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Ipseity (The Stork Tower Book 5)

Page 39

by Tony Corden

  Gèng had no other matters that were urgent, so Leah used the SPIDER and entered Pneumatica.


  When Leah left her bedroom she was wearing one of the everyday outfits she’d bought in the city because she didn’t know what she would need for the day until she’d talked with Billy. Howard was waiting in the suite's day room.

  He said, “Excuse me Captain, but both Mister Bartle and a young lady are waiting in the foyer. Shall I show them in or would you rather I offer them another time when they might visit?”

  “Please show them up, and maybe a cup of tea would be appropriate.”

  “As you wish, Captain.”

  Soon, Billy showed up with a young woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties and Billy introduced her as Katherine. Leah thought she looked vaguely familiar and assumed she’d been one of the people Billy had used to keep a watch over her and the others when they were shopping.

  He said, “Captain, I received your note and although we visited yesterday we must have missed you.”

  “You are kind to mention my failure to be present without even a touch of discord. I had every intention of being present, but the aether worlds are as prone to contention as is this world. I was laid low with an injury and could not in good conscience disregard the stern council of my physician. Even now, his countenance is somewhat disheartened at my intemperate haste to once again visit Aeolipile. I do, however, wish to apologise for my absence and beg your indulgence that we might continue our partnership.”

  “There is nothing to forgive when fate’s river descends upon us. There is no man, nor woman, who can row against such a race. If you are still indisposed we could perhaps visit at a more agreeable time.”

  “Such are the inexplicable workings of the aether worlds that I am a model of health here and still abed when I return to my world. I am mindful of the ball this evening and had hoped to procure a small item before I have the opportunity to be introduced at such a gathering.”

  “I am hopeful of your swift recovery from whatever malady continues to make itself known to you. As to the item you desire, I suggest that even without knowledge of the particulars, it would be better to wait until a more opportune moment. I cannot think of a locale among the documents I gave you that would not be better approached in the darkness of night.”

  “It is as you say. Still, to wait idly for an opportunity instead of working fervently to create it seems the avenue of the indolent and the actions of one unwilling to make their own destiny. Fear not that I would rush carelessly into a lion’s den. I have some experience and will only attempt that which I believe has a good chance of bearing fruit.”

  Billy turned to Katherine and said, “If you are still willing to assist without the cover of night then I suggest we listen to the Captain’s plan as I have found her to be neither a braggart nor unskilled.”

  Leah watched as Katherine paused to consider the situation, but it wasn’t until she spoke that Leah understood that Katherine was also a player. Her accent was different from the NPCs’ and seemed Australian, although more refined than Leah was used to in the Switch. Katherine said, “I would like to hear the plan before deciding, and I know you believe I need more experience.”

  Billy agreed, “You are my most adept pupil, but the Captain has quicker hands than any I’ve seen, and her recent accomplishments suggest that this will be a most rewarding experience for you.”

  Leah said, “Billy, I appreciate your kind description of my own accomplishments and would find it most helpful if you could provide a similar summary of Katherine’s abilities.”

  “Katherine has been an apprentice of mine for more than a year. I consider her almost ready to step out on her own. That is, as long as she remembers not to stray into my territory without permission. In fact, I was going to suggest that if she was successful while assisting you that she might be well served to relieve Mistress Westmorten of the strain of running her small business now that her son has left her understaffed. Katherine is quick, agile, intelligent and she is a good fighter, an excellent pocket, and skilled at entering premises without causing a disturbance.”

  Leah had been studying Katherine closely even as her eyes were directed at Billy, and so she was aware when Katherine’s reciprocal interest met with some success. It appeared that Katherine had recognised her.

  Leah said, “Billy, your recommendation is highly favourable, and I thank you for the confidence you show in me that you would advise your apprentice to learn from me. Please do not take it amiss or allow yourself to feel disheartened when I ask that you indulge me one small thing and allow me to have a private moment with Katherine. I promise that I will not discuss any details as regards my planned excursion. But we are both from the aether worlds, and we are both women and some things should be brought into the open if we are to be successful in forging a successful relationship.”

