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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

Page 17

by Tony Corden

  “The whole organisation probably would have fizzled except they gained a very wealthy client who died without an heir and left eighty per cent of his estate to the Knights and the rest to his bulldog, ‘Major Sam’. For the next twenty years, the Knights maintained their high standards and became the leading provider of pet trusteeships. Along the way their reputation for integrity brought them a few other clients, and now they are now one of the most sought-after trustee organisations for the super-rich who have an unusual situation.

  “Twenty years ago, they had a business empire placed in their hands which had been managed mainly by the personal AI of its founder and who left a ten-year-old grandson as his only heir. The Knights worked hard to manage the empire but found that the AI was more than competent and they stepped back eventually and let it make all the decisions.

  “At about the same time another one of their clients was implanted with a PAI. They had managed her business for several decades ever since she’d been in a terrible accident and ended up in a coma. Once the client was implanted with the PAI, and it was discovered that she was able to communicate virtually. The Knights willingly handed back the control of her empire to her, but the courts would not let someone in a coma maintain control over a business. The Knights, at their own expense, fought the courts and brought a change in International Law which now permits someone who ‘lives’ only in the virtual world to manage a business.

  “I’ve explained the history, so you understand that the firm, Emerald Trustees, is managed by people with immense personal integrity. They believe, almost religiously, in keeping faith with their clients and where possible to give control to the rightful owner. They recognise AIs as capable managers of business and they are leaders in the area of virtual rights. I think it would be worthwhile to ask them to manage Gèng’s affairs as her Trustees. They have experience in letting an AI manage and use accounts. If they recognise Gèng, and I believe they will, as the legitimate owner of the ideas and of the business then they will want to step back and give her complete control over her affairs. They might also work to change the laws if they think their client is being disenfranchised.”

  Gèng said, “How is this different than allowing Leah to manage my business in trust?”

  Susan said, “In the daily management, very little. You and Leah, though, have a more complex relationship. She, regardless of how she sees it, has a power relationship over you. She could and has every right under the law, at any time, to take back control of your possessions. They are hers. If the Knights are trustees then the money, the virtual goods, and even real goods purchased are always and irrevocably yours, though they will be held in trust by the Knights. Now other groups could offer that same service but the Knights will, I believe, work to change the law in a way that we never could. Emerald Trustees has over two hundred members worldwide at this time, and each of them is a powerful and influential lawyer or business person in their own right. They are true believers in the right of the individual to control their own ideas and finances. If they believe you have the right to own something, then they will not let the weight of International Law deter them from working toward that goal, or they haven’t in the past.”

  Gèng asked, “What about sentience? It isn’t simply an issue of fiscal control but of sentience level. I know we haven’t discussed it, but we’re all aware that an AI with ipseity is considered dangerous by the international community. Even AI engineers suggest such an AI is both defective and aberrant and it should be stored in an archive if not be totally erased.”

  Sarfaraz said, “Gèng, the issue of sentience and AI ipseity is a separate issue. I, for one, believe that you, and we, should never discuss it, not even in general terms. Our discussion is on the issue of ownership and control. The law is full of contradictions and impossible scenarios. To get rid of these would require a complete rewrite and even then it would probably be impossible. It is one of the reasons I think the Knights should deal with this. They will ignore the sentience argument as peripheral and irrelevant. One of their clients was the leader of a crime family. They held his funds in trust for his children until they were of age regardless of where the money came from. This was their responsibility. Various law enforcement agencies served injunctions on them to recover the money, and each time the Knights successfully defended the right to retain that for their clients even though their own personal morality would have found the man’s crimes abhorrent.”

  Gèng said, “Leah, what do you think?”

  “I think the idea has some merit. I’d like for you and me to meet with a representative of the Knights before you make a decision. In the end, I’ll back what you decide.”

  Gèng said, “Sarfaraz, should you contact the Knights or should I?”

  “I think it is best if I make the appointment and all four of us should meet with their representative.”

  Gèng looked at Leah for a decision, but Leah was silent. The decision was Gèng’s. Gèng said, “Thank you, Sarfaraz, please make an appointment with the Emerald Trustees. If you contact me with a list of available times, I will make sure Leah and I can be there.”

  Susan and Sarfaraz logged out of Leah’s world.


  December 15, 2073 - Part 2


  As soon as they had disappeared, Gèng said, “Your next appointment is with the representatives of the Dunyanin Administrators. They wanted to meet here. What part of your world do you want them to see and where do you want them to arrive?”

  “I’ll meet them at the portal. If you could provide some refreshment in one of the open areas of the Dunyanin level, perhaps just under the dragon’s skeleton or in the clan room?”

  “I’ll organise that now. Do you want me to show myself?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Just have the refreshments on a small table near the seats. We don’t need them to ask too many questions.”

  The representatives were due in ten minutes, so Leah strolled outside and waited on the bridge, staring down at the waterfall and the tumbling stream. As she listened to the flowing water, she heard a hint of order in the sounds of the noisy stream. Closing her eyes she meditated on the sound and finally caught a definite melody. She said, “Gèng, what is this music?”

