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KNOCKOUT: An Opposites Attract Romance (Unlikely Matches Book 1)

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by Gabrielle Snow

  “These are the meds he’ll need for the week.”

  Walking back to my desk, I tore out the prescription which had the exact doses and exercises to ease his pain. “Follow these, please.”

  As I gave her the piece of paper, my eyes moved to glance at Miss Warrior who had a skeptical look all over her face while her eyes watched me like a hawk.

  She pressed her lips into a thin line when I caught her. “Thank you, Doctor.” She forced a slight smile.

  “You’re welcome. I, uh—” I scratched the back of my head, “I will need to see him for another checkup next week. Please call Sarah to schedule an appointment.”

  “Alright.” Lowering her gaze, she regarded Tyson with the most tender look.

  While the younger one held the crate door open, Miss Warrior unexpectedly leaned over the exam table and gave Tyson a big hug.

  My heart melted.

  As I watched them take their dog and leave, I was already wondering if I was going to see Miss Warrior again.

  Chapter 3


  A FEW DAYS INTO TYSON’S treatment, he began to return to his old self, walking around—although lazily—and getting up on the couch without our help.

  For the most part, I was grateful for his progress.

  At the studio, as I waited for the clock to strike six so I could begin my next class, I used the minutes to stretch and wrap my wrists as my eyes watched the clock tick by the seconds.

  Five minutes before the session, the main door squeaked open, revealing a new customer, clearly for the beginners’ class. As he approached, I recognized his face.

  He was that vet who gave us the free meds.

  Looking cute in a grey pair of joggers and a black tee, his boyish white kid charm swelled with the look of confusion that had taken over his face. He was obviously out of place.

  What was his name?

  Kerry? Was it? Kenny?

  I gave up as his eyes found me and his smile finally appeared. He raised his hand in an awkward wave, one that I returned with professional enthusiasm as I made my way over to where he stood looking perplexed.

  “Hi.” He cleared his throat and audibly exhaled, clearly taken by the alien surroundings.

  “Hi, Doc.” I extended my hand for a shake.

  “Kelly. Connor Kelly.” He firmly shook my hand.

  “Azaria Gonzalez, nice to officially meet you.”

  “How’s Tyson?”

  He remembered his name.

  “He’s...” I couldn’t help a titter, “getting better, actually. Thanks for all your help.”

  He casually shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. “It’s my job.”

  “Right.” I looked around, theatrically gesturing with my arms in the air. “Well, this is mine. So, what brings you in?”

  “You train here?” His eyes widened.


  “Well, my friends talked me into getting some exercise.”

  “You’ve come to the right place, then. Beginners’ class starts in a minute.”

  Ushering him over toward the practice space, I took my position across from my new students and commenced as I always did. After making the initial introductions, I eased them into some terms and definitions.

  “While you must be excited to try some arm locks and leg locks right away, you should know that there are types of moves; there’s not just one way to do it. Each serves a purpose.”

  I paused, scanning my new class for a worthy helper. Cute Connor caught my eyes.

  “Dr. Kelly? Do you mind coming up front to help me with a demonstration?”

  Scoffing, he awkwardly looked downward while scratching the back of his neck. “Me? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Well, I’d love to, but,” his hand waved back and forth in the direction between us, “I’m so much bigger. I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  In spite of my best efforts, I couldn’t, for the life of me, stop my eyes from growing bigger in an instant. “Oh, I think I’ll live.” My stare remained fixated on his adorably concerned face. “Gear up, let’s go.”

  Just a few moments later, we were right there in front of the whole class, with Connor charmingly taking his position. His hands were too low, his elbows flared out like a chicken, and his feet were splayed out like a duckling’s.

  As he hesitantly approached me, I waited for the right moment and swiftly bent over and circled my forearm in an overhook over his leg, aiming for his Achilles heel and immediately knocking him off his balance.

  When he dropped to the floor, I pushed my foot against his rib cage just enough to generate pressure, and thrust my hips forward while forcing my arm upward against his ankle, securing his submission.

  I raised my eyes to check on his expression, to see that his face was flushed while his chest rose and fell as he gasped for breath. The rest of the class was making impressed noises, cheering me on for dropping a man twice my size to the floor.

  “See, now that’s what we call a submission lock.” Quickly releasing him, I stood back up on my feet, extending my arm down to help him up.

  “Wow.” He audibly exhaled, clearly struggling to regulate his breathing as he took my hand. “That was incredible. Your technique is flawless,” he said in awe.

  Mirroring his response from earlier, I coolly shrugged with a smile and a head tilt. “It’s my job.”

  As he stood up straight, I added, “Of course, size and strength can be important. You have a benefit here. But you shouldn’t underestimate your opponent.” I gestured for him to return to his position amidst the class.

  For the first time, I caught his eyes scanning me from head to toe. It wasn’t weird or uncomfortable, but rather... like a physician’s expert gaze assessing a new case.

  Leaning slightly forward, he smiled and spoke with a low voice that only I could hear. “Oh, I totally understand that you’re more than just a beautiful woman.”

