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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

Page 21

by Amelia Wilson

  “I know this is a lot to take in,” I sighed trying to give her the space she needed.

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “Look, I made a promise to you, which I fulfilled. I won’t stop you if you want to run.”

  “Then, why didn’t you put me down when I asked? Why did you bring me all the way out here?” She waved her arms around and for the first time I understood her dismay. She had been born and raised in the city. The forest, which I found to be so comforting, didn’t hold the same feelings for her.

  “You are more than welcome to go back,” I said dropping my hands. “But, you have to know they will kill you.”

  “No thanks to you. I wish I never had met you. I wish I didn’t stop the Romans from beating you.” There it was; the tears she had struggled to control poured out of her as she dropped to the forest floor. Watching her weep so violently broke my heart.

  What is happening? I wondered as my heart shattered under her pain. I don’t owe her anything. She was just a means to an end.

  However, the longer I studied her, the more attached I became. I shook my head and backed away from her. She sat with her head in her hands and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her to comfort her.

  “I am sorry for everything.”

  “Just go,” she gasped, sucking in sharp breaths.

  I nodded and moved past her slowly. As the wind shifted I caught the gentle scent of lavender mingled with pine. Sunbeams broke through the canopy and hit her with its golden light.

  “I’m going to go clean up. There is a stream not far from here. I will come back to this spot. If you aren’t here, I won’t go looking you. So it's up to you now if you want to stay here with me or leave.”

  I didn’t wait for her to give me a response, before I took off at full speed racing to the water. Every inch of my body ached as violent images of the arena played in my mind.

  “Did I seriously just do that? Stupid,” I grumbled to myself as I saw myself transform into the beast in front of all of Rome. I wouldn’t be surprised if Athena left. Rome would not forget the spectacle and I would be hunted for certain, now. Everything I had worked so hard for was lost, all because of a girl. Why did I let her get to me? Why does she hold such power over me? Did her random act of kindness blind me? I should have stuck with the plan. I should have killed Alexander when I had him in my sights. Instead I let her get in the way.

  As I battled with my inner demons, my heart opened up and I saw everything in perfect clarity.

  Athena, Iris, they were one and the same. That is why I couldn’t do it. That is why she holds a place in my heart. Iris’s compassion for me drove me to her. Iris knew what I was and loved me still. Would Athena do the same? Would she see me the way Iris once did?

  Hope swelled in my heart as I thought of Athena standing by my side and of us facing the dangers of this world together. I knew I had no right to think these things, but there they were. All the signs and events had led us to this moment. It was almost as if the universe had drawn us together. All we had to do was accept the fact that there was something between us.

  “No,” I grumbled. Thoughts of Athena swirled around my head as I reached the water’s edge. The crisp clear water rolled over the rocks. Glancing down at my hands I realized that I was once again about to taint something so pure, just like I was doing with Athena. She was pure and innocent. She was the epitome of all that was good in this world and I ruined it.

  I shook my head and stepped into the water. The rocks beneath the surface faded as the dried blood from my kills washed off, me polluting the stream.

  “There is no way she will be there, so why go back?” I mumbled as I realized that there was no way Athena would ever see me as anything but a monster.

  I waited in the water until it ran clear once more. Lifting my head I scanned the forest before me. The trees and mountains called to me, yet, I couldn’t quiet the voice within me urging me to return to Athena. Exhaling, I gave in to my better self. There was no way I was going to leave without knowing, at least, what Athena’s choice had been. If she was there, then I would protect her at all costs. Nothing would stand in my way, not even death.

  With full resolution, I stepped out of the water and let the warm summer air dry my body. With every step I took back to her, the little crack in my heart opened wider. A giddiness swelled in me as I hoped that maybe, just maybe she would still be there.

