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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 145

by E. L. Todd

  “Phew, I was worried for a second.”

  “Where did you learn?”

  She shrugged. “TV.”

  “Well, you’re good.”

  “Am I really?” she asked. “Or do you just like pressing up against my ass?”

  I smirked then held her close to me. “Would you be offended if I said yes?”

  “A little,” she said with a laugh. “But it’s okay.”

  “You want a drink?” I asked.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Maybe,” I said. “You were a lot of fun.”

  “I’m a lot of fun now.”


  She smacked my arm. “I’ll take a water. I’m going to head to the bathroom.”

  “You want me to walk you?”

  The only response I got was her rolling her eyes.

  I headed to the bar then ordered two drinks. While I was waiting for them to arrive, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Look who’s looking delicious tonight…” Deana sauntered up to me then immediately wrapped her arms around my neck. “I was looking for a new fish, but you’ll do. You’re good at the…stuff.” Her breath reeked of alcohol.

  I peeled her fingers off of me. “I’m unavailable. I have a date tonight.”

  “Ditch her,” she said. “Let’s go into the bathroom and have some fun.” She laughed like she’d just said a funny joke. Then her hands were on me again. She leaned so close to me she almost kissed me.

  “Deana, no,” I said firmly. I didn’t want to be too harsh on her because she was drunk. She wouldn’t understand me anyway.

  Her lips landed on my neck. “My car is just outside.”

  “Ah-hem.” Alex crossed her arms over her chest and gave me the stink eye.

  Oh shit.

  I pushed Deana off me. “I’m with my girlfriend. I’m sure there’s some other hot guy here waiting for you.”

  “You’re right…there probably is.” She sauntered away then started flirting with a total stranger.

  Alex gave me a pissed look. “Who the hell was that?”

  “Some girl,” I said. “I wasn’t hitting on her.”

  “Some girl?” she asked incredulously. “It sounded like you knew her pretty well.”

  “Well, I do. I mean, I did. There’s nothing going on, though.”

  She stomped her foot. “She was kissing your neck!”

  “Okay…that looked bad. But I was trying to get her off and—”

  “Why was she kissing your neck at all?”

  “She wanted to sleep with me.”

  “Oh, so that makes it okay?”

  I smirked at her. “You know, it’s a little early in the relationship to be this jealous already…”

  She put her hands on her hips. “So, it’s okay for some woman to kiss your neck when you’re on a date with me?”

  “No, but you’re getting awfully mad.” She was actually really cute when she was pissed off. I liked it.

  “How would you feel if some guy was kissing my neck?”

  “He’d be dead on the floor.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Who was she?”

  I shrugged. “This girl I slept with a few times.”

  “And are you going to keep sleeping with her?” she demanded.

  I came close to her then gripped her hips. “I thought I wasn’t your boyfriend?”

  “Well…” She searched for an argument.

  “Let’s make a deal. I won’t sleep with her anymore if you don’t go out with Yates. That sounds fair.”

  She thought for a moment. “I suppose…”

  “So, we’re good?” I pressed my head to hers. “Because I want to get back on the dance floor and feel you rub your ass against me.”

  She tried to stay upset with me, but she couldn’t. “Okay. Fine.”

  “Come to my place,” I said in the truck.

  “I don’t know…” She looked out the window. “I’m tired.”

  “Sleep with me.”

  “That was a one-time thing.”

  “Why?” I asked. “It was the best night of sleep I’ve gotten in a long time.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “That’s it. We’re going to my place.”

  “Wait, hold on.”

  “Nope,” I said. “We’re having too much fun to end the evening this soon.”

  “I get a say in this too, you know?”

  “You do?” I asked. “I don’t remember that part of the deal.”

  She smacked my arm. “Take me home.”

  “Nope.” I headed to my place.

  She growled. “I’d kick your ass if you weren’t driving.”

  “And I’d let you because you’re cute when you’re mad.”

  She growled again.

  “There you go, being cute.”

  She shook her head and looked out the window.

  When we arrived at my apartment, she walked inside then kicked off her heels. “God, my feet are killing me.”

  “How about a special massage?”

  “You’re going to rub my feet?” she asked incredulously.


  “You don’t have to—”

  I nudged her onto the couch then started to massage her feet.

  “Oh my god…” She leaned back and sighed.

  “You think this feels nice?” I asked with a laugh. “Wait until I’m inside you.”

  She smacked my arm. “Keep it PG.”

  “You’re the one who flashed me.”

  She smacked me again.

  “What was that one for?”

  “For not being a gentleman.”

  “Um, hello? I’m rubbing your feet.”

  She leaned back and closed her eyes, and I tended to her aching muscles. Her feet were petite, smaller than my hand. I could fit them both in my palm. I rubbed each toe then switched to the other foot.

  “Are you glad you stayed?” I asked.

  She smirked but didn’t open her eyes. “Maybe.”

  I brought each foot to my lips and kissed it.

  Her eyes flashed open. “Did you just kiss my feet?”

