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Connect the Dots

Page 6

by Denise Robbins

  “What is his job at the Defense Ministry?”

  Vladimir pulled his lips into a thin line in an attempt to hold back his response.

  “Why does Mikheil want you to attack the Republic of Georgia?”

  “It is his job.”

  “His job is what?”

  “Head of Russian Defense Ministry.” Charley bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from smiling.

  “When is the attack to take place?”

  Vladimir sat back, pulling his hands into his lap as he went. Damn! She lost him.

  “How many will attack?”

  “Six hundred troops.” He looked directly at her, his eyebrows flashed up and paused for a moment. Vladimir non-verbally requested her approval for his answer.

  Charley gave him a half-hearted smile that did not engage her temples. She sat back in her chair as Vladimir had. The interview for today was over.

  “We can continue our conversation later.” It was not a question but a statement to let Vladimir know she would be back.

  He nodded.

  She gathered her things, and stood, extending her hand. “Thank you.” He shook it in return. A good sign that they still had a rapport. “Would you like another cookie?”

  He grinned. “Thank you.”

  Inwardly, Charley jumped for joy at their progress. In those two little words, Vladimir gave her respect. Yes, tomorrow would be even more productive.

  * * * *

  It took two more days, five sessions, and two uncomfortable nights sleeping on an Army cot, but the intelligence Charley had gathered from Vladimir Gerritt in regards to the future mission on the attack of the Republic of Georgia was worth it. She was able to provide Big Dick and the Director of the CIA with not only who, what, where, when, why, and how of the attack on the Republic of Georgia by Abkhazia, but identify Jart Armin, the man responsible for the attacks on Georgia’s cyber infrastructure. Ever since the original attack on Tbilisi, the government websites had been down due to distributed denial-of-service attacks while other sites had been defaced. Now they had a name to use to track the infiltration.


  Sitting in a wooden rocker on his farmer’s porch, legs crossed at the ankles resting on the railing, Jake watched Charley shuffle down her drive. Curious about his one and only neighbor, he arched a brow. She left before dawn three days ago in the same calf-length skirt and top she had on now.

  What kind of job had a young, beautiful woman leaving her home in the pre-dawn hours in a chauffeur-driven vehicle then returning days later in the same outfit, and dragging lower than a snake’s belly? A thought struck him with a jolt, his legs dropped to the mahogany floor with a heavy thud. He shook his head.

  “Nuh-uh.” He had a difficult time believing the woman he met could be a high paid hooker. That didn’t make sense.

  Charley didn’t exactly come across as shy, but neither did she come across as a seductress. And her clothing, although it fit nicely, didn’t exude sex. Then again, what would he know? His idea of a hooker was one who walked the street in a city wearing short, barely there skirts, and tube tops. He chuckled to himself. What an antiquated image. The whole Heidi Fleiss scandal should have erased that idea in everyone’s mind.

  Jake got to his feet, stretched, and headed toward his Jeep. His curiosity would have to wait. He had a BBQ to get to.

  * * * *

  Returning home stuffed to the gills with beef, Jake noticed the lights on in Charley’s barn. He shrugged and went in that direction. He knocked on the door to the building and waited. As he waited for her to answer, he took note of the cipher lock. Odd. Most people used simple padlocks on a barn since the only things stored in them were animals, food for animals, equipment for animals, maybe yard equipment. Yes, all of those things could be expensive to replace, but it wasn’t like there were a whole lot of people around. The next closest neighbor was Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, two miles away. More secrets.

  His fist was poised to rap again when he heard yelling. He paused then lifted one shoulder and without any remorse listened.

  “He almost killed the man! Don’t you get it?”

  The other person must have been speaking because the shouting stopped for a few. Oops, spoke too soon.

  “Extended, my hiney!”

  Jake covered his mouth and chuckled. Such foul language. He sucked in his lips to halt his laughter.

  “It’s cruel and unusual!”

