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The Broken Faewolf’s Mate

Page 8

by Rider, Liv

  “I’m not a wolf,” he said eventually, shaking his head. “And I’ve no plans to pretend to be one.”

  “Why does no one want to be a wolf?” Aidan asked plaintively. “I mean, I’m glad not to be stuck as one all the time anymore but being one some of the time rocks.”

  “Why do I get the feeling we’re not talking about me anymore?” Zeke’s eyes brightened. “Tell me more about your sexy latent-werewolf. I assume he’s who you’re pining over?”

  “What makes you think I’m pining?” Aidan said defensively. “Or that he’s sexy?” Dammit, he hadn’t thought Zeke’s powers worked over the phone! How had he known?

  “Well, your face just now for one thing. Plus, you turn human for the first time in decades, but you barely describe the guy whose magical hands did the deed? Please.”

  “It’s not his hands, specifically. He just has to touch me somewhere.” Oh, no, that sounded much worse.

  Zeke’s eyes sparkled. “And what other body parts have you been getting up close and personal with, then, Mr. O’Calleigh?”

  Aidan felt himself blush. Dammit, why were human reactions so much harder to control than wolf ones? He considered hanging up, but the need to know burned in him and it wasn’t like he could ask anyone else for advice. No way was he asking his twin this kind of question, and Oscar would be nearly the same thing. He could probably ask one of his packmates, but that would be the same as broadcasting his virginal status to the entire pack. Werewolves gossiped.

  “Speaking of, how do you convince someone to have sex with you?” He said the words fast, as if that would somehow make them less awkward. If he’d been in wolf form, his ears would’ve been pressed flat against his skull.

  Zeke made a choking noise. “Seriously, wolf-boy?”

  “Seriously.” Aidan flailed his hands around. “I don’t know what to do! And I’m not asking the internet again because have you seen what comes up?”

  Zeke looked like all his Christmases had come at once. “It’s called porn.”

  “Exactly! I’m not taking sex advice from porn!” He swallowed. The search results had been both arousing and disturbing. So much leather. And did cocks really come that big? How was that not painful?

  “Well, when a daddy wolf and another daddy wolf love each other very much….”

  “Fuck off! I understand mechanics.” In theory, at least. It was another of those things that had sounded bizarre and unappealing when he’d been in wolf form. But now the idea made his stomach flip with a dizzy, anticipatory feeling. “But how do you, you know, know if someone wants to do that…Or how to do you tell them you might want to?” Hell, he sounded pathetic.

  “There’s no magic formula, dude, but I’ve heard using your words helps. Just ask him. Alternatively, borrow some of Oscar’s tight jeans and find a reason to bend over a lot.”

  “Zeke!” Would that actually work?

  Zeke’s lips quirked. “Hey, you’re the one who asked for advice.” Distantly, Aidan registered a noise out in the hallway. Marshmallow, his subconscious suggested.

  “I don’t even know if he’s interested.” He doesn’t like werewolves, he almost said, but he knew how Zeke would react to that. Zeke had zero patience for prejudice; he’d tell Aidan to walk away without a backward glance. How could Aidan explain that it wasn’t that simple with Dev? Dev’s mistrust of wolves went right back to his issues with his father, and Aidan knew better than anyone how much sucky parents could screw with your head. He felt sure it was just a matter of time and reassurance before Dev accepted his own nature—and Aidan’s. After all, he’d already made it from impending panic attack to not being worried by Aidan in wolf form in the space of one day.

  “Well, if he’s not, suck it up and move on. Lack of sex isn’t going to kill you.” Darkness flickered in Zeke’s expression, and Aidan heard the words he didn’t say: Unlike me.

  “He’s the only thing keeping me human,” Aidan said heavily.

  “All the more reason to seduce him, then. Tie him to the bed. Can also recommend wet T-shirts, eating bananas inefficiently, and impromptu push-ups.” Zeke waggled his eyebrows.

  “Really? This is your advice?”

  “Only if you’re too chicken to just freaking talk to him!”

  “I’m not walking up to him and saying ‘Hey, Dev, I want you to fuck me.’ No one does that…do they?” Aidan wasn’t exactly the expert on human flirting. He ran a hand through his hair and gave a growl of frustration.

