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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 94

by E. L. Todd

  Then he released a breath. “I’ll last longer next time.”

  I chuckled then smirked. “Babe, it’s okay.”

  He looked down at me. “When a guy hasn’t done it in months, his stamina is all wrong. Cut me some slack.”

  “I didn’t complain once.”

  “I just want to make that clear, so you don’t go looking for something better.”

  Seeing Slade insecure about his bedroom skills was hilarious. “I really don’t care.”

  “Liar. Every girl cares.”

  “I know it’s just a fluke. And I wouldn’t look for more elsewhere even if it wasn’t.”

  He didn’t move off me. “You feel so good that I don’t want to leave.”

  “That’s okay with me.”

  He pressed his mouth to mine and kissed me long and hard. An innocent embrace quickly became heated and hot. He lay beside me, still inside me, and kissed me with gentle caresses that were filled with passion and love. The sex we’d had was mediocre, but the affection between us was still powerful and strong.

  Like always.

  My dad walked inside with his bag over one shoulder. Naturally, I wanted to stand up and greet him, but I was glued to the couch. Slade sat beside me, but I knew he would leave. My dad never looked at him or acknowledged him. Months had passed and my father hadn’t changed his mind. It made me realize things may never change.

  Slade kissed me on the forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” I said sadly. I wished I could be with both of them at the same time. But that would never happen.

  Slade walked to the front door and faced my father. “Good night.”

  My dad met his gaze. “Where are you going?”

  I did a double take. What did he just say? Did he just speak to Slade? Or was he talking to me?

  Slade shrugged. “Home.”

  “You’re welcome to stay if you want.” He walked around Slade and put his bag down.

  What? Did that just happen? I looked at Slade and silently asked, “What’s going on?”

  He shrugged in response but there was a smile on his face.

  My father leaned over the back of the couch and kissed my forehead. “How are you doing?”

  I was speechless at his conversation with Slade. “Uh, good…”

  He patted my shoulder then sat beside me on the couch. “How’s the leg?”

  “It’s good. Physical therapy is hard but I’m making progress. I can walk on it.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear. I’m proud of you, Trin. I know this has been hard.”

  “Well, everyone made it a lot easier on me…”

  Slade stood behind the couch, his arms across his chest.

  My dad looked at Slade. “Can I have some privacy for a moment?”

  “Sure.” Slade headed to the door. “I’ll get some coffee.” He walked out and shut the door.

  “You don’t hate him anymore?” I blurted.

  My dad gave me an affectionate look. “I never hated him. You know that.”

  “Well, it didn’t seem like he was your favorite person…”

  “He wasn’t. Still isn’t.” He rested his elbows on his knees. “But he hunted me down almost every day, so I didn’t have much a choice but to let it go. Your plan worked.”

  My plan? What? “Sorry?”

  “Having him harass me at work.” He stared at his knuckles for a moment before he turned his gaze on me.

  What was he talking about? “Huh?”

  His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You really didn’t know?”

  “Know what, Dad? What are you talking about?”

  He smirked then chuckled lightly. “I guess he was telling the truth.”

  I waited for him to explain.

  “For the past two months, Slade has been coming to my office three days a week trying to get my forgiveness and acceptance.”

  My mouth closed immediately, the shock taking hold. So, when he said he was helping his dad at the shop, he was lying. He was trying to patch things up with my dad, trying to get his approval.

  “And he was damn annoying,” my dad said with a laugh. “He sat there all day and cornered me every chance he got. He said a lot of bold things to me, something I’d kill someone else for speaking. But he never gave up.”

  My heart had slowed, thudding irregularly in my ears. “Slade…”

  “He cares about you a lot, honey. I don’t know many people who would go to such lengths just to make things right.”

  “Yeah…” I fidgeted with my fingers in my hand.

  “So, if you want to be with him, you have my support.”

  That meant the world to me. Now I could be with Slade and not have to distance myself from my father. We could be ourselves, show affection and be happy. “Thank you.”

  He studied my face for a moment. “But I need to stay something.” His voice was dark and cold.


  “We both know what kind of guy Slade is. This relationship doesn’t end in a happily ever after. It ends with him leaving. I need you to understand that. I don’t want to watch him hurt you, and at least if you know the end before the beginning, you can be prepared for it. It’s pretty clear that you want everything from him, and I know he can’t give it to you.”

  It was my darkest fear. “I have faith in him.”

  He sighed in sadness. “Trinity, I love that you see the best in people. More people need to do that. But Slade isn’t the marrying type. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. We all walk our own path. But don’t expect him to change.”

  “He said he could never give me a relationship and love, but he did that.”

  “But for how long?” he said sadly. “Trin, I just need you to understand that. So when he breaks your heart he doesn’t completely cripple you. And I need to know that you still want to be here even when you know it will end someday.”

