Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection
Page 15
“My husband is giving his party tonight is he not?” she asked circling around me, but keeping her eyes locked on the shadows of the atrium. My heart sputtered praying Luca could hear her and would not emerge from them.
“Yes, my Lady.”
“And can I assume he has invited her?” Estella and I both knew precisely to whom she was referring to and there was no denying it. Edith would be attending whether Estella wanted it or not. I bobbed my head refusing to speak.
“Let me guess; you are on your way to share the good news with her?” Estella’s eyes were cold as they gazed down on me. She had stopped circling me and stood between the atrium and the marble pillars.
“That is where the lord has sent me.”
“What of your friend in the shadows, will he be joining us as well?”
“There is no one in the shadows my Lady.”
“Do not be stupid, girl. I know there is someone in there. Why else would you go in there?”
“To be honest,” I sucked in a deep breath hoping to convince myself that I sounded honest. “It is the one place I can get away from everything.”
“What is there to get away from, might I ask? You have everything here; the protection of the senator, a lovely home, and food. Would you rather be like the lowly people living in squalor?”
“They certainly have more freedom than I have.” I knew the moment the words slipped from my lips I shouldn’t have said it, but it was too late. The damage was done and by the way Estella rolled her shoulders back and stood three inches taller I knew I would be punished for it.
“How dare you speak of such things you ungrateful—” Estella drew back her arm and sent it flying through the air. The slap of her palm against my face echoed down the corridor. The glass pitcher I held slipped from my hands and shattered on the tile floor. Through the white streaks of pain red drops of blood dripped into the clear water at my feet.
“Clean that up. Now!” Estella’s screech was enough to make the walls rumble.
“What is going on here?” Alexander’s voice boomed throughout the villa, while white stars scattered my vision. The pain crippled me as Alexander stormed over to Estella and pulled her to his side.
“You dare to strike at her?” he asked. The vein in his forehead bulged as he spoke. It was the only time I saw true fear stab Estella. Her strong features crumbled under Alexander’s gaze.
“Athena, didn’t I give you something to do?”
“Yes, my Lord.” My voice cracked as I bowed quickly scanning the elephant ears. Luca still stood in the shadows, with horror on his face as I rushed away without another word. A part of me wanted nothing more than for him to be my savior, to come out of the atrium and put Estella in her place. But, I knew the consequences of that, and so did he.
“Why do you constantly defend that insignificant—” Estella’s voice drifted away the further I got from them. A deep seed of satisfaction grew within me knowing that I was by far and large Alexander’s favorite. He may have been cruel, but he needed me to control Luca and for that I held more power than Estella did and she knew it.
As I pushed the wooden doors open, the red angry streak across my face cooled. The gentle wind kissed away the pain as I fought back the tears that were trying to surface. With trembling hands I sucked in a deep breath. The retched stench of the city nearly knocked me back, but it was better than the overpowering stench of Estella’s lavender perfume. At least out here I was free—for the time being.
Chapter 2
The sound of wooden wheels clacking on the large stone road sent chills coursing through me. For a split second I wondered if what I was doing was right as I marched along with the other vendors into the streets of Rome. The bustle of life and overcrowded walkways made me long for the silence of the forest. But, what kind of man would I be if I walked away now? What would my wife think, if she knew I cowered before the dead statues that rose high above me?
Granted, I had never seen anything like this place before— the huge stone monuments and the happy faces of those around me. A perfect blend of the mighty and the meek; mingling in this corrupt pot of an imperialistic society.
The stench rose up to greet me as I entered the city with nothing more than the clothes on my back. I had spent years searching, but at last, he could be in no other place. My heart drummed as I scanned the vendors and soldiers walking along the streets. I had no clue where I was going, or how long it would take me to find him, but there was something different about this place. This was the jewel of the Roman Empire and I knew I would find those responsible here.
“You there!” A brute voice called over the crowd, and I watched as several men scattered like roaches in the sunlight. I stood my ground refusing to take notice of the man calling out. Before I could turn the corner, a blunt force was on my shoulder holding me back. Instinct snapped into play as I grasped the man’s hand and forced it off me.
“How dare you strike a Roman citizen,” he cried as I dropped his hand. “You will pay for that.”
“Will I now? How do you propose I do that?” I glared at him, towering over his weak body. The eyes of those around us burned the back of my head and I wondered if any man would step in to defend him.
“You sir, are you a Roman citizen?” A tall hefty man, in shiny armor and carrying a long spear, stepped forth. The feathers on his helmet made me want to laugh. Just what did he think he was going to do? I had come too far to be taken down by a commoner.
“Does it matter?” I replied as my eyes shifted from the man cowering on the ground back to the soldier.
“It does.” The guard bent his elbow and jabbed the spear in my direction. I wanted to laugh. How many of these men had I taken down just to get here? I had lost track over the five long years of hunting. With my eyes narrowed on the point of the spear I concocted different ways to take him down. Suddenly, there wasn’t just one though, but many. The commotion of my single exchange had brought in more soldiers and I found myself surrounded.
