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Taking His Mate

Page 17

by Delta James

  “I do. Not that something couldn’t go sideways on us, but yes, I really feel she’s past the worst of it. Her body just needs to rest.”

  “Thank you, Greg. I’m grateful.”

  Greg smiled and clapped Griffin on the shoulder. “I’m just a hopeless romantic and this is the kind of thing that is very gratifying to me.”

  Greg left the room and Maddie stirred.

  “It’s all right, my love. I’m here.”

  Hearing his voice and feeling the touch of his hand seemed to settle her and a smile crossed her face. Griffin crawled up onto the bed beside her and laid down. He nuzzled her before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

  * * *

  Griffin was fast asleep. He woke once and it appeared to him that Maddie was resting even easier. He smiled as he realized that while he greatly enjoyed the carnal pleasures his beloved mate had to offer him, just sleeping next to her brought him a kind of peaceful joy.

  There was a gentle knock on the door.

  “Come in,” he called quietly.

  Josh stuck his head in the door. “If you have a moment, I think I have good news about the lighthouse and cottage.”

  Griffin sat up. “Come on in, Josh.”

  “The cottage itself shouldn’t be an issue at all. I have the blueprints from the county for both so creating a foundation would be easy. The good news is that as both properties sit on the water, it might be easier, faster, and less expensive to move them up by a low drawing barge.”

  Josh handed Griffin a breakdown of the costs that would be involved.

  “That’s far less than I thought.”

  “Basically, they’re letting you have it so they don’t have to tear it down and are willing to pay the electricity for the light if you’re willing to run it and put it on a separate meter.”

  “Can I impose on you to let them know, I’m ready to move ahead. As soon as Maddie…”

  “No need to wait, I can run point on this for you if you like. And better yet, when I was talking to the guy at the county, he made a joke about an old dairy barn that needs to come down. He sent me pictures and architecturally it would look fine with the lighthouse and cottage. It might make the start of a great compound area.”

  Josh handed Griffin the pictures.

  Griffin smiled. “Reminds me of the dairy barns at Calon Onest. I assume you have the breakdown on costs?”

  Josh grinned. “Yeah, same thing. Basically, it’ll cost you some more labor, but we… I mean you should be able to move all of it on two barges.”

  “We? Are you looking to leave Calon Gwyllt?”

  “Not necessarily looking. And don’t get me wrong, Dylan has been good to me. He took me in when I got turned, but the idea of being part of a new pack… Anna and I just think that we could be a lot of help to you and Maddie. And that island is in the best place for her to link everything up. Honestly, I don’t understand half of what she’s saying to me when she talks electronics, but if she says it’s a better place to do it, then it is.”

  “I know Maddie was impressed with your Anna… and you. If you’re game, I’m happy to have you. I can speak to Dylan.”

  “Speak to Dylan about what?” came the quiet question from Maddie.

  “Josh, go find Greg.”

  Josh dropped the papers on the bed and ran out to find the doctor.

  “Don’t try to sit up, cwningen bach. Let’s wait for Greg.”

  Maddie giggled. “Hey, I’m a wolf now.”

  Griffin chuckled. “You, my love, will always be my cwningen bach.”

  Maddie snorted. “So, what are you going to talk to Dylan about? And is there water? I’m thirsty. Roz wasn’t kidding… I feel like I have the hangover to end all hangovers.”

  Griffin got up and got her a glass of water. She reached for it.

  “Let’s wait until Greg is here.”

  “I’m here,” said Greg as he came into the room. “And a little water is fine. How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit,” Maddie said brightly. “And you?”

  Griffin growled low at her and Greg laughed. “She’s just being honest, Griffin. I can tell you from personal experience, when you get through the change… you feel like shit.”

  Greg took Maddie’s vital signs and seemed pleased.

  “Is she all right?” asked Griffin anxiously.

  “She is indeed. Sip the water slowly. I’ve told Claudine to make some things that will be easy to digest but will be tasty. Don’t ever tell our chef Robert I said this, but I do believe that Jean-Michel has the best cook of the lot.”

  Griffin agreed. Greg turned back to Maddie. He stopped her from fussing with the IV.

  “Let’s leave that in place until we make sure you can keep food and liquid down.”

  “I don’t like it. Please take it out,” said Maddie.

  Greg looked to Griffin.

  Griffin sat down beside her. “Leave it, love. It’ll be out soon.”

  “I want it out now.”

  There was a discreet knock as Roz joined them.

  “I found holding a scalpel on him and cutting the lines was effective.”

  Greg laughed at her. “As I keep saying, she was being difficult.”

  “Actually, you look pretty good. How are you feeling? The rest of them are all down there fretting so I thought I’d come check in,” said Roz to Maddie.

  “Like you said… as if I had the mother of all hangovers.”

  Roz grinned at her. “Claudine is putting things together for you. Personally, I recommend banana nut pancakes.”

  Maddie took a sip of the water and then a longer drink. The water felt good on her throat.


  He turned to her, “Yes, my love?”

  “Could you kiss me?”

  “Hmmm, I don’t think either Liza or I woke up wanting to kiss somebody,” giggled Roz.