  I did. I wouldn’t trade what I had with Slade for anything else in the world. Even if it burned and fell apart, the future couldn’t erase the past. But no one knew Slade the way I did. He wasn’t the cocky, arrogant jerk everyone knew. He was much deeper than anyone realized. I believed in him, believed that we could have all the things I wanted. I knew Slade loved me, and he would rather give me everything than let me get it from someone else. “However this story ends, I still want to be here.”

  He nodded but there was sadness in his eyes. “Then you won’t hear another peep out of me.” He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. We watched TV until Slade returned.

  Slade sat on the opposite couch and crossed his ankle over his knee. “What should we watch?”

  “The cooking channel,” I said.

  Slade raised an eyebrow then shook his head. “No, we aren’t watching that garbage.”

  “That garbage taught me everything I know,” I argued. “And you love my cooking.”

  “Let’s watch the game,” Slade said.

  “Yeah.” My father grabbed the remote and changed the channel.

  “Hey, this is my house. And I’m the one who’s crippled,” I said.

  My dad tossed the remote at Slade. “Which means you’re easy to bully.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Jerks.”

  Slade headed to the refrigerator. “Beer, Mike?”


  He grabbed one and handed it to my dad before he drank his own. He sat on the couch again and cheered during the game. My father did the same.

  I stayed in my spot, trying not to cry. Seeing my father and Slade get along was what I wanted more than anything. They were both important to me, and it killed me inside that they couldn’t be in the same room together. But now they were getting along just like they used to. I was so grateful Slade worked his ass off to make my dad come around. Only extreme patience and determination could have made that happen.

  I watched Slade from my spot on the couch, seeing the way he held his beer. Feeling m
y gaze on him, he turned to me. Our eyes met from across the room.

  My eyes started to water, and I mouthed, “Thank you.”

  He nodded slightly then turned back to the TV.

  I leaned my head on my dad’s shoulder and felt at peace.

  5. We Belong Together



  We sat in a booth at the burger joint. Slade sat beside me while Skye and Cayson sat across from us. The menus were scattered on the table, but no one had looked at them. Cayson and Skye stared at us, like we were out of place.

  Slade had his hand on my thigh, being affectionate like he was when we were home. “What?”

  Cayson shook his head slightly but didn’t say anything.

  Skye kept her mouth shut too.

  This was the most awkward double date in the world.

  Slade became irritated. “What?” he repeated. “You keep staring at us.”

  “It’s weird,” Skye said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Seeing you guys together…in public,” Cayson mumbled.

  “Why is it weird?” Slade demanded. “I’m not sticking my tongue down her throat.”

  “But you aren’t fighting…” Skye wasn’t affectionate with Cayson like she normally was. “It’s really quiet…and peaceful.”

  “We can fight if you want,” I said. “Slade and I can find something to disagree on.”

  “Like making me do the dishes last night when it was your mess,” Slade said, glancing at me with an annoyed look.

  I didn’t want to bring our private drama to the group, so I let the comment slide.

  Cayson cleared his throat. “Now that everything is out in the open and the drama is over…can you tell us how this happened? When? Why?”

  I knew they would be curious. “We were both drunk and it just happened.”

  “What happened?” Skye asked. “You kissed?”

  Slade laughed. “We aren’t in junior high.”

  “When we were both walking back from Roland’s apartment, we got into a fight…about something…I can’t remember.” The only part of that memory that was vivid was the sex.

  “You said I hated you or something,” Slade said. “Or you thought I wanted to sleep with you.”

  “Which I was dead on about,” I mumbled to him.

  He let the comment go.

  “So, you just went into your apartment and did it?” Cayson asked incredulously. “Just like that?”

  Slade and I both smirked.

  I decided to let the truth out. “We had sex against his building.”

  Cayson’s eyes were wide.

  Skye looked at me like she didn’t believe me. “Like, outside?”

  Slade nodded.

  “Wasn’t it in the middle of winter?” Skye asked.

  I nodded.

  “Like, where anyone could see you?” Cayson asked.

  “Why are you surprised?” Slade asked. “I’ve had sex with girls on swings at the park on Sunday afternoon.”

  “But…you didn’t get caught?” Skye asked.

  I shrugged. “If we did, we didn’t notice.”

  Slade brushed off his shoulder. “I’m awesome, I know.”

  Skye was speechless.

  Cayson didn’t seem surprised.

  “And then what?” Skye asked.

  I tried to remember. “I had game night a few weeks later and Slade was the last one to leave. He came on to me and threw himself at me.”

  “Whoa…hold on.” Slade held up his hand. “No, you wanted it as much as I did.”

  “You’re the one who made the move,” I argued. “I wasn’t going to do anything.”

  “Like I would ever believe that,” he snapped. “You were begging me to kiss you.”

  “How?” I demanded.

  “Your lips were parted and your hair was combed…and your makeup…”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “You mean I looked like I always do.”

  “No,” he snapped. “And you were wearing these tight leggings that showed the curve of your ass. You were asking for it.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned back to Cayson and Skye. “Anyway…Slade came on to me and it happened again.”

  Slade drank his beer and brooded in silence.

