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Reckoning (New Haven Book 2)

Page 21

by Sara Jo Cluff

  “You’re right.” I went over and picked up his gun, shooting Dean once in each leg. “I do have time to do the right thing.” I tucked his gun into my pants at my back then searched his pockets, pulling out his communicator and a set of keys. I didn’t want him to be able to contact anyone quite yet.

  It took a lot of effort, but I was finally able to get Eric up and put his arm around my shoulder. He didn’t have much strength, so I had to bear most of his weight. But I didn’t care. “I’m getting you out of here, Eric. You have my word.”

  When we walked out of the room Eric was being held in, I shut the door, making sure it locked so Dean couldn’t crawl his way out. I leaned my head out into the hall to see if anyone was out there. There were no signs of life, so I carried Eric with me down the hall.

  “We’re going to need help,” I said.

  I wasn’t expecting Eric to respond, so I was surprised when he did. I couldn’t hear what he said, so I leaned my ear in close to his mouth.

  “Austin.” Eric’s voice was shallow. If I didn’t get him help soon, he was going to die.

  As we turned down another hallway, I took Dean’s communicator, switching to a frequency the vice president used to use. Thankfully, my father had made me memorize each channel and what they were used for. I just hoped Austin was listening and no one else was.

  “Austin?” After a couple of moments, I tried again. “Austin?” We were almost to the stairs leading up to Headquarters. This part was going to be the trickiest.

  The sound of footsteps made me freeze. They were right above us. I looked around and saw a door to the right behind us. I tried the knob, but it was locked. The footsteps started coming down the stairs. I didn’t have time to set Eric down, so I used the side he wasn’t on and rammed my body into the door, breaking the lock. The door swung open and I dragged Eric inside and shut the door. The lights were out, so I couldn’t see a thing. I gently placed Eric down and went back to the door, opening it just a crack.

  A security guard was now in the hall, heading toward the room we were in. He must have heard me break open the door. He’d have to be deaf to have not heard it. When he was only a few steps away, I backed behind the door, waiting for him to come in.

  The door slowly swung open and the guard stepped into the room, turning on the light. I jumped on his back, wrapping my arm around his neck and squeezing tight. I held on as he squirmed around, trying to peel my arm away from him. He slowly lost strength until he completely blacked out. I set him down on the floor and shut the door again.

  “Hello?” A voice came from the communicator. “This is Austin.”

  “Austin,” I said, looking up to see what was in the room. “This is Luke Nelson.” I was in another hallway.

  “Luke?” Austin sounded surprised, which he should’ve been. I was probably the last person he expected to contact him. “What are you doing with a communicator?”

  “I don’t have time to explain right now.” I walked down the hall. Steel bars ran down both sides. “I need help getting out of River Springs.”

  “I haven’t set up another group to leave yet,” Austin said, “but I can start figuring it out. I just need to contact someone.”

  “No.” I stopped in front of the first set of steel bars and my eyes widened. It was a cell. And people were in it. “I need to get out now. I have some people who are in danger.”

  “Who?” Austin asked.

  The people in the cell in front of me were squinting their eyes and holding up their hands to block out the light. It made me wonder how long they’d been sitting there in the dark.

  “Where are you?” I asked. “Can we talk in person?”

  “I’m in Headquarters,” Austin said.

  “I’m down below,” I said, “standing in front of some cells.”

  “I’m on my way,” Austin said.

  I put the communicator back in my pocket and continued to walk down the hall. There had to be around seventy to eighty people trapped down here. I ran my hand over my head, completely baffled. Why were they holding people? Some of them were just children. They couldn’t be guilty of anything.

  Someone at the end of the hall caught my eye. I walked up to the cell door, putting my hands around the bars. “Angela?”

  She stood, reminding me just how skinny she really was. “Luke, what are you doing down here?”

  “I should be asking you that.” I looked around the cell. Tiredness and hunger sat in everyone’s eyes.

