’t risk her life – not even…”

  Dimitra stepped closer, “Not even what?”

  Jason’s jaw tightened. Dimitra could see the muscles strain with tension in his neck. Rubbing his hand down his face, she heard him sigh.

  “Let it be. Nothing about this is right, Your Majesty.”

  “Back to formal titles, I see. Is that your way of distancing yourself from me? Making me less human?”

  Dimitra moved away from him, brushing against his arm as she went to pass. Jason reached out and grabbed her arm, “Nothing about this makes sense, Dimitra.”

  Closing her eyes, “I know, Jason. I just want to go home. My family must be worried, sick.”

  “What if I got word to them you were ok? Would that make you feel better?”

  “Feel better? Look around… I’m trapped in a fucking cave like an animal. I haven’t had clean clothes in weeks, much less a decent shower. I smell and look like livestock.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jason looked at the floor, “I wish it were different – trust me. How about I get you some fresh clothes… and I can take you somewhere to clean up?”

  Huffing, Dimitra crossed her arms over her chest, “You’d do that?”

  “Yes… I’m not a monster. I’m just as much a captive as you.”

  “Then yes… I’d like that. Were you serious about getting word to my family?”

  “Yes. It will take me some time, but I’ll do it.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter 23

  Time seemed to drift in the Sapphire Kingdom. At least, that’s how Sarifena felt. What felt like months, had only been weeks. Alex was settling in nicely to her world, yet, he still wasn’t speaking. Heath assured her time and time again, it was normal.

  “Alex,” Sarifena called out, “Would you like to go on a trip?”

  He peered up from his spot on the floor. He’d been quietly playing with toy cars Heath had given him. Nodding his little head, he left the cars on the floor and crawled into her lap.

  “How about we take a little trip to see my sister, your new aunt?”

  Snuggling into her chest, his head rested against her bosom.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Sarifena jumped, causing Alex to giggle. Heath could be stealthy when he wanted, making him appear almost out of thin air.

  “You startled me,” Sarfiena tickled Alex, making him laugh harder, “but this guy sure thought it was funny. I thought we could go visit with Rory. I spoke to her earlier and mentioned being stir crazy. She invited us over for the day.”

  “Sounds fun, but are you sure it’s safe to travel?”

  “We haven’t had any more incidents, but I will take several guards with me. Would you like to join us?”

  “As much as I would love to, I have to get caught up on my job.”

  Heath leaned over, pecking Alex’s cheek, then settling his lips on Sarifena’s. Smiling against his mouth, she couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out when the toddler patted Heath’s cheek.

  “All right, all right, little guy.” Heath brushed back her hair, “Call me once you arrive safely.”

  Sarifena watched as he left the room, “You ready, Alex?”

  He nodded in excitement as Sarifena scooped him up and carried him upstairs. She packed a change of clothes for both, and his diapers and toys.

  Heath watched as Sarifena pulled out of the long driveway. The caravan of security around her gave him some relief, yet he worried immensely about their safety.

  “Dr. King?” Commander Brady approached him, “A word, please.”

  Heath turned to the man wearing a scowl that could give someone a startle. “What is it, Commander?”

  “I’m afraid there’s an issue… and I don’t quite know what to do about it.”

  “What does this have to do with me?”

  “It’s about the boy, actually.”


  “Yes…” Commander Brady shifted nervously on his feet, “there is a visitor in the east wing. He is demanding to speak with the Queen about Alex. I’ve informed him they are away on business, but he refuses to leave.”

  “Who is it?”

  “That’s the thing, sir. He is saying he’s the boys, father.”

  Heath stumbled, catching himself he shook his head, “I’m sorry… did you say, ‘his father’?”


  “That’s not possible.” Heath started toward the east wing, “His mother and father were killed in the explosion. Social services checked for any living family and found none.”

  “Look,” Commander Brady caught up to Heath in the hallway, “You and I know mistakes have happened in the past.”

  “I don’t give a god damn about mistakes. Sarifena will never survive losing that little boy.”

  “That’s why I didn’t stop her from leaving.”

  “You mean he’s been here since before she left?” Heath paused, pinning the commander with a questioning glare.

  “Yes. I thought it best you and I handle this first. See if there is any truth to his claim before we let the Queen in on it.”

  “Good thinking.”

  Heath stopped just outside the door to the sitting room. His stomach churned with fear and anguish over what was waiting beyond the closed door. Sarifena would be devastated if there was any truth to the stranger's story. Gathering his resolve, he pushed open the door to find his fate on the other side.

  Chapter 24

  Seeing the stranger was like looking into the eyes of the child, Heath had come to love. Only a larger, more adult version. His stomach rolled with uncertainty as his heart fluttered with pain. There was no doubt the man before him was related to Alex… but his father? Heath wasn’t so sure.

  “Who are you?” Heath demanded.

  The stranger leaped from the couch and stood. His hands were wound tightly together as he shifted nervously in front of Heath.

  “My name is Nicholas Brigham… and I believe you have my son.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Heath folded his arms across his chest, “Alex’s parents were killed in the explosion. Their bodies were pulled from the rubble and positively identified with dental records. So, I’ll ask again – Who. Are. You.”

  The man, Nicholas, sighed, “Look. I can’t lie to you. My name is Nicholas Brigham, and I am Alex’s biological dad. The man you pulled from the rubble was my brother, Adam.”

  “And how does that make you his father?”

  “My brother was involved in an accident when he was a child. It left him sterile. When he and his wife started a family, I donated to the cause.” Nicholas wav
ed his hand over his genitals as if to emphasize his words.

  “Let me get this straight… you donated sperm to your now-dead brother so he could father a child?”


  “Nicholas was it…” Heath motioned to the couch as he sat down, “that doesn’t mean you’re the father. You understand that, right? And where have you been? Alex has been with us for weeks now. Not to mention, social services could not locate any family.”

  “After… his wife got pregnant, I started regretting my decision. Seeing her carrying my child made me somewhat crazy. My brother and I had a falling out, and I left. I haven’t spoken to him in over two years, sir.”

  “And now what? You want to take Alex and raise him as your own?”

  “Yes… no,” he ran his hand through his hair, “I don’t know. I only know that he is my flesh and blood. When I learned my brother died, I struggled with what to do.”

  “I’ll tell you what to do… leave. Alex is happy here. The Queen loves that little boy, and taking him away from her would be catastrophic.”

  “Can I see him? I deserve to meet him. I’m all he has left of the family. Social Services informed me I need to submit to paternity tests, but when they come back valid, he is rightfully mine.”

  “Even if it breaks his heart, you’d take him from us?”

  “I don’t want this to be difficult. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when his parents died. I must live with the fact I didn’t make amends with my brother, and now he’s gone. Taking care of his… no, my son, is the only way I can make things right.”

  Heath stood, nearly knocking over the table, “You need to leave.”

  Nicholas stood, “Can’t we do this civilly? Please… we can work something out.”

  “No. We can’t. Alex belongs here, and you will not disrupt the happiness we’ve found. Now – get out.”

  Nicholas started toward the door, “I’m sorry about this. But I won’t walk away without fighting. He’s mine, and you know the tests will show that.”


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