  Gèng didn’t appear, but Leah heard her say, “At the moment it is based on several movements from Mozart’s Concerto Number Six. It is a bit artificial. Would you rather I randomise the water’s sounds?”

  “Not at all. I needed to concentrate to hear it with the blurring effect of the water. I found it relaxing. I assume you use different music depending on the speed of the stream.”

  “I do. If you have music you like, I can see how to incorporate it into different situations. Your guests will be here in ten seconds.”

  Leah opened her eyes and walked the last few steps to stand and wait outside the gazebo. Three people appeared, two she had never met but the other she recognised. It was Emil. As he stepped down to meet her she said, “Welcome to my personal world. Hello Emil, I was told this was about the Lanetli, do I need a lawyer?”

  Emil looked nervous and said, “I don’t think so, Atherleah. I was invited because I knew you. I tried to say that based on our last few meetings it might be best if I didn’t come but the higher-ups insisted. We just want to run an idea past you. Do you want me to leave?”

  Leah was silent for a few seconds then said, “No, you are welcome. Just don’t make me regret it. Now, please introduce me to your colleagues.”

  The two other guests had been ignoring the interaction of Emil and Leah and had been looking in amazement at her world. Emil cleared his throat to get their attention and said, “Atherleah, this is Jane Hoskins and Dae-Jung Park. They are team leaders responsible for worldwide quests. Jane, Dae-Jung, this is Atherleah.”

  Leah shook hands with each of them and said, “If you’ll follow me, I’ve arranged some refreshments and an area where we can talk more comfortably.”

  Dae-Jung said
, “This is amazing Atherleah, I hadn’t considered how much of what I do in Dunyanin could be applied to a personal world. If it isn’t too personal might I ask who designed this?”

  “Not at all. It is a collaboration between me and my PAI. To be honest, she has done most of the work, but we do discuss the different projects. So for example, stop here and close your eyes. Listen to the water as it runs over the waterfall and bumbles under the bridge.”

  Her guests all did as they were asked and after almost a minute of silence, Jane said, “That is amazing. It took a while, but now it’s become hard not to hear it. What is that music?”

  Gèng updated Leah who said, “At the moment it’s based on Chopin’s Fantaisie Impromptu, although somewhat muted. If we wandered up the stream, there is a section of rapids where you can hear the full piece.”

  Leah started off again and the others followed, still talking about what they were seeing. Jane said, “Atherleah, besides what we want to talk about, would you mind if I mentioned the music in the stream to people on my team? I think as a concept we could use it in some quests. If they think it might work, then I’ll get back to you, and we can discuss how to reimburse you for using the idea.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that. I appreciate you asking me, it gives me some confidence about this meeting.”

  Emil said, “Atherleah, I apologise for the past. Jane and Dae-Jung are like me when we first met, disconnected in most respects from the power players. You and I, and I’m not blaming you, brought me to their attention and I lost my focus. In truth, I finally agreed to be here to try and protect these two. Please show them the optimism and openness that you gave me at the beginning.”

  “I’ll try Emil, but it’s difficult. The last few weeks have made me a harder person I think. If I’m honest, I’d have to say that I dislike being so paranoid but the truth is people have been out to get me. You do have a point so I’ll take a deep breath and try to put that all aside. I’ll even agree to forgive you as you’ve asked. Let’s begin this discussion as potential friends rather than as potential enemies.”

  Emil bowed his head in agreement and they finished the walk to the Tower in silence. Leah led them up onto the first level and up a wide carpeted staircase onto the second tier. She said, “This level is devoted to Dunyanin. If you’ll follow me I can give you a very brief tour.”

  The three followed Leah through the main sections, although at times she had to stop and wait for them. When they came to the closed door which housed the Çaresiz loot, Emil said, “This is the first closed door. Again, if it isn’t too personal what is inside?”

  “The loot from the place you told me I couldn’t tell anyone about until later.”


  “According to the terms of our agreement, I would have to say I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Fair enough, then let me say on a completely unrelated topic that we will be opening up the demon lands within the week.”

  Leah smiled and soon after they finally arrived in an open area. Above them was coiled a dragon skeleton and they were surrounded with glassed display cases which showcased some of the more expensive loot Leah had collected. In one of them, Gèng had put on display Leah’s coin collections, while another held the jewels and the chess set from her time in the Odyssey.

  Leah poured drinks for everyone and then said, “So, how can I help you?”

  Jane said, “Dae-Jung and I are co-leaders of a unit which works on developing world quests in Dunyanin. The Lanetli of Atherleah were a spur of the moment idea Dae-Jung had while watching your fight with Büyük. We keep an eye on the more dynamic players and it can give us ideas. We would like to hide the Lanetli throughout Dunyanin, leaving one on each continent and one in Çaresiz. The idea would be that you have hidden them to stop Suzluk from regaining his power. It will be the first time a world quest is initiated by a player rather than an NPC. You own the Lanetli, so we need to work this plan through with you.”