  Dr. Kelly, were you flirting with me just now?

  I raised an eyebrow and said nothing.

  Stepping back, I faced everyone, raising my voice for the whole class to hear. “Never, under any circumstance, underestimate your opponent. Not because they’re shorter, smaller, thinner, whatever your impression of them. Understand?”

  The rest of the session went as usual, with me demonstrating the various moves beginners could master. In the back of my mind, however, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was making a conscious effort to look and behave perfectly.

  Connor’s compliment earlier was not a rare one. After all, I knew what men thought of my appearance. Pretty, yet intimidating. Petite, but strong. Delicate, but tough.

  Men’s opinion of me had often pushed me away rather than drew me in, but something about Cute Connor released butterflies into my stomach. It was as though he were actually... genuine in everything he had said to me. It wasn’t a cheap pick-up line. No, that wasn’t the kind of person he was.

  In spite of me not knowing him at all, my judgment of character rarely failed. Connor Kelly was a practical man who only spoke based on facts or what he thought was true. He didn’t strike me as a player or just another man looking for a good time.

  When I went home that night, I was feeling exceptionally good about myself. As I pushed the door open, Mamá and Addie were setting up the dinner table while Tyson happily wagged his tail in anticipation of his silver plate.

  “Hola!” I cheerfully greeted them while proceeding to pull the top over my head as I walked over to my room.

  “Someone’s in a good mood!” Addie teased.

  “Tyson’s better, isn’t he?” I hollered at her from inside.

  “Last time I saw that kind of glow,” she came over, leaning with her shoulder against the doorway as she held a hot plate with kitchen mitts in her hands, “it was Marco.”

  Giggling, I threw my head back before sliding over a tank top. “Ancient history.”

  “Has he called?”

at, Marco?” I winced, furrowing my eyebrows while I put on my shorts. “No way!”

  “Then what is it? I know you.”

  Leaning over in mock secrecy, I lowered my voice. “I had a cute client today.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Spill.”

  “He said I was beautiful.” I shrugged. “That’s all.”

  Rolling her eyes impatiently, she lifted her head up toward the ceiling. “Dios mío, are you a hundred? At this pace, you’ll marry when you are!”

  “Who said anything about marriage? I’m just feeling good.”

  “Chiquitas?” Flora’s voice rang from the kitchen. “Dinner getting cold.”

  “Coming!” I quickly yelled. “Vamos.” Beckoning Addie with a head gesture, I walked out of the room, my fingers switching off the lights as we left.

  At dinner, my mother seemed rather preoccupied. Because I knew her well, I was aware of the fact that she wouldn’t talk about whatever was bothering her until she decided to herself.

  A few minutes passed before the inevitable happened.

  “Aza,” she addressed me with a serious look on her face, “Adelaide got drunk last week.”


  Interrupting me, Addie whined while raising her eyebrows, “I’m right here?”

  Without regarding my sister with even a glance, she continued. “You came home tired and went to bed. I waited up, she came back at two in the morning, stumbling so bad she couldn’t even put the key in the door.”

  Drawing a deep breath, I turned to Addie with a glare. “Didn’t we agree that this shit waits until after you graduate?”

  “I’m almost twenty-one!” she objected.

  “The police don’t care about almost. And you’re still not making any money of your own,” I sternly stated. “Your only job for the next few months is to study and graduate top of your class. Wasn’t that our agreement?”


  “Adelaide!” I raised my voice a few decibels. “Wasn’t. That. Our. Agreement? That there won’t be any stupid decisions in the months leading up to the finals?”

  Bitterly, she stared at me without uttering a word.

  A moment later, she sighed, “It was Dina’s birthday.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  “What do you want from me?” She pushed herself backward, the chair screeching against the floor so loud that it startled Tyson. “I’ll fucking graduate!”

  “Well, until then, you’re not spending our money on partying. Got it?”

  Chapter 4


  AFTER MY MORNING SHOWER, I stepped out and wiped the vapor off the mirror before my eyes scanned my reflection in a different light.

  It had been a month since I began training at Azaria’s studio, and the hard work was finally beginning to pay off.

  As I examined the gentle slopes of muscle that I didn’t remember existing before, I reflected on my progress in the past few weeks. My strength and stamina were noticeably growing, accompanied by a few mottled bruises for which Azaria took most of the credit.

  The thought put a smile on my face.

  My beautiful trainer’s skill and strength made her even more attractive to me, if that was even possible. I had never imagined thinking that way, but there was something about that woman that drew me to her like a moth to a flame.

  Miss Warrior was the perfect nickname in my head, not that I had ever voiced it to her. And there she was... a gorgeous woman with the power to immediately drop me to the floor, in the very literal sense.

  I liked that.

  I liked her. A lot.

  But every time the thought of asking her out dared to cross my mind, I caught myself shying away from the prospect altogether. Fear of rejection had always been one of my issues since I wasn’t used to not getting what I wanted.

  Yes, it made me sound entitled, but on further deliberation... I didn’t even think I had ever wanted something that hard work and perseverance wouldn’t guarantee. Everything I had ever gone after in my life relied on my efforts, my dedication. Me and me only.