  The idea of her not being there weighed heavily on me as I pushed through the shrubs. Although I had no right to hope, I did. I hoped that I would see her beautiful face again, hear her tender voice, and touch her soft skin. So much of her reminded me of Iris that it broke my heart. It also gave me the strength to return to the man I was once. With vengeance gone from my mind, I was free to see things as they really were and I was no longer tainted by a hateful light.

  I found myself running faster through the trees. Each mile I crossed to get back to her the less I thought about the possibility that she wouldn’t be there.

  “She’ll be there,” I said out loud as if to force the universe to obey my commands. I reached the top of the hill and paused to glance down into the valley where I had left her. My heart drummed in my chest, before faltering as I scanned the area.

  In the darkest shadow, under the tallest tree, I saw her sitting on the stump of a fallen tree. She had let her hair down and was running her fingers through it as if it was water. My heart slammed into my chest the instant I saw her lovely face. Although I knew she couldn’t see me— her human eyes were far too fragile to distinguish me from the trees— she craned her neck glancing over her shoulder to me.

  “She stayed,” I gasped and raced down the hill side to join her. The trampling of the leaves and twigs under my feet startled her, and she sprang up, fists in the air as if she could challenge any evil force. The moment our eyes locked onto one another, she dropped them and exhaled.

  “You’re still here.” My words seemed to confuse her as I walked slowly to her.

  “Yes, although, I will admit I thought about going.”

  “What made you stay?” I asked inching my way closer to her.

  “You were right. I have no other place to go. I am not equipped to handle the wilderness alone,” her voice faded as her eyes drifted to her hands. A smile played at the corner of my lips as I watched her fiddle with her fingernails, before her head snapped up to find my gaze once more.

  “I know why you did what you did. I get it. You wanted justice for what my father did to you. But, you should have told me who you really were.”

  “And what would you have done with that truth?”

  She shook her head and shrugged. She looked so tender, so innocent. Like a child too frightened to ask for what they really wanted knowing only the word ‘no’.

  “Help you,” she mumbled. I could hear the uncertainty in her voice and had to stop myself from chuckling.

  “You’d help me kill Alexander? Because that is why I came to Rome, you do realize that?”

  “I know. He is not liked in Rome, or elsewhere. There are factions within the city that would love nothing more than to see him gone.”

  “Then why did you stop me? Why did you get in the way when I was so close to accomplishing my goal?”

  “Because …” she snapped as her voice rose.

  “That isn’t a very good reason.”

  “Because I didn’t want to see you killed too. You know that is what would have happened right? You kill him, the guards attack you, leaving you to defend yourself and kill all of them. It would have been a slaughter and we both know it. Or is that what you wanted?” There was truth in her words. The scene had played out in my mind, before I made my move. It was the exact way I had envisioned the situation going.

  “No. I just wanted to see him die. But, something tells me there is more to it than just protecting all those people.”

  “Luca,” she admitted. “I did it to save Luca. He was right there ready to strike and
in your rage you would have killed him first.”

  “The man from the party,” my voice trailed off. That was the one thing I hadn’t thought about. Shaking my head, I turned my back to her trying to suppress my hope that she had stayed for me.

  “I told you. Luca and I were going to run away together. I should have gone when he first asked me to go. But, I had to see you,” she said. I could feel her hot breath on my shoulder as she approached me. The very air around her felt like a whirlwind of electricity.

  “You could go back to be with him if you so wanted.”

  “I can’t do that. I would be killed on the spot. My father would see to it himself.”

  “So you stayed because you need my protection?”

  “I have nowhere else to go. For better or worse I am stuck with you, now.” She touched my shoulder as gently as the rainfall, but the storm within me raged on. I spun on my heels catching her by surprise and wrapped my arms around her.

  Before she could say another word, I crushed my lips to hers. I half expected her to protest, to throw her arms at my chest, instead she held me close to her pulling me into her. Stunned by her reaction I pulled away first, gasping for air.

  “What are you doing?” I asked her holding her at arm’s length. She stared up at me with eyes as deep as the abyss.