  “Yes. I worship you.”

  “That’s so gross but so cute at the same time.”

  “Let’s go with cute,” I said.

  She moved closer to me then stared me down. “Isn’t this weird?”

  “What?” I moved my hand to her thigh.

  “We used to be so evil to each other, and now…”

  “We’re head over heels for each other?” I asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that…”

  “Well, I would…on my part.”

  “You don’t even know me.” Her voice grew quiet.

  “Actually, I do.” I stared her down. “You said a lot of things to me that night you were drunk. I feel like I understand you better.”

  Alarm moved into her eyes. “What did I say?”

  “Something about no one loving you…you feel alone…someone tortured you…you mentioned drugs… It sounds like you had a hard life, Alex.” I looked to her for confirmation.

  Emotion pooled in her eyes then she averted her gaze.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “I’m not going to judge you. But when you opened up to me, I realized we were a lot alike. We project different versions of ourselves to the outside world, holding back who we really are. You’re so strong and confident all the time, but you revealed a vulnerable side of yourself. I like the latter, Alex. You can be yourself around me. I prefer it, actually.”

  “And that’s why you’re into me?” she whispered.

  “Not exactly. But I realized there was a lot more to you. And like I said before, you have a gorgeous rack.”

  She smirked, and her mood lightened slightly. “Maybe we did just get off on the wrong foot.”

  “I think we did.”

  “You’re actually…the sweetest guy I’ve ever known.”

  “I told you so,” I

  She smacked me gently. “You aren’t sweet if you agree with it.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll treat you like a queen, Alex. You’ll never know pain, and you’ll only be happy. But you’ve got to let me in.”

  “Are you like this to all your girlfriends?” she whispered.

  “I’ve never had a girlfriend before.”

  Surprise came into her eyes. “Never?”

  I shook my head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been around. I’ve dated girls too. But no, I’ve never been monogamous with someone before. But it’s not because I don’t know how. I can treat a girl right. I just haven’t found anyone special enough.”

  Her eyes softened. “Who would have known?”

  “And I’m not keeping our relationship a secret. If Chan has a problem with it, I’ll leave.”

  “You would leave your job just for me?” she asked with a smile.

  “I’m pretty certain I’d do anything for you.” I looked into her eyes, showing my sincerity.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but she closed it again. Her hand moved down my chest then she touched my chin, studying me. Emotion was in her eyes, but I couldn’t read it. She seemed to be just as fond of me as I was of her. We had an instant chemistry when we allowed it to grow. It was nice not being her enemy anymore. And it was even better being this close to her, holding her.

  She rested her head against mine and kept her silence.

  “Let’s head to bed.”

  “Already?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I like to cuddle with you. When you’re asleep, you’re very clingy.” I gave her a cocky smirk. “And I like it.”

  “I can be clingy…without being asleep.”

  “I’d like that too.”



  I was asleep when my phone rang on my nightstand. It beeped several times, but I was too tired to answer it. More than likely, it was a booty call, and since I didn’t do those anymore, I ignored it.

  It rang again.

  I sighed. “Shit, this better be important.” I fumbled for the phone in the dark then answered it without checking who it was. “Hmm?”

  “Conrad?” Beatrice’s scared voice bellowed in my ear.

  Alarm shot through my body, and I sat up in fear. “Baby, what’s wrong?” The nickname slipped out, but I was too frightened to apologize for it. She was on the verge of tears. I’d never called anyone by that name before, but I heard other couples do it. It just seemed natural.

  “He’s been here all night, and he won’t leave. He keeps knocking on my door and threatening to take it down…”

  “Who?” I snapped. “Who’s bothering you?”

  “My dad.” She took a deep breath and kept her voice calm. “He won’t go away, and I can’t get out because he’ll get me. I don’t know what else to do. If I call the cops, it won’t help. I’m sure he’s paid them off already.”

  I looked at the time. “What does he want at two in the morning?”

  “He’s been here since eight. He’s been hammering on my door and trying to get me to talk to him. He sounds mad…”

  “Baby, stay calm. I’m coming to get you, okay?”

  “I don’t want to drag you into the middle of this…”

  “Your troubles are my troubles. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Just hurry,” she whispered.

  “I’ll be right there.” I hung up then bolted out the door.

  Her apartment was on the second story. After I parked and reached the stairs, I saw a man in front of her door. It was dark and difficult to see, but I assumed he was her father. No one had called the cops despite the loud yells. It was probably because it wasn’t a nice neighborhood to begin with.

  I ascended the steps then turned to him once I reached her door.

  He wore a baseball cap, a t-shirt, and jeans. He had extra weight around his stomach, and his face looked old, with lines and pockmarks. He clenched his jaw while he stared at me, threatening me silently.

  He didn’t scare me. I was bigger, taller, and stronger. Unless he had a weapon, he was no match for me. I stood in front of her door. Then I knocked. “Baby, I’m here.”

  His eyes narrowed at me. “You’re seeing my daughter?”

  I didn’t answer him. I kept my eyes on him while I waited for Beatrice to open the door.

