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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

Page 4

by M K Drake

  Elric beckons them all to sit, “Right, so, where do I begin?”

  The Majjai look at each other, and wonder where Ju Long is. They don’t have to wonder too long. Atticus looks towards Olof and starts to giggle as Olof’s beard begins to twitch and rise of its own accord. Before he can reach out and reprimand the invisible one, Ju Long rematerializes, hovering just out of reach before sitting down a few seats away.

  “Good, now that you are all present and accounted for – although, in Ju Long’s case, I’m not sure how long that will be when Olof finally catches up with you,” Elric says, looking jovially towards the two Majjai. “Let me start.” He prepares himself with a light exhale of air, followed by a heavier inhale, “Safaya, you already know much of the third realm, yes?”

  Safaya nods. “Yes, the realm I am destined to lead. Where all the creatures of lore and purity were placed to keep safe from the demons and man.”

  “Yes, well, between your time, during your brothers’ rule, and your arrival here, a set of scrolls was created. A Pharaoh had once heard of the third realm, and wanted a way for his daughter to access this place, to please her and to show her the beauty of things like unicorns and winged horses like Pegasus, to play with fairies and such. But because travelling between realms is difficult, there needs to be a physical link between the planes of existence. The details are sketchy at best, but what we believe happened was the Majjai at the time, who were in service of this Pharaoh, found a way. Unfortunately, it wasn’t safe.”

  “In what way, Sir?” asks Atticus, who is really quite interested now. He’s always wondered if what he read about this third realm was true. The very idea of unicorns and winged horses excites him. He feels it would make a nice change from ogres, werewolves and vampires for sure.

  “Well,” continues Elric, “they used some form of dark magic to fuse the realities of the third realm and the realm of Earth. This fusion created a paradox so great that it would have the power to physically merge two or more realms together, overlapping one another. But because multiple realms could never co-exist in such a way, the realm containing the bearer of the scrolls would be the dominant realm and would destroy the other. These scrolls were hidden once it was ascertained how powerful they were.”

  “Why were they not destroyed?” asks Olof.

  “We do not know, but there may be a way to find out.”

  Atticus, although still keen on unicorns, begins to wonder what all of this has to do with events yesterday, “So, what does this have to do with General Crawford?”

  Elric adjusts his seating slightly and tips his focus towards Atticus. “This General, he has been quite busy. The thought crystal we extracted showed us much. The army has been trying to capture as many of the straggler demons left behind as they can, with quite inventive approaches. They’ve mostly captured Screamers and some Draygoyles. They probably mistook Shadow Wolf as another lower class demon; that was a grave underestimation. However, one thing they did achieve is to learn that the Screamers, on Razakel’s orders, are searching for these Scrolls.”

  The concern within the Majjai Six grows; such a power within the hands of Razakel would give him a distinct advantage. It would make him nearly impossible to defeat.

  “Wait,” says Khan. “They would still need a portal of some sort to get the scrolls to him right? That access is blocked, is it not?”

  Mage Callan looks towards Elric, to gain approval to address this question. “You’re right. The demons are unable to do this alone, but if they ally themselves with others – such as the Norse Demigods or the Guardians of the gateways in Egypt – each of these groups have the power. They’ve all been agnostic to the war so far, protecting their own self-interests, but some of our Watchers have heard mutterings of an alliance brewing. We have yet to determine who is willing to risk the annihilation of our world for their own gain; we do not know who believes they would benefit.”

  “Then we need to find out, and quickly!” A voice resonates behind them. It is Marcellus, who rushes in unannounced. “But right now we have other matters of concern.”

  “What is it?” asks Elric.

  “Scourge, that traitor. He has shown his face in the North. We have to take him down, he may well have the information we need.”

  “Very well.” Elric stands, using his cane to steady himself. He looks to Mage Callan, “Tell Spitfire we’ll need his help. We must avoid using teleportation for now.”

  “Why sir?” asks Joyce.

  “We must limit magical transportation as much as possible, at least until we learn as much as we can about what the General and his colleagues have deciphered of our world. We have watchers within the Government, yes?”

  Mage Callan nods.

  “Contact them, we will need their eyes more than ever. Atticus, prepare your team. Do not underestimate Scourge. He is cunning. He fooled us all for many years. I doubt him exposing himself was by accident.”

  Atticus acknowledges Elric with a tip of his head before facing the other Majjai and Marcellus, another battle to face. It feels never ending, Atticus shrugs off this lassitude of thought and signals to his friends, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go say hi to Scourge, shall we?”

  The Majjai Journals:

  It is beginning to get more difficult to hide this secret. I think Atticus definitely suspects something. His grasp of the phasing skill is much slower than the other abilities he has learnt. He can sense the darkness behind that power.

  I wish I could reveal everything, but even I do not know everything of my true history. Mage Avipaul never really told me much. I do miss him and the clan, even their pet Rhinors’. But I do not miss clearing their stables. He always said to come back to him if ever troubled, so, if all else fails, and these guys do discover my past… at least I have somewhere to go.

  Olof is like a true brother to me, and even though he loves to take any opportunity to insult me, I know he does so playfully.

  Elric still hasn’t shown me how to create those cool speakers from the Majjai field presentation last year, those things rocked so hard! Although I’m pretty sure Olof and the others have asked him not to. It’s not as if I’d be playing them all the time… well, actually… perhaps it is a good thing I do not have them.

  Heard the Mecha Knights are coming over, too, should be really interesting. Some of them are hot! And they have some awesome gadgets. They blend mortal science with Majjai powers, and if Spitfire is any example of what they can achieve, then maybe they can build me some speakers. Doesn’t hurt to ask.