  “President Randall has been locking up any families he thinks don’t support him.” Angela pushed her glasses up on her nose. “The man’s going crazy.”

  I looked down the hall at Eric lying on the ground, completely messed up. President Randall going crazy was an understatement. The door opened behind Eric and Austin walked in. He gasped when he saw Eric on the ground.

  Austin looked at me at the other end of the hall. “What happened to him?”

  “President Randall,” I said.

  Austin moved down the hallway, his eyes wide in shock at each cell he passed. When he got to me, he stopped. He looked at Angela. “How long have all of you been down here?”

  Angela shrugged as she scratched the back of her head. Her already frizzy hair looked like a tangled mess. It definitely hadn’t seen a shower or a brush in days. “I’m kind of losing track of time. Maybe a few days?”

  “I had no idea,” Austin said, shaking his head. “I know the president keeps a lot of stuff from me, but this is insane.” He looked at me. “We have to get them out of here. Now.”

  I nodded. “I know. That’s why I called you.”

  “I’ll contact a guy I know,” Austin said. “He can get us a bus so we can get out of here.”

  “We?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

  “I can’t stay here anymore,” Austin said. “I’ve stayed as long as I can, making President Randall think I’m supporting him, but I don’t think he’s buying it. It’s only a matter of time before I end up in here. Or like …” He turned around and looked at Eric. “I’ll get a medical kit, too. Hopefully, it will keep him alive until we get to New Haven.”

  “New Haven?” Angela asked.

  I was just about to ask the same thing.

  “It’s where the others live,” Austin said.

  I pulled out Dean’s keys. “I’m sure one of these will open the cell doors.”

  “Good,” Austin said. “Start getting them out and I’ll get everything else ready. I’ll be right back.” He ran down the hall and out the door.

  It only took me two keys until Angela’s cell door unlocked. I hoped that was a sign that luck was going to be on our side. I hurried down the hall, opening each cell door. Everyone slowly made their way out, some weaker than others. When they were all out of their cells, I addressed them.

  “We’re getting you out of here,” I said. “To a safer place. A place without President Randall.”

  There was a quiet collective cheer. Everyone seemed excited but too exhausted to show a lot of enthusiasm.

  Only a few minutes later, Austin came back in the room, helping me get Eric off the floor. Austin looked at me as we walked out toward the stairs. “My friend’s meeting us outside with a bus. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to be secretive right now. We’ll just have to go and hope for the best. Do you know how to shoot a gun?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  Taking Eric up the stairs took a lot of effort, but we finally got him to the top. Everyone we passed in the halls of Headquarters looked confused but did nothing. That was the one nice thing about the city. No one made a move unless they were ordered to. With Austin telling everyone not to worry, they just nodded their heads and moved on.

  I’d never realized how no one in River Springs had a backbone. We were all a bunch of pawns in President Randall’s game. But as soon as President Randall got word of what we were doing, those pawns would be ordered to kill us. And kill us they would.

  Austin’s friend was waiting out
side for us. He helped us get Eric onto the bus and then went to the driver’s seat. Austin and I continued to get everyone else on as fast as we could. We were almost done when a noise came through Austin’s communicator.

  He looked up at me, alarmed. “He knows. President Randall knows. We need to hurry.”

  We pushed everyone in faster. There were only a few people left when the doors to Headquarters opened and security began firing at us. Austin and I shot back, keeping in front of those getting on the bus so they wouldn’t get hurt.

  We kept our backs to the door, stepping backward until we were at the steps of the bus. I took a step up, still shooting at security. I had just taken another step when Austin’s body jerked. He fell to the ground, blood pooling out from under him. I went to grab him, but a bullet grazed my ear and hit the bus.

  “Get in!” The bus driver yelled. He didn’t wait for me to fully step on, he just put the bus into drive and took off. I fell back onto the steps as the door closed.

  Standing, I ran over to a window, ducking as bullets shattered their way through. Everyone on the bus kept low, out of the line of fire. I looked out the window to see Austin’s lifeless body lying on the ground.

