Taking His Mate

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Taking His Mate Page 21

by Delta James

  Both Marco and Griffin were shocked. Maddie and Catherine giggled and continued on into the main gathering room of the villa.

  When they were out of earshot, Maddie said, “I take it you’re taking full advantage of the fact that he can’t spank you.”

  Catherine grinned. “You better believe it. Trust me, if I weren’t this far along, not only would I have received the sharp side of my mate’s tongue, but he most likely he would have excused us to take me up to our bedroom and remind me which one of us is alpha.”

  A lovely young woman approached them. “Catherine, quit vexing Marco. I swear you’re going to give him a stroke.” She turned to Maddie. “I’m Ashley, the midwife here. Catherine needs to rest but prefers to needle her mate.”

  Catherine laughed. “Just you wait. You’ll get mated to one of these beasts and then you’ll see, you take advantage of the freedom to misbehave whenever it presents itself. Now shoo. I want to talk to Maddie.”

  Ashley turned Catherine back to the main stairs. “Why don’t you go up to your room and lie down. You and Maddie can talk up there.”

  “I don’t want to. I want to be downstairs.”

  “Catherine, I need you to rest. Do I need to get Marco to carry you up?”

  “You know it’s bad when even the women are on his side.”

  Maddie laughed. “Why don’t you take me up to your bedroom and we’ll talk up there. Is one of those balconies yours?”

  “Yes, and it overlooks the vineyard. The view is spectacular.” Catherine turned to Ashley. “I will go upstairs but I am going to sit on the lounge on the balcony.”

  “I can live with that. I just need you to rest,” said Ashley.

  “You do know the DeMedici women have been having babies here for over a thousand years. I’m going to be just fine.” She turned back to Maddie. “The whole lot of them are driving me batty.”

  Catherine allowed Ashley and Maddie to escort her up the stairs. Marco started toward them and Ashley shook her head. Catherine giggled.

  “Only time in his whole blessed life he’s had to listen to a woman.”

  * * *

  Marco watched his mate ascend the stairs. “I swear, I’m not sure which is worst, the way my palm itches to warm my beautiful mate’s backside or my hard cock and the knot that is desperate to form so I can mount her once again.”

  Griffin laughed. “You’ll live. But I will speak to Maddie about not being so quick to join Catherine in her misbehavior.”

  “Don’t. Catherine is very uncomfortable at this stage and seemed to be enjoying herself with your Maddie, but I think it’s good we live in Italy and you in America. So, you’re taking Skylar’s island?”

  “Yes. Skylar and Dylan gifted it to us. One of Dylan’s…” Griffin smiled. “Josh, who used to be at Calon Gwyllt has joined us and is overseeing the removal of a lighthouse, cottage, and barn from down in South Carolina and bringing it up to the island. He promises to have it habitable by the time we get back.”

  “Sounds like a good man to have.”

  “Both Maddie and I think so. Josh’s Anna is the tech guru who is getting the electronic network set up. I just hope Maddie isn’t disappointed after seeing Jean-Michel’s place and then this one. And from here we go to Calon Onest.” Griffin chuckled. “I’m afraid we’ll be far more modest for a long, long time.”

  “I saw the way she looks at you,” said Marco. “Your Maddie will be fine as long as she is with you.”

  “I know I would say the same of me. As long as I have her, I have all I need.”

  Griffin brought Marco up to speed with the plans to put a stop to the packs who seemed intent on attacking the American packs and gobbling up both territory and females. Griffin outlined for Marco their ideas to protect those in the United States and to use Wales and Italy as staging areas and jumping off points to cripple the rogue packs in Eastern and Central Europe.

  “Do we have a date set for when we will put an end to this abuse?”

  “I think at first, there were some in the American coalition who felt we needed for them to make the first aggressive move. But after I told them what I’d seen and confirmed the rumors, the feeling has become that we will defend our homes and women if they strike first. But that we need to get everything in place and take the fight to them if we can. Obviously, your villa is the best staging point we could hope for.”