“Do you really think you can get away with striking down a citizen? You will come with us.”
“I don’t think so,” I sneered releasing the man under me, who scurried back to the crowds. My lips twitched at the corners, watching the little man hurry back to the safety of his people, leaving me in the center of the soldiers alone.
“Finally,” I mumbled. “A challenge worth my time.”
The soldiers circled, closing in on me as I prepared for the battle to come. I wondered how many of them I would take down before they got me. The muscles in my arms flexed ready to strike.
“There you are, Augustus!” A soft female voice drifted over the soldiers. Instantly fear entered their eyes, as a young woman pushed through their circle. Her face lit up the city and her tender soft smile startled me. I had been prepared to fight, yet now I found myself bewitched by her pale-green eyes and golden hair.
“I have been looking for you,” she said moving quickly to my side. A subtle hint of lavender drifted off her skin and slapped my face.
“You know this man?” one of the soldiers asked, lifting up his spear. My eyes darted around the men as each of them withdrew from their attack on me.
“Of course, he is my cousin.”
“He doesn’t wear the emblem of your house, my Lady,” the soldier stated with his eyes still holding me hostage.
“Yes, well, he has been traveling in the wild and has forgotten his manners.” The young girl closed her arm around my waist and held me close to her, as if she was my shield. The soldiers quickly bowed and stepped away leaving only one behind.
“Maximus,” the woman said keeping her gaze on him. “Is there something else?”
“He attacked another citizen, my Lady.”
“The senator will punish him for that and get him back to par with our customs,” she said with her shoulders back. “Unless you want me to explain to the senator how you refused him his service?” The woman spoke with such authority and prose that I couldn’t
help but think of Iris.
“You know how the senator loves to correct those who have fallen. Would you prefer I explain the situation to him?”
“No my Lady,” Maximus said lowering his gaze as he dropped his head.
She remained by my side until we turned the corner. Then, to my utter surprise she burst into laughter that echoed down the alleyway. Her laugh was like tiny bells. Her face flushed red as she turned to me.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized and brushed her hands on her delicate dress before looking up at me.
“Why did you do that? I could have taken them all out.”
“Perhaps, but then, where would you be?”
“On my way,” I said crossing my arms against my chest.
“No,” she shook her head and kept her eyes locked on me like hooks digging into my very soul. Iris used to stare at me like that and I couldn’t help but let my guard down and submit to defeat. “You would either be dead or you’d find yourself in the coliseum. Then you would be dead.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know enough about this city to say that you may have killed all those men in a blink of an eye—no doubt. But, they would come with more men and kill you.”
“Maybe that is what I wanted.”
“Doubtful. You have a gleam in your eyes that tells me you are here for a reason. Perhaps on a mission of some kind?”
“What’s it to you?” I snapped trying to recompose myself. I wasn’t about to let a stranger get between me and my purpose.
“Nothing,” she said flashing a brilliant smile that knocked the wind out of me. Her eyes glanced over my shoulder and she quickly stepped closer once more.
“I don’t know why you are here, and I don’t care. But, if you are determined to get yourself killed, then by all means go. I won’t stop you next time.”
“You’re letting me go, just like that?” She was stubborn, but kind and that wasn’t something I was expecting from any citizen of Rome. The stories I had heard about this place turned my heart to stone. Yet, here in the midst of the brutality was a flower blooming under the oppression of the city.
“You Sir, are not my problem.”
“Then why help me with those men?”
“Because they think they can do whatever they want to whomever they want and it's not right. You looked as if you could use a friend here in the city.” She thrust her hand out towards me and held her smile. I tried to look beneath the facade, but no matter how I tried to discredit her, the smile was genuine.
“My name is Athena,” she said. I reached out and shook her hand grateful to her.
“Just where do you come from Tobias?”
“Does it matter?” I asked as she released my hand and began walking down the alley leaving the merchants behind.
“I am just curious as to where someone, who is willing to stand up to the soldiers in this city, hails from. It’s not every day you see anyone standing up to them.”
“Well, what about you? You seemed to know them intimately. Even called them by name,” I said deflecting the question as I kept pace with her.
“There isn’t a soldier or senator I don’t know,” she admitted to me. A spark of hope shot through me, as if the soldiers had jabbed me with their pointed spears. Perhaps fate had finally smiled on me.
“You say you know everyone of importance here?”
We stepped out into the crowds once more and I watched as the men and women bowed their heads to her as we walked past them. Given the fear and respect they showed, it was clear she wasn’t lying to me. Although I may not have had a plan when I first entered this city, it was quickly forming in my mind.
“Would you say you know a man by the name of Alexander?” My question stopped her short, and she turned on her heel. The softness in her features turned to stone as she faced me.
“There are many Alexanders throughout the city. Which one are you referring to?”
“The one with a bald spot on his crown. He has dark-brown eyes and a pointy nose.”
