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Sapphire Scars: Volume Three

Page 21

by A. P. Moraez

  Relieved, but still a little in shock, Ash grabbed Logan’s head with shaking hands and brought it under his chin. Then he kissed Logan’s soft dark hair and took a big whiff. They stayed like that for just a few moments, with Logan’s arms wrapped around his waist and Ash straddling Logan, seated on his lap, when familiar heavy footsteps sounded from behind them.

  “All clear,” Duke announced, “let’s go.”

  LOGAN’S PHONE RINGING startled Ash awake. They were still on a corner of the sectional, where they’d been when he must’ve fallen asleep, head resting on Logan’s lap. The logs were still crackling in the fireplace, a relaxing symphony that relaxed him to no end.

  And, oh, how they needed this. How they needed some alone time and relaxing after the events of last night.

  The flight home had been awkward to say the least. They’d chosen not to tell the others about what had gone down backstage after the concert, so the moment Ash and Logan, surrounded by Duke and his first team, they’d been immediately surrounded by clapping and cheers, hugs and kisses from everyone. Tom was grinning from ear to ear, eyes red — Ash still didn’t know if it was from champagne or tears. They’d gone along, plastering smiles on their faces and accepting the love. There was no reason to bother them with Nate’s death. Ash was okay, Logan was okay. Sure, they’d had to send Duke’s other teams seeking the guy Nate had killed so that he could disguise himself and get to Ash, and then they’d had to take his body away to dispose of it somewhere where it’d never be found, but it was necessary and didn’t harm anyone. Ash’s stomach recoiled, disgusted with himself. Of course it didn’t hurt anyone… anyone but the guy’s family, who’d never know what happened to their loved one. They’d made sure of it. Logan was paying Duke’s company handsomely for them to deal with this without hurting Ash. They’d bribed the security at the Bellco so that they’d let them have free reign over the footage the cameras had caught. According to Duke, any vestige of what had happened both to the nameless guy and Nathaniel Lazarus was gone forever at this point.

  They’d gotten home late, due to all the delays, checks and double checks for safety reasons. Plus, Tom had emphatically told them that if they didn’t head straight from Frozenbone’s airport to O’Farrell’s to celebrate, he’d officially disown them. At the end of the night, after several rounds of beer — for Logan and everyone else; he’d kept to grape juice, thank you very much — and free plates of soup accompanied by freshly baked Irish bread, Logan and Ash had headed home completely exhausted, trailed closely by Duke, Ian, and two other cars.

  They were all living with Logan and him at the big double A frame. There was enough room that they could go hours without seeing or hearing each other, if they wanted, so there was no reason to make the guys travel back and forth between Hoofslope and the nearest hotel in Hardcliff. The Hill Top Motel was already filled to the brim since there were two teams there taking care of Laura and Grace. Billy had refused to be closely accompanied by security, even after Ash had explained as much about the situation as he could to the boy without making him run away from them screaming. He’d said that since they didn’t know if the guy that was after Ash had caught on to their friendship or not, giving him a team of muscle men would only alert them to that fact. Ash had insisted, but the boy was stubborn. Still, Ash had talked with Duke and the guy had assigned Billy a team with three guys, even without his knowledge or consent. Of course they couldn’t be as close to him as Ash would’ve wanted, but just the knowledge that he wasn’t going between cities alone all the time — at night, at that — had Ash sleeping better at night.

  Well, apart from last night. Last night had been rough. Sleep had, for the most part, evaded both him and Logan. They’d tossed and turned for the better part of the night. At some point, Logan had had a nightmare — for obvious reasons — and started to squeeze Ash in his sleep. It had taken almost half an hour of hugs and kisses in the darkness of the room to calm Logan down enough so that he could go back to a still restless sleep.

  They’d woken up still smashed. The restless night had only made them even more exhausted. So, after breakfast, they’d decided to have a lazy day and curled up on the couch with piles of cushions and comforters. The heat from the lit fireplace had quickly formed such a warm cocoon around them, that Ash had fallen asleep, pressed against Logan’s own warmth. After breakfast, Duke and the other guys had gone back to the room Logan had designated as their home office and, apparently, had been holed up in there since then.