  Griffin leaned over to Maddie and kissed her gently.

  “Really?” she said. “I didn’t just have my DNA overwritten for that kind of half-assed effort. Roz, didn’t you say Jean-Michel had unmated males? Maybe we should line ‘em up and I could take a look.”

  Griffin growled. Roz and Greg laughed.

  “Yeah, that growl isn’t going to get you anything, but I am inclined to let you try again,” Maddie said, her voice dropping seductively.

  Griffin grinned and kissed her. The kiss was soft, seductive, and made Maddie sigh.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Much. How long was I out of it?”

  “Only a couple of days. You came through it really fast. This one,” Greg said, indicating Griffin, “rarely left your side and only when absolutely necessary. I swear the ones with a mate, it’s more about managing the mate.”

  Maddie smiled, picking up Griffin’s hand. “I know. I could feel him here with me.”

  Griffin kissed her again. “I love you. I missed you.”

  “I didn’t miss you at all… you were with me and have been through many other lifetimes. I got little glimpses of other lives with you.”

  “Were you a sweet and compliant mate?”

  Maddie laughed. “I’m afraid not. Please get me unhooked.”

  “Quit fretting. I’m sure Greg will take it out as soon as he can.”

  Darby entered the room carrying a tray.

  “Claudine wasn’t sure what you’d like so she made pretty much everything Greg said you could have.”

  “Griffin, I’m going to leave you and your mate to eat and shoo everyone out. She needs to rest.”

  “That’s all I’ve been doing…”

  “I’ll see to it, Greg. And thank you, to all of you.”

  Greg ushered Darby and Roz out and closed the door behind him.

  “Alone at last,” she said, turning to him and pulling him close. “You do realize we can’t fuck until he gets me unhooked.”

  Griffin laughed. “I’m aware. Be careful what you wish for, mate.”

  Maddie looked down at
the place on her palm that he had cut when they joined their lives and their blood together.

  “It’s healed,” she said, shocked that it was.

  “It’s being a wolf. We heal far more quickly than humans.”

  Maddie shook her head. “That’s weird… to think I’m no longer human.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  “Oddly, no. I’m just glad that we don’t have to worry about something happening by accident. And Roz says the whole knotting thing is amazing.”

  “When Greg says you are recovered enough to be marked and knotted I will see to both.”

  “You know, it’s funny, but I had planned to talk you out of marking me. But after talking to Roz and the others I’m looking forward to it. Knowing that others will know I belong to you, to a pack, to a group of extraordinary individuals…” She started to tear up.

  “Madeline? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said. “Absolutely nothing. I just feel,” she grinned. “I feel everything so much more. Like I’m just plugged in to everything. All my senses are heightened. I’m just so happy. I love you. A week ago I didn’t even know you, and now I’m no longer human and mated to the man I didn’t even know enough to dream about.”

  They picked their way through the food and then stretched out. It wasn’t long before they were fast asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Maddie woke, Griffin was gone but Greg was sitting with her.

  “Where’s Griffin?”

  “He was needed downstairs, but didn’t want you to wake up alone.” He stood and crossed over the room to her. He picked up her wrist and took her pulse. “How are you feeling?”

  Maddie thought about it for a moment. “Fine. In fact, I feel terrific. I’m also really hungry.”

  “I’ll let them know downstairs. Hungry for anything in particular?”

  “Roz recommended banana nut pancakes.”

  Greg laughed. “Okay, you sit here. I’ll let them know then I’ll get you unhooked from the IV.”

  “Can you do that first? Then I can go grab a quick shower.”

  “Okay, but then you get back in that bed. I want you to rest.”

  “Really? I have to tell you, I have no intention of resting in this bed when Griffin returns.”

  “I see,” Greg laughed again. “Duly noted.”

  Greg quickly unhooked the IV, chuckling as she turned her head when he removed the needle. He cautioned her about taking it easy and not moving too fast and then left her to see if the kitchen could make her some banana nut pancakes.

  Maddie giggled and flew out of the bed. She felt incredible. She wanted a shower, something to eat, and Griffin. In fact, she was more than willing to forego the food to have Griffin. If he thought she was responsive to him before, he had no idea. Roz had assured her that everything would be intensified after she was turned.

  Maddie got in the shower and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Life just seemed so full of so many possibilities. She really was looking forward to having Griffin mark her as his mate and taking her first knot. She also wanted to experience shifting to her wolf form for the first time and running along the coast.

  She reminded herself that she had to remember to ask Griffin not only what had happened with the gathering and if he’d learning anything about the lighthouse and cottage. There was so much they needed to do… including deciding what to do with her townhouse.

  Maddie got out of the shower and giggled. Should she just shake herself to get dry? She dried her hair in the towel and then dried herself off. She looked in the mirror. She didn’t think she looked different. She wondered if she smelled different. She ran her hands over her body. Her skin didn’t feel any different, but she could feel the different textures of her skin. Her senses all seemed heightened including that of touch.

  There was a quiet knock on the door.

  “You all right, my love?”

  Maddie pulled the towel off her head and flung open the door, flinging her arms around Griffin’s neck and jumping up to wrap her legs around his waist.

