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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 110

by E. L. Todd

  Slade pointed at her and laughed. “Loser.”

  “How does that make me a loser?” she demanded.

  “You just are,” Slade said.

  Clementine spun it again and it landed on Roland.

  “Fine,” Roland said as he rolled his eyes. “Hurry up and hide.”

  “Face the TV and wait two minutes,” Slade instructed.

  “Two minutes?” Roland hissed. “No, you got one.” He looked at his watch. “And it starts now.”

  We all scattered and headed to the back door.

  “What are you guys doing?” Ryan asked with slurred words.

  “Hide-and-seek,” Conrad said as he ran out.

  “Oh.” Ryan shrugged and turned back to Mike.

  We ran outside past the patio and pool until we reached the grass.

  “Scatter!” Slade shouted.

  Cayson grabbed my hand in the dark then led me away. Unable to run in my heels, I kicked them off and abandoned them against the wall.

  “Where are we going to hide?” I said in a whisper.

  “I don’t know.” He led the way through the darkness then turned around the side of the house. “How about the shed?”

  “Wouldn’t that be an easy target?” I asked.

  “But it wasn’t built when we used to play, and it’s hidden by the willow trees. They probably won’t even think of checking it.” He took my hand and forced me to run.

  I tried to keep up and not laugh. The alcohol was making me giggle like crazy.

  “Shh.” He pulled me around the shed, and we leaned against the wall. He looked at his watch. “Okay, it’s been a minute.”

  We could see the end of the beach from where we stood, and the willows swayed in the breeze. We could hear the leaves shake and flutter on the wind. I leaned against the wall and caught my breath. My dress moved up my thighs, but I didn’t bother adjusting it since Cayson was the only one who could see me.

  He listened intently.

  Then we heard a scream. “No, you have to tag me!” It was Clementine, and judging by how tired she sounded, she was running.

  “They are on the other side of the pool,” Cayson whispered.

  “They’re never going to find us.” I leaned my head back and stared at him.

  He came in front of me then put his hands on my hips. He pressed his head to mine. When I looked up, I saw his eyes and the dark sky behind him. The stars were bright and powerful, shining with their glory that was ten thousand years into the past. It reminded me how short time was, how quickly things changed. Cayson was with me now, but it wasn’t forever. He would leave my grasp, making me as lonely as a swaying willow tree.

  I heard him breathe over the light breeze. He was listening for someone’s approach, but he was staring at me as he did it.

  Staring at the outline of his face in the dark made my heart convulse. Tonight was a memory I would have to hold on to as the years passed. My heart would ache, but I would remember this moment, the way he looked at me. I suddenly forgot about the game we were playing and just concentrated on him.

  My hands moved up his chest and to the sides of his face. Then my fingers wrapped around the back of his neck, getting a good hold on him. I pulled his lips to mine and gave him a gentle, wet kiss.

  His lips responded to mine, moving slowly. The wind moved past my legs and tickled the back of my neck. His breath was noticeable in the dark. My hands clung to him, refusing to let go. Whenever our bodies were combined, I felt at peace. It was where I belonged, my soul latching on to his. Cayson had loved me for so long, a lifetime’s worth, but I only cherished him for a short time. I wished I’d noticed him long before.

  Our kiss became more aggressive, and our tongues touched each other lightly. His breath came into my mouth, lighting me on fire. I knew he felt what I felt, the insatiable need to feel me. Perhaps he was buzzed, or perhaps he understood the elated feeling I felt. But our minds seemed to be connected in that moment, and instead of playing it safe or cool, Cayson wanted to be dangerous.

  He grabbed my ass and lifted me, holding me against the shed. Tools and lawn equipment were inside, the stuff our landscapers used when they came every Friday. My legs wrapped around his waist and I anchored him to me. He pressed himself into me, his slacks touching my panties under my dress.

  The kissing became more intense, and we devoured each other. My heart was bleeding from the pain, from the longing. I’d never loved anyone the way I loved him, nor had I known someone so wonderful and beautiful. He was everything I wasn’t. He was everything I wished I could be. And he was everything to me.

  I undid his slacks and pulled them down slightly, fishing out his cock. He didn’t object to what I wanted, like he normally would. He seemed to need me the way I did him.

  He slipped inside me, feeling my wetness. A quiet moan escaped his lips while he rocked into me. He held me in place, thrusting me into the side of the shed while he moved into me.

  I continued to kiss him, keeping my moans quiet so no one would interrupt us. I wanted this to last a lifetime, to last as long as possible. I memorized the feel of him, the smell of him. His kiss was purposeful and desperate. He clung to me like he’d die if he let go. I could feel his heartbeat through his chest, strong and powerful. Mine synced to his as we made love under the bright stars of the sky. We forgot about everyone else but us. We were the only ones in the world. It was quiet and peaceful, like the universe had bowed down just to give us this moment.

  He continued to move inside me, hitting me just the way I liked it. When I came undone, my nails dug into him, needing something to do to keep quiet. He pressed his mouth harder into me, silencing my moans.

  He rocked into me slowly until he reached his high. He thrust into me a few more times, emptying inside me. I bit my lip while I felt him, loving the warmth that spread throughout my body.

