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Alien Appetite: A Krinar World Novel (A Hot Alien SciFi Romance Book 3)

Page 7

by Josie Walker

  It feels so insanely good that my muscles clamp down around his finger, and he smiles at my response. When I start to have second thoughts, I try to back up and put some distance between us so that I can think. But then he reaches out his other hand to grab my ass, pinning me in place.

  His finger glides in and out of me, and that seductive smile goes a long way towards convincing me not to fight this. His finger pops back out of me, and just when I start to feel disappointed he does something even more naughty. He inserts said finger into his mouth. OMG, he’s tasting me.

  This is one dirty alien. But it’s the good kind of dirty, and instead of wanting to stop things, now I just want to see what he tries next. That’s when he lowers his hand again and rubs the tips of his fingers across my clit. I make a sound that’s an awful lot like a whimper.

  He circles around, and around, and my knees go weak with the sensation. I have never felt more desired in my entire life. I am a massive bundle of nerves, slick with need.

  It’s time to talk some sense into myself . . . while I still remember how to speak. Yep, a one-sided conversation is definitely in order. I figure it’s okay to talk to myself in front of him, because it’s obvious he doesn’t understand a single thing I say. This is fine, because I can handle both sides of this particular argument.

  “He’s an alien, and a barbarian, you fool,” I tell myself.

  “A hot alien,” my neglected vagina argues.

  “He just killed all those men,” my sane half shouts.

  “But he did it to win me fair and square,” I argue back. “That’s way more thoughtful than stopping to pick up flowers. And aren’t you glad it was him who won, and not one of those other monsters?”

  That seems to be the winning point because the sane half of me shuts up and the horny, sex-starved, goddess part of me takes over. I stop resisting altogether and reach out blindly for something warm and muscular to hold onto. His fingers move faster against my nub and a bone shattering orgasm erupts from my core.

  He continues to stroke me, and it’s almost more than I can bear. I feel like I’m ripe to explode again, but this time I don’t want to go it alone. I reach my arms toward his shoulders, and he bends down to pick me up.

  My hands thread around his thick neck as he begins lowering my slick center onto his massive shaft. I cry out in surprise at its girth and he stops. Suddenly I’m questioning whether or not the two of us are physically compatible. I know big is supposed to be better, but this is ridiculous.

  He’s only in halfway, and I can’t fathom the unbelievable control he exercises to not force his way in. He holds me there, his cock firm and unrelenting inside of me. He looks at me questioningly. I stare into his incredible blue eyes. Oh God, he is sexy. Oh the hell with it. I wanted an adventure and I’m not about to back away now.

  “I am going to take all of that giant penis inside of me if it’s the last thing I do,” I inform him as I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him in deep.

  Woah. It’s like there’s no space between where he ends and I begin. The whole two become one concept has never really hit home like this before. I’m stretched to the max, and I mean that in a good way. Then he begins to piston in and out, bucking against my soft core. All the while he’s looking into my eyes with a huge cocky grin on his face.

  “Yeah, I know big guy. You have good reason to be cocky.”

  Why have I been fighting this? The answer can’t seem to make it into my endorphin clouded brain. Every fiber of my body is alight with a sensuous fire that is building . . . burning . . . surging out of control.

  And that’s when things get weird. That’s when I feel it.

  “What the fuck? Is that a metal tip on the end of your penis?”

  He smiles at me again, as if he can understand my words.

  “Your penis! It’s vibrating?” I gasp, knowing full well he doesn’t really understand a single word I say.

  Somehow I’d forgotten that the guy was an alien, and that he looked like a robot most of the time. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed he’d have bonus features . . . well at least not down there. It’s like the best of two worlds—partner’s sex with built in adult toys. Except I don’t even have to remember to buy batteries.

  And then there are no more words. I hold on tight as he thrusts in and out. He’s so big, so strong. The sensations build to the point where neither of us can bear to continue.

