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Second Chances in Chianti (Escape to Tuscany Book 2)

Page 10

by T A Williams

  The tarmac was awash with water and her trainers and socks were damp by the time she got to the village, but it had been a pleasure to walk in the fresh country air. When she got to the bar in the square she went inside and asked for a cup of tea, specifying that she would like it English-style, with a drop of cold milk, and Rita, the lady behind the bar, set about preparing it. As Alice waited for the tea, they chatted and, quite by chance – or so she told herself – the subject of Matt came up. She discovered that his full name was Matthew Livingstone, but the lady referred to him by the Italian equivalent of his first name, Matteo. It transpired that he came in most mornings just before nine for a coffee and he brought his big black dog with him. She also confirmed what Paolo had said: he had been here for a couple of years, spoke pretty good Italian and was generally liked by everybody who knew him. Alice thanked her for the information but immediately did her best to relegate it to the back of her mind, as she already had enough to think about with the uncertainty about her current boyfriend, the amorous propositions of her former boyfriend and the discussions about the new show.

  She told the lady that she and David were thinking about staying on in Tuscany for a bit longer and asked if she maybe knew of any apartments or houses available to let from the end of the week. Seeing as they were now in the busy holiday month of July, this was almost certainly a forlorn hope, but she thought she would ask anyway. As expected, the answer was an apologetic shake of the head, but the lady said she would ask around, just in case.

  As Alice walked back up the hill to the villa, she tried and failed to stop her brain from debating just why she had thought it a good idea to look for a place in this area, so close to the tower, Matt and his dog. In spite of Richie’s declaration of enduring love and David’s offer to accompany her to the US, she had to accept that this other man who had barely spoken to her for more than a couple of minutes in total was stubbornly lodged inside her head, if not her heart, and refusing to budge. To say she was feeling confused was an understatement.

  She did her best to banish all of these thoughts and concentrated on the lovely views as well as the mixed aromas of wild thyme, rosemary and the almost sickly sweet scent emanating from the vivid yellow flowers on the broom bushes. She heard distant whistling sounds and looked up to see two big birds of prey circling high above, no doubt scanning the fields for their dinner. It was a delightful walk and, once again, she didn’t see a single vehicle – although her brain unhelpfully pointed out that the appearance of a battered old Land Rover would not have been unwelcome.

  * * *

  They all met up on the terrace at seven thirty, as planned. By this time David had warmed up and changed, and was looking unusually smart. Although the rain had stopped less than two hours before, the stone paving slabs were already dry and the sound of dripping water had been replaced by the high-pitched cries of swallows swooping and darting around the villa, catching insects on the wing. The sunset was a glorious rich red tonight, and Alice felt sure tomorrow would once more be dry and sunny.

  Yet again, Antonia and Zoë kept their distance, and the members of the group were able to talk freely. It emerged that Harry and Richie had decided they were prepared to join Millie in accepting Zoë as director, if there was no alternative, but Layla and Benny were still steadfast in their refusal to work with her again. Alice would dearly have liked to sleep on it before making her final decision but in the end she came down on the side of Layla and Benny, and she sensed David’s shock and disapproval, although he didn’t comment. Layla volunteered to compose an email to Conrad Chesterfield, explaining their position. It was agreed that they would sleep on it and if they all approved the email next morning, she would send it. As Benny said, ‘Light the blue touch paper and stand well clear.’ No doubt the reaction to their email would be explosive.

  After dinner, Alice took David by the arm and walked him around the gardens in the moonlight. The aroma of roses in the air was almost overpowering, and the only sounds were their feet crunching on the gravel and an occasional owl hoot from the woods around Matt’s tower. It was a charming and romantic setting, and it would have been idyllic if she had been able to shake thoughts of the owner of the tower from her head. Beside her, David also seemed preoccupied and they barely spoke a word. Neither of them brought up the subject of Pals Forever and she actually felt relieved. She had done enough soul-searching for today.

