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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 118

by E. L. Todd

  For the second time, I hit the mat.

  She was on her feet again, circling me without breaking a sweat. She didn’t seem tired or fatigued, just motivated to defeat me. It made me realize her determination wasn’t from her desire to land the job. Now it was personal.

  Alex used different types of martial arts, making her own style. It was unpredictable and hard for me to challenge. She used Muay Thai and Taekwondo. Even though she was small, she gathered enough speed to make the momentum from her hits formidable.

  I rushed her and tried to tackle her, but she dodged the hit then flipped me over, forcing me to my back. I rolled into the fall then tripped her as she tripped me. She finally fell.

  But she got up again like nothing had happened. She circled me before she invaded again, catching me off guard with her speed and power. Now she was sweating and breathing hard. I was equally out of breath.

  “Enough,” Chan called.

  Alex immediately dropped her fists and wiped away the sweat on her forehead.

  I continued to stare at her, shocked by her skill.

  “You’re hired,” Chan called.

  Alex’s jaw fell. “What? Are you sure?”

  Chan laughed. “Definitely. You defeated Theo. You’ll make a great addition to our team.”

  “She didn’t defeat me,” I argued. “We didn’t even finish the match.” And I went easy on her. I hardly made a move against her, and I barely touched her. If she were a dude, the outcome would be completely different. I was pissed off Chan didn’t realize that. While Alex was strong and quick, she was still no match for me. The idea was preposterous.

  Chan seemed amused. “Let’s not kid ourselves. Alex took you down several times.”

  “Because I let her,” I snapped.

  He smirked and tried not to laugh. “Don’t take it personal, Theo.” He gathered his folders then headed toward the main office. “I’ll get the schedule ready then hand it to you on your way out, Alex.”

  “Thank you so much, Chan,” Alex said.

  I was fuming, pissed that he gave her the job when she wasn’t even qualified for it. She marched in fifteen minutes late and she didn’t even answer the questions in the interview correctly.

  When we were alone, she dropped her innocent attitude. She shot me a threatening glare. “How does it feel to get your ass kicked by a girl?” she asked playfully.

  “You didn’t kick my ass,” I snapped. “We didn’t even finish the match.”

  “We both know how it would have ended.” She grabbed her purse off the floor then headed to the door. “And a real man who’s secure with his masculinity shouldn’t be intimidated by a strong woman.”

  “I’m not intimidated. I don’t hit women, so I went easy on you.”

  “Ha.” She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “You’re awfully cocky.”

  “You’re just an asshole.” She shot me one more glare before she walked out.

  I stood on the mat, still sweating from the fight. I was furious with the way things had turned out. I wasn’t looking forward to working with that insufferable woman. If I had it my way, I would have thrown her out on her ass the moment she showed up late.



  I spent the entire week trying to track down Beatrice. The only things I knew about her were her name, her major, and her appearance. But how would I track her down? I could go to every party and hope I’d run into her, but that was the same thing as searching for a needle in a haystack.

  There was one person I could ask for help, but I wouldn’t go that route until I was really desperate. So I kept trying to find her, taking different paths to my classes and studying in the café and cafeteria on campus. She never showed up. I even went to another speed-dating session, but I didn’t spot her there either.

  Now I was officially desperate.

  With a heavy sigh, I called my dad.

  “What do you want?” he said after he answered on the first ring.

  “Hello to you too,” I said sarcastically.

  “You only call me when you want something. So what is it?”

  “That’s not true,” I argued.

  “And you never return my phone calls.”

  “Well, I’m busy.” I rolled my eyes even though my dad couldn’t see me.

  “Chasing tail and getting drunk doesn’t qualify as busy, Conrad.” His voice held an edge and amusement at the same time.

  “We obviously have different definitions, then. You should borrow my dictionary sometime.”

  “It would just be a Playboy.”

  I laughed. “Pictures don’t do anything for me.”

  “Good to know,” he said sarcastically. “Now what do you want? Unlike you, I have something productive to do today.”

  “Yelling at people doesn’t qualify as productive.”

  “Do you want me to yell at you?” he threatened.

  I liked pissing off my dad. It was fun. “Are you saying you aren’t doing it now?”

  “Just tell me what you want. The sooner I get off the phone with you, the sooner my headache goes away.”

  “Well, if you already have a headache, then I didn’t cause it…”

  He stayed silent on the phone, his annoyance evident.

  “Anyway…I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”

  “You really shouldn’t piss off the person you’re trying to get something out of…just a little friendly advice.”

  “Well, you’re my dad,” I argued. “I can make you mad as many times as I want, and you’ll still help me.”

  He laughed. “That’s what you think.”

  “Why are you so nice to Trinity but a dick to me?”

  “Because your sister is actually sweet to me.”

  I laughed. “No, she probably just wants something.”

  “You clearly don’t know her very well.”

  “Back to what I was saying…”

  “If you ever say it…”

  “I need you to do something for me.”

