Accidentally Yours

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Accidentally Yours Page 8

by Jerry Cole

  I took my time bringing him to climax. He clung to my shoulders as I teased his body, pushing it slowly to the edge before easing off. He moaned and whimpered, sitting in my lap, his entire body available to my touch. A fine sheen of sweat covered our bodies as he got closer and closer.

  “Please,” he whimpered.

  I gripped both of our cocks and pushed us both over the precipice. He bucked and moaned as he came. I held him in my arms as I followed him, my whole world splintered as I finally found release. We sat there like that, clinging to each other, breathing heavy, without saying a word for a long time. When he finally turned his face up to mine, there was no confusion or doubt in his eyes.

  “So, did you get the answers you needed?”

  He smiled sheepishly.

  “I think so, but maybe we should try one more time to be sure,” he said.

  “You think so?” I turned over, flipping him onto his back before grabbing his pants and underwear in one smooth motion and pulling them away from his body. “They’re dirty anyway,” I teased.

  He gave me a shy laugh and then slipped his hands under my waistband and gripped my ass.


  “I should probably slow down,” he said, letting go of my ass but keeping his hands on my body.

  “You don’t have to stop if you don’t want to.” I stretched out beside him, pulling him into my arms. I licked his ears and kissed his neck. I played with his nipples gently and his whole body began to shiver.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No!” He gripped my forearm and shifted so that he was lying on his back, looking up at me. “This isn’t my first time...with a guy.”

  He said it like a confession. The twinge of guilt in his voice made me angry.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to be a virgin. You are old enough to have a past. I have had dozens of hookups and one-night stands.”

  “I just...because I don’t know if that makes me gay or not.”

  “I don’t care and neither should you. The only thing I care about is how you feel about me, Josh Green. Do you like me? Do you want to be here with me now? Do you want me the way I want you?”

  He nodded, his eyes shining with hope.

  “Then that’s all we need to know.”

  “I’ve never been in a relationship before. I really don’t know—”

  I silenced him with a kiss and ran my hand down the length of his body. His skin was soft and warm and his mouth a fragrant distraction. None of his insecurities could be allowed to distract me from my mission, and that was to give him pleasure.

  “We can work out the details later.”

  I stood up, keeping my eyes on him as I stripped away my pants and stood naked in front of him. His eyes went wide with shock, which only stroked my ego. I made no attempt to hide how hard my cock was or how just looking at him, perched on my bed, turned me on.

  “I want you,” I told him. There was no other way to say it. He sat on his knees and leaned forward, kissing a trail from my navel to the base of my erection. He looked me in the eyes as he ran the tip of his tongue from the base all the way to the head, swirling it around the tip seductively. He smiled before sucking the head of my cock into his mouth and slowly swallowing me. I closed my eyes, threaded my fingers through his hair and tried to remember to keep breathing as he sucked me off. He reached between his legs, stroking his own member and moaning softly.

  Soon I felt another spasm of pleasure begin to build in my body. I pulled my cock out of his mouth with a soft pop.

  “Josh.” He sounded as desperate as I felt. I kissed him hard and pushed him onto his back. I wedged myself between his thighs, pulling his knees over my shoulders so that his body was open to me like a buffet. This time it was my turn to lick and suck him into a frenzied need. He cried out and moaned loudly as I used my tongue and teeth to tease his cock and thighs. I watched as he twisted in the sheets and tried pathetically to stifle his moans.

  “Cum for me,” I whispered. I loomed over him, balancing my weight on my elbows while my hips laid between his thighs. I rocked them back and forth, letting him feel my manhood pressed against his tight entrance. I snagged a tube of lube from the nightstand and massaged that sensitive area. Ian wiggled and moaned but didn’t try to escape. After a few minutes, his breathing became labored and his whole body was flushed.

  “Josh.” It was a plea. The sound of his voice nearly broke my self-control. I pressed the tip against his body once again and felt him begin to open for me. I was overcome by the feeling of euphoria as his body began to accept me, slowly, inch by rock hard inch.

  “You’re mine now,” I growled into his ear. He threw his arms around my shoulders and cried out as I plunged into his waiting body.

  “Josh, I can’...” he moaned and then he spent himself.

  I could barely contain myself. I buried myself in his body, plunging into him several times before I also gave in to the tidal wave of pleasure and was spent. He wrapped his arms around me and cradled me against his chest. I grabbed a blanket folded at the foot of the bed and covered us both. Ian snuggled closer to me, our bodies a tangle of limbs, and fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I woke up starving and in a strange place. As soon as I tried to sit up the pair of arms holding me tightened around me. It took a moment before my brain registered that they belonged to Josh and I was being held, not held down. The sound of Friendly scratching against the bedroom door forced me to pull away from the warmth of his body.

  “Ugh, don’t go,” he mumbled into my hair.

  “I have to see what she wants.”

  I sat up and realized that we were both naked. Despite everything that happened yesterday I was still a little shy. I reached for my underwear which was twisted up with my pants on the floor.