  It only took two more rings for Logan to stretch to the side and get a hold of his cellphone. He took a look at the screen and his whole face lit up with the biggest smile. It got Ash curious.

  “So you still are alive!” Logan said as soon as he picked up.

  “We’re good. How about you?” There was a pause. “Well… yeah. I said we. I’m not a bachelor anymore.” Logan threw Ash a warm smile and kissed his temple. Whoever it was that was on the other side of the line, was now so excited that Ash could hear the muffled words even the phone wasn’t exactly close to him. Logan was laughing louder than Ash recalled him laughed recently, and he found himself liking whoever it was that he was talking to, even only for that sole reason.

  “Nick,” Logan finally said, after a small pause, “you know I owe everything I have to you. You can ask anything.”

  Ash sat up, excited, and felt a smile tugging at his lips. Nick? That Nick? The one Logan had turned to after running away from home? The one that had kick-started his career as a model? Ash had been dying to hear more about him and that story for months now, but with everything that had unfolded since Logan and him had become a couple… yeah, it’d been some turbulent weeks.

  Logan’s forehead furrowed as he listened, but not how it did when he was angry. He just seemed to be paying close attention to every word Nick was telling him.

  “Sure,” Logan said, voice low, after a few more moments. “Yeah, of course. Can I just have a few hours to think on it?” He gave Ash a small smile as he listened to Nick’s reply, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Great. Take care. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  With that, Logan tapped the screen and the call ended.

  “Was it your friend?” Ash asked, unable to contain both his excitement and curiosity. “Nick?”

  Logan nodded, with a smile that faded as soon as it appeared.

  “Something happen?”

  “No,” Logan appeased, “No. He just needs me. For a favor, I mean.”

  “Oh. What’s up?”

  Logan bit his bottom lip, fidgeting.

  “What?” Ash pressed. “You know you can tell me anything.”

  Logan fidgeted for a few more seconds, then he exhaled heavily and said, “Nick’s launching his company’s summer campaign next week. Since it’s not for a client, he always lets the lesser known models under his brand participate on these things. It’s a way for him the evaluate their progress and for them to get their names out there. Of course, some of the experienced guys are always there too, for support, but it’s mostly a test for new blood. He usually only hires one big name on the industry for the event, as an attention-grabber for people to actually feel more interested in attending.”

  “That’s cool,” Ash said. “I wish there had been someone to give such big opportunities for me when I was starting to play.”

  Logan nodded, expression darkening. “Only the idiot he hired this year just canceled on him out of the blue. The event starts in four days and he doesn’t know what to do.” Logan rose from their little makeshift nest and started pacing in front of Ash, barefoot onto the fluffy cream carpet.

  “He’s asking if I’d be up to step out of retirement for just one day and go help him out with this.”

  “You? Back on the runways?” Ash asked, standing on his knees on the nest, unable to contain his excitement for Logan.

  “Yeah,” Logan said with a chuckle. “Thing is, I’m not leaving you here alone. Not a fucking chance.”

  “That’s no p
roblem. I can go with you,” Ash said, already excited out of his mind just to think about seeing Logan in action, doing a job he’d loved for so long. “Why wouldn’t I go?”

  “It’s in Milan, Ash. We’d have to go ASAP and you’d be away from your family for at least a week.” Logan’s eyes fell. “I don’t think that’s fair on you. Not with everything that’s happening. I’m sure you don’t wanna be away from them right now and, as I said, I’m not leaving you behind.”

  “But you really want to help your friend, don’t you?”

  Logan was chewing on his bottom lip again, even as he nodded. “I owe him everything. He was the only one that was there for me when nobody else was.”

  Ash got that. He so got that. He felt the same way about the O’Farrells.

  “Call him back and tell him we’re going.”

  Logan’s jaw dropped and he stayed like that for a few moments. Ash laughed, it was so cute.

  “You serious?”