  “You already said that.”

  “I know but…you can’t ask me why.”

  He paused. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “It’s not bad. I just don’t want to tell you.”

  “Even worse…”

  My dad was difficult to work with at times. “I’m trying to get information on someone, but I don’t have the resources to get what I want. That’s where you come in.”

  “You want me to violate someone’s privacy, but you don’t want to tell me why?” He sounded incredulous.

  “Not violate their privacy,” I snapped. “I just want to know a few things.”

  “About whom?” he asked.

  “A person…”


  “I said you can’t ask that.”

  “Too damn bad,” he hissed. “If you want me to help you, then you need to tell me why I’m doing it.”

  My dad was so annoying. “Fine. I’m trying to get information about this girl I met.”

  A long pause stretched over the phone. “A girl?”


  “What kind of information?”

  “I just want to know what her class schedule is. That way, I can run into her somewhere. I don’t have her number and I don’t know where she lives. So…I really need something.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask her for her number and where she lives?” he questioned.

  “I didn’t get a chance. It’s a long story.”

  My dad stayed silent on the line, pondering the request. “And how do you expect me to figure it out?”

  “Don’t act like you aren’t chummy with the dean. You donate so much money to that school, he probably named his kids after you.”

  He chuckled. “I guess we’re on a first-name basis.”

  “Just get the schedule and get back to me.”

  “Conrad.” It was the tone he used when he was mad or serious. “You’d better not harass this girl.”<
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  “I’m not going to harass her! I’m offended you even suggested that. I just want to run into her somewhere. I’m not asking for her phone number or address. Now that would be a violation of privacy.”

  My dad came around. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  “Thank you.” Geez, it took me half an hour just to convince him.

  “So…you like her?” A teasing air was in his voice.

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t start that shit. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you.”

  “Well, you’re going to great lengths just to talk to this girl. She must be special.”

  “No,” I said. “She’s just hot. I want to do sex to her.”

  He chuckled. “There are beautiful women everywhere. She obviously means something to you.”

  “Well, she’s a really cool chick. I guess that helps.”

  My dad seemed amused. “I’ll get you what you need. What’s her name?”

  “Beatrice Satini.”

  “As in, Satini wine?” he asked incredulously.


  “Son, you sure know how to pick ’em. I’ll call you back.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  He hung up.

  I watched TV on the couch and tried to find something to occupy my time while I waited for my dad to call me back. I knew he might not get a hold of the dean until tomorrow. My dad was influential, but he wasn’t the president of the United States.

  An hour later, my phone rang.

  “Yo, you get it?”

  My dad sighed. “I’m not one of your homies so don’t talk to me like I am.”

  “Stop being an old fart and answer me.”

  “An old fart?” he asked. “More women hit on me than you. What’s that say about you?”

  “Nothing,” I said. “It just says they’re gold diggers. And I’m telling Mom, by the way.”

  “You think she doesn’t know?” he asked with a laugh. “Your mom has sucker-punched a few girls in her day.”

  “Mom? Really?”

  “Yeah, she’s got an arm on her.”

  “Maybe she should use it on you.”

  “Who said she doesn’t?” The implication was in his voice.

  “Anyway…what did you find out?”

  “Ms. Satini has a full set of classes and extremely high grades.”

  “Shocking,” I said sarcastically.

  “And she works in the library.”

  “She does?” I asked excitedly. “I’ve never seen her.”

  “She works on the second floor of the east wing.”

  I never went over there. I guess that made sense. The library was eight times the size of an average apartment complex.

  My dad gave me her schedule in a bored voice. “You have everything you need. Good luck.”

  “I don’t need luck,” I scoffed. “I’ll get her.”

  “If you were going to get her, you would have gotten her the moment you saw her.”

  “She’s more complicated than that,” I said.

  “You mean she’s not a slut?” he asked with a laugh. “Like I said, you aren’t going to get her.”

  “Thanks for the support.”

  “And I’m sure she’s a nice girl so I hope you don’t.”

  “Hey, you were a dick in your day. Why can’t I enjoy my time?”

  My dad sighed. “I guess I have to let it run its course…”

  “Yep. Thanks, Dad.”

  “Sure. Just don’t piss her off too much. She has a powerful family.”

  “Dad, you’re putting me to sleep. I’ll talk to you later.”

  He laughed. “Bye.”

  “Bye.” I hung up then looked over her schedule. Her course load wasn’t easy. She was taking some serious political science courses, along with business law and ethics. How had her brain not exploded?

  I leaned back in my seat and tried to think of a plan. I had to execute it just right if I wanted to get her attention.

  I headed to the library one evening when I knew she would be working. Whenever I went there, it wasn’t to study. I was usually looking for Theo or someone else from the gang. So how did I blend in?

  I casually walked down the aisle of bookshelves until I reached the end. I took out a book and pretended to be reading it while I scanned the room. The desk was in the center, full of computers and carts that held returned books. Two girls were standing there, and when one turned around, I recognized Beatrice.

