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The Devil's Son

Page 21

by Jennifer Loren

  “You were always important to me. Even after I thought you died, I visited your grave all the time. I talked to you like you were always there for me. There was never anyone I had that connection with like I did you. But Kayla, there is no one that matches my feelings for Kayla. You were my best friend, and I love you because of that, but Kayla is the one for me. I love her like I have never loved anyone. I can only hope that you can find the same.”

  She presses her hand against my chest and looks up at me. “She is nothing like what I thought you would ever want.”

  “You don’t know her.”

  “No, but I know you, and no matter what happens I will always be here for you, I will always be your best friend.” Closing my eyes, I suddenly feel her lips against mine. She pulls away with a smile, “Just like I remembered, soft and warm, perfect lips. Don’t worry, I promise I won’t sneak that on you again. I am happy knowing that you think so much of me and the time we had together.” She walks away from me still smiling, “Actually you will be happy to know that I am seeing someone. He is picking me up in a few minutes, so I guess I had better go.” She kisses me on the cheek, “It was nice seeing you again, and I am happy that you are happy. You really do deserve to be happy, Nick.” She slides her hand across my chest as she walks out.

  All I want to do is return home. The moment I get in my car, I begin cursing this day. As I leave, I notice a car pull up to the front of the building and Franky run out and get in. She leans over to the driver and kisses him. I stop my car and watch them drive away - out of state license plate. “Good, I am happy for her.” I step on the gas and speed home.

  Chapter 33


  I kiss Nick several times before he leaves and stare out the window watching her as they get into his car. If it weren’t for his mother I would insist on Lionel driving her back.

  “Don’t worry, Nick won’t cheat on you.” Elijah says walking up behind me.

  “I know that. Why are you still here?”

  “To make sure you are okay. I understand there is a lot going on lately, and I don’t just mean an old girl friend coming back into his life or his crazy mother.” I turn towards him. “Yes, I know about Nicky. I wasn’t aware that you knew until the other day when Nicky was talking about Adair.”

  “I’m okay. We have managed to get through a lot of tough times.”

  “Yeah tough times, not crazy eyed psychos.”Elijah steps to me and looks at me with a sincere concern. “Nicky is tough, I have seen him do things that scared the shit out of me, but he is my best friend. This guy Adair doesn’t sound like someone I want to get to know. How bad is he, Kayla?”

  I look up at him and suddenly my eyes start to water. “There is something really wrong with him, Connor was terrible and an asshole, but he didn’t scare me. Adair scares me. He craves something, and I am afraid it’s Nick’s life. Unlike Connor, Adair has no fear of Nick, that can’t be good.” Elijah wraps his arms around me and lets me be openly afraid. “I have been trying to be strong in front of Nick, but it’s getting harder and harder. Tell me he can beat him if it comes down to them one on one?”

  “I don’t know, Kayla. I don’t know enough to understand what Nicky can do.”

  “I don’t want to face losing him again, I can’t go through that again.” I cry looking up at him. I fall into his arms and he comforts me warmly. Elijah looks down at me, wipes my tears away and begins to near my lips. I feel his touch and I quickly push him away. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m sorry, you and your weepy eyes. I don’t know how to comfort someone without having sex with them, Kayla.”

  “That is really sad!”

  “Yeah, it is,” he says, grabbing his coat and walking towards the door.


  “What, Kayla?” He asks looking back at me with a frustrated sigh. I don’t know what to say to him. “What happens if he decides he really does love Franky, still? What if you two really aren’t meant to be, Kayla?”

  “But we are Eli.”

  “Of course you are, so why are you worrying? Do you really think everything would happen like it has, just to find out that it was all for nothing? Don’t worry Kayla, I am pretty sure your happy little family will survive perfectly. Nicky has always had a way of making things work out.”