  “Yeah,” Ash confirmed with a shrug. “I trust Duke. Our family is safe with him and his guys. Plus, if something happens, all we have to do is come back.” Ash rose form the couch. “I refuse to let that man dictate what I do with my life anymore. I won’t stop living my life while he hides somewhere planning ways to kill me. That’d be stupid, really, because if he actually manages to do that, then I’d have wasted my last few days living for him, and not for me.” Ash paused, shocked by the words that left his mouth, since it was the first time he’d stopped to even think about the situation through that angle. “Besides, I know your stubborn ass won’t go if I choose to stay, and I wouldn’t want you to let someone as important as Nick down just because of me. I’d feel horrible. So call him and tell him we’re going.”

  Logan stood there in front of him, arms slacked at his sides and mouth opened in a perfectly round o formed by his pink lips. But lightning fast he burst into movement and wrapped Ash in a bone-crushing hug. Then their lips were connected, tongues sliding as Logan devoured his mouth with one of those kisses that always seemed to render Ash week in the knees. “I love you,” Logan said, breathless, against his lips.

  “Love you too,” Ash replied, smiling. “Now, call Nick.”

  “No,” Logan rumbled, hands roaming over Ash’s back and landing on his behind, where he squeezed, dividing his cheeks.

  Ash whimpered when Logan’s already wet lips latched to the side of his neck.

  “What… what do you mean, no?”

  “I’ll call him later. Now I need you.”


  Logan chuckled against his neck, well aware of Ash’s incapacity for speech when he got him like this. Logan groaned aa he sucked the column of Ash’s neck, right where his beauty mark was, and Ash moaned in response, feeling the deep sound travel his whole body, to the very tip of his toes. Logan’s warm hands kneading his ass cheeks felt like heaven. It was one of his favorite things about sex with him, besides his godly cock: their size difference. Ash loved feeling vulnerable with Logan. Loved being manhandled by someone so much bigger and ridiculously more muscular. The knowledge that if Logan wanted, he could do virtually anything to him, and there was nothing he could physically do to stop him. But he loved it only because it was Logan, who he loved and knew loved him too.

  Stomach tingling from arousal, Ash gasped when Logan slid his tongue from the base of Ash’s neck all the way to his mouth and engulfed Ash in a kiss. He kept a hand massaging Ash’s behind while he slid the other to the front of Ash’s pajamas, then he cupped Ash’s cock and started torturing him down there with firm, but gentle squeezes.

  Logan’s shaft was pressing, hot, against his stomach. The pajama top was a good quality of cotton Ash would never have been able to afford before, but cotton nonetheless. Through the thin material, the heat from Logan’s cock pressing and sliding against his abdomen felt obscene and filthy. Ash wanted to eat him alive. It had been days since the last time they’d had sex. With everything that had been happening around them, it seemed they could never find the time to enjoy themselves anymore. Between Logan’s managers calling him all day, Ash’s managers at Wicked Wish breathing down his neck before his debut concert and the constant tension of not knowing when Lazarus would attack again… yeah, the last few weeks had curbed their freedom as a couple, to say the least.

  Ash barely registered when his legs hit the edge of the couch, then he was falling on his back against the piles of pillows, cushions and duvets Logan had made for them earlier in the day.

  Logan freed his dick from the sweatpants he was wearing and Ash’s mouth watered at the same time a tingle of apprehension ran down his spine.

  “Logan,” he gasped, “we can’t do this here. The guys could come down any second.”

  Sapphires were darkened with lust, and their fire made Ash shiver. Logan smirked and crawled over Ash, propping his weight on both arms on the back of the couch as he brought his thick erection close to Ash’s mouth. “That’s half the fun,” he said, then pressed his wide cockhead against Ash’s opened mouth.

  “Logan, seriously, we shouldn’—”

  Logan closed a fist around Ash’s neck, shutting him up. “Shut up and suck my cock,” he husked out, forcing Ash to open his mouth.

