Sapphire Queen

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Sapphire Queen Page 8

by L C Taylor

  Heath crawled his way to her body and consumed her mouth in a fiery kiss. His body covered hers, demanding she open for him.

  “If you’re not ready for this, tell me, and I will stop.” He whispered against her mouth. His erection dug into her stomach, making her gasp.

  “I… I don’t want you to stop. Make me forget, Heath. Please.”

  Chapter 29

  His touch sent a scorching heat that burned through her entire body. Sarifena’s body had become molten lava, a pool of lust and desire. Heath licked his way down her skin, suckling the tender flesh where her neck and shoulder met. She tasted like summer, salty but divine.

  Pulling her shirt over her head, he tossed the garment to the floor. Sarifena tugged his clothes, silently pleading with him to shed the barrier between their bodies.

  Like the frenzied feeding of sharks, they tore at each other until nothing separated them. Heath pressed between her legs, his aching member begging to be wrapped in her tender flesh.

  “Please,” Sarifena moaned, her chest rising and falling in anticipation of what was to come.

  Heath crushed his mouth to hers again, burying his tongue deep into the warm cavern. He couldn’t get enough of her, feeling as though he would suffocate if he didn’t indulge every facet of her.

  Ripping the lacy fabric that covered her breasts, pert nipples begged for him to taste. Dropping his head, he licked and rolled his tongue, sucking her buds into his mouth.

  Sarifena clawed at his hair as a passion-filled moan escaped her lips. She was losing herself in him, and she didn’t feel an ounce of regret. Sarifena rolled her hips, and he sucked in a lung full of air.

  Licking his way down her body again, Heath left a moist trail past her breasts. He flicked his tongue against her flat tummy and dipped it inside her belly button. Sarifena arched, enjoying every sensation he gave her. Her pussy throbbed with need.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Heath pressed a kiss to her inner thigh.

  Her musky scent nearly caused him to come, but clenching his eyes closed, he regained control of his body. Pressing his face between her center, his lips pressed against her sweet folds. His mouth explored her cavern, lapping at her sweet nectar as he drove his tongue in and out. He could feel her body responding, begging him for release. Heath drove his fingers inside her, pumping in and out as he continued to eat her pussy.

  Sarfiena couldn’t breathe. Every move, every lick, sent her careening towards the edge. Her stomach coiled with pleasure as her release crashed over her. Screaming out his name as Heath swallowed every bit of her pleasure. His cock swelled more with the delicious ache to be inside her. Wiping his face, Heath climbed her body.

  His dick stood at attention, pre-cum dripping from the tip. Sarefina bit her lip as she tried to wrap her delicate fingers around his girth. Pumping him slowly, she guided his cock toward her entrance, but Heath had other plans.

  Gripping her hips, he rolled them over, so she was straddling his body.

  “Ride me, baby.”

  Sarifena had never heard sweeter words, it was as if he sensed her need to be in control and was giving it to her. The timber sound of his voice sent chill bumps across her flesh. Lifting slightly, she fisted his cock and slowly impaled herself on his rod. Her muscles adjusted to accommodate his size, but as soon as he was buried to the hilt, she moved. Slowly at first, then once she found her rhythm, she fucked him like there was no tomorrow. His hands moved across her body like a man starving for touch. The combination of his calloused hands touching her and his cock deep inside her, Sarifena couldn’t stop the orgasm from building inside her. A sweet prickly sensation boiled over her skin, heating her from the inside out. With the flick of his finger across the swollen flesh between her legs, fireworks erupted behind her eyes. Heath felt like she was suffocating his cock, but in the most glorious way possible. His balls tightened, and as her orgasm hit, his seed spilled inside her.

  Breathless, Sarifena rolled off him. No words were spoken, Heath tugged her body against his. Leaning up, he grabbed the tangled sheet and covered their bodies. He toyed with her hair, listening to her, breathing as it slowly evened out. She’d finally fallen asleep, something that was much overdue. Rubbing circles against her back, Heath closed his eyes. Falling asleep with her in his arms was something he’d never tire of doing.

