Sapphire Queen

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Sapphire Queen Page 7

by L C Taylor

Heath clenched his jaw as Commander Brady had one officer escort him out.

  “What are we going to do, Heath?” Commander Brady closed the door, “Sarifena needs to be made aware of what’s going on. He’s not just going to disappear.”

  “Fuck!” the table toppled over as his foot connected with the wooden edge, “This will break her…”

  Heath collapsed to his knees, his heart ached, and his blood boiled with rage. Commander Brady pressed his hand to Heath’s shoulder, “Sir,” he took a breath, “I know this is difficult. But we will get through this, I promise you I will do everything I can to stop him from taking Alex away from you. Sarifena isn’t the only one who will be hurt by this.”

  Heath’s eyes misted with tears. The commander was right – his heart was already fracturing with the mere thought of losing him.

  “You're right.” Heath wiped at his face and stood, “Have someone bring a car around. I need to go to the Ruby Kingdom. This isn’t something you tell someone over the phone. In the meantime, dig up everything you can on Nicholas Brigham. And find out how in the fuck social services messed this up so bad.”

  Chapter 25

  Rory smiled at Alex as he rolled his cars across the tiled floor. He was fascinated with the way the cars bounced across the colorful flooring.

  “He’s so damn cute.” Rory grinned, “I can’t wait to see my little one after watching him play so happily.”

  Sarifena leaned across and patted Rory’s tiny bump. A deep yearning skittered across her chest as she removed her hand. She had fallen in love with Alex, a part of her longed to have a child of her own.

  “How are you feeling these days?”

  “Good. The morning sickness is slowly wearing off… but the exhaustion is no joke.”

  “It’s a good thing you have two loving partners that dote on your hand and foot.” Sarifena grinned at Christine and Anthony, who were standing in the kitchen together.

  Anthony looked at both women like he’d struck gold. Feeling eyes on him, he turned and shot Sarifena a warm smile.

  “Don’t tell them,” Rory whispered, “But they are almost suffocating me. They act like I’m made of glass or something. It can be nerve-wracking.”

  “Awe… you’re a lucky woman, Rory.”

  “Speaking of lucky, tell me what’s going on with that hot doctor of yours.”

  Sarifena blushed, “He’s been so understanding and supportive of my need to take care of Alex.”

  “It’s more than that… that man is head over heels in love with you. I’m just curious why he hasn’t asked you to marry him yet.”

  “I told him I wouldn’t commit to something… he wants a family – a child and with the probability of my insides being destroyed from the poisoning…” sighing she shifted in her chair, “I can’t do that to him.”

  “Um… have you noticed you have a family? Heath seems to love that little boy, Sari. I think you're just scared.”

  “Maybe…” she watched as Christine sat on the floor beside Alex. He rolled her his car, laughing as it crashed into her leg.

  “Ladies, Anthony.”

  Sarifena gasped when she turned to find Heath standing in the doorway. “Heath?” she stood up to greet him.

  “Hey, Heath,” Anthony shook his hand, “I didn’t think you were coming.”

  “Yeah, sorry for the intrusion. Sarifena, can I speak with you?”

  “Is something wrong?”

  Heath glanced at the others, unsure if he should tell her with an audience.

  “Rory,” he smiled at her, “would you be willing to take Alex for a moment and let me talk with Sarifena alone?”

  Rory pushed herself up from the couch, “Sure… Alex,” she held her hand out, “Would you like some ice cream?”

  Alex looked at Sarifena, apprehension showing in his little face. “It’s ok. Let Auntie Rory take you to get a treat.” Alex wobbled over to her, outstretching his arms so she could take him.

  “We’ll be back in a jiffy.”

  Sarifena watched as her friends left the room, “Heath… what’s wrong? You're freaking me out a little.”

  “Sit down,” he guided her to the couch again and sat down beside her.

  “Has something happened? Is that why you came out here?”

  Lacing his fingers with hers, he pulled her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to her knuckles.