  They took their time and made a slow circuit of the villa, before ending up back on the terrace once more, where the others were lounging, chatting and sipping cold drinks. Having already drunk some wine at lunch, she didn’t feel like any alcohol and, in fact, realised she was quite tired. To her surprise, when she suggested going up to bed, David told her he would stay for a drink, so she went back upstairs on her own.

  Chapter 10

  Next morning dawned fine and clear. Alice woke to find David fast asleep alongside her in the bed, but she had no recollection of hearing him come in last night. She must have gone out like a light. Very quietly, she slipped away and went downstairs for her morning run. Today she found not only Harry, but also Richie and Carrie ready to join her. As the ground underfoot was still soaked, she led them along the drive, out of the gate and up the road, just as she had done the previous day. It was a quarter past eight and there was, of course, the possibility she might once again see the old Land Rover and its driver but, seeing as she was surrounded by the others, she knew all she would be able to do would be to wave. Still, that was probably for the best.

  As they jogged up the hill, Alice deliberately hung back alongside Carrie, so as not to end up being monopolised by Richie, and the two men gradually opened up a lead. Carrie was evidently fit and they were able to carry on a conversation as they climbed. Although it started off harmlessly enough, as they were nearing the top it became a bit awkward.

  ‘Alice, you and Richie used to date, didn’t you?’

  ‘On-screen I’ve forgotten how many times – ever since series two, but each time the writers fixed it so one of the characters – usually Polly – screwed it up. Off-screen we were together on and off for three months or so and then we managed to screw that up, too – all by ourselves.’

  ‘Why did you and Richie break up?’

  Alice knew very little about Carrie, except that she apparently worked in public relations, and there was no way she was going to reveal the struggle Richie had had with his demons back then, so she took refuge in a cliché. ‘Fundamental incompatibility, I’m afraid.’

  ‘You didn’t get on?’

  ‘Maybe we were overexposed to each other – you know, what with working together as well.’

  ‘And would you think about taking him back?’

  Alice glanced across at her. ‘What makes you ask that? We broke up five years ago. This week’s the first time I’ve seen him since then.’

  ‘It’s just that he’s pretty clearly still in love with you.’

  ‘He’s what?’ Alice had to stop and take a couple of deep breaths. ‘What on earth gave you that idea?’

  ‘He did. He almost said as much. He’s always talking about you.’

  ‘Well, I can assure you that nothing’s ever going to happen between us, and that’s that.’

  As she spoke, she realised she really meant it. With the arrival of a new day had come the conviction that she needed to get Richie on his own and spell out to him in words of one syllable that they were definitively not getting back together again. She would not, however, tell him that the reason for her refusal wasn’t necessarily her current boyfriend, but the way she had been affected by a different man she had only just met.

  ‘You mean that?’ Carrie didn’t sound convinced.

  Alice nodded, as the certainty that she was doing the right thing crystallised inside her. ‘Totally. Yes, I went out with him for a few months a long time ago but that’s as far as it went – and as far as it’ll ever go.’ She caught Carrie’s eye. ‘Whatever he might say or think, it’s all ov
er between us.’

  ‘Because of David?’

  ‘Yes, of course, because of David.’ She was conscious she had maybe answered a bit too hastily.

  ‘And if David wasn’t in the equation?’

  ‘Why shouldn’t he be?’ Alice shot her a sharp look. ‘Has he said something?’

  ‘No, nothing. I was just wondering, that’s all.’

  At that moment they heard the sound of a vehicle coming down the road towards them and Alice glanced up the hill. Sure enough, it was the Land Rover and, once again, there was a big black shape in the passenger seat. As it came closer, her heart gave another involuntary leap and, as she saw the vehicle slow and then stop alongside her, she was powerless to prevent a beaming smile from spreading across her face. Today she found herself standing beside the driver’s door, rather than on the dog’s side of the car. She was looking directly down at Matt, who was wearing shorts, and she couldn’t miss the fact that she liked what she saw. Restraining a feeling of impropriety, she stepped forward.