  When he was finished, he didn’t pull out right away. He held me against the shed, his lips still pressed to mine. He gave me a final slow kiss before he pulled his lips away. He buried his face in my neck and held me close. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  My heart caved in and shattered into a million pieces. My lungs collapsed, no longer usable. Everything inside me suddenly froze. It became silent. The wind seemed to die, and time had stood still.

  Unable to speak, I clung to him, memorizing this moment so I could cherish it later. I kept him close to me, making sure my face was hidden.

  So he couldn’t see the tears as they fell down my face.



  Trinity and I got out of the car then headed into the house.

  “God, I feel so sick,” I said.

  She patted my back. “I do too.”

  We walked inside then moved through the crowd.

  “Is Slade coming?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said. “What about Cayson?”

  “I told him I was with you. I think he’s doing something with Roland.”

  “Okay.” She sighed and looked ghostly pale. “It’s not too late. You can change your mind…”

  “Trinity, he even blatantly told me he wouldn’t change his mind no matter what I say. If I break up with him, he’ll just follow me. He needs a strong reason to leave.”

  “Okay, okay…” She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

  I was equally heartbroken.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  “I just need to find someone. I’ll text you when I want you to come in with Slade.”

  “Okay.” She scanned the crowd. “Who are you going to pick?”

  “It’s got to be someone good-looking. Otherwise, it won’t be believable.”

  “And you need to act drunk,” she said. “Otherwise, it won’t make sense.”

  I eyed a tall, built guy in the corner. He had short hair and tattoos up and down his arms. “What about him?”

  “He doesn’t seem like he has any morals…”

  “Okay. I guess
it’ll be him.” It really didn’t make a difference who it was.

  “Okay.” Trinity gave me a big hug. “I love you, girl.”

  “I love you too.” I held her tightly before I pulled away. If I thought about it too hard, I’d chicken out. “I have to go…”

  “Okay.” She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest, watching me.

  I walked across the room and headed to the guy standing alone with a beer in his hand. He was over six feet and reeked of sex. It was clear he’d been around the block a few times. “Hi.” I stared up at him, hoping he’d take the bait.

  He looked me over, not being discreet about it. His eyes zoned in on my chest before they moved back to my face. “Hey.”

  “You’re cute,” I blurted. I was never very good at flirting.

  A cocky smirk spread across his face. “You too.” He put his beer on the table and gave me his full attention. He glanced at my chest again.

  “You want to see them?” I asked.

  He cocked an eyebrow, clearly wondering if it was trap.

  “They’re real.” I gave him a flirtatious smile.

  He relaxed. “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  I could tell this guy wasn’t smart. Maybe he was visiting a friend or family member who graduated. “One of those bedrooms is open…”

  His eyes widened. “Damn, is this a dream?”

  I grabbed his hand. “Come with me before I change my mind.”

  “Alright!” He walked with me down the hallway.

  I gave Trinity a knowing look as I passed.

  She stared back at me, depression written all over her face.

  Once we were in the bedroom, he wanted to get down to business. He removed his shirt and his jeans.

  I didn’t look at him and sat at the edge of the bed. Then I pulled out my phone and texted Trinity. Come in exactly two minutes.


  He sat beside me then glanced me over. “I like that top, but you should take it off.”

  God, this guy was gross. “Here’s the deal. I’ll give you two-hundred bucks if you just pretend that you had sex with me.”

  Confusion came into his eyes. “Huh?”

  I pulled it out of my pocket. “Look, here. I’m going to take off my shirt, and I want you to act like we were just having sex when the door opens. Can you do that?”


  “No questions asked.”

  He breathed hard while he stared at me. “Is your boyfriend going to come in here and kill me?”


  “You’ve got a deal.” He took the money and shoved it into his wallet. “What do you want me to do?”

  I stood up and pulled off my shirt. I wore a sports bra so my breasts would be covered but my stomach would show. “Put your hands on my hips.”

  He did as I asked.

  “Okay…when the door opens, back away from me.”

  He nodded.

  “Trinity, why do you want to have sex here?” Slade’s voice was on the other side of the door. “It’s some random person’s bed. Let’s just go home.”

  “I have to have you right here, right now!” Trinity yelled through the door.

  “Fine,” Slade snapped. He opened the door then stepped inside.

  “Oh my god!” I yelled. I pushed the guy away.

  Slade halted with wide eyes while he stared at the scene. He looked the guy over, realizing he was only wearing boxers and nothing else.

  I turned around, trying to hide my chest even though there was nothing to hide.

  “Oh my fucking god!” Slade looked like he might faint.

  “Skye!” Trinity yelled. “How could you cheat on Cayson?”

  “I’m so drunk…” I pretended to waddle around and fall over.

  Slade panicked, not knowing what to do. “I…uh…fuck.” He walked out and ran into the hallway, clearly about to pass out.

  Trinity stayed behind. She grabbed the guy’s clothes and shoved them into his chest. “Get out.”

  He dressed himself and walked out without any questions.

  When he was gone, I pulled on my shirt and tried not to cry. There was no going back.