  Marco nodded. “I don’t know about anyone else, but my men are spoiling for a fight. With Ashley and her sister becoming pack, it’s personal. My pack wishes to wreck vengeance on those who hurt them.”

  Griffin smiled. He had rather imagined that might be the case and had shared those thoughts with the men at the gathering at Rivière Du Loup. “Ioan’s suggestion was to send your women and children to Calon Onest. They’ll be safer there if the rogue packs figure out that we’re using your villa to stage and coordinate our own attacks.”

  “While I would hate to separate my pack, I think your sister’s mate has a good point. I think it would be easier to do what we will need to do if we know our women and children are safe and out of harm’s way.”

  “When is Catherine’s actual due date?”

  “Day after tomorrow, but Ashley doesn’t want her alone from this point forward. What a gift you brought to us when you brought Ashley and her sister here. Her sister is such a sweet and compliant little wolf. Several of my unmated males are paying court to her. Ashley has more fire, but she has already made her mark here by being able to tend to pack members and save us the trouble of going into Milan. So how did you find your Maddie? And have you read her work? Your mate writes very naughty books.”

  Griffin laughed. “I’ve been reading her work when I have a chance. And while I think a lot of what she has written is more what she’d like to experience than what she has, she does write in a very erotic and stimulating way. As for how we met, she walked into Jean-Michel’s home with his Darby and I knew. I apologize for all the teasing I have given you over the years about Catherine.”

  Marco chuckled. “Well, at least you didn’t bring your mate home wrapped in a bedsheet, exhausted from your lovemaking and unable to sit down without a pillow.”

  “We haven’t gotten home yet, old friend. She needs to learn to behave. She is a bit strong-willed, but I think that is a good trait in a mate.”

  “For an alpha,” said Marco, “absolutely. You want a woman who is your equal but chooses to follow your lead and submit to your authority.” He clapped Griffin on the back. “Let’s go join the ladies. I really do want Catherine to rest whether she wants to or not.”

  They headed up the stairs.

  “Do you know if your child is a boy or a girl?”

  “No, we want it to be a surprise. As long as the baby and Catherine are healthy and strong, I will be the happiest of men.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The next few days were busy. Griffin kept Marco busy reviewing what would be needed to stage a successful preemptive strike and where it would be most effective. Catherine was grateful as it kept Marco out of her hair for the most part.

  Maddie found herself greatly enjoying the company of Catherine and the other women of her pack. It made her proud to be considered a sister of sorts to the women she met in various packs. Before becoming a wolf, she had thought that the women in the male-dominated wolf society must be meek and mild. She was finding they were anything but that. Not all were as full of fire as Catherine or the women who had once been Bae Diogel, but these women were no shrinking violets. She understood more and more why Roz, Darby, and Skylar had all been adamant that the women needed to be trained to fight. If the fight showed up on their doorsteps, the rogue males might well find the same kind of strength and resistance as they had faced at Bae Diogel.

  Maddie headed down to Catherine’s room and knocked softly. Catherine had asked to see her this morning. Hearing Catherine call to her to enter, Maddie spied Catherine on the balcony and started toward her.

Ashley’s room is the one at the end of the hall. Can you quietly go get her and tell her I think it’s time?”

  “Catherine, let me get you back to bed. I’ll get Ashley and send someone to find Marco.”

  “Don’t you dare. I’ve only been half teasing about going off to have the baby in a cave. I love the man with all my heart, but he’s beside himself with worry. I don’t need to have to manage him while trying to give birth to our child. Please, just go get Ashley.”

  “Of course.”

  Maddie rushed down the hall and found Ashley. Ashley looked up from the desk in her room. “Is it Catherine?”

  Maddie nodded.

  Ashley smiled. “Don’t look so worried. Catherine’s right—women have been giving birth to babies at this villa for centuries. Catherine is strong and healthy. Can you go get my sister? Let her know quietly, she’ll get everything together. The plan is to get this baby born and everything cleaned up before our alpha knows anything is happening.”

