Book Read Free

Buried Lies

Page 14

by Kaylea Cross

  “And then he chucked his drink all over her car on his way out because she’d turned him down. Or was that you?”

  Rick grimaced. “No, man, it was him.”

  Noah held his gaze. “Yeah, I know all about Danny.” And you, his look and tone implied. He handed Rick a business card too. “If you hear from him, let me know. I want to talk to him.” And now the prick had gone dark. He could show up at any time and stalk Poppy. One more thing to worry about.

  “Sure. I mean, of course.”

  Noah walked out, dialing SA Silvestri. He doubted Danny was the serial killer they were after. But stranger things had happened.


  Poppy was still confused about Noah’s actions last night as she left work and drove to the yoga studio to meet Sierra and Molly. All day long she’d thought about him. Even at work she’d found herself distracted and having to force him from her mind.

  What he’d done last night had come as a huge shock to her. Her entire life, she’d seen men come and go from their house, or her mom coming home from a man’s place. Not one of the men her mother had ever had a relationship with had treated her well. One had even become her pimp for several years, before he was killed in a shooting.

  Since she was old enough to understand what sex was, Poppy had been conditioned to believe that men were only ever out for one thing. That they were selfish in their needs. Users. And her experience through high school had solidified that view.

  So why had Noah stopped her from reciprocating? He’d said he wanted last night to be all about her. That made no sense. Unless he’d been trying to make her obsess about him and want him even more. If so, he was smart, because it had worked.

  Sierra and Molly were already inside the studio when she arrived. “Hey,” Sierra said, stopping her stretching to come over and give Poppy a big hug. “Glad you could make it.”

  “Me too.” She needed something to make her get out of her head and take her mind off Noah for a while. Her usual meditation routine hadn’t helped calm her mind at all. “So, how bad is this gonna be?” she said in a low voice to Sierra as she unrolled a yoga mat onto the hardwood floor.

  “Scale of one to ten? About nine-point-six. The good news is, it’s only an hour. Chances are, we’ll live through it.”

  “Come on, whiners,” Molly chided, setting up on Poppy’s other side. “Give it a chance. I’m not even making you guys do hot yoga, so no moaning.”

  The class actually went better than Poppy had anticipated. The instructor incorporated a lot of breathing and even some meditation, which Poppy loved. By the end she was relaxed, her muscles pleasantly warm, her mind calm. Until she thought about Noah.

  “You guys hungry?” Molly asked as they were packing up their stuff.

  “I’m always hungry,” Sierra said, and they both looked at Poppy.

  “Oh, I… I have plans.”

  Molly’s eyebrows shot upward, her gold-green gaze sharp. “Plans? What kind of plans. With a guy?”

  Oh, shit, this was uncomfortable. “Kind of, yes. I mean yes.”

  Sierra and Molly shared a look before focusing back on her. “Who is it?” Sierra asked, eyes alight with curiosity.

  Poppy covered a cough, her whole face heating up. If it was anyone but Noah she would have told them instantly, and maybe even talked a little about last night. Maybe. “Uh…”

  “What, you’re not gonna tell us?” Molly said in a voice tinged with disbelief.

  Sierra gasped. “It’s Aidan, isn’t it? I saw him go into Whale’s Tale again this morning. He goes in a lot. Gah, his accent is the sexiest. But don’t tell Beckett I said so.”

  “It is, but no.”

  Sierra frowned. “No?” She frowned thoughtfully, then her face brightened. “Jase?”

  “No.” God, she was practically squirming she was so uncomfortable.

  Molly stared at her for another moment, then nudged an elbow into Sierra’s ribs. “Give it up, girlfriend. She’s not gonna tell us.”

  Poppy floundered for something to say. “It’s not serious or anything. We’re just friends.” Friends who got each other off. Or at least she couldn’t wait to return the favor tonight. She’d been thinking about it for hours, all the things she would do to him next time they were alone.

  Molly’s look said she didn’t believe a word of it, but thankfully she let it go and changed the subject. “Business has picked up?”