  One eyebrow rose and fell. Cruel and unusual? What? Did she do bondage? Or is that what one of her clients wanted and she refused?

  “Don’t call me. I’m on vacation.”

  Jake waited a beat for more talking but none came. He rapped on the barn door. A squeal came from inside then Charley peeked out the door. Her eyes widened in surprise at his presence and he noticed her gnawing her lower lip. She was wondering if he had heard her conversation. Yup. He grinned.

  “I’ll be right out.” Before he could utter a word, Charley slammed the door in his face.

  “That’s a fine howdy-do,” he muttered.

  The lights inside the barn went out and Charley stepped outside. Using her body as a shield, she blocked his view as she set the lock. O-kay. Not a trusting soul. Interesting. When she turned to face him, her smile was planted in place.

  “Hi, Jake.”

  He inclined his head. “Charley.” Jake held his arm in front of him so she could precede him. “I saw your lights on and thought maybe you needed some help.”

  Angling her head, she peered up at him. “As a matter of fact, I could use your help. I need to make some cookies and can’t seem to get the stove to work.”

  Jake rubbed a hand across his mouth. “Need?”

  “Go ahead and laugh.” She reached for the screen door to the house but he beat her to it and held it open. “Yes, I need to bake cookies. I always have them on hand.”

  “Hm.” He stepped into the kitchen behind her as she flipped the switch and the lights came on. “Whoa.” Jake stopped short and stared, soaked in the room. The linoleum floors were clean, like eat off the floor kinda clean and the two second rule didn’t count. The white farmer’s sink that he himself had always loved, gleamed. Everything did. The cabinets looked as if Charley had hand rubbed oil into them. He sniffed the air and smelled the orange oil she used.

  “You’ve been busy.” The statement was too weak for the amount of work she had done, but he was too flabbergasted to elaborate.

  She lifted narrow shoulders and let them drop. “Pent up energy,” she told him succinctly and started to move to the stove.

  Jake hurried over to her. “Let me.” He hated to think of her straining herself. “If you ever need help just let me know. I’m not always around but when I am I can be a workhorse. Old Mr. Green, the guy that owned your place before you—”

  “I know who Mr. Green is.” She cut him off.

  “I reckon you do. Anyway, he used to ask me to help him stack wood for the fireplace and help out on some of his antique cars. So I don’t mind helping out.”

  “What do you do when you’re not around?” Before he answered, he pulled the stove out far enough to get back behind it.

  “Security consultant.”

  “Home, business, or life?”

  He glanced up and saw Charley leaning against the counter, arms crossed over her chest, eyeing him. The pose did not look inviting.

  “All of the above. I help clients select the right kind of security depending on their needs. It ranges from choosing an alarm system, cyber protection, even self-defense.”

  “And other times?”

  Bending down to inspect the gas valve, he answered. “Sometimes I’m a paid bodyguard.”

  “Sounds interesting. Who are your clients?”

  He reconnected the valve and stood. Feeling like he was being interrogated, Jake rubbed at the back of his neck. “Anybody.”

  Stepping out from behind the stove, he turned the knob. “Voila, you have a working gas stove
.” He pushed the appliance into place.

  Charley clapped with unsuppressed exuberance and beamed at him. “Thanks.” Her hands on his chest, she shoved him into the nearest chair, surprising him at her strength. “Sit. Stay.”

  “Do you want me to bark too?”

  Grinning at him, she laughed that melodious laugh again. “You can bark after you eat a few of my Monster cookies.”

  Still grinning, Jake lifted an inquisitive brow. “I’ll bite. What’s a Monster cookie?”

  “Everything but the kitchen sink,” Charley answered and turned to the counter where she had a big bowl and a cookie sheet waiting. “It has peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chips, M & M’s.” As she dropped spoonfuls of dough onto the sheet, she recited the list of ingredients to him.

  While she did that, Jake found himself watching the way her ass swayed every time she scooped out another blob of dough. Her modest curves showed very nicely in her stylish wide leg pants.

