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Feral Nation Series Box Set 2 [Books 4-6]

Page 47

by Williams, Scott B.

  “Tell them!” He whispered, without looking at the prisoner. “Don’t get it wrong!”

  “DON’T SHOOT! We ran into trouble on the road! This guy helped me out!”

  Eric still had his hands up, but he was watching the two guards intently, trying to anticipate their reaction. They looked at each other for a second, one of them saying something he couldn’t hear, and then the other shouted back, his order directed at Eric: “Keep your hands up where I can see them and stay where you are!” Even as he said it, the other man had turned and started back towards the nearest building that was visible in the compound. Eric didn’t see anyone else outside in the parts of the yard that he could see from that vantage point, but he knew the second guy was about to alert everyone there that something was up. The one remaining at his post stood there with his rifle pointed at Eric, all of his attention focused on the unexpected visitor and his own comrade who’d left in a truck and returned riding a horse. And so it was that he didn’t seem to notice when the other man behind him, who had taken several long strides in the opposite direction, suddenly stumbled and clutched at his neck, before collapsing onto the hard gravel surface of the yard.

  Eric showed no reaction to this event that might tip off the one focused on him, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because just seconds after the first man fell, the other also dropped his rifle as his body went limp and gave way beneath him; Nantan’s head shot killing him before he hit the ground. Wilson saw it all of course, and he was struggling against his bonds in desperation, but he didn’t dare try to yell, so Eric wasn’t concerned with him for now. Eric dismounted with his M4 in hand and quickly led the two horses into the brush beside the road, where he tied them off. A quick scan of the compound when he emerged revealed no indication their arrival had been noticed yet, and Nantan came out to help him drag the bodies out of sight.

  The suppressed .22 caliber rifle had done its job, and no one in the compound seemed to have heard it. Eric figured the rest of the men were inside the two main buildings, one of which looked like the office, with the radio tower standing tall nearby, and the other a large metal-roofed workshop area and garage, where the forest service had maintained their equipment and vehicles. If what Wilson had told them was the truth, there were only six men remaining there, including the chief, since the men of the escort detail and gate security made up more than half of the total number working from this post at the present time. That seemed about right to Eric, knowing what he did of such operations, but he wasn’t taking Wilson at his word and was ready for anything as he and Nantan quickly crossed the yard to the nearest wall of the office building. Red remained hidden near the perimeter, covering them with his rifle. He was in pain, but he’d insisted on doing his part, saying it wouldn’t affect his ability to shoot. Luke and Tommy were in position to provide crossfire from the opposite direction, so Eric focused on his main goal of gaining control of the radio and persuading the chief to use it to call the men of the escort detail.

  He and Nantan had just taken up positions on either side of the wooden porch across the front of the office building when the main door opened. Both of them ducked below the level of the deck and Nantan raised the Ruger to take the man out once he’d stepped down to the ground, but Eric shook his head and gave him a signal to hold off. For all he knew, whoever was coming out could be the chief, and even if he wasn’t, Eric needed a new hostage on the inside of the compound to use for leverage. The doorway to this building was angled in a way that anyone coming out couldn’t immediately see the front perimeter gate, so Eric knew the man wouldn’t realize anything was wrong until he descended the four steps to the yard, and then only if he happened to glance that way. Eric signaled to Nantan again to watch the door in case someone else followed him out, and then he placed his M4 on the ground beside him and prepared to spring. From the bottom step to where he was crouched was less than ten feet, so when his adversary’s foot touched the gravel, Eric had already launched himself for the tackle. His body weight slammed the man into the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of him, and Eric followed up with two vicious blows to the face with his fists, further stunning him before he had a chance to cry out or react. Eric pulled him under the edge of the deck and out of sight, checking him for weapons before doing anything else. He found a full-sized pistol in a thigh holster on his right leg, and quickly yanked it away and tossed it farther under the deck, before pushing the muzzle of his own Glock into the man’s temple and leaning over so that he could talk to him in a low voice.

  “One word and a round goes through your brain, got it? Don’t answer, just nod your head!”

  The man did, and Eric continued. “I’m looking for the man you call ‘chief’, the one who’s in charge here. Is that you, or is he inside this building?”

  The man turned his eyes away, saying nothing, and before Eric could offer him more persuasion, he was stopped short by the sound of the door opening again. This time, whoever was coming outside seemed to be in a hurry, storming across the deck and yelling for someone named ‘Mullins.’ Eric knew it was the one he’d taken down when his captive completely ignored his directive and called back to his boss: “CHIEF!”

  It was the last word he uttered before Eric silenced him with a hammer blow to the temple from the butt of his Glock, but it was more than enough to set into motion the sequence of events that would wrap up the action in the compound. First, there was the shout from Nantan, ordering the other man on the porch to freeze. But by the time Eric was able to look, Nantan was firing towards the door with the suppressed .22 and Eric heard it slam shut as the chief retreated inside. Seconds later, bullets tore through the wooden door from within and Eric and Nantan flattened themselves against the walls on either side.

  “Did you hit him?” Eric called to Nantan.