  Chapter 30

  Sitting across from Sarifena at the table, Heath drew in a deep breath. He’d struggled with whether to tell her about the mysterious letter. It’d only been twenty-four hours since he’d received the note that would change everything.

  “What is it?” Sarifena bit into her omelet.

  “Hum? Did you say something,” Heath shook himself from his thoughts, realizing she was speaking to him.

  “Wow… whatever is on your mind seems serious.”

  “Sarifena,” Heath began, but Commander Brady burst into the room.

  “Dr. King,” the commander glanced between the Queen and Heath.

  “I’ve told you to call me Heath. What is it?”

  “My men have located him.”

  Heath stood abruptly, the chair falling over and crashing with a loud thud.

  “Found who?” Sarifena’s expression was filled with confusion.

  “Sarifena…,” he swallowed, “I received a note yesterday indicating Nicholas Brigham wasn’t who he said he was.”

  Pushing up from her seat, “What do you mean, Heath. He took Alex.”

  “Your Majesty,” Commander Brady placed his hand on her arm, “We’ve got him. Alex is safe.”

  Gasping, she nearly tripped over her chair, “Where… where is he?”

  “He’s here?” Heath hurried around the table and pulled Sarifena’s hand in his.

  “Yes… Captain Stephens located Mr. Brigham outside of Onyx Kingdom. He called for help, and let’s just say, Onika is not one to trifle with.”

  “Onika helped?” Sarifena rubbed her head, “I don’t care… take me to him, please.”

  Commander Brady led them to the opposite end of the Castle. As soon as Sarifena stepped inside, she found Onika standing at the window, holding Alex.

  “Alex,” Sarifena dropped Heath’s hand and rushed toward the toddler. He turned, his smile melting her heart, and reached out to her. He nearly leaped from Onika’s arms before she reached them.

  Sarifena tugged him tightly against her. Her face buried in his hair as she rocked him. Her tears were from the joy of having him back in her arms. The sound of shouting drew her from the bubble she was in. Spinning on her heel, she found Heath on top of Nicholas. Captain Stephens was trying to pull him off, with no luck. Even a blind man could see and felt his rage.

  “Heath,” Sarifena called out to him, “HEATH… please. Alex needs you.”

  It was like a damn breaking its hold on the water. Heath turned, fist paused in midair, as his eyes found hers. He jumped to his feet, rushing toward her and Alex, and wrapped himself around them, sealing them off from the outside world.

  “Heath, baby, you’re smothering us.”

  Releasing his hold, “I’m sorry. How is he? Is he hurt?” He began checking the tiny human over, searching for any signs of mistreatment.

  “No…, he seems fine.”

  “Your Majesty,” Commander Brady spoke, reminding Sarifena they were not alone.

  “Hold him,” she reluctantly passed Alex into Heath’s arms, “I need to see the man who dared fuck with me.”

  “This will be good,” Onika propped herself on the edge of the couch. Her smile sent chills down Heath's spine.

  Sarifena grabbed Nicholas by the shirt, “Why. Did. You. Do. This.” She gritted out between her clenched jaw.

  Nicholas looked at his feet, refusing to speak.

  “Who are you? Who put you up to this horrific stunt?”

  “You might as well kill me,” he huffed, “I’m as good as dead anyway.”

  “You tell me this instant who paid you to do this.”

  “No. I’d r
ather sit in prison for the rest of my life than risk death. You do not understand who you're messing with. He’s crazy and will stop at nothing to get what he wants.”

  “And what is it he wants?”

  “To rule all six kingdoms.”

  Sarifena barked out a laugh, “Is he mad?” She glanced at Onika, “Do you hear what this imbecile just said?”

  Onika sauntered over, “You should reconsider telling us,” she ran her finger over his shoulder, “because I don’t play fair like my sister. I’ll make you wish you were never born.” Onika’s hand glowed, giving off an eerie sensation in the room.

  Nicholas screamed, dropping to his knees, “Please… stop… please,” he begged.

  “Onika,” Sarifena placed her hand on Onika’s, “stop. You're hurting him. We aren’t monsters like him.”