  Katherine said, “I understand some of what the Captain is alluding to, but I’m not confident that we will be able to overcome our differences.”

  Billy had turned sharply to look at Katherine as she spoke, not only because of what she said but also because her voice had grown hard and cold.

  Billy leaned forward as if he was about to stand when Leah said, “Stay seated Mr Bartle. You are my guest. Let it be Katherine and me who retire into my suite for our discussion.”

  Billy said, “Captain, I believe she has some strong reservations, and maybe we should leave so that I might look to provide an alternate assistant to give you aid.”

  “You may be right Mr Bartle, but Katherine and I should come to some agreement before she leaves. It is the only thing which might prevent future disharmony.”

  Billy looked at Leah, and then at Katherine who was glaring at Leah. Finally, Katherine said, “I’ll go with her, Billy, but when we leave, you and I, we have to talk if you still want to keep helping her.”

  Leah didn’t understand Katherine’s anger, but she stood and led the way into her bedroom. She motioned for Katherine to take the reading chair while she sat on the bed and curled her leg underneath her.

  Leah said, “I know you recognised me and I’ve been trying to think who you could be because your face seems very familiar to me. What have I ever done to you? If it is as bad as you’re making out, then, it should have stuck in my brain somewhere.”

  Gèng spoke silently to Leah and said, “I know why she is familiar and I suggest you be very cautious. I think she’ll tell you herself, but if she doesn’t, then I suggest you give nothing away.”

  Katherine's voice was full of scorn when she spoke. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you don’t remember me because the truth is we’ve never met before. You've hurt someone I care about very much. If I think of what you’ve done to him, then it’s no surprise that when the great Atherleah suddenly found out that she’d have to share the stage with another player, me, she freaks. You like to keep the limelight all to yourself. But don’t worry I wouldn’t dream of being associated with you. Even though I’m learning to be a thief, I do have some basic principles that I live by.”

  Leah tried to think of people she may have hurt. She knew she’d publicly embarrassed Jason the half-orc and his friends right at the beginning of her time playing in Dunyanin. She’d ruined Brett’s game in Cosmos Online and some education department officials. She’d had a hand in John Welford disappearing, but no one could know about that yet.

  Finally, Leah said, “I’m really sorry, I just can’t put it together. If I’ve hurt someone like you say I have, then I’ll do what I can to explain what happened and I’ll try and work it out.”

  Katherine rolled her eyes and said, “Typical queen bee bitch attitude. Reel them in, make sure they’re eating out of your hand and then along comes another offer and you discard them like trash. You broke my brother’s heart. As soon as you get all famous with the whole Spectator gig, you toss him aside.”

  Leah was stunned. She’d only ever had one boyfriend, and she was
not only still devastated by what happened but everything she was planning to do today was to find a way to help Thad. Katherine must be his sister. Leah struggled to hold all the emotions that suddenly came flooding in. That one of Thad’s sisters would think those things about her, that he might even believe them, it added the final straw to all the unresolved emotions of the last few days and shredded the barriers she'd constructed to maintain her control.

  Whatever the look on Leah’s face was, it wasn’t what Katherine had been expecting because she was suddenly confused. It was apparent that Atherleah had put the pieces together, but she couldn’t understand the absolute devastation. Katherine had expected a denial and also some lies, but this wasn’t faked. Even as angry as she was, she couldn’t let someone fall apart in front of her without trying to help, so she was about to lean forward when Leah disappeared. Before Katherine could react, she received a priority message from Thad’s old gaming friend, Amy.


  Leah arrived back in the Tower and crunched herself into a ball on the floor and began to sob. She didn’t respond when Gèng came and sat with her. She didn’t even seem to notice when Wisp arrived and lay down next to her, trying to offer some comfort. Wisp was joined twelve minutes later by Amy and a shell-shocked Katherine.