  “Well, it’s not the most sophisticated pick-up line, but it’s not the worst one I’ve ever heard. Try it on him and see.” Zeke grinned wickedly. “And remember: lube is your friend.”

  He said something else, but Aidan wasn’t listening anymore. The noise in the hallway wasn’t a cat but human footsteps. Footsteps that had just paused in surprise.

  “I have to go!” he hit the end call button and sprinted to the door, which hadn’t quite clicked shut. Which meant, to werewolf hearing, his conversation might as well have been conducted via megaphone.

  Chapter 13

  Dev had come upstairs after burying himself in work all evening, figuring Aidan must be asleep by now. Not seeing Aidan made it a hell of a lot easier to resist the temptation to press him up against the nearest wall and kiss him senseless.

  At the sound of voices through a half-closed door, he froze. And then—

  “… ‘Hey, Dev, I want you to fuck me.’ No one does that…do they?”

  For a moment he thought he’d misheard, but then the office door swung open, revealing Aidan wearing a T-shirt and boxers and blushing fire-engine red. “Er, is there any chance you didn’t overhear that?”

  “Zero.” Lust ripped through him hard and fast. “You mean that? You want to fuck?”

  Aidan looked everywhere but at Dev, trying and failing to sound casual. “Yeah. I mean…if you wanted to.” He licked his lips. “For science. I’m keen to try new human experiences. While I can.”

  This was a terrible idea, but Dev was already losing an internal battle with his own lust. He took several steps forward, until he’d backed Aidan into the office and up against a wall. All the breath left Aidan’s body in a single, startled oomph as Dev leaned his weight against him, his eyelids fluttering closed. Aidan’s warm, minty scent surrounded him, his breath warming Dev’s lips. God, Dev wanted to taste him.

  “Look at me,” Dev commanded. “You sure about this?”

  Slowly, his long lashes swept up. Aidan’s pupils were blown wide, making his eyes appear a much darker blue than normal.

  “Yeah,” Aidan said firmly. “But you don’t have to…I mean, I’m kind of a novice at this,” he confessed. “In case that wasn’t bloody obvious already. There wasn’t a lot of…well, I’ve been a wolf all my adult life. So, I know I’m not, er, as sexy as I’d like, and you might not, er, want to.” He looked down at their bodies, only inches apart. Dev’s cock was already half-hard, pressing against his jeans. Aidan looked up, a spark of mischief in his eyes. “Though I’m getting the feeling you are interested?”

  “You are so damn sexy it ought to be illegal,” Dev growled. “Of course I’m interested.” He loosely gripped Aidan’s neck, rubbing his thumb over his skittering pulse. Aidan shivered, let out a long, shuddering breath. Dev pressed closer, their hips grinding together, and Aidan made an incoherent noise in the back of his throat.

  “Like that, do you?” He dropped a kiss on Aidan’s jawline. Aidan tried to follow his mouth, making a desperate sound when Dev nuzzled at his neck instead, pressing the line of their bodies even closer. The primal, bestial urge from before growled possessively, wanting to mark Aidan with its teeth. Mine.

  “I…Fuck…Yes…” Aidan stuttered.

  Christ, if there was anything sexier than Aidan struggling to form words, Dev hadn’t found it yet. Warning lights flashed in his mind. He should stop this, stop before he spun out of control. Something about Aidan woke the beast in his soul like nothing else, and that was without sex. Didn’t
he remember what he’d done, what he was capable of? For a half-second, he could taste the echo of blood in his mouth, feel his scar burning as it had when it was fresh. But then Aidan writhed against him and rasped: “Dev. Please.”

  Old memory scattered under the roar of desire. He kissed Aidan fiercely, burning away the shadows. Some distant, more coherent bit of his brain said maybe he was going too fast, but how was he supposed to slow down when Aidan kissed like sin and innocence, opening eagerly to Dev’s tongue? He kissed like he was trying to pack an entire lifetime of kissing into one kiss, like he too couldn’t get close enough.

  Aidan tasted faintly of mint, the same signature as his magic. Dev wanted to kiss him forever and at the same time bend him over the desk and thrust into him right here and now. God, he was so hard, he could come just from the grinding friction between them and the thready, whimpering sounds Aidan was making. But he didn’t want that to be Aidan’s first time, so he pulled back.