  He roars and I swear it’s like he changed the setting on his crazy enhanced cock, because he’s vibrating even harder now. I shatter in ecstasy as yet another orgasm detonates inside of me. I feel a rush of heat as he comes deep within me. The sensation is so amazing I almost pass out from the sheer pleasure of it.

  “DAS GAHMEN,” he says solemnly and continues to hold my core tightly against him.

  What’s this he’s saying? I’m his? He thinks I’m property? What have I done? Talk about killing the moment. There’s no basking in the afterglow. I go from erotic bliss to freaking the hell out in two seconds flat.


  It is time to go, so I loosen my grip, and allow my woman to slide down my body. It’s done. I have mated her, so no one will ever try to take her from me. Part of me still can’t believe that fortune has smiled so upon me. I am beyond blessed.

  I never expected that I would get to take a mate. And to have one so exquisite exceeds my wildest dreams. She’s perfect. From her fierce fighting spirit, to her sublime curves. And she’s so soft that I can’t get enough of touching her.

  Passion’s fires begin to course through my veins once more. I consider taking her again, but I have been gone too long from my home and I feel the urgency to return. The trip to our new planet took longer than expected.

  I led the original exploration there when it was nothing but barren, empty land. It had been a blank surface for us to sow the seeds from our home planet. When we returned we found our seeds had taken to life with unparalleled vigor.

  They had grown into a beautiful pristine version of our home planet, Meturgia. Our efforts proved more fruitful than any of us could have imagined. But even more important than our success of seeding a new planet came in the discovery of the women. Six young fertile women.

  And to think one male had thought to keep them all to himself! We had quickly discovered that he was not a great warrior, but a weakling. We’d tried questioning them, to figure out where they’d come from but neither of us could understand the other.

  When others of their kind had begun attacking we’d had no choice but to flee. We’d taken the females with us. The man didn’t deserve them. He was a coward, and had failed to keep them safe. They deserved warriors for mates, not weaklings.

  There had been much excitement when the men of my planet had seen the prizes we’d brought home. Females are so scarce for our race, and we’d collected six women, all prime ages for mating. The arena would run with rivers of blood by the time the last of the women were claimed. But I didn’t care about the others, I’d known from the first that TSSS was mine. And now I have won her by the rites of Ja-Karr.

  I hate to cover her perfect form, but I do not want any of the other men to see her, so I bend down and hand her her clothes.

  “THAY NKOOH,” she says shyly as she takes them from my hands.

  Her words are so strange and I have yet to understand anything she says. But I know her name, and it’s beautiful just like her. TSSS. More words will come in time, or so I hope. If not, well the pleasures of our mated bodies are conversation enough for any man.

  Not all of my men will not be returning with me. Some have chosen to stay and fight in the next Ja-Karr for one of the remaining women. They stay with my blessing. I would do the same were I them.

  These battles will be spread out over a span of weeks. This will allow word to spread so that men from other regions will have time to come. Many wi
ll travel great leagues for the honor of battling for a mate of their own. Any man not willing to fight for the honor, isn’t worthy of the prize.

  After my mate is dressed I reassume my warrior form. I wonder what she must think of my sleek metal armor. I’m certain she must think me magnificent, for I have felled many enemies and am a great fighter.

  TSSS is talking to herself again. I suspect that she is not altogether pleased with me for ripping her coverings. She’s tied a series of knots in the damaged fabric, and it’s straining against her ample breasts.

  I feel bad for destroying her only possessions. I will fix this, for my mate’s happiness is my own. I will see to it that she has access to beautiful fabrics once we reach our home. Like all women, I’m sure she will be proficient with a needle.

  I reach for my trident, and then position my weapon firmly on my back where I have fashioned a special series of tethers to hold it. Once my hands are free I take her hand and pull her with me out the door. She follows willingly down the stairs, her dainty hand soft against my larger metal one. But when I step outside and walk toward the city gate she begins to struggle vigorously.