  She wore a red cardigan that hugged her breasts and tiny waist. A gold bracelet was on her wrist, and her long brown hair was over one shoulder. It was shiny and soft. Light makeup was on her face. Her lips were red, and her eyes stood out.

  Damn, she was a knockout.

  Her dark jeans were tight on her, practically spandex. They hugged her full hips and led to long, thin legs. When she stood, her spine was perfectly straight and her shoulders were back. It was like she’d been to modeling school. She held herself like the queen of a foreign country.

  The book in my hands was forgotten as I stared at her for several minutes. I was the definition of a creeper, standing near a bookshelf while I discreetly gawked at her.

  I wore dark jeans and a gray t-shirt. The shirt showed the lines of my chest and made my shoulders look broad and muscular. And the color brought out my eyes. Whenever I met a new girl, she looked at me and melted into a puddle. I wanted Beatrice to react the same way. Last time I saw her, I’d witnessed the attraction smolder in her eyes. She was clearly impressed, but not enough to give me a chance. This chick wanted more than just a pretty face.

  I needed to talk to her. But how would I do that? I considered checking out a book. I’d never done that before. I walked through the aisles and tried to find the smartest sounding book there. I located a book about ancient Barcelona and another about the evolution of Galapagos finches. She would know I was well-rounded and sophisticated.

  At least she would think I was.

  I held my books then stood in line. Two girls were working at the desk, so I had a fifty percent chance of getting Beatrice. If I didn’t get her, I’d have to come back another day and check out something else.

  The line moved forward, and I kept staring at Beatrice, hoping fate would intervene and I’d be lucky enough to reach her desk instead of the other girl’s. When I was the next person in line, I desperately wished the other girl would take her sweet-ass time and Beatrice would hurry the hell up. Beatrice hadn’t looked up once, so she didn’t know I was there.

  Come on, Beatrice. Hurry up.

  Both of the people left the registers at the same time.

  The girl waved at me. “I can help you, sir.”

  I pretended I didn’t hear her and darted to Beatrice’s station. She was staring at her computer and typing something, ignorant of my appearance.

  “I’ll be with you in a second.” She still didn’t look at me.

  “That’s fine. I’m patient.” I stared at her now that I was closer to her. There wasn’t a single flaw on her beautiful face. She was almost too good to be true.

  She finally turned her attention to me. “Hi…” She took in my face, staring at my blue eyes for several heartbeats. “Uh, hi.”

  I smiled inside, loving the effect I was having on her. I made her nervous and excited at the same time. “Hi.” I set my books down and put my hands in my pockets, keeping my cool.

  She seemed to realize she had a job to do because she snatched the first book. “Did you find everything you need?”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  She scanned the book then typed in the computer. “Barcelona? Is this for your history class?”

  “No. Just personal.”

  She nodded then took the next book and scanned it. “Anything else today?”

  “No, that’ll be it.” I wanted to ask her a million questions, but I was trying to seem indifferent. “You like working in the library?”

  She typed on the computer and didn’t meet my gaze. “I like it. Flexib
le with school.”

  I was surprised she worked at all. I assumed her father would pay for everything she needed, like my father did for me and Trinity. “Get to check out extra books?” I asked playfully.

  She chuckled. “No, we don’t get the hookup here.”


  She finished checking out my books then passed them to me. “Enjoy your reading.”

  “I will.” I gave her one final look, trying to read her face, and then grabbed my books and walked away. I felt her gaze drill into my back. I didn’t have to check to know I was right.

  I moved to a table visible from her desk then sat down. I pulled my laptop out and put my headphones in. Then I pretended I was studying, wanting her to sneak glances at me while she worked. In reality, I was just checking email and surfing the web. I knew the library closed in an hour so she would have to leave and walk past me. Hopefully, she would say something to me.

  I quickly realized how exhausting this girl was.

  I passed the hour trying to stay entertained. I wished I were at home playing video games and drinking beer. I opened my evolution book but didn’t read a single word.

  Finally, the lights started to dim.

  “We’re closing.”

  I pulled out my headphones and turned to the voice.

  Beatrice had her purse over her shoulder, looking like a vision.

  “Oh. Lost track of time.” I closed the books and laptop.

  She eyed the textbook. “Evolution of finches?”

  “Yeah, interesting read.”

  “For your biology class?”

  “No. Personal.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “So, you don’t study for your classes but read about random disciplines?”

  “I do both.” I packed my backpack then stood up.

  She nodded slowly. “Well, I have to lock the doors.”

  “Okay. I’m heading out.”

  She and I walked out then crossed the threshold. She turned off the lights then locked the door.

  “Long night?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I have a paper to finish. It’ll be an all-nighter.”

  “Can I get you some coffee?” I blurted.

  “No.” She shouldered her purse. “I have a coffeepot at home. It’s cheaper than buying coffee.”

  Like she had to worry about splurging at Starbucks. “Do you live on campus?”


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