Taking His Mate

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Taking His Mate Page 20

by Delta James

  “No, thus why I paid for a private compartment.” His hand reached the apex of her legs and he found no other barrier. He looked up at her and grinned. “It would seem my naughty mate doth protest too much.” He stroked between her legs from her clit down to her lower lips, which were already wet with desire. His grin broadened.

  “Don’t get any ideas, wolfie. First, I didn’t exactly have a chance to pack before I got whisked off to Jean-Michel’s and second, I don’t normally wear panties. I dislike them.”

  “The things one learns about one’s mate. I think I like that idea. Easier to administer both discipline and pleasure as needed.”

  Maddie leaned forward and captured his mouth with her own, her tongue plunging into his mouth and tasting him deeply.

  Griffin stroked between her legs once more and then broke off the kiss.

  “Griff…” she started.

  “Shh, cwningen bach, I will attend to your need.”

  He stood and walked to the compartment door, throwing the deadbolt and pulling down the shades. He returned to her and helped her to her feet and then gently pressed on her shoulders until she smiled and gracefully knelt in front of him.

  He reached down with one hand and opened his fly. With the other he fisted her hair and impaled her mouth with his cock, letting out a loud groan as he did so. Maddie had quickly learned that sucking her mate’s cock was not a way for her to dominate him or be in control. With Griffin as with everything else sexually, he was in control. He was responsible for the pleasure they found in each other.

  As he thrust slowly in and out of her mouth holding her head still by the hank of hair he had in his hand, Maddie flicked her tongue out and let it caress the underside of his cock, swirling as it came near the head. She’d had time to note that Griffin was suppressing his knot and hoped that he wouldn’t do so the entire time they were in Italy.

  “There’s my good mate,” she heard him croon.

  Griffin’s possession of her, and Maddie had to admit that it was just that, allowed her to be free of any doubts or worries. All she focused on was the feel of his cock in her mouth and trying to provide him with the maximum amount of pleasure.

  Griffin pumped deeper to the back of her throat. She opened it and swallowed, causing him to growl in pure lust. As he started to withdraw from her mouth she wrapped her lips around him tightly and tried to hang on.

  “Nay, mate, ‘tis not your belly I want to spill myself in.”

  He brought her to her feet, stripped her of the dress she’d had on, turned her to the window as the Italian landscape rushed by, and pressed her into it. Still fisting her hair, he wrapped his arm around the juncture of her torso and legs and pulled her lower half away from the window. He kicked her legs apart and let go of her hair. He steadied her body and then thrust himself into her wet, hot pussy, growling as he did so.

  Maddie growled in response and felt her body respond to his feral claiming of her body and soul. One of his hands came up to play and pinch her nipples while the other came around and ran down her lower body until he was cupping her mons and using a single finger to play with her clit.

  Her response was swift and immediate. Maddie climaxed as he continued to fuck her. He showed no signs of letting her ride the wave of her orgasm or letting her recover. Instead he seemed intent on using it to fuel another even more intense response from her.

  Maddie had lost her ability to speak. All she could do was moan and growl as he continued to surge in and out of her. Her fingers clawed at the window and she tried to find some way to get him to seek his own pleasure and spill himself within her. Over and over she felt his cock fill and stroke her pussy as his fondling of her breasts and nipples took on a more aggressive feel. Finally, he thrust deeply into her, the head of his cock nudging her cervix. As he did so, he took the nape of her neck into his mouth and held her with his teeth. Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough that she knew he had her within his jaws. He began to unleash torrents of his seed into her.

  His cock twitched and throbbed as he continued to unload his cum into her pussy, which spasmed in perfect rhythm to his cock, coaxing every ounce of his essence he had to give her.

  Once he was completely empty, he released her neck. His arms wrapped around her so that she could feel the protection that came with his passion. He turned her around and pulled her against him, cradling her so that she had his strength to help her stand.

  Griffin helped her back into her clothes and pulled her into his lap.