  Aidan tried to follow him, but Dev held him in place, sliding a hand over the front of Aidan’s boxers, feeling the hard erection pressing against the thin satin.

  “Ngh,” Aidan groaned as Dev stroked him.

  “How we feeling about upping the nudity levels?” Dev plucked suggestively at Aidan’s waistband. Aidan’s hands joined his, feverishly pushing his boxers down without hesitation.

  “I bloody love nudity,” Aidan managed to get out, pulling his T-shirt over his head without hesitation. His accent had gone very Irish.

  Dev had intended to strip as well, the tightness of his pants now painful, but the sight of Aidan’s naked cock was just too tempting. He was long and slightly curved, flushed dark red. Dev wrapped his hand around the hard flesh, loving the way Aidan trembled in response.


  In answer, Aidan buried his hands in Dev’s hair and swore in something he was pretty sure wasn’t English.

  His own cock was so hard it hurt, and his balls tightened with Aidan’s every twitch, every choked-off, needy sound. God, Aidan was so deliciously sensitive, trembling at the lightest touch, everything he was feeling showing in his expression without any filters. Dev knew it wouldn’t take much to take him to the edge, but he kept his strokes light and teasing. They could do better than up against a wall for Aidan’s first time.

  Aidan groaned in frustration. “You’re fucking killing me.”

  “My room?” Dev suggested. It was closest.

  It took Aidan a few tries to respond, his voice gone scratchy as scotch. “Lead the way.”

  Even the short distance down the hallway was too far, left Dev craving body heat with a desperation that would’ve scared him if not for the blood pounding in his ears. They stumbled onto the bed.

  “Thought we were upping the nudity levels?” Aidan asked archly, gesturing.

  * * *

  Aidan sucked in a breath as Dev took off his shirt, overwhelmed by lust at the sight of all that naked brown skin and the intriguing thatch of black hair arrowing down his chest.

  Dev stripped methodically, as if he hadn’t noticed Aidan’s reaction, revealing muscular thighs and a thick, erect cock. Aidan’s attention caught on that hard length. Something between nerves and excitement skittered through him before he jerked his gaze up to focus on the bite scar on Dev’s shoulder. The scarring was more extensive than he’d realized, faint lines extending across Dev’s collarbone, across one pectoral. His wolf rose in his throat, furious and protective, and he closed the distance, reaching out before he caught himself mid-movement.

  “Ah—can I touch?”

  The corner of Dev’s mouth lifted, and he spread his arms. “Consider this the ‘all-you-can-touch’ buffet.” But his expression had gone guarded behind the smile.

  Aidan paused at the smooth heat of Dev’s skin, relishing the feel of it under his fingertips—the fact that he had fingertips to feel it with. He traced a careful path over Dev’s skin, following the tracery of scars. The signs of violence were worn pale and smooth by time, but they were still recognizable.

  Bite marks. Claws.

  “A wolf did this,” Aidan said grimly, lust ebbing. Dev’s resistance to the idea of a being a werewolf started to make a horrible kind of sense.

  “Yup.” Dev shrugged and didn’t add any more information. “This change your mind about the extracurricular activities?”

  Aidan wanted to keep pushing, but the line of Dev’s shoulders said he wasn’t going to talk about it. A direct approach wasn’t going to get him anywhere here. Like stalking a deer, his inner wolf suggested. Stroke him now; pounce later.

  Dev smoothed a questioning hand down Aidan’s chest, thumbing one of his nipples. Aidan gasped as unexpected pleasure spiked. Okay, his wolf wasn’t so great at metaphors, but it was right. Talking could happen later. Right now, there should be as much stroking as humanly possible.

  “Hell no it doesn’t,” Aidan said firmly. Or tried to say firmly, as Dev tweaked his nipple again and his words tangled into a moan. Giving up on words, he put his hands flat on Dev’s shoulders and pushed him backwards towards the bed.

  Dev let out a huff of laughter that became a strangled groan when Aidan found one of his nipples and flicked it. “Damn, you learn fast.”

  “That’s good, then?” Aidan waggled his eyebrows. “What happens if I do this?” He licked at Dev’s nipple again, but this time he added the barest brush of teeth. Dev made a choked sound, and it somehow seemed to jerk all the way down to Aidan’s balls.