  “You saved my life back there. You came back for me. No one comes for me, but you did. Twice now.”

  Releasing my grip on her arms I lifted my hand up and ran my rough fingers through her silky hair before cupping her face. She was so tender, so fragile, so human that I had almost forgotten that part of myself.

  “When I first saw you, I noticed that you weren’t like the other men in Rome. You weren’t hard as granite, but more like marble that just needed to be polished to shine. I realize that you may not have the same feelings that I do because of what you are, but know this,” she reached out and brushed the back of her hand over my face holding my gaze. “You are amazing, despite your rougher qualities. At least now I know where they come from.”

  Within the depths of my being, I felt the sunlight instead of the night. She was my sun that shone into the darkest recesses of my mind, exposing the human in me — a part that I had long since forgotten. I exhaled and melted into her tender embrace and for the first time in a long time, I felt alive.

  She pressed her body into mine and held me close as my hands roamed over her body. Digging my fingers into her ass, I hoisted her up into my arms. Without hesitating, her legs wrapped around my hips and it was no longer my arms holding her up. She was strapped to me like a vine devouring my body as I carefully laid her on the soft soil.

  Her lips caressed my neck and shoulders as I wrestled with the hem of her dress to hike it up. Every inch of me wanted nothing more than to be buried in her. No longer did the doubts swim up, forcing me to stop. I wanted her, and she wanted me. It didn’t matter that we were from two different worlds, it didn’t matter that she was human. To her, I was her protector, and as I entered her warm body, I became her lover.

  Suddenly it wasn’t the world holding me down, it was her. Time and everything around us stopped as I pushed my body deeper into her soul than I ever thought possible. The tender moans escaping from her lips sent me into a frenzy, like nothing I had ever experienced before. She was mine, and I was hers.

  “Well what do we have here?” The voice startled me as Athena screamed in my ear. My first reaction was to growl and defend my territory and my love. But, as my eyes focused from the passionate haze, I stopped and glared at our intruder.

  Quickly I pulled myself out of Athena allowing her to cover herself as I rose. “Lola?”

  “Hey there, long time no see, but now at least I know what’s been keeping you.” Lola crossed her arms across her chest keeping her eyes locked on Athena.

  “Athena, this is Lola, a friend.”

  “Is that what you are calling me these days? Well, I suppose it could be worse.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I caught your scent five miles back. Thought you could use some help with your situation.”

  “What situation?” Athena asked throwing her dress back down to hide her flesh.

  “None of your business, human,” Lola growled and stepped forward with such fierceness I wondered if she would have taken Athena out right then and there.

  “Enough,” I growled stepped between the girls. “Lola, Athena is …” I stuttered as I glanced over to Athena. I wasn’t quite sure what we were, certainly more than friends now, but I didn’t want to assume anything. “Mine,” was the right word, and I knew it the instant it left my lips.

  “You’re joking right?” Lola’s eyes darted to mine as she stumbled back shocked by my declaration. “You claimed her?”

  Chapter 11

  “What exactly do you mean by ‘mine’?” I crossed my arms over my chest glaring daggers at Tobias. Clearly, he was implying something only a few people understood.

  “I don’t belong to anyone,” I snapped trying to force my voice to sound as mean as I could. But, I couldn’t hold a candle next to Tobias. He was, after all, part wolf and could growl with such forcefulness that even the trees obeyed his command.

  “Athena,” Tobias’ voice was blunt as if I was a child he was scolding for misbehaving. I pressed my lips together and Lola smirked.

  “Tobias, be serious,” Lola chuckled cocking her head back. She parted her legs and threw her shoulders back appearing twice as big as her normal size. She was small and looked to be in her twenties. No wrinkles of wear and tear were etched across her face. Her hair was dark-brown and flowed wildly with the breeze. If she had walked into Rome, there was no doubt all of the boys would have flocked to her. Even I was amazed by her beauty.