  “Eli!” I yell before he leaves. He huffs turning to look at me again. “Thank you. See, you really do know how to comfort someone without having sex with them.” The smile he fights to form, slowly appears anyway. “I still think you’re an ass though.” He nods laughing before leaving me to wait for Nick alone. The moment Nick comes home, I wrap my arms around him and hold tight.

  “Everything is going to be okay, Princess. You don’t have to worry about anything. I promise I will take care of everything, for you.” Nick picks me up and carries me to bed, where he holds me tight throughout the night.


  Nick spent most of the night calming my fears, and today I am spending my time out searching for answers. My father is the only one I know who can get me what I need, and as much as I hate to ask him for help, I love my husband too much not to ask. I walk up to his smiling face trying to fight my own smile, but it is no use.

  “You look beautiful Kayla,” he says kissing my cheek joyfully.

  “Thank you, you look good too, Mr. President,” I say to his nod. “Thank you for flying in to meet me, I know it is difficult to get away. I would have been fine with you sending the information through someone else.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t have been. Any opportunity to spend time with my daughter is one I am not about to pass up. So Nick’s father, huh? Why are you so curious now?”

  I smile at him, not wanting to alarm him in any way. “You know Brayden has been so sick lately, and Nicky is getting older, and I would like to have a full medical history or at least as much as I can provide for them. I don’t want anything more creeping up on us. I would rather be prepared.”

  “Ah, medical, so then why is it you requested police records and confidential documents following his life? None of that has anything to do with his medical history,” my father says, sitting back and eyeing me carefully.

  “You know there are probably some things you shouldn’t know, being President and all. I don’t want to jeopardize your reelection, Daddy.” I smile, and receive a smiling nod in return. I manage to change my father’s focus and discuss other family matters. “I brought pictures for you.” I hand him the photo album I have been creating for him with my children’s pictures, to his instant joyful smile.

  “A dog? I thought Nick was opposed?” he asks, as I simply laugh and shrug.

  After I leave my father, I take out the large packet of information on Nick’s father and spread it out in front of me, searching for anything that instantly stands out. Thumbing through notes and pictures, I begin to become overwhelmed until I come to a picture of a woman. I don’t know her, and she looks nothing like Nick’s or Ryan’s mother. She doesn’t resemble Lena at all, so I become curious and search for more about her. It takes me some time, but eventually I find another picture and this time with a name - Sophia. Her name is Sophia, but I can find no more information than that on her. I clean up everything so Nick doesn’t find it and go seek out a friend who might be able to help me.

  He sits in his office like someone of importance, and I have to laugh thinking about my goofball friend being Chief of Police. “Don’t laugh at me, or I will have you arrested,” Brady says, getting up from his chair and giving me a hug. “So what brings you here? It must be important for you to suffer coming through those doors.”

  “It wasn’t easy, I must say, but what I need is that important,” I say sitting down in front of his desk as he casually sits himself. “I need your help locating someone. Unfortunately, I don’t have much to go on. I know she lived here at some point, because the picture I have shows the old building on 2nd Avenue. Other than this picture, all I have is a name and only a first name. Can yo
u find someone with so little information?”

  Brady’s expression is that of doubt, “I don’t know, Kayla. That isn’t much to go on. You don’t have any other information?” I shake my head and sink back into my seat. “Well, don’t give up yet. Let me see your picture.”

  I hand him the picture of the woman, “Her name is …”

  “Sophia.” he says, glancing back at me with a serious tone.

  “You know her, Brady?”

  “I should, she is my father’s sister. Where did you get this Kayla?” I shake my head. “She was murdered by Savage, that is why my father went after him in the first place. He was determined to bring him to justice, but it ended up costing him and my mother their lives. If this has something to do with Savage, then you had better tell me everything you know.” I stare at him disbelief. “Kayla, you’re shaking, I have never seen you look so terrified. It does have to do with him, and you’re going to need my help. I don’t care what you say or what that stubborn ass husband of yours says. That man is a menace and he has to be dealt with.”