  I look at her blankly. This lack of a common tongue grows tiresome.

  “WHEEER MIY FRNNDS!” she whines in a most unpleasant manner.

  “Hurry,” I tell her, urging her to come with me. “We need to start our journey if we are to make it to my keep before nightfall.”

  “NAHT LEEVEEN THOUT FRNNDS,” she sobs again.

  I am at a loss as to what it is she wants, but it matters not. Everything she needs will be provided when I get her back to my castle. I can not wait to dress her in fine clothing, and provide her with choice foods. She is my mate and she will be treated as befits my queen.

  But I must admit I grow weary of her whining. And I must not look weak in front of my men. Acting decisively, I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. Then I carry her out to the open field where my men wait. Her puny fists pound my back. I know from experience that this is her version of a lover’s caress, which makes me smile with the memory of the previous night.

  I slide her off my shoulder and pull her toward the red Dar-fnar I always ride. She is my friend, and her name is Sca ’hlet. Sca ’hlet has carried me through many battles, and this day has consented to being equipped with a double saddle so that my mate can ride behind me.

  My TSSS cries out in terror at the sight of Sca ‘hlet and backs away. Do they not have Dar-fnar where she comes from? What a strange thought.

  “NAHT A FUKKIN DRAGGN!” she screams.

  “Dar-fnar,” I explain patiently.

  I lift her kicking and screaming, and my men chuckle at her playfulness. She is a feisty one, my sweet TSSS. That’s part of how I knew she was superior to all of the other female’s, that she was the best.

  TSSS refuses to settle down. I’m befuddled, for she seems genuinely terrified. So I release my battle form, and stand before her in nothing but a loin cloth. I hope to calm her thusly because she seems to prefer my natural form.

  My men make the community chattering deep in their throats, transmitting their feelings of happiness for me and pride that I have triumphed and secured a mate, thereby ensuring my line will continue. I pick her up and scale the back of the Dar-Fnar while my mate continues kicking and screaming in my arms.

  I thank them, feeling so full of pride that I could burst with it. I step into the saddle and place her in front of me so that I can keep a firm grip on her in case she decides to do anything foolish. Sca ’hlet’s ears are tucked back tightly against her head in an attempt to block out the shrill sounds of my mate. I do not blame her.

  TSSS seems to settle a bit and has stopped screaming, but I hear her heart pounding as she stares over the saddle at the huge crimson head of the Dar-fnar. I slide into the saddle behind her, settle my thighs outside of hers and pull her sweet body in tight to mine. I wonder if she would be opposed to mating while we travel? No, I wouldn’t want my men watching.

  “CNNN FEEEL DAHM PEENUSSS NNN MIYYY ASSS!” she shouts as she wiggles her sweet behind against my cock.

  PENUSSS? This must be a love term. See? I am learning her language after all. Ah, Life is good.

  I pull on the reigns, and the deep red Dar-fnar rises up on her legs. She shifts into a lumbering run, headed straight for the edge of the cliff. Dar-fnar look a bit awkward on foot, but then she spreads her wings and leaps into the air. There is nothing as graceful as a Dar-fnar soaring in the sky.

  TSSS’s screams fill the air causing all my men to chuckle as we soar over the terrain. I turn to make eye contact with my men who are riding their own Dar-fnar. The amusement in their eyes tells me that they think TSSS is every bit as entertaining as I do.

  We float over the landscape, dipping and swaying with the current. Eventually TSSS stops screaming and I feel her body relax, so I bring various points of interest to her attention. I point to a grove of dark purple Brast trees which have the sweet fruit that she seems to like.

  I pull the reins hard to the right and swoop lower and point so that she can see. TSSS squeals, and clutches her hands to my thighs when I use my mind-talk to tell Sca ’hlet what I want her to do. She flies sideways so her wings do not hit the trees.

  I deftly reach my hand out to snag a piece of fruit for TSSS. But she’s clutching my legs too tightly to accept my gift. Then the Dar-fnar returns to a level position.