  ‘Good morning, Matt.’

  As the dog recognised who it was, he leapt across from the passenger seat to give her an enthusiastic greeting. Unfortunately, this resulted in fifty or sixty pounds of canine bone and muscle landing in his master’s lap, and this must have been in a particularly sensitive spot. The Englishman gave a cry of agony and doubled up, banging his forehead against the steering wheel as he did so. The dog, bewildered by this unusual reaction from his master, set about licking his face to soothe the pain and it was all the two girls could do not to burst out laughing. It took almost a minute before Matt recovered the power of speech.

  ‘Guinness, you little…!’ Benny would no doubt have been able to help him with a few choice expletives, but Matt controlled himself and gingerly persuaded the dog to return to the passenger seat. As he did so, he looked up at Alice and made a plea. ‘Do you think you could maybe move round to the other side of the car before my dog makes another attempt to emasculate me?’

  Alice and Carrie did as instructed and were duly given a warm welcome by Guinness while his master surreptitiously massaged himself. As he did so, Alice caught his eye and did her best to keep her composure for a few moments but, finally, the floodgates burst and she exploded into fits of laughter. She saw him blush and then he, too, started laughing. Beside her, Carrie was in hysterics, while Guinness, seriously concerned at this extraordinary behaviour by these three humans, started whining uncertainly. He nudged his master with his nose while his big brown eyes gazed up with deep concern. Alice could see that with a smile on his face – even though his eyes were still watering – Matt looked even more handsome and, in spite of her best intentions, her heart fluttered yet again.

  ‘I can imagine how much that hurts.’

  Matt caught her eye and shook his head ruefully. ‘I really don’t think you do, Alice.’ He straightened his back and took a few deep breaths.

  ‘Maybe you’re right. Anyway, I can assure you I don’t want to find out. It’s good to see you again, Matt. This is Carrie, from the US.’

  ‘I’m pleased to meet you, Carrie. Are you both staying at the villa?’

  Alice nodded and he then added a less comfortable question.

  ‘And you’re here with the two guys I saw a bit further up the road?’

  Carrie answered for both of them. ‘I’m with one of them.’

  ‘I see.’

  Alice felt a bit more explanation might be in order. ‘We’re a bunch of old friends.’ This would have been the moment to mention David, but she didn’t, and subsequently spent much of the rest of the morning asking herself why not. ‘We leave tomorrow.’ Was that a flash of regret she spotted on his face? But, even as she was still debating what she had seen, he put the car into gear and gave them both a little wave of the hand.

  ‘Well, goodbye. It’s been good meeting you. Safe journey home.’ And with that, he drove off.

  ‘That’s one hell of a good-looking guy.’ Clearly, Carrie had been impressed but Alice knew where her own priorities lay – at least for now.

  ‘I’ve already got one of those, and so have you. But, I have to say, that’s one hell of a good-looking dog he’s got.’

  * * *

  Over breakfast, they got together and read the email that Layla had composed for Conrad Chesterfield. It was well-written and surprisingly diplomatic, and Alice reckoned she had probably run it by her agent, or even her lawyer, for approval before showing it to them. The message, although couched in tactful, respectful terms, was unequivocal. The email recognised Zoë’s unquestionable contribution to the success of Pals, but it spelt out that her attitude and overbearing behaviour had become unbearable as time went by. As a result, if Zoë were not involved, all of them would be happy to sign up for Pals Forever – subject to successful financial negotiations – but if the director retained her position, then Layla, Alice and Benny were out. Although she hadn’t had the chance to speak to David any more about this, Alice knew it was the right decision to make. If Zoë was in the mix, the best thing to do was to turn her back on this second chance of Hollywood glory. Life was too short.