  “Big time. I’m in the process of hiring another staff member so I can spend my time getting the office work done instead of out on the floor.”

  “That’s great.”

  “Yes.” She nudged Sierra. “And guess who I got an email from yesterday?”

  “I dunno. Who?”

  “Zoe Renard.”

  Sierra’s eyes bugged out. “What? I love her! What did she want?”

  “She responded to my email asking if she would be interested in coming to the shop to do a reader event and signing. Beckett introduced us.”

  Sierra gaped at her. “Wait, Beckett introduced you?”

  “Yeah, he contacted her husband the other night when they were at the shop for poker night.”

  “My fiancé knows Zoe Renard?” At Poppy’s blank look, Sierra scowled. “That tight-lipped bastard’s been holding out on me.” She grabbed Poppy’s sleeve, all but dancing in place. “So what did she say? Is she coming?”

  “She’s open to the idea. She’s going to send me some dates to see if anything works. She’s got a baby and her husband is doing something for the FBI, so it’s a long shot.”

  “Beckett’s got some explaining to do when I get home,” Sierra said. “Are you planning to ask more authors?”

  “I was thinking about it. Got any suggestions?”

  “Well, the obvious one to me is to ask Pamela Clare. She writes—”

  “The best romantic suspense and historicals in the universe? I know! Do you know her?”

  “No, but she loves the ocean and lives in Colorado. If you could organize something and get the word out to build some buzz, I’m sure she’d consider coming here.”

  “Well, wow. Maybe I will contact her. And some locals authors too. I want to get readers excited about the local talent. That’s really important to me.”

  “Awesome. And make sure you send Pamela pictures of the area. That might seal the deal.” She picked up her bag. “Have fun tonight on your mystery date.” Then to Molly, “Meet you at the usual place?”

  “You bet.”

  Sierra left, and when Molly started for the door, Poppy stopped her. The guilt was driving her crazy and she didn’t want to lie to her new friends. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Molly stopped. “Of course.” She set her bag down. “Everything okay?”

  “Well…” She chewed her bottom lip. “It’s Noah. I’m having dinner with Noah.”

  Surprise flitted across Molly’s face, then she broke into a smile. “Well, well. How about that?”

  Poppy fiddled with the sleeve of her sweater. “It’s not like we’re dating or anything. We’re still getting to know each other.”

  Molly hiked up a suggestive eyebrow. “Is that right?”

  Poppy couldn’t help but laugh, even if her face was probably bright pink by now. She tugged at the neckline of her sweater. “Is it hot in here?”

  “Nope. But it’s getting hotter by the minute.” Molly folded her arms, still grinning. “You into him?”

  There was no way Poppy could lie to Molly’s face. “Yes.” It was scary as hell to say aloud. She’d never expected this to happen. Hadn’t wanted it to happen. “But I haven’t had much luck where men are concerned, and he’s my neighbor, on top of being Sierra’s brother. This is a small town. I—”

  “Whoa, stop.” Molly put a hand on her shoulder, her expression dead serious. “You don’t need to defend yourself, to me or anyone else. So just cut that shit right now.” She tilted her head. “Is he good to you?”

  Poppy went all soft inside. “Yes, he
’s been amazing.”

  She nodded once. “Get used to it. I know it’s probably a brand new experience for you, but Noah’s a good guy. No, he’s a great guy.”

  “I heard he dates a lot.”

  Molly nodded grudgingly. “There’ve been no shortage of women interested since Katherine took off, but he’s never been serious about anyone. Until you,” she added with a mischievous smile.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Hell yes, I do. No way he’d take things past friendship with you unless it was serious. Not when you guys are neighbors.”

  Poppy nibbled on her lip, flattered and hopeful and nervous all at once. “You don’t think I’m making a huge mistake?”

  “No. I think you’re taking a risk, just like everyone does when they start a relationship. Let’s face it, there’s never any guarantee things will work out.” Her eyes clouded over. “Not even when you marry someone.”