  “How big a world quest are you imagining?”

  “Dae-Jung and I think it’ll bring new players to Dunyanin in a way that the Merkize promotion has only hinted at. Players will need to travel between continents, to Çaresiz and we tentatively plan for the conclusion to be worked out in the Pantheon of Heaven. We’ve already begun working on the outlines for each Lanetli but need your approval to go forward. We want your personality to be evident in the quest. So, for example, we don’t think you would expect someone to murder a whole village to find a clue to a location but you would expect them to find a novel way to save a village to earn the clue or find a new path.”

  Dae-Jung leant forward and said, “We want to work together on this. We will benefit with increased participation and your feed will become an even greater hit. We want to discuss ways for you to drop small clues and hints.”

  “How am I supposed to hide the Lanetli? I mean, I don’t have time at the moment to complete even the small quest I’m on.”

  Jane said, “Atherleah, we know you are busy, but I have an idea on how to hide them. If we can come to an agreement, then we will have Umut approach you and offer to hide the Lanetli on your behalf. He will ask seven different gods to help him. Each of the gods will hide the Lanetli and set up the quest and clues. This will be easy to arrange as you already have a relationship with the gods and they know your character. Umut will let slip that the gods have honoured you by hiding the Llanelli in a manner worthy of Atherleah his champion, and that only someone with your character and skills will be able to find them. You’ll be the most copied character in Dunyanin.”

  Leah winced and said, “Believe it or not, but that doesn’t make the idea at all attractive.”

  Emil said, “I believe it. But I think it is a good idea. What we want to do today is to get an approval, in principle, so the teams can get working on the different lines of the quest. Then we need to sit down with your lawyers and hammer out the details of how to share the profits. Do you have any questions? Not questions of detail but about the idea in principle.”

  Leah subvocalised to Gèng and said, “Would you mind appearing by walking in when I ask for the Lanetli to be brought out?”

  “Not at all, I’m ready whenever you need me.”

  Leah spoke aloud and said, “Gèng, could you please bring the Lanetli here?”

  As Gèng entered the room, Leah said, “Emil, Jane, Dae-Jung, this is my PAI Gèng. Gèng, if you’re free, it would be good if you would join us.”

  Gèng greeted each of the Dunyanin representatives and sat down in a chair that appeared under her. She said, “It is an interesting idea and I’m honoured to be asked to join the discussion.”

  Leah said, “Emil, would Dunyanin mind if I run this past my lawyers and my business manager? I promise that they will not mention this to anyone and they will not be made aware of any specifics. I know they play Dunyanin but I assume they won’t be eligible to complete the quest and neither will my employees or staff.”

  Emil thought for a moment and seemed distracted. Finally, he said, “I’ve checked with my boss and he agrees to the terms as you have suggested. You may discuss this with your staff with the understanding that neither you, nor the members of your staff you share this with, will be eligible to participate in the quest except for the purposes of quest promotion.”

  Leah said, “Gèng, could you run those conditions past Stephen? If he is agreeable to those terms in general without any reference to the details, then see if he is free to join us and please do the same with Peter.”

  Gèng nodded but remained seated. She said, “Being an AI I benefit from the ability to truly multitask. Emil, I expect Leah is a bit hesitant to ask but I think it would help her make a decision if she had some idea of ballpark figures. What would Dunyanin expect to gain and what are they offering?”

  Emil looked shocked for a moment at Gèng’s question, then said, “Um, I’m not sure how to respond.”

  Gèng replied, “I apologise, i
t is just that I’m in the middle of negotiations to supply another world with some goods I designed. The options, as I see it, are that Leah receives a percentage of profits or she receives a lump sum. Will she get royalties for each time you make use of her character or are you thinking simpler? If she, or I, have an idea for a clue or quest that matches who she is, would you consider buying that idea or would you rather pay Leah as a consultant? I know the details will be ironed out in later discussions but I was wondering if you had discussed these things at all?”

  Emil said, “Wow. No, we haven’t thought through such things. As developers, we basically ignore all the legal stuff although we do receive bonuses ourselves when our ideas are used. I apologise, but I’m more shocked by a PAI asking the question than the question itself. I’m sure the money people have some idea but we three are really here for the go ahead. I know Dunyanin hasn’t always dealt fairly with Atherleah but this has such potential I think they’ll be prepared to negotiate in good faith. The department dealing with this request is different to the people Atherleah has dealt with before.”

  Leah was about to say something but Gèng gently interrupted and said, “Both Stephen and Peter have agreed to the terms and are free to join us.”

  Leah sat back and said, “Good, please have them join us and update them on what has happened so far, so we don’t need to go over anything.”

  Gèng nodded, rose and left the room.

  Jane said, “Atherleah, I am in shock. I heard you’d only been virtual for a month but this place and your AI are amazing.”


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