  Everything was under my control.

  And the women I had been with before, well, we could say that the attraction had always been mutual, which never placed me in a position of risk.

  Perhaps I was lucky.

  But this time... this time was different.

  I couldn’t recall feeling that kind of attraction toward anyone in my entire life, let alone after one month. If I was being honest with myself, I would admit that it was a little too intimidating.

  But so was wanting to become a vet, wasn’t it?

  Just because something seemed difficult, that didn’t mean it would be impossible to accomplish.

  Azaria was one of a kind, and something told me that if I never asked her out, I would always sorely regret it.

  With my eyes still fixated on my newly shaped physique, I decided that if I wanted that woman, I had to let her know.

  There were no two ways about it.

  Without hesitation, I reached out for my phone and dialed her number. Aware that I was still naked, I stared at my reflection with a strange feeling that if she answered, she would be seeing it, too.

  Shaking my head at my own ridiculousness, I suddenly froze in place when her voice greeted me.


  “Hi!” I instinctively scratched my wet nape. “Azaria, how are you?”

  “I’m good. A little too early to practice, don’t you think?”

  “Ah—” I chuckled. “Yeah, no. I’ll come tomorrow as per the schedule.

  “Mhm.” She paused. “So, what’s up?”

  “I, uh, I noticed a change in my muscles recently and I just wanted to say thank you.”

  I heard her titter and the sound of her breath into the receiver sent shivers down my spine. “It’s all you. You should be proud. Many people don’t see any difference at all in the first three months. You’ve been working hard.”

  “Don’t be so humble. We both know you’re a great coach.”

  “Thanks, Connor.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Well, since we both seem to wanna thank each other, how about I take you out to dinner and do it face to face? You free tonight?”

  “Uh,” she paused for a moment and my heart dropped, “well... my last class ends at seven.”

  With racing heartbeats, my eyes moved from side to side with excitement. “So... pick you up at eight?”

  “Great. See you then!”

  Oh my God, it worked.

  I spent the day with the best efforts at remaining focused on work, while my heart was secretly dancing with excitement.

  After I finished with my last patient and locked up, I drove straight home to get changed. For the first time in a long while, I caught myself standing in front of the closet with nothing on but my boxers, contemplating the outfit I was going to wear.

  Azaria Gonzalez was no ordinary woman, and that definitely threw me off my balance in the instant when I was supposed to be making a simple decision.

  What was I supposed to look like?

  Judging by her background, I was certain that she was used to dating tough men—possibly fighters or athletes like herself. She was also clearly unimpressed by the exaggerated macho behaviors of most men I had encountered at the studio during her lessons.

  Miss Warrior was a tricky one, that was for sure.

  When in doubt, just be yourself, I thought as I grabbed a pair of dress jeans in dark blue denim and a heather grey t-shirt.

  While I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard, I certainly wanted to impress her with my choices.

  Simplicity was key, right?

  Confused and apprehensive, I put on the outfit and headed for the door, picking up my wallet, phone, and keys on the way out.

  As I waited outside her apartment building, my eyes quickly scanned the neighborhood. It was a humble but clean area, with kids playing basketball at the little park that adorned t
he center of the block.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t handle the anticipation any longer, the gate finally opened up revealing Azaria in a long, black dress with thin halter straps and slits at the sides.

  My eyes drank her in as she walked down the steps toward my car. The soft material of her dress tightly hugged her torso, accentuating her perfect breasts with a slight dip in the neckline that combined class with flirtation.

  The curve of her small waist hit the bend of her wider hips in a seamless way that allowed the dress to flow downward, draping along her legs. As the light breeze swayed the fabric, it occasionally widened the tantalizing slit that went up to her thigh, revealing her toned legs.

  For the first time ever, I saw Azaria wearing her wavy brown hair down as she tastefully brought it all to one side, exposing one ear with a big silver hoop that dangled by her long neck.

  I opened the car door for her and she gracefully slid inside, lifting up her leg as my eyes caught her plain black heels.

  The scent of her white musk perfume took my breath away.

  “You look... absolutely gorgeous.” I genuinely shook my head in awe.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” She confidently smiled.

  The eyeliner that ran over her eyelashes perfectly matched her chocolate brown eyes and the hot blood rushed through me.

  The short drive to the restaurant I had picked was breezy, with conversation coming naturally to both of us. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so comfortable with a woman at the beginning of a first date.

  “I thought you’d show up in a tux.” She tittered as she opened the menu.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Why’s that?”

  “Well, Mr. Bond was afraid he’d hurt me in the first class. Thought his first date attire would also be in character.”

  Taken aback by her comment, I was undoubtedly embarrassed. I couldn’t help the rush of blood to my cheeks as I felt them immediately burning up. “Hey, you’re a coach. I’m a vet. To each their own.” I shrugged, busying myself with looking down at the menu. “Besides, you’re a great teacher and I think I’m making considerable progress.” I raised my eyes to lock with hers. “Don’t you think?”


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