  “Aye, I think a rule of no panties shall be implemented immediately,” he said with the chuckle of a man who was deeply in love and completely sated by his mate.

  Maddie said nothing, but sighed contentedly and nuzzled his neck before closing her eyes. She had only napped for a little bit when Griffin woke her gently. They were a few minutes out of Milan.

  “God, Griff, it’s gorgeous here.”

  “This is nothing. Wait until you see the DeMedici Villa. Halsey’s pack has held their island for centuries and Calon Onest has been held by our pack since before that time. But we’re newcomers compared to the DeMedici. The pack that became the DeMedici have held this particular land for more than a thousand years.”

  They freshened up and stepped off the train only to be hailed by the driver and informed him that Marco had sent him to drive them to the villa. Once they were on their way and had escaped any traffic wrecks in Milan, Griffin asked the driver as to the well-being of Catherine.

  The driver had smiled and caught Griffin’s eye in the rearview mirror. “Our Madonna is in fine health and spirit. Marco, however, may have a heart attack before his child is born. He frets over every little thing. And our mistress keeps him on his toes. She keeps threatening to go up into the mountains with the midwife and some of the other women in attendance and have the baby in peace and quiet.”

  Griffin laughed. “Well, I rather imagine her advanced stage of pregnancy is keeping her pretty backside safe, but she should remember that according to Marco, the DeMedici invented the idea of a vendetta.”

  The driver laughed. “I have heard him tell her that it is not impossible for her to suckle a baby standing up.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Griffin watched Maddie’s face as she caught her first glimpse of the DeMedici Villa. They were still about forty-five minutes away. The road that led down to the estate was a winding one. As they crested a hill, they were afforded a panoramic view of the property. Although most everyone referred to it as a villa, it was, in fact, a fortress. It had been the stronghold of the family for a millennium. The rich farmland that surrounded it had fed the DeMedici pack and produced their extraordinary wine for almost as long.

  Although one couldn’t tell by looking, the villa was completely self-sustaining. Marco had installed an active solar system for their power needs years ago. Two streams and one minor river ran through their lands straight from the Alps with plenty of untainted water. And while they did use modern farming equipment, they had enough horses and antiques that they could provide for themselves through the end of time. Part of the elaborate dungeon and tunnel system under the vineyard had been converted to storage for food and other supplies as well as a bomb-proof shelter for the pack itself.

  Maddie gasped. “Griffin… it’s like something out of a fairy tale.”

  He laughed as did the driver. “Yes, Catherine loves to tell the story that the night she met Marco she was wearing a red cape and he was truly the big bad wolf.”

  Maddie grinned at him and looked at their driver who nodded. “Really?”

  “I was with him. We were in Florence. Marco had business there and I was on a little R and R. We’d had an amazing dinner at this little bistro and Marco was talking up one of the waitresses planning to spend the night with her in his bed.”

  “Before he found his Catherine, our alpha spent a great many of his nights between willing girls’ legs,” laughed the driver.

  “And now?” Maddie asked, not
so sure she was going to like Marco DeMedici.

  The driver sobered. “He only has eyes for the Madonna. Once he found his fated mate, no other existed for him… even when she gets angry with him and throws things.”

  Maddie looked at Griffin who nodded. “Fated mates. Truly we lose any and all sexual interest in anyone other than our mate. And Catherine has quite the artistic temperament… and the talent to match.”

  Maddie snuggled next to him.

  “In any event, Marco was being his usual charming self when the slightest breeze blew past. I noticed nothing, but Marco caught Catherine’s scent. He stopped talking to the waitress, ever so kindly shooed her away and then scented the air again until he found her. She was sitting with a friend.”

  “A female friend,” inserted the driver.

  “Yes,” chuckled Griffin. “I don’t like to think about how Marco would have reacted to Catherine sitting with a male friend. He knew from that moment that she was his mate and set about wooing her… but she wanted no part of this supremely self-confident, very wealthy Italian businessman. As she said, for the price of his shoes, she could have paid her rent back in America for several months.”