  “And then it just became a thing?” Skye asked. “You just hooked up at random times.”

  “No,” I said. “Slade asked if we could make it a system.”

  Slade growled. “Again…you wanted it too.”

  “Ignore him,” I said to Skye and Cayson.

  Slade growled again. “Whatever.”

  “Then it became a regular thing,” I said. “We kept it a secret and did a pretty good job.”

  “Is that when you became exclusive?” Cayson asked.

  “No,” Slade said. “We were free to see other people.”

  “But did you?” Skye asked.

  “I went out with Reid…” I said.

  “I had sex with a few girls in the beginning, but it was pretty much torture,” Slade said. “All I could think about was Trinity.”

  That was sweet, in a sick way.

  “Then why did you go out with Reid?” Skye asked.

  “I thought Slade was with that model…and I was upset. When Slade found out, he asked me to stop seeing him.”

  Slade opened his mouth to argue but then closed it, giving up.

  “Then you became exclusive?” Skye asked.

  “Yep,” Slade said.

  Skye studied us for a while. “So…when did you fall in love?”

  Slade and I looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between us. I knew we had different answers, although I wasn’t sure what his would be.

  Slade rubbed his chin and cleared his throat. “I’m not sure when it happened, honestly.” His voice was quiet, deep. “When I saw her with Reid, I practically died inside. So it happened sometime before then. Because the idea of her being with anyone but me made my heart break.”

  Skye smiled and her face turned red. “Aww!”

  I smiled, feeling the warmth spread through my body.

  Cayson patted him on the shoulder. “Look who’s pussy-whipped now.”

  Slade smirked then stared at his beer. His only response was a shrug.

  “And you?” Skye had excitement in her eyes, like she couldn’t wait for my response.

  “I’m not really sure either…” I tried to think. “But I think it was the first time we took a bath together. I told him things I never said to anyone else…and he said things to me…made me feel better when I felt horrible.”

  Slade turned to me, the emotion in his eyes. His hand returned to my thigh and he gave me a gentle squeeze.

  “Oh my god!” Skye clapped her hands. “So cute!”

  Now Slade and I were both blushing.

  Cayson chuckled at Skye’s enthusiasm. “Now I understand why you were being so weird,” he said to Slade.

  “And that I was never gay,” Slade said firmly.

  Skye laughed. “But you have to admit that was pretty funny.”

  “For you,” Slade said darkly.

  “I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time about it,” Cayson apologized.

  “It’s cool, man,” Slade said. “As you would say, it’s water under the bridge.”

  “Thanks,” Cayson said.

  “Now we can go on double dates every day!” Skye was practically yelling.

  “Baby, chill,” Cayson whispered to her.

  “How can I chill?” she said. “Our two best friends are finally happy with each other. What could be better than this?”

  “I’m excited too,” Cayson said. “But everyone else in the restaurant probably doesn’t care.”

  “Well, they need to start,” Skye said.

  Slade and I were glad the truth was out, but we also missed our privacy. It was a lot easier when no one knew about us. There was less pressure and expectation. We weren’t a traditional couple, taking a longer route to realize what we r
eally wanted. But it worked for us.

  “Poor Reid,” Skye said. “That guy never had a chance.”

  “No, he didn’t.” Slade’s voice was dark.

  “And he was such a perfect guy.” Skye had a sympathetic look in her eyes. “Did you tell him how you felt about Slade?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t need to. He already knew the moment he saw us together.”

  “So, all that time you guys were arguing with each other was just pent-up sexual energy,” Skye said. “How romantic…”

  It was anything but romantic. Slade said a lot of mean things to me, and I returned those vicious comments with my own. But the foundation of our odd relationship led to something stronger than I could possibly imagine. We weren’t like Skye and Cayson, a perfect love story from friends to lovers, but we were something more, more profound.

  “The basis of our relationship is sex,” Slade said. “But there’s a lot more to it than that.” He patted my thigh.

  “A lot more,” I agreed.

  “When was the first time you said the L word?” Skye asked.

  “At the hospital,” Slade said, his eyes glazing over.

  “You said it first?” Skye asked in surprise.

  He nodded. “I caved. Almost losing someone will do that to you…”

  I moved close to him and kissed his neck.

  “It sounds like you were obsessed with Trinity from the beginning,” Cayson teased. “You made all the moves and were practically obsessed with her.”

  Slade looked like he was about to argue but seemed to change his mind. “I guess it makes sense. When Trinity almost took that drink from that asshole at that party, I was checking her out. I was about to hit on her when she turned around. When I realized it was her, I didn’t think about it. I was distracted by what was going on.”

  I smiled, pleased by the revelation. “That’s sweet…”

  Skye leaned forward. “So, when are you getting married?”

  Slade stiffened and a quiet yelp escaped his lips.

  Cayson put his hand on her arm. “Baby, give them some space. They aren’t like you and me.”

  “But if they love each other, that’s obviously where this is going,” Skye reasoned.


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