  Maddie grinned. “I’ll go find Stephanie. What else can I do to help?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind joining us, I could use an extra set of hands. Not all of the women in our pack would be willing to defy Marco’s expressed wishes on this matter. But I figure he isn’t the one having the baby. Catherine gets to have her way.”

  Within minutes, Ashley had her team gathered and they had Catherine more comfortable. Her labor was progressing as she quietly walked in her room. She had stepped out on the balcony and Marco called up to her. Unfortunately, Catherine had a major contraction to which she reacted. Marco, having seen, called to her that he was coming and ran toward the house.

  “Shit,” Catherine said as she came back in. “He knows.”

  A few moments later Marco entered the room and cradled his mate in his arms, speaking soft words of love in Italian. “Come, tesoro, it’s time for you to get in bed.”

  “I don’t want to get in bed. Getting in bed is what got me in this condition.”

  She struggled against him, but he held her close.

  Griffin stuck his head in the door. “Maddie, come on, sweetheart, let’s give them some privacy.”

  “No,” came the sharp reply from Catherine. “I want her to stay. But do me a favor and take him downstairs.”

  “Cara, I will not leave your side,” vowed Marco.

  Catherine kicked him in the shin. “Get out. This is woman’s work and you don’t have the requisite parts.”

  Ashley quietly loosened Marco’s hold on his wife. “Why don’t you let us get her comfortable in bed…”

  “Comfortable? Are you fucking kidding… oh, Jesus, that hurts.” Marco went to her. “I swear to God, Marco, if you don’t get out I will hold onto this baby until the end of time. Out!”

  Griffin stepped in and took his friend’s arm. “I think Catherine is right, this is the business of women. And even if she isn’t, knowing Catherine, that’s the last time she’s going to tell you without throwing something at you.”

  Marco looked lost. Maddie could tell that every protective instinct in him wanted to stay at his mate’s side and see her through the birth of his child, but he also wanted to make it as easy for Catherine as he could.

  Catherine took a deep breath and crossed over to him. “Listen to me, my all-powerful alpha. I’m fine or will be just as soon as I can give birth to our child. I know you love me. I know you want to take care of me and fix this. But you can’t. The baby will come when he or she comes. Please go with Griffin and congratulate yourself once again on getting me in this sorry state,” she said gently with a smile.

  “I will not do this to you again,” vowed the towering Italian alpha.

  “Bullshit. The second Ashley gives you the all clear you’ll have me on my back or on my knees pleasuring the both of us. And I will once again revel in your embrace. Now, be the wonderful, sweet, caring mate I know you are and go with Griffin…” another contraction racked her body, “before I kick your balls up around your teeth.”

  Even Marco couldn’t deny her. He kissed her deeply and whispered something in her ear, running his hand down over her belly and then around to her backside, petting her affectionately and causing Catherine to blush.

  “I will be downstairs and awaiting word that you and our child are safely delivered.” Recovering his usual confident air, he turned to Ashley. “The helicopter is prepped and waiting should we need to fly her to the hospital or I can send it to fetch the doctor from Milan.”

  “No, Alpha,” Ashley smiled. “I believe your child will be here within the hour. I think Catherine has been in labor for a while.” She looked at Catherine, who merely smiled.

  Marco shook his finger at his mate. “You, my mate, have much to answer for.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she said with a bored tone.

  Griffin led Marco out of the room. Ashley smiled watching them.

  “I swear,” she said, “men are men be they human or wolf. They’re all so proud of themselves when they get us knocked up and then they sail through the pregnancy, but come delivery time… they’re nothing but mush!”

  Within forty-five minutes Catherine had given birth to a daughter. A beautiful little girl born with lots of blonde hair, smooth, pale skin, and long eyelashes. Ashley cleaned her up and gave her to Maddie to hold while she made Catherine more comfortable.

  Marco was summoned and entered the room with Griffin on his heels. He crossed the room to Maddie and took his daughter in his arms.