  Removing her hand, “Fine. But now he knows what he’s up against. That, my friend, was just a taste of my magic.”

  “It doesn’t matter if I tell you or not. You’ll learn soon enough.”

  Nicholas broke his hands-free from the zip tie he’d been bound with. Lurching toward Captain Stephens, he attempted to pull his gun from his hip. The captain was quicker, wrestling it from his hand and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter 30

  “SARIFENA,” Heath ran to her side, gripping her hard as he tugged her away.

  “Your Majesty,” Commander Brady rushed to Onika’s side.

  “I’m fine, we are all fine, except for him.” She pointed to Nicholas, who was slumped over. Captain Stephens was standing, still in shock at what he’d done.

  “I didn’t mean for it to go off,” he muttered.

  “Calm down, Jake,” Commander Brady called him by his name, trying to snap him out of his panicked state. “You did the right thing, Doc – you think you could check him?”

  Heath jerked, remembering he was a doctor. He rushed to the fallen man's side. With the help of Captain Stephens, they rolled him over. Although there was nothing Heath could do, he checked for a pulse. The bullet had struck him in the heart. Blood soaked the carpet, making their feet squish against the fibers.

  “Shit. He’s gone.” Heath wiped his hands off on his pants, staining the khaki fabric red.

  “Damn it!” Sarifena yelled, causing Alex to cry harder. The gunshot had scared him already, making her feel worse for her reaction. “Shhh, baby, I got you. It will be ok.” She bounced the toddler on her hip, keeping him close to her chest as she hugged him.

  “I was hoping he’d have something to tell us. But as usual, we are still at square one.” Constable James mumbled, “Commander, have your men remove his body, stat. I’ll get someone in here to clean. For now, Sarifena, you and Heath should take Alex out of here.”

  “OK. Onika, how can I ever repay you?” Sarifena peppered Alex’s head with kisses.

  “Stop. You're my sister – as weird as that is to say out loud. I protect my family, Sari. When the commander called us and told my men what was going on, there was no way I would’ve said no.”

  Giving Sarifena and Alex a hug, Onika bid her farewell. Heath escorted her and Alex upstairs, his hand never straying from her backside.

  Once they were in their quarters, “I’m jumping in the shower real fast, will you be ok?” Heath waited for her to reply.

  “Yes, I’ll grab some diapers and change him. Then we can sit and talk.”

  Heath showered and changed in record time. Being away from Sarifena felt like a dagger to his chest. When he walked out of the bathroom, his heart stuttered. Sarifena was sitting on the floor with Alex in her lap. She was reading him a story, and by the radiant smile on both their faces, they were enjoying it.

  “I can’t believe he’s back,” she whispered, her gaze finding his eyes on her.

  “I promised you that things would work out, didn’t I.”

  “Yes… but you know and I know, there was no way for you to be certain. I’ll never let anyone take him from me again.”

  “Neither of us will.”

  Heath’s phone rang on the bedside table, “Yeah,” he answered it, his face a mask of shock as he spoke. Disconnecting the phone, he swallowed.

  “What is it?”

  “That was Constable James. Social services will be by the end of the week. They are bringing paperwork by for you to adopt him.”

  “Seriously?” Sarifena gasped.

  “Is that what you want, Sarifena?”

  “I mean… I want to keep him, but I guess I didn’t think it would happen so fast.”

  “Apparently the Constable made a few calls, demanding this course of action.”

  “Wow… I’m going to be his mom.” She glanced at the toddler in her arms.

  “I know we just discussed marriage yesterday, but I want you both forever.”

  “What are you saying, Heath?”

  “Marry me tomorrow. Let me make you both my family.” He sat down beside her, running his hand down her cheek, “I love you, Sarifena. And I love him,” Heath pulled the boy from her lap and hugged him. “I want him to have a mom and a dad.”

  “Yes… Oh god, Heath. How did I ever get so lucky?” She leaned into the two most important men in her life, “I don’t deserve this happiness. Not without Dimitra being here.”

  “We will find her. I know it deep in my bones.”

  Heath cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers.

  “Mamma,” Alex tugged her hand, concern filling his eyes.