  I ducked back down, swearing at the loss of a great man. I sat on the aisle floor as we made our way through town and toward freedom. Eric lay on the bench near me. He was still alive for now. I could only hope he’d make it to New Haven.

  When we got close to the gates leading us out of River Springs, the bullets started again.

  “Hold on!” The bus driver yelled, and he slammed on the gas, breaking through the gates.

  A lot of chatter went on around me as we drove farther away from the city. A lady had come up and taken the medical kit, trying to help Eric out as much as she could.

  But all I could do was sit there, thinking how I’d been wrong all those years. I’d been manipulated by my father and the leaders of the city. How could all those horrible things have been going on without any of the general public knowing? Or did they know, and I was just too blind to see it?

  Well, not anymore. I would no longer be a slave to River Springs or Infinity Corp. I would no longer be a pawn. I would be a fighter for New Haven.

  I looked up at Eric, his eyes slightly opened, staring at me. I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Stay with me, Eric. Stay strong. We’ll get you home. We’ll get you fixed up. We’ll get you back to Emmie.”

  I swore I saw a smile form on his lips, but he was too swollen to tell for sure. “I believe in you, my friend. I’m sorry for ever doubting you. But I’ll fight with you until the end. I’ll fight for our freedom. I’ll fight for every loss, including Austin.”

  The image of Austin’s body falling to the ground came into my head. I quickly pushed it out, trying to think of the positive. Austin may be dead, but he died for a cause.

  He died a hero.

  Santiago and I walked back to Dante and Maya. Both were still going strong, fighting with all their might. The residents of Scorpion attacking from the back threw off the soldiers from Juniper. It also gave our warriors, including me, a newfound strength. The end of the battle was now in view, just inches from our grasp.

  I tried to give Santiago his shirt back, but he insisted on keeping it around the wound on my arm. Instead, Dante shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it at Santiago, who reluctantly put it on.

  The four of us continued to defeat the enemy, taking down soldier after soldier, working together flawlessly. For the most part, there was little communication between us. We all kept each other in our peripheral vision, coming in to help when needed.

  All the adrenaline lessened the pain from my gash, giving me the strength and movement I needed. I knew it wouldn’t last forever, though.

  The one who surprised me was Maya. She was a soft-spoken person, but when put out in battle her entire demeanor changed before your eyes. She was a true warrior, determined, focused and full of drive. I never saw her once slow down, never hesitate, and never looked scared. She knew what she was doing and put all her might into it. I kept forgetting she was wounded.

  Now and then, I’d see her stumble a little because of her leg, or see her face tighten up in pain, but she fought through it. I knew why she’d been chosen to be a revolutionary.

  People from Scorpion made their way up front, relieving some of the New Haven warriors of their duty. I found Will near one of the towers, still alive and fighting. He looked tired and had a few gashes on his arms and legs. His glasses had been snapped in the middle, barely holding together.

  I decided to have him and Dad start clearing the injured from the field and rushing them to the infirmary.

  When Will finished with the soldier he was fighting with, I took him by the arm, dragging him off to the side. “Will, I need you to find my dad and start getting the injured out of here. Get them to Marie and Dr. Stacey.”

  Will kept his eyes on the ground and rubbed the back of his head. “Emmie, your dad …”

  I stared at him, not wanting to hear what he was about to say. “What, Will? What happened?” Tears welled up in his eyes. I gently touched his arm. “Please tell me.”

  Will finally looked up, trying to straighten his glasses, but they broke apart. He held the two pieces in his shaking hands. “It wasn’t long after we ran out of ammo. We went to help down here, but the first soldier who came at him killed him immediately. I’m sorry, Emmie. I’m so sorry. I tried to help, but the soldier was too fast.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. I couldn’t cry. The battle was still underway. There would be time for crying later.

  I forced myself to open my eyes and looked at Will. His tears weren’t helping. “Will, it’s not your fault. What happened to the soldier?”