  “Do you always wear such nice clothes?”


  He must have given her a start because the dough went flying off the spoon, landing on his lap when she turned in his direction.

  “Oh. Oh my.” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m…” A giggle bubbled out. “I’m so sorry.” Charley let loose an uproarious laugh. “It seems I’m always spilling something on you.”

  Jake picked up the offending blob, looked at it, and popped it in his mouth. “Damned tasty.”

  Her laugh subsided and she smiled. Lifting the tray in one hand, she opened the oven and placed the cookies inside. “Twelve minutes and you’ll enjoy even more,” she announced shutting the oven door and turning to face him.

  With his eyes at half mast, Jake took in all of Charley, from her childlike ponytail, to her sophisticated slacks, to her red painted toes, and back up to those deep, carry me away deep, blue eyes. Total contradiction from head to toe. “I’m not sure I can take much more,” he drawled.

  Jake toed a chair out, suggesting Charley take a seat. “I…I really should get the next batch ready to go in,” she said, pointing at the counter.

  “Alright.” He sat silent until she had the next cookie sheet ready to go in. Then he offered her the chair again.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Coffee, tea, or me, ran in the back of Jake’s mind. “Water, milk for the cookies, or a glass of wine?”

  “I’m fine.”


  Charley pulled out a bottle of white wine from the refrigerator and poured two glasses. She set one in front of him then finally took the chair he had pulled out for her. Was it his imagination or was she jumpy? Why?

  “Do I frighten you?”

  A look of astonishment crossed her face then her brilliant smile lit the room. “Because of your size?”

  Jake nodded. Most people, women in particular, were usually scared of him until they got to know him. While not a giant, he towered over men of six feet in height.

  “Not at all. I’m used to big guys.”

  His lips curved up on one side. “Oh. Why is that?”

  She lifted one silk covered shoulder and let it drop. “I work with them.”

  “What line of work would that be?” This was the million-dollar question. After seeing her come home dragging like a snail’s butt, his curiosity got the better of him. All through the barbecue, he wondered and guessed at her profession.

  “Business Intelligence Consultant.”

  He blinked in surprise. That was not what he expected. “What does a Business Intelligence Consultant do?”

  “I gather data, otherwise known as data mining.”

  “What do you do with the data?”

  “I do trend analysis, connect the dots, and point out where things have occurred and where they’re most likely to occur next.”

  “It must pay well.”

  Charley lifted a shoulder and tilted her head. “It pays the bills.”

  “These clients send limousines to pick you up?”

  Her wineglass hesitated then continued to her lips. “When I have to fly to a client’s office, I hire a limo service to take me to the airport.”

  Uh-uh. Lie. Big fat, do not get caught lying cuz your mama will wash your mouth out with soap. It wasn’t obvious except for the slight hesitation, but it was there.

  The oven dinged. Charley jumped from her seat, banging her hip on the table as she went for the potholder and the oven.

  “Ow! Ow!”

  Jake tilted his head in interest watching her pull the oven door open, bend to take the cookies out and slide the next tray in. Reflexively, he licked his lips. What a sweet ass. A liar with a nice ass.

  Charley set a plate of cookies on the table between them. “Eat up.”

  “Okay.” He took a warm cookie and bit in. It was good, very good. He took another bite. She was watching him. Her face resting on the palm of one hand, she stared as he chewed. It was a little disconcerting having someone studying your eating habits.

  When he finished the cookie, Jake smiled. “Excellent.”

  “Have another.” She pushed the plate at him.

  He reached for another. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  “Oh. Yes, yes.” Charley took a cookie for herself.

  Jake turned the tables and watched as Charley enjoyed the cookie. Her eyelids dropped as she swallowed the first bite, the tiny moan deep in her throat at the obvious pleasure. Then her tongue darted out between her lips and licked the chocolate away.

  Okay, he had enough. “I gotta go.”