  “Yes, at least once in the upper leg. I was trying to take him down without killing him.”

  “Good! That’ll keep him inside.” Eric knew the sounds of the chief’s gunshots would draw the attention of the others, who were likely in the work building, and it was best to let those who responded believe the only threat was here, where their leader was pinned down in his office. He stuck his head around the corner to look, and sure enough, saw men with rifles rushing outside to see what was going on. Eric fired a couple of rounds in their direction just to keep them interested, knowing that he was putting all his faith in Tommy and Luke to take care of this from the other side. And if any got through, they still had Red out there watching from near the front gate.

  The men who were advancing on him were professionals, and once they understood there was a real threat at the office building, there was no hasty or heroic charge to come to the aid of their boss. They were no doubt working out a plan to flank him and take him out, but what they hadn’t counted on was that they were the ones walking into the trap, rather than closing one of their own. Eric heard the reports from beyond the perimeter as Tommy and Luke opened fire. They were shooting in semi-auto mode, but at a fairly rapid rate of fire between the two of them. Eric then heard Red’s rifle from out front and figured at least one of the contractors had tried to escape the crossfire from the rear and had exposed himself to Red. It was clearly a slaughter back there in the compound yard behind the office building, but Eric and Nantan could see none of it from where they waited. The shooting was intense and seemed to go on for a long time, but Eric knew that the perception of time in a firefight was often different than the reality, and that the whole thing was probably less than a minute. He and Nantan waited much longer, just to be sure though, and there was still the matter of the chief, who was armed and still alive inside the office. When Nantan’s men moved in after sweeping the rest of the compound to check for resistance, they assured him all was clear. They had the office surrounded, but Eric had no time for, nor was he in the mood for, a standoff.

  “You can surrender now, and live, or we’ll just throw a grenade through the window and be done with this. Your
choice!” Eric called out to him. There was no immediate reply, so he followed up. Eric and the Apaches had no grenades, and of course he didn’t want to take the guy out just yet anyway, because he thought it best if the radio call to the men in the escort came directly from their boss, rather than a stranger they would disregard. “My men and I have you surrounded, and all of your security neutralized, including the crew of the truck returning from the road. We know who you’re working for, but I’m not concerned with that part of your operation. Three or four days ago though, you raided a cabin in the mountains to the southeast of here and took a woman captive. We know she left here this morning in one of the vehicles your men were escorting. All we want is that convoy stopped.”

  “Why would I do that? You’ve killed my men, and you’ll kill me too!”

  “The answer is simple. If you do nothing, we kill you right now. If you cooperate, we take you with us to wherever those trucks are stopped, and if the woman is there and unhurt, then you and your other men are free to go. I’ve stated my offer, and you have thirty seconds to decide. My stopwatch is running!”

  Eric was confident the chief would accept his offer. To get where he was in this outfit, Eric knew the man was loyal to no one and accustomed to working for the highest bidder. This time, the price was his life, and his entire team in the compound had just been wiped out in a matter of minutes. The man knew a deal when he saw one, and before those thirty seconds ticked away, Eric had his answer.

  “Okay! Hold up! I surrender!”

  “Open the door slowly and come out with your hands on top of your head. You know the drill, Chief!”

  Eric and Nantan stood waiting with their rifles aimed at the door. Nantan’s other men stood by from a safer distance in case something went wrong. But the door opened as directed, and the chief stepped out, limping. Blood had soaked through the right leg of his pants all the way down to his boot, but the chief had wrapped several turns of duct tape around the wound in his upper thigh to slow the flow and seemed unfazed by the pain as he stood there facing his captors. He was a wiry middle-aged man with sandy blonde hair and a clean-shaven face that bore a long scar across his left cheek and jaw, and he stared back at Eric and Nantan, sizing them up as they waited for him to speak.

  “So, who is this woman and what is so important about her that you have gone to all this trouble and killed good men to get her back?”

  “She’s my wife!” Eric said. “That’s what!”


  SHAUNA WAS SO COLD in the unheated supply room where they’d locked her up that she was unable to sleep at night. The man who brought her food, water and a bucket to serve as a toilet had also given her a single wool blanket, but even wrapped tightly in that, she was far too cold when the temperatures plunged after dark. She found stacks of invoices, purchase orders and catalogs on the shelves left there from when the forest service had been using the place and spread them on the bare concrete floors to create some insulation, but it still wasn’t enough. That first night was excruciating, because she’d had no more contact with the chief or anyone else that would talk to her, and she had no idea how long it would be until they turned her over to the Army, like he said they would. She didn’t want to end up in one of the refugee camps, but anything was better than this, or so it seemed at the time. But as she lay there shivering in the cold, she couldn’t help but think Jonathan and Vicky were worse off than she. How were they going to survive up on that mountain without the shelter of the cabin or even the barn? It still didn’t make sense to her that they would have gone far enough away to be unaware of what was happening there, or to hear the automatic rifle fire when she was captured by the men chasing her. The only thing Shauna could think of was that perhaps they had seen and heard it all and had wisely remained hidden out of sight. She hoped that was the case, and that they really did have Tucker with them, since he was missing from among the other horses. Thinking about the poor animals that were shot gave Shauna a sick feeling inside. What kind of man was this ‘chief’ to order such a thing? The kind she couldn’t trust, she knew that, and the more time went by without hearing from him, the more she began to doubt he was going to do what he said he would and take her to the authorities. And if he didn’t do that, then what did he have in mind for her? Shauna didn’t know, but she was determined to fight to the end if it came to that.