  They all agreed that the text looked fine and Layla pressed Send. Back in LA, the time was around midnight, so there was no guarantee Conrad Chesterfield would see the email for another eight hours, but none of them felt particularly hopeful. His reaction would probably be incandescent, but would he blink? Would he be prepared to sacrifice Zoë for the greater good of the new series?

  As she sipped her cappuccino, with David sitting quietly at her side, Alice told Millie what she would do if Conrad didn’t agree to their terms. As far as she was concerned, that would be the end of the matter. This afternoon she and Antonia were going to Florence, but there would be no point staying any longer than that and in consequence she knew she would head off next morning.

  ‘Didn’t you say you were going to stay on in Tuscany?’ There was nothing wrong with Millie’s memory. ‘Have you found a place yet?’

  Alice shook her head. ‘No. I’ve been asking around, but I must get onto sorting something out. I know I’d like to go and stay at least a night at a villa not that far from here, where the Mona Lisa had once lived. I know it’s silly, but I’d just like to breathe in the atmosphere of the place – you know, imagine myself maybe even in the same room where Leonardo da Vinci painted what is arguably the most famous painting in the world.’

  Millie caught her eye. ‘You’re really deeply into the whole Renaissance art thing, aren’t you?’

  ‘Body and soul. That’s why, if I’m being totally honest, Mil, it won’t bother me too much if Conrad says he won’t replace Zoë. I know it would be tough on you, but the more I think about it, the more I reckon I’d be quite happy doing my own thing in a “normal” life.’

  Just how true this was remained to be seen.

  ‘If the show does go ahead without you, we’d all miss you terribly. I’d miss you terribly.’

  Alice patted Millie’s hand on the tabletop. ‘I’d miss you too, Mil. But don’t worry, we can still meet up. We’ll always be friends.’

  Millie glanced across at David, who was following their conversation but so far without contributing. ‘I bet you’ll be glad if Alice doesn’t have to shoot off to Hollywood after all. Long-distance relationships are always difficult.’

  Alice saw him nod slowly as he answered. ‘I’d have gone with her, but if she decides not to go to Hollywood, it’s her decision.’ He didn’t sound totally convinced.

  ‘So you’d give up your job in the UK?’

  ‘I’ll be quite honest, Millie: I’ve been dreaming of Hollywood most of my life.’ He sounded unexpectedly serious. ‘I enjoy my job at the university but my first love is, and always has been, the stage and the screen. I’d love to direct a real movie.’

  ‘So the idea of a move to Hollywood wouldn’t scare you?’ Millie shot Alice a sideways look. ‘This means if Conrad says Zoë’s out of it, there’s nothing to stop you signing
up for the new show, Al. That’s great news.’

  ‘Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Millie. Wait and see what Conrad says.’ Millie was right, however. This fairly unexpected decision by David would indeed simplify things – assuming the two of them were still a couple. Whether or not they were was what these next few weeks here in Tuscany, just the two of them together, were designed to resolve.

  One way or another.

  At ten o’clock Antonia and Zoë had offered to host a Q&A session, but when they assembled in the dining room – minus David and Carrie – it was to see no sign of Antonia and to hear from Zoë that not only had Conrad received Layla’s email, but he had already read it and replied. Not without a great deal of satisfaction in her tone, Zoë read the answer aloud to them. It was not long and the gist of it was that the new series of Pals Forever would go ahead with Zoë at the helm, and if that didn’t suit Layla, Benny or Alice, then that would be their own hard luck. As Zoë reached the end, Alice stood up.

  ‘Thank you, Zoë. I see no point in staying on for your Q&A session, so I’m going for a walk.’ She waved to the others and left, closely followed by Benny and Layla. Outside, on the terrace, the three of them paused for breath.

  ‘I’m taking bets it doesn’t last more than one season.’ Benny was shaking his head sadly.

  ‘I think that’s a pretty safe bet, although I hope it does better, just for Millie’s sake.’ Alice glanced across at Layla. ‘Any regrets, Layla?’


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