  “Sarifena, I need you to know that I am with you no matter what. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make sure your happiness is first.” He took a deep breath, “after you left to come here, we had a visitor.”


  “There’s no simple way to say this, but it appears Alex’s biological father is still alive.”

  “What? No… that’s not possible. Social services said,” she was hyperventilating.

  “I know what they said, but they screwed up.”

  “How can you be sure? I’m the Queen – maybe he’s just trying to get money or something.”

  “Social services will do a paternity test, but Sari,” he squeezed her hand, “Alex looks just like him. Look,” he gripped her hand, “there’s more. Nicholas is the biological father, not the man that raised him. Alex’s actual father and mother died in that explosion. Adam, Nicholas’s brother, couldn’t have children. Nicholas donated his sperm to make their dream of a family come true.”

  “If that’s true, where in the hell has he been this whole time?”

  “There was a falling out, and Nicholas moved away. Social services are digging into his claims. However, we need to prepare ourselves. Nicholas is his father, and once that test comes back, he will have rights to him, we do not.”

  Sarifena burst into tears as Heath pulled her into his sturdy arms. Her sobs tore at his soul, making his anger boil harder. The sky outside erupted, her magic spilling in response to her mental state.

  Rory rushed in, Christine hot on her tail. Anthony was holding Alex in his arms.

  “What the hell happened?” Rory dropped to her knee in front of Sarifena. She couldn’t speak through her tears and only shook her head in response. “Heath?”

  “Alex’s father came to the castle after she left.”

  “Wait… father?” Anthony spoke.

  Heath turned to the formidable man, “Yes. He’s asked to see Alex, but I told him he would need to return with social services and his attorney.”

  “This makes no sense.” Rory pressed her hand to Sarifena’s cheek, “Sari, it will be ok.”

  Chapter 26

  Sarifena stared out the window as the car moved across the gloomy terrain. Her emotions had turned a sunny day into one filled with rain, ruining her visit with Rory. Turning her head, she smiled at the innocent boy asleep in his car seat.

  “How am I to let him go, Heath?”

  “We won’t without a fight. I promise you.”

  Glancing at her lap, her hands twisted against the fabric. She was the queen, surely, she could prevent this from happening.

  The sound of Heath’s phone shattered the silence. She watched his jaw tense in response to whoever was on the other end.

  “Who was that?”

  “Commander Brady.” Heath threw his phone to the floor, “It seems Nicholas Brigham is back. And this time social services is with him. They are waiting for us.”

  “What??” Sarifena gasped, “No… it’s too soon, Heath. I thought you said we would have more time.”

  “I know, baby. I’m sorry.”

  “They can’t have him.”

  “You know we can’t stop them.”

  “I’m the fucking Queen.” She hissed, snatching her hand from his reach.

  “Yes… but that doesn’t mean you can just take a person’s child. We will work this out. I promise.”


  Alex began to cry in the back, her outburst waking him from his slumber.

  “Shit.” Sarifena turned, trying to calm him, “I’m sorry, buddy. It’s ok, go back to sleep
.” Patting his leg, she quieted him. She didn’t look at Heath the rest of the silent ride home. Her heart couldn’t take the disappointment etched all over his face. He’d fallen in love with Alex just as much as she had.

  Pulling into the drive, Heath’s calm voice cut through the tense space in the car. “We’re here, Sarifena.”

  “I can do this, Heath.”

  “We’ll do it together. I promise I’ll be right beside you.”

  As they exited the car, they were greeted by several people. Commander Brady, along with Captain Stephens and Constable James, stood by.

  “Your Majesty,” a woman, who Sarifena recognized as the social worker, gave a solemn smile. “I’m sorry about this, but Mr. Brigham has confirmed his paternity, making him the baby’s father.”

  “Alex.” Sarifena spat.

  “What?” the woman glanced at Heath.

  “The baby has a name. His name is Alex.” Turning to the stranger standing beside her, “I assume you’re Nicholas Brigham?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I came as soon as I heard my brother and his wife were dead.”