  “I killed him.” Will gave a weak laugh as he stuffed his glasses into a pants pocket. “The soldier was arrogant and gloating to his friend about how easy it was to kill your dad. It pissed me off.”

  I smiled and hugged Will. “Thank you, for getting vengeance for my father.”

  “Uh,” Will said. “You’re welcome?”

  “Do you think you can get the wounded out of here?”

  Will nodded. “Of course. I’ll do anything to help out.”

  “Okay, let me find someone else to help you.” My eyes scanned the area until I saw Joshua driving his sword into the side of an enemy soldier. “Joshua!”

  Joshua glanced at me and then headed my way, stopping once to kill a soldier that came at him. He smiled when he came up to me and Will. He flipped the handle of the sword back and forth between his hands. “I must say, these swords are pretty sweet.”

  “I’m glad you approve,” I said. “Joshua, do you mind helping Will get all of the injured out of here?”

  Joshua sighed, looking over his shoulder at the fighting. “If that’s what you need me to do, I’ll do it.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t believe you’d rather fight.”

  “It’s a good way to take out all of my anger from my childhood,” Joshua said with a shrug. “But the thought of helping the wounded is very appealing, too.”

  I saw Vivica out of the corner of my eye, beating an enemy soldier. They had both dropped their swords and were in hand to hand combat. She ripped off his helmet and threw it away.

  I went close enough so she could hear me. “Vivica, finish him off. I need you to help me with something.”

  Vivica turned to me and nodded. The soldier looked at me, confused. Vivica grabbed the soldier’s neck and snapped it, letting him fall to the ground as she walked to me. “What do you need?”

  “Joshua and Will are going to get the wounded out of here,” I said. “Can you be their guard? Make sure no one tries to attack them.”

  Vivica glanced over at the guys. “No problem.”

  Movement to my right caught my attention. Tina limped toward us. I went to her, helping her walk the rest of the way. When we stopped, I looked down at her leg and saw a long gash on her thigh.

  “We need to get you to the infirmary,” I said.

  Tina shook her head. “I’m fine. There are others worse off. Javier, for one. I left him near a tree on the north side, but I’m not sure if he has much time.”

  I nodded, letting the wheels turn in my head. “Okay, Joshua and Will, start with the warriors in the worst condition. You can use a couple of jeeps. Put as many as you can in there and then drive them to the infirmary. I’ll let Marie know you’ll be coming soon so she’ll be ready. Vivica will be your guard while you’re getting injured from the field.”

  “Sounds good,” Joshua said. He looked at Tina. “Where’s Javier?”

  “I’ll show you,” Tina said.

  As they took off, I pulled out my communication device so I could contact Marie. “Marie, are you there?”

  After a few seconds, I heard her voice. “Yes. What’s going on?”

  “We’ve been joined by more people from Scorpion,” I said. “We’re going to start sending the injured New Haven residents to you. Will and Joshua are bringing them. Don’t let anyone else in without my permission.”

  “Okay,” Marie said. “I’ll start getting the equipment ready and let Naomi know to be on the lookout for Will and Joshua.”

  “Thanks, Marie,” I said.

  As I was walking back to Dante, Maya, and Santiago, I saw Thunder Thighs going at it with an enemy soldier. She kept up with his thrusts and yelled out with every connection. She did a spin and drove her sword through the soldier’s side. “Twenty-four.” She ran at another soldier, still roaring loudly. After a few swings, she connected with his side, sending him down. “Twenty-five.”

  I shook my head, realizing she was counting her kills.

  A moment later, I got shoved from the side making me stumble and fall to the ground. I landed on a dead warrior, so I got off them as quickly as I could and looked to see who it was.

  My heart sank. Vice President Mendes. For the first time, I glanced around. James and Fernando were nearby, both dead.

  I put my hand on my head and forced myself to look away, not wanting to see anyone else I knew. A hand rested on my shoulder, making me jump.


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