  Jake stood abruptly then realized he had a problem. Quickly, he dropped his hands in front of his crotch. “Thanks for the cookies,” he yelled over his shoulder as he hurried to the door. “Let me know if you need anything.” He let the screen door slam shut behind him as he hustled out.

  Cookies, yeah right. The woman was dangerous and too sensuous for her own good. His own good. She lied. Secrets and lies. He shook his head to himself as he walked into his house. Charley was full of secrets and lies.


  “Interesting evening.” First, the man shocks the heck out of her by showing up at her barn. “How much had he heard? Did he hear?” Maybe she should consider getting the building soundproofed. She would look into the stuff they use in music studios.

  Then he started asking her a bunch of questions. She did not care for that but she shrugged it off guessing he was just being neighborly and wanting to get to know her. That would be normal. Gnawing her lower lip, Charley was not convinced Jake believed her Business Intelligence cover. He seemed too aware.

  “Oh.” A giggle burst out. “Oh!” Her hand slapped over her mouth. He was aware of her. He bolted out of her house, hands poised in front of his fly because he was aware of her. Charley leaned her head back and laughed. Then she stopped. “Oh.” She grinned to herself. He was attracted to her.

  But he hadn’t touched her since the day they introduced themselves and shook hands, the day her knees felt as if they had turned to Jell-o. Hm. “No,” Charley warned, “do not be stupid. You cannot get involved with anyone.” She didn’t dare. Involvement meant lying constantly and that was no way to have a real relationship. As a depressing sigh of air rushed from her lungs, Charley’s shoulders slumped but perked up again. It was nice to know Jake found her attractive.

  With that thought and a smile on her face, Charley finished baking the rest of the cookies then took a few with her as she trotted out to her office barn to finish her report on Vladimir Gerritt. Her hope was that the sooner Grayson had her report the sooner he would be busy with something else and maybe he would leave her alone to play.

  When she reached for the door, her hand froze. The door was unlocked. She had shut and locked it. She knew it. Charley swallowed the fear that assailed her and reached for a weapon that wasn’t there. Her head whipped around in search of someone, a sign someone had been there. Anything. She could not see squat without the outside light on.

On an exhale, she yanked the door open, hit the switch, and light flooded inside as well as outside the barn. She did not see anyone or anything. In her mind, she played the scene of her search inside her condominium. Was it happening again?

  Fear had her scrambling for her handbag and her Sig-Sauer. Before she released it from its holster, she heard the snap of a twig outside. She spun. The gun still stuck in her purse, she aimed it and the weapon at the open barn door. At Jake.

  This time his hands did not fly up in surrender. He kept them neatly tucked into the front pockets of his jeans.

  “Something wrong?”

  Her eyes widened then narrowed. Yes, something was wrong. He was standing there laughing at her while she struggled to put together whether someone had broken into her place. Had Jake been involved? Did he do it?

  Charley shook her head. No. He had been inside with her. Did he have enough time to come out here and search?

  Jake whistled a low screech. “That’s a lot of equipment for one little lady. Is that what you wouldn’t let me touch the other day?”

  Startled, she realized Jake had just seen her office. No, no, no. This could not be happening. Get him out.

  “Get out!”

  She didn’t wait for him to move. Charley swung her bag over her shoulder, stomped toward him, and physically manhandled him out the door, shoving at his hard chest. This time she double-checked to make certain the door was secure then she spun on him.

  “What do you want, Jake?”

  Now he held his hands up. “Hey, don’t shoot the neighbor. I saw all the lights come on and got concerned.” He shrugged one big shoulder. “Next time I won’t bother,” he drawled, turned on a booted heel and started away.

  Charley caught up with him, touched his forearm, and waited. He stopped, regarded her hand on his arm, and looked back at her.

  “I’m sorry. I…got spooked is all.” She scratched her head, dislodging some strands of hair. “I thought the door had been locked and …it wasn’t. I must not have caught the latch.”


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