  She opened it then immediately ran into my chest. She didn’t look at her father once.

  I made sure the door was locked before I grabbed her hand and escorted her down the stairs.

  “How dare you run away from me!” he yelled after her.

  If Beatrice was scared, she didn’t show it. She kept a stoic face while she walked with me. I got her to the passenger side of the truck and helped her inside. Then I shut the door.

  “I want to talk to her.” He came around and reached for the door.

  I shoved my hand into his chest and pushed him back. “What kind of man harasses his daughter at two in the morning?” I didn’t realize how angry I was until I spoke. “If you want to talk to her, you can wait for a more appropriate time.”

  “Every time I call, she doesn’t answer.”

  “That’s her right!” I marched to him then looked down into his face. “If you keep bothering her, I’ll make you regret it.”

  “Are you threatening me?” His eyes looked cold and calculating.

  “I threaten any man who hurts my girl.”

  “Your girl?” he hissed. “What have you done to deserve her?”

  “What have you done to push her away?” I snapped. “That’s the real question.”

  He looked like he wanted to punch me.

  “She doesn’t need your money. She doesn’t need your support. She’s a grown woman who can take care of herself. If she wants to be left alone, then you should do as she asks.”

  “I just want to talk to her.”

  “You lost that privilege.” I stepped back and headed to my truck.

  Her father stayed still and stared at Beatrice through the passenger window. Never once did she look in his direction.

  Once I was inside the truck, I started the engine then pulled onto the road. Beatrice stared out the window like everything was normal. She wasn’t crying, and she didn’t look scared.

  I headed back to my place then walked with her inside. I didn’t ask her anything or try to make her feel better with empty words. It was hard for me to understand what she was feeling. I’d never questioned how much my dad loved my mom. If it came down to it, my dad would sacrifice himself for his family. If anyone even slightly threatened any one of us, that person would be taken out within an hour. My dad didn’t mess around.

  When she was inside, she looked exactly the same. Her face was unreadable, almost dead. She seemed particularly interested in my blank TV screen.

  I came close to her then looked into her face. “What would you like to do?” I had no idea what she was thinking.

  She paused for a long time, her lips immobile. “I want to sleep.”

  “Okay.” I walked into my bedroom and pulled out some clean clothes. “These should fit…somewhat.” I left them on the bed. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”


  “Good night.” I gave her a sad look before I shut the door and sat on my couch. I wasn’t tired. All I could think about was the episode I’d witnessed. If her father just wanted to talk to her, why did he go about it in a hostile way? If my dad had done the same thing, I’d be freaked out.

  I leaned back into the couch and sighed. I hoped Beatrice would be able to get some sleep. She might feel better in the morning. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my thoughts.

  My door cracked. “Conrad?”

  “Hmm?” I opened my eyes and sat up.

  “Can you sleep with me tonight?”

  I wasn’t expecting her to ask. “Sure.”

  She disappeared into the bedroom and left the door open.

  When I came inside, she was lying in my b
ed. My t-shirt looked like a blanket on her. I pulled off my shirt and jeans and stood in my boxers. “Is it okay if I sleep like this?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I got in between the covers then lay on my back. Could I touch her? Could I hold her? It was difficult to figure out what she wanted sometimes. I would just ask her, but tonight wasn’t the best time to ask for clarification about our unusual relationship.

  Beatrice moved to my side of the bed and cuddled into me. Her arm moved across my stomach, and she rested her head on my shoulder. One leg was tucked between mine. She was affectionate with me like a lover.

  My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears. She was holding me like I meant something to her. We were snuggled in bed, and she was wearing my clothes. The sheet touched our bare skin. I hooked my arm around her and anchored her close to me. Her quiet breaths hypnotized me into a deep calm.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I knew I could count on you.”

  Without thinking, just feeling, I moved my lips to her forehead and pressed a gentle kiss there. The act was spontaneous but premeditated at the same time. I did it like it wasn’t my first time. She took a deep breath the moment I touched her, but she didn’t object or move away from me.

  I cuddled into her even more, feeling my heart swell like it never had before.



  Having a beautiful penthouse in the city was pointless when I couldn’t enjoy it. The lights from the city burned like a wild forest fire. I liked to watch them because it distracted my mind from my all-consuming depression. It was the only thing that stopped me from thinking about Cayson.

  But he came back to me, vivid and clear.

  His lips were on my neck.

  His scent was on my clothes.

  My heart was forever scarred by the love we shared.

  Whenever the pain became too much, I wanted to fly to him and beg him to take me back. I didn’t care if he had a girlfriend. I didn’t care who he was sleeping with. I just wanted him to be mine again.

  But then the doubt came flooding back.

  He was over me.

  He didn’t want me anymore.

  We were done.

  I didn’t know how much weight I’d lost, but my clothes barely fit me anymore. They were baggy and loose. My bras were even a little big because my chest had shrunk. I’d appreciate the change if I were happy, but I was too miserable to enjoy it.


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