  “I don’t disagree with you, but I don’t think that we can talk fully here.” He nods and begins to tense up himself. “I promise, I will tell you everything I know as soon as I can,” I say taking back my picture and running out of his office. Now I have to hold him off, until I can figure out her connection to Nick’s father. I need to talk to Exie.


  My friend struts towards me like she has been named queen of the city. “You look fabulous,” I say kissing her cheek. She spins for me as if I was referring to her outfit. “So you go laid this morning, huh?”

  She gasps and acts as if I am insulting her. “I will have you know that I am hurt, very hurt. I cannot believe you did not notice my outfit, my new shoes, my …” I sit back folding my arms. “Okay fine, yes I got laid.”

  “But the shoes look fabulous too.” I say and she instantly stretches her legs out to show them off.

  “Thank you, I bought them to celebrate.” Curious, I cock my head to the side. “To celebrate having sex on a regular basis.”

  “And the outfit?” I laugh.

  “To simply celebrate the sex itself. It is so damn good.” She gushes. “You know I thought being sent away with Bo was going to be a nightmare. I was worried they would find us, and I would go to jail or you would go to jail, but the whole time we were gone he was so comforting and so … oh my. And he is so wonderful with Jerran, he helps him with his homework and goes to all his games.” Exie grabs my hand, “I think …”


  “I know I can’t believe it either, but I love this man. Oh, he is so incredible. At first I hated him. I was so horny, and with him wandering around all the time looking, oh so damn fine. I thought I was going to go crazy, so I did everything I could think of to try and … you know. But he wouldn’t, he kept saying, I am working and I don’t mix business and pleasure. Can you believe that? Anyway when we got back, I wouldn’t talk to him, so he showed up at work a few weeks ago with flowers. Actually, he showed up every day for a week with flowers. He never said a word, he simply put the flowers down on my desk, and walked out. There was no card or anything. I finally asked him, why do you keep bringing me flowers and not saying a word to me? He said, well you said you didn’t want me to speak to you ever again. I am only doing what you told me to do. I will do whatever you want me to do. All you have to do ask Exie, don’t you know that?” Exie and I both gush. “I know, right.”

  “So you talked to him?”

  “Oh we talked, and then we didn’t. And I must say he did exactly what I wanted but I didn’t have to tell him a thing.” She smiles dancing in her chair.

  “That’s wonderful, I am so excited to see you so happy. I almost hate to bring up my issues.”

  “No, that’s what I am here for, talk. You know I cannot be happy unless you are.” As Exie talks, I spot Adair coming towards us, and I gasp. Exie immediately turns to see what I am looking at. “Whoa, who is that?”

  “My issue.” Exie looks back at me in shock.

  “Kayla,” Adair sings deeply as he takes my hand and kisses it. “I don’t believe I have had the pleasure, my name is Adair and you are?” he says, to Exie taking her hand.

  “It’s Exie, nice to meet you.”

  “You as well, I always love meeting beautiful women. Are you dining alone?” I sit back looking away from him. Adair sits down with us, “Oh tell me Nick did not let you out of his sight. I can’t believe that, I assumed he puts you back in, your box, to keep you fresh for himself when he returns.”

  “Nick doesn’t treat me like a breakable doll.”

  “No?” Adair says tracing a heart on my hand with his finger, before I can pull it away from him. “He certainly acts like he owns you.”

  “No one owns me, but he does love me and I love him.”

  “Love changes.” He says dismissing my comment.

  “Not for me it doesn’t.” He doesn’t speak he simply smiles at me. His ego is worse than Elijah’s, I didn’t think anyone could be worse than him. “What do you want Adair? Why are you here?”

  “I am here to meet my grandfather, but if I had known you would be here, I would have certainly cancelled with him.” Adair looks up, “Oh too bad honey, he is already here. I am going to have to leave you now.” I mock his sad expression making him laugh. “Grandfather, have you met, Kayla, Nicholas’s wife.”