  Oh no. Poppy laid a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive. How are you, with everything?”


  “Yes. Always be honest with me.”

  Molly shrugged. “Okay, I’m the shits. Carter came by again. He wasn’t angry this time, and we…I…” She caught herself, expelled a breath. “He was so damn sad and desperate, it broke my heart all over again, and I was pretty sure it was already smashed to pieces.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Poppy searched Molly’s face. “You look a little pale. You feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine, just not myself right now, that’s all. I thought yesterday I might be coming down with one of the bugs we’ve got going on at the hospital, but I feel a little better today. I haven’t been sleeping that well.”

  “Are you eating enough?”

  A wry smile tugged at Molly’s mouth. “Probably not. Ugh, and I’m not loving the idea of going out to eat right now either, but I need to get something in me.”

  “You want to go to the café instead? I’ve got some leftover tomato basil soup and some fresh focaccia. Or peppermint tea and soda bread?”

  Molly smiled and drew her into a hug that Poppy eagerly returned. “You’re sweet. But no thanks. You go on your secret hot date, and I promise not to tell Sierra.”

  “Thanks.” She let out a grateful sigh. “I was dying to talk to someone about this, so thank you.”

  “Anytime. That’s what friends are for.” Molly let go. “You’ll tell Sierra if things get more serious though, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “All right.” She gently slapped Poppy’s shoulder. “Now go have fun. And tell Noah I said hi.”

  “Yeah, nope.”

  Molly snickered under her breath as she left, and Poppy couldn’t help but smile. It felt like a weight had been lifted from her.

  Noah was a good guy. Yes, there was a chance things might not work out, but they were both adults, so she would deal with whatever consequences came afterward, including the possibility of a broken heart.

  She was done with shutting everyone out to protect herself. It was time to take another leap of faith and start living her new life to the fullest.

  Chapter Fourteen

  By the time she arrived at Noah’s door an hour later, freshly showered and changed into jeans and a light sweater, the sun was low in the sky. A buzzing sensation filled her stomach, but it was a new kind, exhilaration mixed with nerves.

  He opened the door looking good enough to eat in jeans and a flannel shirt over a T-shirt. His welcoming smile suffused her entire body with warmth. “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hi.” She stepped forward and wound her arms around him, burrowing her nose into the side of his neck.

  Noah hugged her, a soft growl of approval coming from his chest. “Have a good day?”

  Even the sound of his voice turned her on, low and deep, but combined with the feel of all those muscles surrounding her, and his clean, masculine scent… “I had a great day. You?”

  “Pretty quiet, so yeah, it was good.”

  Easing back a little, she set her hands on his bristly cheeks and gazed up into his eyes. “I missed you,” she whispered, and leaned up to kiss him.

  Noah made a low sound and slid one hand into her hair to kiss her back.

  She felt a little dizzy when she pulled away. “You still want to have the picnic?”

  “Got it all ready right here.” He bent and picked up a large, rectangular picnic basket with a couple of blankets rolled on top.

  She carried the blankets as they walked down a trail that was new to her down to the beach. He spread one of the blankets in another secluded little spot amongst some large cedar driftwood logs and tugged her down beside him. Then he unpacked the food: an orzo pasta salad, fruit and little squares of smoked white cheddar. He’d even included brownie bites for dessert.

  While they ate, she watched him with a new and elevated level of appreciation. She learned that in addition to being an avid outdoorsman, he was also a competitive marksman, having first learned to shoot with Beckett when they were in their teens, then honing his skills in competitions as time went on. She’d seen the trophies and awards at his place, and now she knew what they were for.

  When he laughed at something she said, she couldn’t take it anymore. Setting her near-empty plate aside, she crawled across the blanket and straddled his lap. His laughter died away, heat and longing stealing into his eyes.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” she whispered, tucking her breeze-blown hair behind one ear.

  He settled his hands on her waist, his grip sure and warm. “Sure.”