  Marco turned to Ashley, “My mate and my daughter are well?”

  Ashley beamed. “Couldn’t be better. You might want to hand her over to her mother. She’s looking at that bedside lamp like she might be considering hitting you with it.”

  Marco grinned and looked at Griffin. “I have a daughter, Griffin. Do you see? A beautiful baby girl. A born female shifter. If the DeMedici had not been committed to your cause before, we are doubly so now.”

  Griffin crossed over to Catherine and leant down and kissed her cheek. “She is as beautiful as her mother. We’ll give you some privacy and give the rest of your pack the good news.”

  “Thank you, Griffin. And my thanks to your Maddie as well. You might have Ashley look at her hand. I may have broken something squeezing it.”

  Maddie laughed. “I’m fine, Catherine. And congratulations again.”

  She and Griffin left the room. As they closed the door and before they could be seen from below, Griffin pulled her close. “You looked just perfect holding that baby. One day, we will shall have some of our own.”

  Maddie nodded. “I’d never even thought about kids after my divorce, but now it’s something I look forward to.”

  As they started down the grand staircase, the DeMedici pack had gathered at the foot.

  “Your alpha’s mate has given birth to the most beautiful little girl. Both mother and daughter are doing wonderfully.”

  A great cheer went up. Maddie realized that this sense of a common purpose, of a way of life that involved caring deeply about those around you—what she was experiencing right now—was what the coming fight was about. She understood that for the rogue packs that planned to descend on America, it was about women and territory. But for those who planned to stop them, it was about more than that. It was about defending not only what was theirs but a legacy to pass on to those who followed.

  * * *

  Griffin and Maddie spent several more days at the DeMedici villa celebrating with the pack. Catherine quickly recovered and was once again the great mistress of the pack. Maddie remarked to Griffin that it was a good thing that they were starting so small. Griffin had reassured her that either way, she would be able to rival the very best of the great ladies.

  Maddie was genuinely sad when it came time to take their leave. She embraced Catherine and both had tears in their eyes.

  “We cannot lose touch,” said Maddie.

  “We won’t. I won’t have it. We’ll just make sure we travel to you and you to us at least annually.�

  “Done. I’m going to miss you.”

  “Not for long,” said Griffin.

  “Bullshit. My women and I are staying. Marco has convinced me the children will be safer, but we will stay,” said Catherine adamantly.

  “You,” came Marco’s deep rumbling growl, “will do as you’re told.” He turned to Griffin. “My thanks to your sister and her mate. I will have our women assembled and ready to leave within the week.”

  “I’m not going,” said Catherine stubbornly.

  “You must see to our daughter. And I have to know you are safe. If giving birth is the business of women, making war and keeping our women and children safe is the business of men.”

  Griffin grinned and leaned over to kiss Catherine’s cheek. “We’ll see you in Wales. You and Maddie can plot your revenge.”

  “Why?” quipped Maddie. “Maddie is going to be in North Carolina.”

  Griffin sighed and said to Marco, “Still believe that the best mates are ones that are our equal?”

  Marco laughed. “Absolutely. Especially once they have recovered from childbirth and are once again strong enough to be disciplined should their misbehavior warrant it.”

  “I’m not going,” said Catherine quietly.

  Marco said nothing, but the look he shot his mate said everything.

  Griffin and Maddie got into the car and headed back for Milan where they were to take a plane from the airport directly to Cardiff in Wales.

  “You seem disappointed that we will be flying from Milan instead of Rome. Was there something in Rome you wanted to see or do?” asked Griffin.

  “No,” said Maddie sweetly. “I was just hoping for a redo on the train from Milan back to Rome.”

  Griffin’s laugh was filled with lust. “You were, were you? Well, I’ll have to see about giving you some other memories to add to that one.” He lowered his voice so the driver couldn’t hear him. “My roadster is at the airport in Cardiff. There are several places along the road to home I always thought seemed to have some appeal as a place to pull off and rut with a mate.”


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