  Aidan’s hands moved lower, ghosting over Dev’s cock. “How far does this free-touch pass go?”

  “As far as you want.” Dev watched him through half-lidded eyes, his expression sending a wash of heat through Aidan’s whole body.

  Aidan grinned and slid his hand lower, wrapping around Dev’s cock. He liked the heavy weight of it, the silken-smooth skin contrasting with the hardness beneath. A jittery anticipation filled him as he traced the thick vein down the side, and the results of his earlier, furtive internet-search flashed through his mind. What would this feel like, inside him?

  “Harder.” Dev wrapped his hand around Aidan’s, demonstrating. “Mmmm, yes, like that. No—ah. Yes, there.” His free hand spasmed on the sheets. “Fuck.”

  He sat up abruptly, toppling Aidan back, pressing him down into the mattress.

  “Hey—” Aidan protested, but Dev shimmied down his body, eyes glittering, and thumbed over the head of Aidan’s cock. “Mmff,” was all he got out before pure need overwhelmed him, his whole body feeling like it had wound a notch tighter.

  “My turn,” Dev said, eyes glittering in a way that sent anticipation sparking along his nerves. Dev dipped his head and gave a quick, tentative lick.

  Aidan arched of the bed with a cry, but Dev held him down, taking the head of his cock in his mouth with slow care.

  “Dev,” he groaned as Dev sucked him. He could feel… “Oh my god.” His hips rocked helplessly to the rhythm Dev set, his cock seeming to swell against Dev’s lips.

  Dev lifted his head to ask: “Too much?”

  He shook his head vehemently. “I want you to fuck me.” The distance between them felt too much, even pressed up against each other like this, and he burned with the need to close it, to experience as much of Dev as possible. Who knew when he’d next have the chance?

  Interest sparked in Dev’s eyes, his breath hitching, but he looked torn. “You know you don’t have to jump straight into the deep end. There’s lots of other fun ways to get off—” He stroked Aidan’s cock again for emphasis.

  Aidan groaned and shook his head. “I want to.”

  Dev grinned at the fierceness in his tone, scooting up to kiss him. The kiss was unexpectedly gentle, but the motion bumped their cocks together. Both of them quivered as the sensation hummed through them.

  “Please,” he said desperately, twisting, trying to get even more contact between them.

  “Since you ask so nicely, then,” Dev rumbled. He clambered off to rummage in his bag.

  Aidan watched him interestedly, propping himself up on his elbows, admiring the broad lines of Dev’s body, the jutting length of his cock.

  Dev returned with his prize. “Human lesson number I can’t remember: lube makes everything better.” He demonstrated, drizzling a generous dose over Aidan’s balls, cupping the slick weight of them.

  Aidan let out a long, low groan, eyelids fluttering shut. “Holy…bloody Oberon. You are not…wrong.” The lube made everything feel so much more intense.

  “You sure?” Dev asked.

  “If you don’t fuck me now, I will kill you,” he said mock-seriously, or tried to, because Dev ran a finger firmly down from his balls to the crack of his ass, sensation sparking in the wake of the touch, and his words turned to mush. “Dev, I—” but Dev’s finger pressed inside him, and he lost his words again. The world narrowed to that single touch, tight and intimate in a way that made something in his brain go yes, this, more. Everything went tense and then loose, his body adjusting to the intrusion.

  Dev’s grin was smug as he pumped that single finger slowly, his other hand taking hold of Aidan’s cock. Aidan made a strangled noise as the twin sensations vibrated through him, his ass clenching in response. God, what would even more feel like? He wriggled up, needing touch, dug his hands into Dev’s shoulders, tracing the ridges of his muscles.

  It felt…he didn’t have words for how good it felt as Dev added fingers.

  “More,” he whined.

  Dev shook his head. “Patience, beautiful.” His fingers slid in and out of Aidan’s body with obscene slippery noises, his knuckles catching briefly on his rim. Aidan couldn’t bear it, writhing under the sensation. Dev added another finger, stretching him further. Leisurely, he pumped his fingers in and out, and Aidan was caught by the sight of Dev’s fingers disappearing into his body, the thrilling, shivering sensation they sent straight to his cock from his ass.

  “Please, Dev, fuck me!”


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