  “Are you sore?”

  My whole body got hot with embarrassment. I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to turn around and face him.

  “No, I’m fine,” I whispered, springing up from the bed and walking to the door. Unfortunately, I wasn’t as “fine” as I thought and my left leg gave out on me, sending me tumbling to the ground.

  “I’m okay!” I pushed myself up off of the ground, silently cursing my stunning lack of coordination.

  “Yeah, I can tell.” His voice was right behind me. I turned to see Josh standing over me, naked as a jaybird, holding a laugh back behind a set of washboard abs and well-developed pecs. How had I missed all of those details last night? Probably because I’d been too focused on his lips and his eyes and his hands and his amazing genitalia.

  I caught myself staring at his cock and forced myself to turn away.

  “Don’t you want to put something on?”

  He smirked.

  “Why? So, I won’t embarrass the dog?”

  I shook my head and opened the door and was immediately bowled over by two frenzied pit bulls. Friendly bounded into his bedroom first, tail wagging and clearly very happy to see me. Shaolin waited his turn, running back and forth between Josh and I. Josh seemed to take it all in stride, finding a pair of shorts to protect his balls from the whip-like tails and paws of the two dogs who insisted on climbing into his lap and licking his face.

  “I think she’s just hungry,” I said.

  “So am I. We never got around to eating dinner last night.”


  “Casserole is always better the second day,” he said.

  We made our way downstairs to the kitchen, all four of us, and found the casserole sitting untouched on the counter. We heated oversized portions in the microwave and fed the dogs overpriced premium food. We didn’t talk much but we never missed an opportunity to touch. Our fingers and hips brushed against each other as we located bowls and poured water.

  Our knees touched as we ate, and he swept the hair out of my face several times. Somewhere between casserole and coffee I looked up and realized that this was my idea of perfect. I wished I could bottle the
moment and keep it in my bag for the moments when the chaos of life got overwhelming.

  “What are you smiling for?”




  “I was just thinking about how nice everything is. I like having breakfast with you.”

  “You should stay over more often. You can have breakfast with me whenever you like.” He kissed my temple and took my empty bowl from my hands.

  “I couldn’t do that. I don’t want to impose.”

  He sighed out loud and looked at me like I was the dumbest person he’d ever met.

  “You’re not imposing. I want you here as well, especially for breakfast.” I would have to have been the dumbest person on earth not to catch his meaning, but I pretended not to notice.

  “How do you take your coffee?”

  I got up to pour us both a much-needed cup of joe when he reached over and grasped my wrist.

  “What do you have planned for today?”

  “Uhm, I have an event I have to prepare for.”

  “A book signing?”

  “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “I’m a fan, remember?”

  “Yeah,” I smacked my head. “It seems so unreal. How could you be MY fan? I should be asking you for your autograph, or at least hitting on you in the most inappropriate way possible.”

  He pulled me down into his lap and I let him. Honestly, being near him was the closest thing to feeling completely safe that I have experienced in years. More than anything else, that was what scared me. Life had taught me that there was no such thing as a completely safe person. And yet, here I was, letting this person touch me and trusting him not to do what I knew would be inevitable. One day, I knew, he would hurt me, and I might not ever recover. And yet I still let him hold me and I believed the things that he told me. I was a fool. I shouldn’t feel safe and yet I did.

  “So how do you prepare?” he rested his head against my back and rocked me gently.

  “I need to write a speech and do some dry runs. I need to meet with the shop owner and a few other things.”

  “Sounds serious.” He tried to sound impressed.

  “It is. Deadly.”

  We both laughed and the sound of his laughter wound its way through my spine and made me want to hear it all the time. I wanted to be the cause of that sound every day.

  “So, are we going to talk about what happened last night?” He held me tighter, waiting for my answer.

  “Do we have to?”

  “I like to be clear about things.”

  “Like what?”

  “What’s the verdict?”

  “Aren’t the dirty sheets upstairs enough of an answer?”

  “They are just proof that I’m a great lover. They don’t tell me anything about the things I’m most interested in.”

  I turned to face him.

  “What are you most interested in?”

  He pointed to my chest and smiled up at me.

  “Just because you like me doesn’t mean you’re ready to admit that you’re mine. I want you to be mine.”

  “What if—”

  “I won’t promise you that I’ll never hurt you because that’s bullshit. I can’t guarantee that. I’m only human. I can only guarantee that I will always tell you the truth, and for as long as you let me, I’m going to keep proving that I’m worthy of your trust.”

  “I don’t—”

  “You don’t have to make up your mind right away. I can wait. Until you make up your mind, I’m going to keep treating you like you’re already mine. Just don’t keep me waiting too long.”

  He let me go and stood up, walking out of the dining room and up the stairs without letting me say a word. I realized that, despite his confident appearance, he was just as nervous and unsure of himself as I was. He just handled it better.