  “He’s worried about you,” Heath laughed.

  “Awe, baby…” Sarifena sucked in a breath, “Mamma is just fine.”

  Chapter 31

  Onika found Luca waiting on her when she arrived back home. He realized she wasn’t one to coddle or follow around, even though it killed him to sit by and wait, that’s precisely what he did.

  “Everything go all right?” He pressed his lips to hers.

  “He’s dead.”

  Luca hissed, “Dead? What the fuck happened?”

  “He tried to take the Captain's gun, and it did not go well for him.” Onika sashayed past him, her hips brushing against him.

  “Everyone’s all right, though?”

  “Yes. I just wish I could have gotten something out of him. Anything. I got to torture him with my magic, but he wouldn’t give up the information.”

  “Shame…” Luca pulled her into his arms, “I sense something else is bothering you.”

  “How is it you’re so intuitive to me?”

  “Maybe because I’ve had every inch of your body, and you're burned into my soul.”

  His lips captured hers, his tongue slipped past her moist lips, reminding her he owned her, body and soul. When he broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers, “Now, what’s got you so tense.”

  Onika sighed, closing her eyes, she leaned her head down to his shoulder. She wasn’t sure how to explain it to him, hell, she wasn’t sure how to explain it to herself. Lately, she’d felt a difference in her magic. A darkness that seemed to fill her veins demanding release. Ever since she learned of her mother’s betrayal, her body craved retribution. She didn’t understand it at all.

  “I’m fine, Luca,” looking into his eyes, she decided she wasn’t ready to share her worry with him yet, “I think the stress of everything is catching up to me. I’ll be fine in a few days.”

  Luca hesitated, trying to find his words, “You’d tell me if there was something wrong, right? We’re in this together, Onika. You are the only person I support, no matter what.”

  Nodding her head, “Yes. I’d tell you.”

  She laid her head back down against his chest, his head coming to rest on top of hers. Closing her eyes and relaxing into his embrace, her mind wandered to the letter she’d received a few days ago. A letter that only she and Commander Fritz knew about. The commander didn’t even know what it said, Onika had lied to him, telling him it was more crap about the kingdoms falling. Knowing that the letters before had all stated something similar, he didn’t qu
estion her. Onika had shoved the letter in her pocket, later stashing it in her bedroom. She could still see the words in her mind… words that had her quaking to her very core.

  In the dark lies evil waiting to get out.

  Your heart slowly darkens in a sea of doubt.

  The rage and anger will consume your heart,

  Allowing the true heir to rise from the dark.

  No amount of running will allow you to hide,

  You can’t fight against the evil hunger you feel deep inside.

  Chapter 32

  Cheers filled the room as Sarifena and Heath signed the papers, making Alex theirs. It’d been a whirlwind of emotions that led them to this moment, but seeing the smiles on their faces, Heath knew it was the right path.

  “How does it feel to be a dad?” Rory asked, bumping against Heath’s shoulder.

  “Damn good.” Heath glanced over her shoulder, his eyes connecting with his wife.

  “You’re a lucky man. She really loves you.” Anthony followed his gaze to Sarifena.

  “I know.” He grinned, “How about you. Are you guys ready for this little bundle of joy to get here?”

  Rory started laughing as Anthony’s face paled. Christine couldn’t contain her giggles either, bending over to catch her breath.

  “What’s so funny?” Emersyn joined the group, Drake’s arm wrapped around her waist.

  “I don’t know. I asked Anthony if he was ready to be a dad, and he looks like he’s ready to pass out. These two won’t stop laughing.” Heath waved his hand between the two women still cackling.

  “I’m sorry,” Rory gasped, trying to compose herself, “Anthony, tell them why we’re laughing.” She patted her husband’s arm, her eyes twinkling with giddiness.

  “Anthony? You look like you're ready to puke, maybe you should sit down.” Sarifena stepped beside him, guiding him to the sofa. “Would you like some water?”

  “No,” he waved his hand at her, “Sorry… it’s just – when you asked that question, it reminded me, I do not understand what I am doing. Heath, Sarifena, we’re expecting triplets.”


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