  We fly a bit longer at this low altitude, low to the ground and parallel to the grove. My TSSS seems to appreciate this up close view of the terrain. When we reach the end of the trees I pull hard on the reins to the left, then dig my heels into the Dar-fnar’s sides signaling for her to ascend.

  When we have once again joined the rest of the flock I tear the fruit open as I know she does not have the strength to do this. She makes an appreciative sound in her throat and actually turns to smile at me as she takes it from my hand. It is the first smile she has given me. I will treasure this moment forever.

  My manhood is swelling with need, threatening to burst past the paltry restraints of my loincloth. My need for her is insatiable. I feel her sweet backside, pressed up tightly against me. The metal tip forms on my cock, where it begins to vibrate for her approval. Perhaps no one would notice if we drop back down again and I am quick?

  I have longed to have my own younglings my entire adult life. The need to fill her with my seed right here, mid-flight is almost unbearable. But I would never take her in plain view of my men, so I must restrain myself. My manhood continues to vibrate, hoping to sway me, but I will remain strong.


  “PENUSSS?” I repeat the love word softly for her ears only.

  Her sweet laughter at my attempt to say her words rings over the canyons as we fly. The wind blows her hair over my face and I am content. With my mate beside me, my life is complete.



  His damn penis has been vibrating its happy dance against my ass ever since we left the city. It’s like a giant dildo with faulty mechanics. I wonder if it’s too much to hope for that he’ll just up and run out of batteries. Either way, he needs to get over it, because I am so not in the mood.

  “I can still feel your damn penis, you know!” I tell him again, hoping he’ll catch my drift if nothing else.

  Then he whispers PENIS in my ear like it’s some sort of an endearment. This is so freaking funny that I almost stop being annoyed about his perpetual hard-on. I didn’t think it was possible short of a Viagra malfunction to maintain an erection for hours, but he’s perfected the skill. Maybe it’s an alien thing?

  Does he seriously think I’m going to have at it with him here on top of a dragon of all places? Even if I could temporarily stop daydreaming about plummeting to my death, I could nev
er get past the fact that there are several other metal men flying on their own dragons right next to us. Mr. Trident man, you’re dreaming if you think you’re getting any right now!

  Eventually things settle down in the saddle and I am even able to get over some of my fear of the massive dragon. After I find a way to ignore its razor sharp teeth, I almost enjoy the flight. It is so quiet up here. It’s like we’re flying in an airplane, but there’s absolutely nothing to impede the view. I’ll have to admit it is pretty awesome to feel the wind whip through my hair and to fly like a bird.

  I feel the thighs gripping my own cool as they morph back to metal. Apparently my alien has gone back to his robot form. I still can’t believe there’s a flesh and blood man under all of that metal.

  He’s trying to get my attention. “GAHM HABE,” he says, pointing in front of us.

  “Game hen hobbies,” I repeat. Nothing he says ever makes any sense to me. I follow the angle of his head and notice that he’s pointing to the side. “You want me to look at that mountain?” I ask.

  At first I think GAHM HABE means mountain. But that doesn’t make sense because we’ve seen a number of mountains as we’ve flown over the terrain. So I use my hand to shade my eyes and protect them from the glare. I look again to see if he’s pointing at something else. There’s the majestic mountain in front of us, covered with yet more varieties of strange trees; foreign yet so beautiful.

  A good size river cascades down the side of the mountain, and I wonder if he wanted me to see that. Then something at the top of the peak catches my attention. I see the alien planet’s suns reflecting off of something large. As we get closer I start to make out what it is. It’s a cluster of buildings. The closer we get, the more details I can discern.

  There is a castle dominating the center of the area, but there are many smaller structures dotting the perimeter. There are what appear to be domesticated animals in pens feeding on the strange, swirling grass that grows here. They are so odd looking. Something about them reminds me of sheep, but they are closer in size to cows.


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