  Somehow, knowing that made me feel better.

  I washed up the few dishes that we’d dirtied and followed him upstairs. He was already in the shower and I contemplated joining him but decided against it. Instead, I pulled the soiled sheets from off of the bed and put them in the corner. Then I went in search of new linens. After a few minutes, I’d checked all of the conventional places.

  “Hey, where do you keep your sheets?”


  “Your sheets! Where are they?” I turned to a chest of drawers that stood opposite his closet.

  “In the drawer,” once again he was standing right behind me, naked and wet, looking down at me like I was the last lifeboat on the Titanic.

  “Oh, uhm, thanks! You didn’t have to get out of the shower.”

  “How else can I convince you to join me?”


  “Are you still shy?” He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.

  “I’m...I’ll join you.”

  Once again, I let him lead me into the room and pull the clothes from my body. I let him kiss me and pull me under the hot jets with him. I let him pour shower gel into one of those poufy shower things and wash my neck and back. If it had been anybody else it would’ve felt like an intrusion, but it felt natural to be here with him. I felt cared for. If this was what it meant to be his, then I wanted that more than anything.

  “You should hurry up and finish washing,” he said. “I’m tempted to keep you here all day.”

  “Don’t you have work?”

  “I’m the boss, remember?” he kissed my temple and turned me around so that I was facing the water.

  I washed quickly and escaped the confines of the bathroom before things could go south. By the time we were dressed and ready to leave most of the morning had already passed us by but neither of us seemed to be in much of a hurry.

  “You know, I never really told you much about myself,” he climbed into the truck and turned the engine on.

  “I didn’t ask either.”

  “Maybe we should fix that. I mean, I know all of the important things, but I should probably also know some of the mundane things.”


  “Like, did you have any siblings? What’s your favorite food and what teams you root for?”

  “I don’t like sports.”

  “Get out, you’re dead to me!”

  We laughed and once again I was bathed in that glorious sound.

  “Seriously? You don’t like any sports?”

  I shook my head.

  “I just never got into them. I understand how most of them are played but I don’t understand the hype.”

  “Have you ever been to a game?”

  I shook my head.

  “You’ve never been to a real, live game at a stadium?”

  “Nope. I never got the chance,” I was hoping he wouldn’t press the issue. I didn’t want to have to remind him that the crowds and noises at a stadium were still too hard for me to handle.

  “What about siblings?”

  “None. You?”

  "A younger sister. We used to be close but she found some version of Jesus and got married. We don't really talk anymore." He said the word as if they were just facts but his face told a different story. One I knew I'd have to hear one day, but I was determined not to let the shadows of our past ruin the beauty of this moment.

  However we got here, the two of us found each other. If he was willing to put up with all of my issues the least I could do is listen when he needed to talk about his.

  "What about your folks?"

  "My dad is retired military. My mom was a schoolteacher."

  "My mom was very tech. I never met my dad but he was bad news. I was actually better off not knowing him, I think."

  "He passed away?"

  "While in prison doing a life sentence." He took a moment to digest those words but didn't pass judgment one way or the other.

  "Favorite band or genre?"

  "Anything with a decent best and a nice melody. I just can't bring myself to enjoy country music. I've tried."

  "No! "

>   "I want to enjoy it. I really do. But I just don't feel anything when I listen to it."

  "What are you talking about, man? That is soul music right there. I swear I— I just don't know how you can say you like music and you don't love country music." He shook his head in fake disappointment. "I just don't know if this is going to work out between us."

  "We obviously have nothing in common," I agreed, laughing at the grave expression he wore.

  "Obviously! I don't know what you even saw in me."

  "You make me feel safe and normal. You make me want to be brave."

  He took his eyes off of the road for the briefest moment and looked at me. He reached over and caressed my face with his warm hand. I involuntarily pressed my face against his palm.

  "You're already the bravest man I know. You want to know how I ended up on that bathroom floor?”

  “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “I want to tell you,” he frowned as he spoke, recalling the unpleasantness of that night. “The only reason why I was out looking for a hook up was that I was lonely. I got so wrapped up in my work I started losing touch with other people. Other than Dean and my office manager, Ruiz, I really didn’t talk to people and I was just too fucking lazy to create real relationships. I didn’t have any emotional connections and I was beginning to like it that way. Yeah, I wanted to get laid. But more than that, I just wanted to spend some time with another human being. So, the way I see it, I went out looking for a connection and I got one. It wasn’t the one I thought I was going to get but it turned out to be so much better.”

  “So, what you’re saying is?”

  “I’m saying you saved more than just my ass that night. You saved me. The real me.”

  He laced his fingers through mine and we held hands the rest of the way home. We didn’t talk much. We didn’t need to. Besides, I was still battling the fear that all of this was a fever dream and that I was actually somewhere in an Intensive Care Unit fighting for my life.



  But then again, what’s the likelihood that somebody like me would ever meet somebody so wonderful?

  Chapter Fourteen


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