  Gèng had recognised Katherine when she’d entered the suite with Billy. Gèng immediately initiated a predictive exploration of possible outcomes. When Katherine’s identification of Leah resulted in anger, there was a monumental shift of probable outcomes, with Leah’s eventual breakdown rapidly moving from probable to most likely. Gèng considered a wide range of options and then sent a priority message to both Amy and Wisp with instructions and a quick description.

  Amy had sufficient confidence in Gèng that she sent a priority message to Thad’s sister saying they needed to meet urgently even before she’d logged out of her workplace and knew what was going on. By the time Katherine had arrived at Amy’s house, Amy had been brought up to date with the situation even including the fact that Leah had been shot less than seventeen hours previously. Wisp responded just as quickly, and Gèng updated her as well. The delay in Amy arriving was because Gèng insisted Amy visit Katherine’s world and check if it was clean of malware. It took Amy a few minutes longer to explain why Katherine would be better served helping Leah before going home to yell at her parents.

  Amy was older than both Wisp and Leah, and she had some experience in helping people through times of pain and despair. None-the-less, she knew she couldn’t begin to understand what Leah was dealing with. Still, she sat down in front of Leah and said, “Sweetie, Leah. Come on sweetie, take a deep breath and let it go for a minute. Tell me what happened.”

  She had to repeat herself several times before Leah slowly calmed enough to sit up and look at Amy. As soon as she did, she fell forward and started crying again but this time without the sobs. It took Amy several minutes of stroking Leah’s hair and muttering comforting words before Leah began to talk. She still hadn’t acknowledged Wisp, and she wasn’t aware Katherine was there.

  Leah just talked. She shared about her mother and her altered memory and the new game she’d been put into. She explained how she’d been hurt rescuing her mum and how she’d had to keep playing to keep everyone safe. Leah described the responsibilities that weighed on her with so many people to try and help. When she mentioned she’d been shot, she explained how much it had hurt to have the shrapnel removed and how every time she left the Pod she needed help to do everything and how miserable she felt.

  Finally, Leah talked about Thad and how much she missed him and how worried she was for him and how hard it was not to leave everything else and just concentrate on him, and that when she finally was ready to do something, she’d discovered what he felt about her and was saying about her. She described how much she’d wanted to meet his sisters but how they must hate her so much. Finally, her tears gone and all talked out, she looked up at Amy and almost pleading asked, “What do I do Amy? What am I to do? I've only known him a few weeks, but I miss him so much. What do I do now?”

  Amy had tears running down her face, but her voice didn’t break when she reached out and brought Leah in for a hug. “We—not just you sweetie, we—we go save our friend. So wipe your eyes, straighten your shoulders, and get your game face on. You have a plan, and no matter how crazy they are, they seem to work. What can we do to help?”

  “It’s too late, even if they can’t work out what I'm doing, they’ll be ready now. I can’t risk it.”

  Katherine had hardly even moved as she’d listened to Leah’s story at the same time as trying to process her own feelings of betrayal. When Amy had insisted she have someone clean her space, she’d baulked and started to get angry, but the memory of the absolute despair on Leah’s face had forced a grudging agreement. As soon as the malware was gone, her mind let her remember the numerous times she’d been manipulated. From the time she had received her chip, she’d never been allowed to rebel in any way that might hurt the family. What was worse were the memories of her complete lack of privacy. She remembered telling Mr Peterson every detail of her life. She’d been made to share even her most private and intimate moments. Her shock had turned to shame, the shame to anger, and the anger to rage.

  For the first time since arriving in the Tower, Katherine spoke. “Oh, it's not too late sister. They have no idea you’re coming and they sure as hell don’t know you’re not alone.”

  Leah looked up and noticed Katherine for the first time.