  I turn and look up at the man who sends chills up my spine. He looks me over as if he is trying to decide how he wants to kill me. “No, I have not had the pleasure as of yet, nice to finally meet you, Kayla, my dear. You are as beautiful as always.” He says as I thank him with a simple smile. “I meant to tell you that I was sorry to hear about your sister.”

  “You knew my sister?”

  “No, I only know of the unfortunate event that took, only her life.” His eyes penetrate me and I feel as if my body is fighting off flames. “I do hope you and Nicholas will be at our celebration for Adair, it is very important to us all.”

  I stand tall, take his hand and force a smile at him. “We will do our best to be there then. It was nice to meet you, Mr. Savage, but I should get back to my friend.” He says his goodbye along with Adair and they move on to their own table. Suddenly, I am not so hungry anymore.

  Our meal was ruined, all I want to do now is rush home to Nick. “Leaving so soon?” Adair says from behind me.

  “Leave me alone, Adair. I am not interested in you at all and I am most certainly not swayed by you at all.” I say as he slides in between me and my car.

  “That is incredible how you can do that - deny me.”

  “Not that incredible, you are not all that good looking.”

  He smiles, “I love your feistiness. I can certainly see why Nick would fight for you.”

  “Nick doesn’t need to fight for me.”

  “Oh honey, he most certainly does.” Adair grabs the back of my head and pulls me to him, “Nick will have to fight me for everything, including his life. That is just the way it has to be. Don’t worry, I will treat you well.” He rubs his hand down my face, “I can’t wait to force you down in front of me and make our own children.” He slams his lips against mine, biting me until he draws blood. “Mmm, you do taste good.” I shove my fists into his chest, and start screaming until I gain enough attention to make him walk away from me. I rush home, but before I can get there Ryan cuts me off.

  “Kayla you need to get home,” he yells at me. I jump out of my car and rush over to him, “What are you doing? You can’t leave your car there.”

  “Ryan, where is Nick?”

  “He is at a meeting, he asked me to come find you and make sure you went straight home.”

  “You have to go find him Ryan, Adair wants to kill him.”

  “Who the fuck is Adair?”

  “Just go find him and protect him. I will go straight home, but go help Nick, please.” I beg him.

  “Okay, I will call you when I find
him. But you go home!” I nod and jump back in my car waving him on. Ryan does exactly as he promises, he finds Nick and calls me as soon as he does. I put the boys to bed and wait up for my husband to come home, like he always does.

  Chapter 34


  I wake up uneasy this morning, so I told Kayla to stay home today, but of course, her stubborn ass doesn’t listen to me. I had been trying to call her for hours, when she finally confesses she is meeting Exie for dinner, over my voicemail. She is supposed to call me as soon as she finishes and as soon as she gets home. I would chase after her, but I have business to take care of so I send Ryan to find her, he loves yelling at her anyway.

  I take Dwayne and Terrence with me to lead five other guards. The entourage of men are typical for days like this, but even with all the guns that I have with me, I still feel vulnerable.

  My day is almost over when I have to deal with Nolan Pickard, my informant weasel from customs. He refuses to talk to anyone, but me, and I need to calm him down. He needs to be reassured that he will still be taken care of and there is no reason to worry about any prosecution. He rambles forever before I finally squeeze his flapping lips together, “Nole, shut up. I have listened and listened to your rambling, and none of it is worth me coming down here. So unless you get to the point, I am going to get back into my car and leave you here alone.”

  “Wait, who is that?” he jumps behind me and points.

  Glancing behind me, I see Ryan walk in, “It’s only Ryan. You’ve met him. You talked to him yesterday, remember?” I have to fist my hands to keep from strangling him.

  “Oh yeah. Okay, okay, I’m calm.” Nole says as I begin to vibrate with frustration. “Nick, I only wanted to make sure that you have my back, I’m worried, I am really worried. I think I am putting myself too much on the line for you. I don’t think you are understanding what all I am doing for you.”


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