  “What makes you think you should rip this child from me? He is happy here – loved, in fact.”

  “I’m his father.”

  “You changed his diapers? You held him when he was born? You took care of him when he was sick?”

  “Well, no. But I’m still his biological dad, and he belongs with me.”

  Alex tucked his head into Sarifena’s shoulder, burying his face from the strangers. He was becoming restless, which made Sarifena’s heart splinter more.

  “Can I have my son?” Nicholas held his arms out, reaching for the boy.

  Sarifena tried to move out of his grasp, but Heath held her still, “Sari, we can’t fight it like this. Please,” Alex cried, “for his sake.”

  “Shhhh…. Alex, it’s ok, baby. This man will take you for a little while. Ok.”

  Nicholas pulled the screaming child into his arms, trying to console him.

  “Mamma… mamma,” Alex cried out, reaching towards Sarifena.

  Her body couldn’t take the torment of hearing him finally speak – this time it was for her, calling her mamma. Her legs gave out, causing her to fall to the ground. Heath kept her from hitting the pavement fully and scooped her into his arms.

  “We won’t let this go, Mr. Brigham.”

  Heath held Sarifena close, rubbing her head as he watched Nicholas wrestle Alex into his car. Sarifena’s sobs cut through the evening air.

  “Dr. King, I’ll get in contact with the courts. We will get this resolved as soon as possible.”

  “Thank you.”

  Heath carried Sarifena up the stairs, Commander Brady and his staff close behind him.

  “Heath,” Constable James spoke, “I am digging into that man's past. We will figure out why he has suddenly emerged from the darkness.”

  “Something isn’t right.” Commander Brady sighed, “I can’t find anything on the man. Sure, he looks like Alex, but looks and sperm don’t make you a dad. He belongs here.”

  “Thank you, gentleman. But I’m taking her to our quarters.”

  Chapter 27

  “We have a problem,” Jason threw down his phone, causing it to bounce off the rocky floor.

  “I think being held captive in a cave is a problem enough.” Dimitra’s snarky response made him laugh.

  “Yes, that too, but seriously,” his smile disappeared, “who do you trust that is close to the Sapphire Queen?”

  “Why? Is she in danger?”

  “I can’t let another child be tormented by this evil…”

  “Child? Jason, what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Look,” He tugged her hands into his, “the man that forced you here is planning to do something that will break the Sapphire Queen. He hopes by causing fractures in the kingdoms, he will gain them for himself.”

  “Break the Queen? I don’t understand.”

  “Queen Azurite was poisoned some time ago. It did some damage to her, leaving her unable to have children. He thought it would drive her into depression, but then,” Jason sighed, “she took in a child who was orphaned after one of his attacks.”

  “Ok… I don’t understand.”

  “He’s manipulated someone into doing something awful.”

  “Fucking spit it out, Jason. I’m tired of all these goddamn riddles.” Dimitra rubbed her forehead.

  “A man took Alex. They believe him to be the boy’s father.”

  “How is that possible? Wouldn’t he have to produce proof – like a paternity test or something?”

  “That’s the thing. The man is a distant cousin – so that makes faking paternity easier because he looks like the boy. Someone could get DNA that matched the deceased father.” Jason pushed his hands into his pocket and started toward the door.

  “Dr. King.”

  “What?” Jason turned, “Whose Dr. King?”

  “You asked who I trusted in the Sapphire Kingdom. Dr. King is the only person I know who would go to the needed lengths to ensure Sarifena’s happiness.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Positive. You’ll do anything for love. And that man has been in love with her for longer than she realizes.”

  “Good. I’ll get him the word of the lies, and he can handle it from there.”

  “Jason,” Dimitra tilted her head, “When we get out of here, I promise to make sure you and your sister are taken care of.”

  “Why would you do that? I’ve held you here against your will.”

  “Not at your choosing. And you’ve gone above and beyond to keep me safe as you promised Anthony you would. That’s something I will not forget.”