  Before Leah could do more than look at Katherine, Gèng said, “I invited her. Her real name is Paris Katherine Emerson, and she needed to know the truth.”

  Leah opened her mouth, but Paris beat her to it. Paris said, “I expect you were going to apologise for something, but not only is there is no need but you’ve done nothing wrong. From what I’ve just heard you couldn’t have done anything else. If anything, it's me and my family that need to apologise but I’m still reeling from how messed up my whole life has been. Amy, and now you, have set me straight but there is one thing I need you to promise me.”

  Leah nodded, “If I can.”

  “Mr Peterson, when we finally get to him. Mr Peterson is mine.”

  Leah gave a tentative smile and said, “I’ll be happy to give him to you, but I think Thad might want to flip you for him.”

  Paris got down on her knees in front of Leah and said, “Uh-uh, I think we both know that he will give Peterson to me if you ask him to. That boy is so smitten it’s embarrassing.”

  It took another ten minutes to calm everything down and answer all the questions, but finally, Amy said, “Leah, seriously. Do what I’ve seen you do before, compartmentalise. Put all this away behind your game face and leave it. But next time, call me before it gets this bad, and if you ever forget to tell me something like you got shot I’ll be …, well I don’t know what I’ll be, but you won’t like it. Now go.”

  Leah nodded, and the three other women disappeared. Before she used the SPIDER to head back to Pneumatica, she said to Gèng, "Thank you for bringing them here. If I ever get like that again then lock me out of the chip's processor. Being able to reflect on my loss, my feelings and fears simultaneously took me to places in my thoughts that I'd never been. It was terrifying, and I couldn't see any way out. I lost hope."


  Leah didn't wait for a reply but stepped immediately back through the portal to Pneumatica. She arrived moments after Paris, but they got up together and after a very brief hug walked out to find Billy calmly drinking his tea. He said, “It seems that those from the aether worlds are not so different from those who are native to this city. My sisters can find a myriad of ways to keep a conversation alive well past the time it would have naturally expired. At times, it seems they have an ability that borders on being necromantic.”

  Leah said, “Mr Bartle if I was not most unsettled at having kept you waiting beyond all propriety I might be compelled to think you
had just impinged my honour by slandering my reputation with tales of prohibited magic. Would I be compelled to think such a thing, I might feel justified in seeking to clear my name on the field of honour.”

  Billy didn't seem at all flustered by Leah's threat but said, “Captain Charlotte, I again bow to your wisdom and will refrain from offering further suggestions which could be interpreted as besmirching your most honourable name. Instead, let us get down to business. What is your plan?”

  “Your sources assert that most of the plunder taken by Lord Emerson is converted to coin. The exception is for those items whose value is established due to its provenance, beauty, or power. These items are usually smaller and are on display both for his own amusement and to demonstrate to others his power and influence. They are displayed in the private wing of his manor on the outskirts of Aeolipile. Your research reports that included in this collection are both the Queen Margaret set of Crown Jewellery stolen from Her Majesty several years hence and the Greater Jameson Diamond which was presented to King Edward at his coronation. There other pieces in the collection of similar value.

  “Katherine and I will relieve Mr Emerson of the burden of guarding these treasures. I was thinking of wearing them to the ball this evening and perhaps returning them as a sign of my loyalty and admiration to Her Majesty. Furthermore, it is my belief, from the synthesis of the data obtained by your most excellent intelligence network, that Lord Emerson has been afforded much favour from her Majesty and the Crown Prince because he holds in this same collection some proof of a less than desirable irregularity concerning the particular circumstance of the Crown Prince’s birth. Should Lord Emerson find himself before their Majesties unencumbered by a means wherein to exert a restraining force on their true feelings toward him, it is possible that he might take some loss, perhaps even his head.

  Paris said, “You want to break into his most secure room in the most secure part of his private manor in broad daylight and steal his most prized possessions and personal protections.”


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