“Many men of that name have those exact same features. You are going to have to do better than that?”
Sighing in frustration, I pulled every detail I could think of to describe the man from the depths of my memory. With each bit of information I added, Athena’s eyes turned colder and colder, until finally she lifted her hand up to stop me.
“Yes, I know him. Why do you seek an audience with him? Don’t you know how vile he is?”
“So, I’m not the only one who thinks so.” Hearing her confess the evilness I had seen was more than I could have hoped for. She stepped closer to me. Her lips were inches from my face, as she whispered in my ear.
“No one likes him, but you won’t hear anyone state it as plainly as you do. I would suggest you keep those thoughts private or you will find yourself in the bottom of a ditch.” She stepped back and locked her eyes to mine.
If you must speak with him, you will find him in the last veranda on the east side of the city, three blocks before you get to the capital. There is a dragon fighting a wolf emblem etched in marble at the front gate.”
“Thank you,” I said nodding my head.
“You might find that he will be more inclined to hear you out, later tonight. He is hosting a banquet at his home and much wine; you might actually find him in good spirits.”
She nodded once to me and stepped away. Her eyes darted to the spying eyes, before she turned her back to me. I watched as she walked away stunned not only by her beauty, but her innocence as well. If only she knew my plans for the senator. I shook my head befuddled by her.
Perhaps I should take her advice, I thought to myself as I played out the scenario in my head. If I went there now, and tried to charge into his home, I may not even get past the front doors. But, if I wait, then maybe the element of surprise would be better for me. I’ve waited this long, what’s a few more hours?
With nothing else to do, I slipped into the crowd keeping to the shadows. Every step she took, I followed until she paused at the corner of the alley and slipped into a shop. For a moment I wondered if I too should go, but the chances of running into her again were too great.
She has already done so much for me; I shouldn’t risk getting her further involved. But, then again, she might be the only one who I can use to get close to him.
I could see it all very clearly. Athena was the key I needed to take my revenge. If I played the game the right way, she wouldn’t be in any danger whatsoever. All I needed was but one more moment with her. One more encounter and she would lead me to the very man who had taken everything from me. You will pay Alexander, with your life.
My eyes remained locked on the small shop, as I leaned against the wall waiting for her to emerge. The sun drifted over the stone buildings and trickled through the clouds as I waited. People from all walks of life passed by me as I stood there waiting for her. With each passing moment I pushed out the guilt rearing its ugly head and I hardened my heart. I knew the plans I had and what it could mean to her if I succeeded. But, the taste of vengeance was on my lips and no pretty face, or bleeding heart would stop me from getting it.
I threw my shoulders back and sucked in a deep breath as she stepped out of the shop,
“I’m sorry Athena,” I mumbled and followed her like a shadow through the streets of Rome.
Chapter 3
“Edith!” She turned the moment she heard her name and greeted me with a smile. Her hand flew up into the air as I rushed to her side and threw my arms around her neck.
“Athena, what brings you to these parts?” she asked glancing at the package I carried, once I released her.
“You know why I am here, Alexander requests your company tonight.”
“He wants me to come to his party?” she sounded flabbergasted, as if she wasn’t expecting the invitation. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at her.
“You know he
wants you to come.”
“So he sends you to come and find me? When will he do things for himself?”
“You know why he can’t.”
“That doesn’t mean I have to like the situation.”
“Oh, come on,” I said curling my arm into hers and moving out of the crowded street. “You love the attention he showers on you.”
She smiled brightly as I pulled out the small trinket I had bought for her in Alexander’s name. I slipped the bauble into her hand and glanced up at her. A sting of jealousy pricked at me as I handed over the expensive earrings.
“Payment for tonight I assume?” Edith glanced at the golden hoops with discontent.
“No, more like a token of his affection for you.”
“That man doesn’t love anyone. Not even his wife.”
“He cares for you though.”
“Did he tell you these things?” Edith’s eyebrows scrunched together as her eyes probed mine.
“Of course not. But it’s clear. He doesn’t even give these things to his wife.”
“But, he gives them to me.”
“Because he wants you. You have to know; you have him wrapped around your little finger.”
“The same way you have Luca wrapped around yours?” Edith’s lips pulled up at the corners as she squeezed my arm. Heat flushed through my face as I thought of Luca and I turned my gaze from her.
“There is nothing going on with Luca,” I lied hoping to conceal the truth from her. She shook her head and threw it back with a loud burst of laughter.
“Please, that man won’t look at another woman. You have him and everyone in the city knows it.”
“That is what Alexander wants isn’t it? What he wants, he gets.”
“Well, he doesn’t get everything he wants. Not from me at least.”
“Oh, come on, you can’t be serious? You have to come to the party.” Fear shot through me as I wondered what Alexander would do if I failed to bring Edith tonight. The shock on her face was instant. I wondered if she could read my mind as she released my arm and pulled me into her. The comfort of her arms around my tiny frame was almost as secure as Luca’s embrace.