  She curled her fingers around his shoulders and leaned forward until her lips brushed his. “I can’t stop thinking about you, sheriff. About doing this.”

  Before he could respond, she threaded her hands through his hair and covered his lips with her own. She memorized the shape and feel of his mouth, the way the lower lip was plumper than the top. Noah ran his hands over her back while he kissed her, stroking down her sides and up again, seeming content to let her explore.

  Encouraged, she layered kisses over his jaw and across his cheeks, pressing a few to his closed eyelids and forehead before kissing her way down his nose. He chuckled as she met his lips once more. “I like this assertive side of you, sunflower.”

  “Mmm, me too. It’s new.” And it felt freaking fantastic being here with him like this, the sky slowly turning purple overhead and the soundtrack of the waves in the background.

  Eager to discover more of him, she petted and stroked all the muscles in his chest and shoulders, humming at the feel of all that steely strength beneath his warm skin. She kissed him again, this time pressing him backward so she could lie on top of him, her pelvis cradled against his erection. Rocking her hips, she rubbed her body all over him, and was rewarded with his rumbling groan.

  He stroked his fingers through her hair, followed the indent of her spine all the way to her hips and cupped her rear, squeezing as he rolled his hips, adding pressure to the throb between her legs. “You feel so damn good,” he groaned.

  She hummed against his lips, sucked at them as she reached down to squeeze him through his jeans, so turned on she was breathless. The wind had picked up, whipping over them, the storm forecasters had predicted finally rolling in. It was as if the wild energy in the air suffused her, obliterating her normal caution. “I want to go down on you. Right here. Been thinking about it all day.” She was already wet, from just imagining it.

  His whole body tightened, then he released a long, ragged groan. “Oh, Christ.”

  She bit back a smile. “You don’t want me to?”

  He made a growling sound. “I’m an officer of the law and we’re on a public beach. I’d have to arrest us both for indecency.”

  Poppy rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes a moment, her body alight with suppressed need. Opening her eyes, she stared into his. “Take me back to your place. I want to be in your bed.”

  There was just enou
gh light left for her to see the way his eyes darkened with longing. “Let’s go.” They quickly packed together and hurried back up the trail, the wind building to a roar in the treetops as they climbed.

  By the time they’d reached the top of the hill the first drops of rain had started. She was breathing hard, and not just from the exertion. Her whole body hummed with arousal and anticipation.

  In his house Noah flipped on a light and set the basket on the kitchen counter. The instant he turned around, Poppy made her move, claiming his lips in a passionate kiss. He moaned into her mouth and grasped her hips, hauling her tight against him.

  Every part of her seemed hypersensitive, her breasts aching where they pressed to his chest, her core throbbing. “Want you,” she murmured between kisses.

  “Want you more.” He slid his hands around to cup her rear and hoisted her off her feet. Poppy wound her legs around him, the effortless show of masculine strength making her heart flutter as he carried her to what she sincerely hoped was his bedroom.

  His scent surrounded her when he entered it. He paused only to reach out one hand and snap the bedside lamp on, filling the room with a soft, warm light while the rain pattered on the roof and windows. Next thing she knew, she was on her back on his sheets and he was stretching out over top of her. His weight was glorious, anchoring her in place.

  “God, you make me crazy,” he muttered against her lips, shifting to rub his unfortunately covered erection between her thighs.

  She couldn’t answer, too overwhelmed by the flood of sensation and need streaking through her. With impatient hands she slid his shirt up, helped him pull it over his head. Her breath caught at the sight of his naked torso on display. She remembered it well from that day across the fence, but now she could touch and kiss and lick to her heart’s content.

  Noah’s fingers bunched in her hair as she worked her way across his chest and down his ribbed stomach, heading for the bulge behind his zipper. She unfastened his jeans, savored the hissing sound he made when she tugged the denim and cotton down over his hips to free his erection.

  Curling her fingers around his thick length, she looked up into his face. His expression was taut, his deep blue eyes blazing down at her with a pure, molten hunger that made her shiver.


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