  By the morning of the third day of confinement in that isolated room, Shauna was kicking the walls and dumping parts and supplies out of their boxes in her rage. She pulled herself up to the sill of the tiny window and screamed out into the compound for the chief, but if anyone heard her, they ignored it. The only thing that broke the monotony and finally brought the man in charge out where she could hear his voice again was the arrival of vehicles later that afternoon, just before dark. Shauna heard them pulling into the compound, and then the slamming doors and greetings and introductions among the men. She heard a voice she thought was the chief’s speaking to whoever had arrived in English, and then switching to Spanish. Shauna couldn’t follow all of it, but it sounded like one of the guests was speaking congratulatory words regarding the success of some operation, and from the direction the conversation was going, everyone seemed to be in good cheer.

  Shauna yelled through the window to the chief while she knew he could hear her, and the voices stopped for a few seconds before the men began laughing and then talking about her in Spanish. She could hear the chief describing her in terms that were completely inappropriate, and she decided she’d best stay quiet and hope their attention would revert back to whatever they’d been talking about before. Later that evening, after dark, the compound came alive with music and laughter, and Shauna could tell the chief’s men were drinking and partying with their guests. She backed against the opposite wall when she heard the padlock click open on the outside of her door, but the man that entered was the same guy that had been bringing her food since they brought her there.

  “Enjoy your dinner! You’re getting out of here tomorrow, so it’ll be the last time you’ll get our chow!” He put her plate down and backed out to close the door.

  “Wait! What’s going on? Am I going to be taken to a military post like the chief said?”

  “No idea! You’ll have to ask him in the morning,” The man said, before slamming the door behind him.

  The noise outside grew louder later into the night, and Shauna was afraid to even try to sleep for fear someone else would unlock her door. She paced the floor and waited, shivering against the wall in her blanket until well after midnight, when the ruckus finally died down. Morning came, and she dozed off a little, until they came for her about an hour and a half after sunrise. Two of the men from the team that had raided the cabin entered the room and took her by the arm on either side before leading her out into the gravel yard in the middle of the compound. Shauna saw the chief standing there with some of his other men and five hard-looking Hispanic guys who appeared to be as combat ready as the contractors. Behind them were two black GMC SUVs, and two of the same crew cab pickups that had been waiting at the place where the men had switched from horses to trucks the day they captured her.

  “Your ride is here,” Chief said. “Sorry we couldn’t offer you better accommodations while you were with us, but I’m sure there’ll be better days ahead for you.”

  “What is this? You said you were taking me to a military base. I’m not going anywhere with those men!”

  “It’s the best I can do, given the circumstances. We’ve had issues come up that we have to attend to. My friend, Pascual, will see to it that you are taken to a safer place, and I’ll bet the food will be a lot better than here too.”

  “No wait! I’ll stay here! I don’t mind! I’ll wait until you have contact again with a regular Army patrol or whatever. I have to talk to someone that can help me find my husband and daughter!”

  “I’m sorry, lady, but I can’t keep you here any longer. Please, just get in the vehicle. You’ll be okay.”
r />   Shauna tried to pull away from the two that were holding her, but they were both strong men with grips like iron. They lifted her bodily from the ground by the arms and carried her to the second SUV, where one of the Hispanic men was standing with the back door open. Shauna kicked at that man and the legs of the two that were holding her, but the three of them forced her into the back seat and then one of the two contractors holding her passed the Hispanic man a zip tie that he used to secure her right wrist to the grab handle above the inside of the door. This done, he slammed the door shut. Shauna twisted around on the seat to get into position where she could use her feet to kick at the window on the opposite side, but before she could break the glass, the same man opened that side and got in, forcing her back into her seat.

  “Tranquillo! Tranquillo, Señora! We aren’t going to hurt you. We are only giving you a ride.”

  “Where are you taking me? I have to get to an Army base or a refugee facility, so I can talk to someone that can help me!”

  “It’s okay! El jefe has told us everything. Just relax.”

  Shauna didn’t believe this for a minute, but she knew it was a waste of energy to keep struggling right now. All she could do was wait for a better opportunity to escape, if such an opportunity ever came. Two more of the Hispanic men got into the front seat and the other two got into the other Yukon. The two pickups were apparently there to escort them out, and when they cleared the gates of the compound, the gray one was in the lead of the convoy, while the silver one brought up the rear, three men in each truck. Shauna had no idea where they were taking her, whether to another operating base they had in the region or somewhere beyond. As she pondered this, it suddenly occurred to her that they might even be headed to Mexico! Shauna had felt helpless many times since the events that started with the beginning of summer, but never so helpless as this.


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