  “Greg didn’t tell me he was going to bring me my favorite thing to eat,” she said, capturing his mouth with her own.

  Griffin staggered back, wrapping his arms under her to keep her from falling. Maddie could feel his arousal kick in to match her own.

  “I missed you too,” he chuckled.

  “Wanna fuck?”

  That made him laugh out loud. “Very much, but not until Greg gives us the okay. Then you, my mate, will be mine completely.”

  “I can’t wait.” She nuzzled his neck and kissed him again.

  There was another knock on the door.

  “Hold on,” called Griffin, disengaging his mouth from hers. He carried her back to their bed and tucked her back in. “Come in.”

  Josh entered with a tray. “I saw this coming up and thought I’d bring it. I have some more news.”

  “Oh, my God, these smell delicious,” said Maddie as she started to eat. “They taste even better. Do you want a bite?” she said, offering one to Griffin.

  He took the bite and then kissed her.

  “So what did you find, Josh?”

  “Made the same deal on the dairy barn. We have to pay to get it taken down and moved, but nothing for the barn itself. I’ve gotten the measurements so can get the foundation done for it as well.”

  Josh handed the final cost sheet to Griffin, who grinned at him.

  “Josh, this is excellent work. You brought these bids in for far less than I would have thought.”

  “Neither of the barges in the area have work right now. Based on our previous discussion I told them we could start them on their way by the end of the week.”

  “Do you think we can get the buildings ready to go?”

  “Yes, Alpha, I’ve already got a general contractor with two idle crews. If you like, I can send Anna back to Calon Gwyllt with Dylan and Skylar and head south to oversee everything.”

  “Well done, Josh. Do you really want to be parted from Anna?”

  Josh grinned. “No, but she’s got some things to do and can do them at Calon Gwyllt and get our things together, then she can join me.”

  Griffin looked at the young man and smiled.

  “If I’ve presumed too much…” Josh said.

  “Not at all. When I spoke with Dylan he said they would miss you and that he couldn’t think of a better pair to bring into our pack. I couldn’t agree more.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. We won’t let you down.”

  Griffin laughed. “Josh, I’m not any more formal than Dylan. Griffin and Maddie will be fine.”

  “I’ll go get things put into motion,” Josh said as he left the room.

  “So, we have our first pack members?” Maddie asked him.

  “I would have spoken with you, but you were indisposed and both Sky and Dylan spoke very highly of him. Do you not care for him or Anna?”

  “No, I think they are both delightful. I’m just a little bit surprised. Where are we going to put them?”

  “Not only was Josh able to secure the light house and cottage, but a dairy barn that he has plans to convert to a secondary residence. Josh has a construction background and is going to get everything set up.”

  “Did everything get finished at the gathering?”

  “Yes. A remarkable group of men. I thought when you were ready to travel, we’d visit Ioan and Bethan and I can report to Ioan and the coalition he’s put together in Great Britain.”

  She shuddered.

  “Are you all right? Should I get Greg?”

  She put her hand on his. “I’m fine. I just remembered why we were all here. I’d gotten so caught up in falling in love with you and being excited about our new life. The real reason for the gathering got lost on me. So you’re all agreed that trouble is coming?”

  “I’m afraid so. But there’s nothing wrong with celebrating the good of what has come from this. If I could spare you the knowle
dge of all of it I would.”

  “Ah, yes, let’s send the ladies for tea and pedicures, while the big strong men deal with reality.”

  Griffin leaned over and kissed her. “Is that so wrong to want to keep you safe and make sure your life is happy and secure?”

  “But what if I want the same for you?”

  Griffin smiled and nodded. “It isn’t that I don’t value your contribution, but part of my job both as your mate and as your alpha is to keep you safe.” He shook his finger at her. “Whether you like it or not.”


  “Enough, cwningen bach, if talking about any of this is going to upset you, then we won’t discuss it at all. I won’t allow any of this to interfere with your healing.”

  “You’re such an exasperating…”

  “Mate and alpha,” Griffin said with some finality. “Do you need to be reminded of why it is a good idea to respect both of those roles?”

  “I do respect them… I just don’t agree with them.”

  Griffin leaned over and kissed her again. “You can disagree up to a point. You have reached that point. Can you abide by that or should I just refrain from discussing any of this with you?”

  “No, Griffin, I want to be there for you and our pack, but I still don’t think it’s right.”

  He grinned at her. “Duly noted. Besides I want you to be focused on all the delicious things I plan to do to you as soon as Greg says you’re up to it.”

  Maddie blushed and felt arousal envelop her in a very primal and profound way. The lascivious look on Griffin’s face let her know that he was well aware of the feelings his words had evoked.

  She smiled. “Yes, Alpha,” she practically purred at him and was rewarded by seeing that same wave of arousal wash over her mate.

  Griffin grinned. “Both Jean-Michel and Oliver’s pack were able to question men from separate parts of the planned attack and were both told the same thing. The first prong of the attack will come along the East Coast, most likely in our territory as they don’t know we’ll be there. They see that as an enormous weakness in our defenses. The main force is to come up through New Orleans and come at us from behind.”

  “But you’ve plans to stop them.”


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