  “I’ll drive you home…since you’re drunk.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  She grabbed my elbow then walked me out.

  Once we were in the hallway, I acted like I could barely walk. I laughed randomly and rubbed my head like I was in pain. Slade stood in the entry, gripping his skull like his entire world had been consumed with fire.

  “I’ll drive her home,” Trinity said.

  Slade didn’t speak. He stared at the floor, in shock.

  “Don’t tell Cayson,” Trinity said.

  I wobbled like I couldn’t stand on my own two feet.

  “Not tell him?” he asked incredulously. “Is that a fucking joke?”

  “Let Skye tell him first,” she said. “Give her some time.”

  Slade shook his head and clenched his fists. “How can you do this to him?” He looked at me like he hated me.

  I looked away.

  Slade marched out. “I need to go…” He walked across the lawn then disappeared.

  Trinity let me go. “Well, it looks like your plan worked…”




  The deadline to accept Stanford’s offer came and went. As the days approached, I felt uneasy letting the opportunity slip through my fingertips. I thought of all the students who would leave their significant others in a heartbeat if they were accepted. But that wasn’t me. And they didn’t have Skye.

  So, when the day was gone, I didn’t have any regrets. I’d made my decision and stuck with it. When professors and friends asked where I was attending medical school, it was awkward to say that I wasn’t. And when I said I wasn’t accepted anywhere, they were even more confused. I didn’t like lying, but I couldn’t let my parents find out the truth some other way. I knew they loved Skye like their own, but I knew they would resent her for sabotaging my future by letting me stay.

  I knew Skye better than anyone. And I wasn’t stupid. She initially accepted my decision to stay, but she was hesitant about it as time went on. I wondered if she was going to force me to go after all the parties and celebrating.

  It wasn’t going to happen.

  I was staying. The past month spent with her only solidified my decision. Somehow, I’d fallen more in love with her every passing day. She made me feel things I never thought I was capable of. Never would I give up my dream school for anyone but her. She was different, special.

  We stayed in our apartment in Cambridge for a few weeks before it was time to leave. A lot of students were still partying and celebrating before their leases were up. Skye said her father had bought her a penthouse just down the street from work. I was happy for her, but I was also disappointed. I didn’t mind moving in with her under the assumption it was a place we’d be renting together. I’d even pay all of the rent and the bills. But the fact that her father paid for it and there was no rent to pay made me feel like a freeloader. I had to remember her father already loved me so he wouldn’t care. But then again, he didn’t know we were moving in together. I wasn’t sure if he would be thrilled about it or not. I tried to keep in mind that he’d lived with his wife before he married her. It would be hypocritical for him to judge Skye for it, especially when she was a grown woman. But we’d cross that bridge when we came to it.

  I was watching TV when Skye texted me.

  Can you meet me at Manhattan Grub?

  What? Why there, of all places? Why?

  I want to talk to you.

  This conversation immediately took off on the wrong foot. Even through a message, she didn’t sound like herself. What was going on? I could hear her voice even though she didn’t speak. She sounded odd, sad. Is everything okay?

  Yes. I’m already here so I’ll talk to you when I see you.

  Now she was brushing me off. My heart
started to pound. What was this about? I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out. On the drive, I kept thinking about our upcoming conversation. Then it hit me. She was going to try to get me to leave. Other than the fact that it was too late, I still wasn’t going. Just the fact that she was going to try to talk me out of it pissed me off. We were staying together.

  End. Of. Story.

  After I parked, I walked inside. The place was closed, and Skye was the only one who was there. She was sitting at the table we usually sat in. She didn’t stand to greet me or even touch me.

  That pissed me off even more.

  I sat across from her, feeling the anger spread through my body. “What? I’m here. Now talk.”

  She picked up on the hostility. “Why are you mad? I haven’t even said anything.”

  “I already know what you’re going to say.”

  Fear came into her eyes. “I need to tell you something…”

  I decided to be proactive and just end the conversation before it began. “I’m not leaving, Skye. It’s too late. I didn’t accept Stanford’s offer so I can’t go anyway. The decision has already been made. Don’t try to persuade me to leave. I’m not going to do it. Now knock it off because it’s getting on my nerves. You keep staring at me like I’m going to disappear. Every time we make love, it’s like the last time. As much as I enjoy your obvious clinginess, it’s pissing me off. So knock it off.”

  She averted her gaze and stared at the counter. A minute passed and she just pressed her lips together. Then she turned back to me, but she didn’t look at me. Her eyes were glued to the table. “That isn’t what I wanted to talk about.”

  It wasn’t? “Then enlighten me.”

  “I went to a party with Trinity the other night and I…got really drunk. Most of it is a blur.”

  Where was this going?

  “And…I slept with someone else.” Her voice cracked at the end and she tried not to cry. “It didn’t mean anything to me, and I hardly remember it, but…I know it happened. I’m so sorry…I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath and her eyes started to water.

  I processed her words, playing them in my mind over and over again. I heard them, but they didn’t mean anything to me. They didn’t register. I couldn’t picture Skye doing that. Never in a million years would she cheat on me, drunk or not. “You know what?”


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