  Jason smiled, “I should go.”

  Dimitra watched as the heavy door slammed. The scraping of metal snapped through the room, echoing off the walls. She wished he’d stay with her longer, he was the only companion she had, and when he left her, her heart broke a little more each time.

  Chapter 28

  “Sir,” Commander Brady held a yellow envelope in his hands, “a letter has arrived.”

  “Another one? Fuck. I don’t think Sarifena is in any state to deal with this right now.”

  Heath ran his fingers through his messy hair. He had slept little in the last few days. Sarifena wasn’t eating and had sat in her room in a near-catatonic state. He tried to get her to eat or go outside, but she refused, shrugging his touch and words off.

  “The letter isn’t for her. It’s for you.”

  “Come again?” Heath was sure he misheard the commander.

  “The letter is addressed to you.”

  Heath snatched the yellow packet from his hands and tore it open. “What the fuck?”

  “Sir?” Commander Brady stepped toward him.

  “Is this a joke?”

  He thrust the paper into the commanders face, “This is fucked up. Why would someone send this?”

  Commander Brady scratched his head, “What if it’s not a joke?”

  Heath grabbed the parchment again, reading over the words once more.

  The man is not the boy’s father. He was paid to lie and fake the test. This was all to make Sarifena suffer. I cannot give back the one you lost, but I can give you this. Get the child back – do not let him break the Queen.


  “What was the man's name that freed Anthony?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “Call the Ruby Queen. I need to know if this is for real.”

  “What do we tell Sarifena?”

  “Nothing. Not until we know its real. She cannot survive more disappointment.”

  Heath stuffed the letter in his pocket and headed towards the Queens Quarters. He couldn't stray far from her for long, he believed she would give up all hope.

  “Sari?” pushing the door open, he found her exactly where he left her earlier – in the chair staring out the window.

  “Sarifena, you can’t keep going like this,”
he lifted her off the wooden perch and carried her to the bed. Laying down beside her, he wrapped his arm around her and tugged her close. “Please, I love you. You need to be strong for when we bring him home to us.”

  “He’s not coming home, Heath. That man is his father. You heard the judge. It’s over.”

  “No, baby, it's not over.”

  “You should go.”


  “Heath,” Sarifena rolled over to face him, “I can’t give you a family – real or not.”

  “Again, I don’t want those things if they aren’t with you, stop being ridiculous. You have this idea that my love for you is conditioned on having a family. It’s not.”

  “You deserve more than I can give you.”

  “What you give me is all I want.” He pressed his lips to hers, “Nothing more, nothing less.”

  Her tears welled up, spilling down her porcelain skin. Heath wrapped his hand around her head, smashing her against his chest.

  “I won’t give up hope. I have enough for both of us, Sarifena. Even when you don’t have the strength to believe in good things, I’ll believe for you. Let me be your shield. Let me be your light. Marry me, Sarifena. Let me give my last breath to see your happiness.”

  “What?” She lifted her head.

  “Marry me.” He held her gaze, “I’m not going anywhere, and I want to marry you. The way I see it is, you might as well say yes.”

  Sarifena blinked her eyes, “You don’t even have a ring. Is this some sort of pity proposal?”

  Heath chuckled as he slipped out of her embrace. Fishing into his pocket, he pulled out a black velvet box, “I’ve had this in my pocket for several days. I didn’t want to put more pressure on you, so I’ve just been carrying it around waiting for the right moment.”

  “And this is the right moment?”

  “Sari,” he leaned across the bed, propping on his elbows and opened the box. The diamond sparkled even in the dimly lit room. A cluster of sapphires circled the stone in an infinity circle. “You are so sure everyone or everything will leave you. This should be more than enough proof that I am in this. I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time. Marry me.”

  She gripped the ring between her fingers as she slid it from its velvety perch. Holding the ring up, she smiled, “Yes… Heath. You’re the one constant in my life, and I won’t risk losing you, make me yours forever.”


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