  “I am serious. Athena is under my protection and she is mine. Do you understand?” Tobias stood straighter than ever, towering over Lola as he stood between us girls. Every muscle in his back tensed and although I couldn’t see his face I was certain he was not pleased with her.

  “Fine. But, mark my words, that girl is trouble. She won’t last long in this world. Look at her, she is too dainty.”

  “With my help she will be just fine.”

  “You can’t be with her all the time Tobias and you know it.”

  “Hey, I can take care of myself thank you,” I squabbled like a petty teenager, but the fact was, Lola was right. She hadn’t seen me more than five minutes to know the forest and the wilderness were not where I belonged.

  “Sure you can, kitty,” Lola said shaking her head as she stepped away from Tobias. I would have thought Tobias would let his guard down, but he remained stiff and tensed until Lola was sitting down on the fallen log I had rested at before.

  “What are you doing here Lola? And tell me the truth.”

  “I wasn’t lying when I said I caught your scent by the river.”

  “Yes, but why were you looking for me?”

  “Who says I was looking for you?” Lola pushed a long strand of her hair over her shoulder and flashed a wicked smile at me.

  “There would be no other reason for you to come this close to the city.”

  “Fine,” Lola huffed, throwing her arms up. “You caught me. Word spread that a werewolf exposed himself in the arena in Rome.”

  Tobias growled and quickly jogged to my side, shielding me from Lola. The whole scene was strange, as Lola didn’t even move from her spot, but something about what she said triggered Tobias.

  “I am not going to say it was you, but we both know it was. Everyone left knows what your plans were,” Lola shifted to turn to face us as her eyes threw daggers that even Tobias couldn’t stop.

  “So, what happened? I can only suspect this human had some role to play in it all.”

  “Athena,” Tobias twisted his head as he spoke. I knew his eyes were still locked on Lola as I stood behind him fearing what Lola’s plans were for him, for us.

  “I have to speak with Lola in private. We are goin
g to go the river to have a little chat. I want you to stay here and wait for me.”

  “When will you be back?” I reached out and touched his arm fearing that it would be the last time I would ever get to see him. After all, he had done for me, and to me, a part of my heart belonged to him. It was funny though; I had not realized just how much of my heart was his until his life was threatened.

  “I don’t know. But, I am not going to lose you, not after I just found you. Now stay here.” His voice was stern, but underneath the hostility was a peace that caught my attention.

  Oh Jupiter, he isn’t coming back this time.

  “Shall we?” Lola asked rising to her feet. Tobias nodded somberly as she walked past us.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” he said quickly, turning to me. Before I could say another word, his hands cupped my face, and he pressed his tender lips to my forehead. Although it wasn’t the goodbye kiss I was expecting, it was still one filled with urgency and danger. It was then that I realized Lola had come to kill Tobias for exposing his kind to the world. She was there to keep the peace between human and wolf.

  “He’ll be back,” I mumbled more to reassure myself than anything else as I watched them disappear over the hill. I had to believe it or I was going to go insane. After all, what would become of me if he failed? Would she come back to finish me off, too? There was no way I was a match for her; maybe, if she was human. But, she wasn’t; she was just like Tobias: a creature of the supernatural world, which hadn’t existed for me last week. Yet, here I was tossed into the midst of it all because my father had kept secrets from me.

  As I sat down on the overturned log, again, my eyes remained locked on the top of the hill as the light faded. Soon it would be too dark for me to see anything. My stomach turned and twisted from hunger and from the knots of uncertainty.

  Surely any minute one of them would come from over the hill and I would either be killed or saved. It seemed my life was constantly hanging on the edge of a blade. If it wasn’t my mother threatening me, it was my father. Now, it was Lola and Tobias. For a split second I wondered what their connection was. He called her a friend, so it was possible that she wouldn’t harm him. But, then again, if she was a jilted ex-lover, finding us the way she did had certainly add fuel to her fire.


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