  Griffin shook his head, smiling as he remembered. “He doggedly pursued her. Marco is well known in Florence and well liked. He sent her flowers, handmade chocolates, made sure no one would let her pay for anything, but still she wouldn’t agree to see him.”

  “Finally, she got fed up with what she perceived was his arrogant manner. She confronted him and got in his face to tell him off. The curse words she used would have made a sailor blush. Marco let her say what she had to say and then asked her politely if she was through. When she said she was, he leaned over to her and quietly whispered in her ear that if she ever used that kind of language around him again, he would wash her mouth out with soap before putting her over his knee and spanking her very beautiful bottom.”

  “He didn’t…” said Maddie.

  “Oh, he did. And while he was doing it, he was running his hand over her rump.” Griffin’s eyes show his fondness for the memory.

  “And did she fall at his feet and beg him to take her home?” Maddie inquired.

  The driver laughed again. “No. The Madonna punched him in the face and bruised his nose badly.”

  Again, Maddie looked at Griffin who smiled and nodded. “As I said, Catherine has a healthy temper.”

  “What did he do?” asked Maddie, fascinated.

  “What any big bad wolf would do to Little Red Riding Hood. He pulled her into his arms and started kissing her until she couldn’t fight him any longer and just melted against him. He swept her up in his arms, ascended the grand staircase at our hotel, and took her to bed.”

  Maddie stared at Griffin, whose eyes were alight with amusement at the memory.

  Griffin continued, “That was on a Wednesday afternoon. No one saw either of them until Marco came back down the stairs with Catherine naked, wrapped in a bed sheet and slung over his shoulder kicking and screaming like the proverbial banshee.”

  “Didn’t anyone try to help?” asked Maddie.

  “Yes, the Welsh wolf,” said the driver. “He offered to get the door for Marco.”

  Maddie snorted. “Well, of course he did. Let me guess, Jean-Michel knows this story,” Maddie said, remembering the alpha of New Orleans making Griffin the same offer.

  “What else was I going to do?” asked Griffin innocently. “It was obvious she was his fated mate and just being difficult. As Marco likes to say at that point she had a freshly spanked bottom and her pussy full of his cum. As I understand it, he had to pull off the road and refresh both before he got her home.”

  Both Griffin and the driver were laughing.

  Maddie shook her head. “And you find this behavior acceptable?”

  “What else is one to do with a fated mate who is being difficult?” asked the driver in a tone that let Maddie know he truly didn’t think there was anything wrong with Marco’s behavior.

  “Catherine was still not of the mind to be Marco’s mate when he got her home. He carried her upstairs to their bedroom and kept her there until she agreed to be turned and mated to him.”

  “Oh, no pressure there.” Maddie shook her head. “Jesus, you’re all a bunch of arrogant bastards.”

  “No, no! Both Marco and your own Welsh wolf come from long and proud lines that go back hundreds of years. Their lineage is impeccable and their parents were properly mated.”

  “Oh, that’s all right then… not bastards, just arrogant…” She searched for a word.

  “Careful, mate, I’m of the same mind as most of my kind. Beautiful mates do not use bad language without earning themselves a mouth full of soap and trip over their mate’s knee.”

  “Tell me again why it was I fell for you?” she said, softening her tone.

  “Because I am your fated mate and you had no choice.”

  “No, that wasn’t it. Oh, yeah, I remember… I chose to be a wolf because of the whole metabolism thing and fell for you because of that knot thing.”

  The look on Griffin’s face was priceless. Both Maddie and the driver burst into hysterical laughter.

  He shook his finger at her. “Behave, mate, or you may find you enter the DeMedici fortress for the first time in the same state as Catherine… with a well spanked backside and a pussy full of my cum.”

  Their driver was an excellent guide. He pointed out the different kinds of grapes as they rolled through the vineyard and the various buildings—residences, stables, equipment sheds, the actual winery itself, etc. It was obvious he was proud of his pack and the home they shared.