  Trapped, Ash stretched his mouth open as much as possible and rolled his tongue around the fat head of Logan’s cock. Damn, it never got old, the sense of empowerment that fell over him every time he took this beast in his mouth. It just felt so damn good to have Logan’s powerful body pumping his monster cock into his throat, grunting and moaning in that warm, deep baritone that led him crazy with need. Yes, he was the one laid down with a bigger man practically sitting on his chest and using him with abandon, but now he had the power. To give the man he loved as much pleasure as he wanted, to lick and to suck and tease in whatever way he wanted.

  When he tried to deep throat Logan, even knowing he had a hell of a gag reflex, Logan growled and leaned back, taking his dick out of Ash’s mouth. Ash was about to complain, confused, wanting him back, when Logan crashed their mouths together in a kiss. “I need you, Ash. You don’t know how much.”

  The aching need in his voice touched something deep inside of him; something that just wanted to submit and serve. Something that wanted to do whatever Logan wanted, for however long he wanted.

  “Take me. Fuck me. I’m yours.”

  Logan attacked his mouth again, but quickly leaned back from the kiss as he shrugged off of his shirt and tugged his underwear and pants down. To his knees. Ash marveled at all the bulging muscles snaking under all that creamy, flawless skin. He brought one hand to Logan’s carved abs and clawed at them playfully, the way he’d learned made Logan crazy.

  Logan’s eyes narrowed at him and he descended on Ash. In a matter of seconds, Ash was naked from the waist up, Logan having torn his pajama top to rags that he tossed to the side and it landed on the couch.

  “Hey! I liked that t-shirt!”

  Logan chuckled, then pounced on him, mouth quickly latching to Ash’s left nipple. He had the other hand tugging Ash’s pants and underwear down until their cocks were touching. He wrapped that hand around both their erections and started pumping them. Ash moaned louder than he intended, and instant fear of being heard upstairs struck him. The thought soon vanished, though, when Logan bit his nipple so hard he saw stars.

  Logan was a vision, bearded face flushed, pink lips now red from their passion, out-of-this-world body caging him in against the fluffy duvets under them, and every time he pumped their cocks, his arms bulged and the pinecone silver necklace he never took off bounced against his firm chest, driving Ash crazy.

  “Logan,” he whined, “please.”

  “Please what?” he responded with a knowing smirk.

  “Please, fuck me. I want to feel you inside of me, please.” Ash didn’t even know how he was still able to form words with the way his body was being overstimulated.

  Logan leaned down and Ash thought he’d get another one of his consuming k
isses. Instead, Logan kissed him gently and whispered, “No.”

  Ash wanted to cry.

  “Today I need you more than that.”

  “Wha—” Logan’s fingernail scraped the edge of Ash’s cockhead, and he moaned. “What you mean?”

  Logan licked Ash’s lips, then dragged his bottom lip out between his teeth. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Ash’s system short-circuited for a moment. They hadn’t exactly discussed these things before. He liked being penetrated and Logan loved to fuck him. He’d been content that way and never thought to change things around. Hell, he’d never fucked anybody before.

  “What?” he repeated, astonished.

  “I want to feel you inside me, Ash. I need it.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah,” Logan said, already rolling to the side on the couch where he pushed one of the two white duvets to the side and grabbed two pillows. He dropped the pillows at the head of that part of the huge sectional and propped his head in them, then stuck his firm behind in the air. Then he looked at Ash, over his shoulder, with an expression that was as scorching as it was vulnerable.

  Ash was so shocked by the turn of events that he just stood there, pumping his cock slowly and appreciating how gorgeous Logan’s muscled back and behind were.

  “What are you waiting for?” Logan growled, using both hands to stretch his butt open.

  Ash almost came in the same instant at the sight of the perfect pink hole. It’d be so tight, so hot.

  When he knelt behind Logan and grabbed his ass cheeks with a firm hold, a shiver ran down Logan’s spine, so strong that Ash felt it in his palms.

  So firm.

  So warm.

  So perfect.

  Stunned, Ash caressed a path up to Logan’s shoulders, slowly, enjoying every inch of his skin, every coil of those powerful back muscles of his.

  “We don’t have lube down here.”

  “I don’t care,” Logan replied, voice gravely and low, seeming to be enjoying Ash’s caresses.


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