  As they came to a stop and he hopped out to open the door, Maddie said to Griffin, “I only hope one day we have people who feel as attached to our pack and land.”

  The driver smiled brightly and kissed the back of her hand. “I am sure they will. The Welsh wolf waited a long time for you. I believe he made the right choice.”

  With that he grabbed their bags and headed into the main keep of the fortress. A tall, black-haired man with a hawkish nose and blazing eyes came down the stairs to meet them. Griffin noticed the glow to his eyes, and moved between him and Maddie.

  “Problem, Marco?” Griffin challenged.

  Marco stopped, a look of shocked concern on his face in response to Griffin moving between them. Griffin could see realization dawn on his old friend as to what had triggered his move. Marco began to laugh.

  “Nothing a good spanking of my mate wouldn’t fix. But as she is due to give birth any day now, I cannot give her what she needs. And she, of course, is taking full advantage of my inability to discipline her.”

  “Maybe she just needs you to be more understanding,” said Maddie.

  “Madeline, you do not challenge an alpha and especially in his own home about his mate.”

  Marco laughed and pushed past Griffin. “So, this is your cwningen bach? I do not think he named you well, you do not seem like a little rabbit to me. I think perhaps, my friend, you should have named her leonessa. Welcome, Griffin’s leonessa.”

  He kissed both her cheeks and Maddie found herself liking him despite his arrogance. He reminded her a great deal of Jean-Michel—charming and cultured until crossed. From what Griffin had told her, Marco DeMedici was every inch the predatory alpha wolf.

  “And what would I be, you great oaf, your beached balena?”

  Marco charged up the stairs to help the woman Maddie could only assume was Catherine down the steps. She swatted at him.

  “Get away from me. For Christ’s sake, Marco, I can walk down the stupid stairs. Griffin, do something with him… anything… before I kill him.”

  Marco growled at her. “Enough, tesoro. What have I told you about negotiating any of the stairs without assistance? You are fortunate you are so close to term.”

  Catherine looked at Maddie. “So, you’re Madeline Stone. I love your books, so does Marco.”

  Maddie was stunned. “Marco reads my

  Catherine laughed. “No, but he loves the effect they have on me.”

  Maddie laughed as well.

  “If you haven’t already mated the great Welsh wolf there… run like hell. He’s cut from the same cloth as Marco. They’re overbearing, think they know everything, want to run your life, and have a nasty habit of spanking you when they don’t get their way.”

  “But then there’s that whole you can eat anything and not gain weight.”

  “I’ll give you that one, but that’s being a wolf. It has nothing to do with putting up with an alpha and all of his shit.”

  Marco growled again.

  “Oh, hush. It’s all true and you know it. And Griffin is going to be just as bad as you are,” Catherine said, dismissing her mate.

  “But then there’s that whole knotting and tying thing,” Maddie said mischievously.

  Catherine giggled. “Yeah, there is that. But fair warning… that’s how I got this way.”

  Marco enfolded his wife in his arms and placed his hand over her belly. “You should be grateful to our baby. If not for him or her, you, my sweet mate, would be face down over my knee—a place you shall visit as soon as possible after you give birth if you don’t start to settle down and behave.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Catherine said, grinning at him and breaking his embrace and linking her arm through Maddie’s.

  Clearly, thought Maddie, Little Red Riding Hood had no fear of her big bad wolf. Maddie happily joined arms with Catherine and went up the stairs and into the huge home.

  As they entered the foyer, Maddie stopped, awestruck by the sheer enormity and beauty of the DeMedici villa.

  “Catherine, this is spectacular.”

  Catherine grinned. “I know. I try to feign being kind of blasé about it, but I’m still dumbstruck that I call this place home.”

  Marco and Griffin joined them. “See, tesoro, there are things about me you love.”

  Catherine gave Maddie an evil grin. “Sure, that would be that knot thing Maddie alluded to. Being breached by that thing and rocked into orgasmic bliss is more addictive than crack cocaine.”


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