  Anyway, I hope Olof doesn’t get too mad when his hair goes pink in the morning. I just couldn’t resist adding that dye to his shampoo. I better think of a getaway plan just in case.

  Ju Long.

  Chapter 5

  The Legend of the Horseman

  Atticus checks his watch as they all travel to intercept and verify this sighting of Scourge. Spitfire has taken on his Hyper Jet form, large enough for all of the Majjai Six and Marcellus.

  Atticus still wonders about Marcellus; since the Battle of Aria, there have been a few elders of other Majjai groups who have come to the Manor, but whenever they see Marcellus, they avoid him. Atticus also remembers one particular individual who looked like he was casting a spell of protection whenever Marcellus was in sight. It was never fully explained who or where Marcellus came from, or why some Majjai celebrated the revelation that he was Atticus’s protector, while others feared it. Atticus had also overheard rumours that Marcellus had made enemies with Death himself, and that many feared the inevitable repercussions of having such an adversary. These rumours never really bothered Atticus though, for he was always grateful for the support of someone who he saw as simply an adopted uncle, one who has kept him safe for many years.

  The other Majjai are taking this opportunity to sleep. – recent missions, training, and of course, normal school activities, all take their toll. Ju Long is snuggling quite cosily into Olof’s shoulder; the Dane claims he never
gets warm, and is wearing a large coat with furry collars. Ju Long is taking full advantage.

  Princess Safaya has interlocked her arms with one of Khan’s, who always seems to sleep with one eye open, ever the guardian. Safaya rests her head on his shoulder, she finds comfort in his protection. The League of Aria was assigned throughout time to protect the Princess, and Khan is the soldier that has held this honour, though this duty prevents him from acknowledging his true feelings for Safaya. Atticus has tried to coax him out of his decision, but always loses the argument once Khan reminds him of his own choice with Joyce.

  Spitfire begins to slow and Atticus can sense their descent. He looks out of the window to see them gliding toward the ground. Spitfire touches down softly, but the jolt of the landing still wakes the other Majjai.

  Spitfire comes to a complete halt. “We’re here.”

  Atticus looks outside and recognises the forest immediately. Ennerdale. They encountered demons here once before, when they battled within the Demon Cage over a year ago. “Why do Demons like this place so much?”

  Marcellus groans slightly as he exits the door that Spitfire has opened. He bends his back until it clicks, stretching each muscle as far as he can, “I do not know, Atticus,” he says as he squeezes out one more stretch. “All I do know is that I need a spa treatment to help heal these aging muscles.”

  Joyce comes up behind Marcellus. “Here, let me.” She places the palms of her hands a centimetre or two behind his back and concentrates. Using her healing power, she soothes Marcellus’s muscles.

  Grateful, he turns and thanks her before looking towards Khan and Olof; they had already head towards the tree line of the forest.

  Atticus joins them, “How far deep do you think we will need to go?”

  “Maybe we should try and coax him to us?” asks Ju Long.

  Khan looks at him, “You’ve been reading my strategy guides, haven’t you?”

  “Well, blame Olof, his snoring keeps the whole house awake.”

  Ju Long and Olof live in the same building, not too far from where Atticus resides. It’s one of the few dorms the Manor provides for students who do not have parents or guardians. Something Atticus definitely admires of the school. The Majjai do wonder if a mitigation action is required again for Ju Long’s latest quip, they all expect a quick response from Olof, but nothing comes. He is distracted by something else. He kneels to the ground and places a palm just above the blades of grass, the wind is still active enough to swing the loose strands of hair around his Nordic central plat of hair. He concentrates as a small mist of cold air crystallises the ground. “Jötnar have been here.”

  “Jötnar?” asks Marcellus, “Frost Giants? That is impossible, we would have detected them. Unless…”

  “What?” asks Atticus.

  “If they have allied with one of the Demigod groups, they can open portals that we cannot see. Elric feared that some of the enemies of the Earth Realm were beginning to form alliances.”

  Safaya walks over to Khan, “This does not bode well. Elric spoke of this earlier; these alliances could lead to one eventually being formed with Razakel.”

  Marcellus nods. “But who would be foolish enough? And more importantly, where have all the Jötnar gone?”

  “We are here for a different mission right now; we can worry about this other stuff later. Scourge is on the loose around here, and we need to stop him or capture him,” Atticus states with affirmation. “How do we coax him to us?”

  Khan smiles. “Bait.” Without warning, he makes a cut on Ju Long’s arm.

  “Ow! Why did you do that?”

  Khan looks at him unapologetically, “Well, you’re the bait.”

  “It’s because I read your book isn’t it?”

  Khan looks away nonchalantly as Olof picks Ju Long up and carries him into the forest.

  # # #

  “Come on guys!” Ju Long struggles to untie himself from the tree, but the knots are of Nordic strength.

  Olof has practiced this many times in his head as revenge for all of Ju Long’s witticisms, and manages a wry smile as he hides with the others in the thick, heavy foliage of the forest.

  Khan signals Ju Long to shush before indicating to the others to stay low and out of sight.

  Atticus thinks to himself that this would be a great time to practice his invisibility. He closes his eyes and concentrates as before, phasing himself out of this reality.

  “Impressive,” whispers Khan, “you are mastering this skill well.”

  Atticus nods, but stops as he realises that Khan and the others probably can’t even see him. Instead he looks towards Ju Long. The view in this altered state is unique, Atticus can almost see multiple frequencies of light, some heat sources are brighter than others. Ju Long for instance, is positively glowing like fire, Atticus has not been able to tune in to this level of phase before. Something else is surrounding Ju Long, something quite bright; Atticus can make out what looks like a pair of wings, dragon-like wings.

  “Shhhh! I hear something.”

  Atticus’s concentration breaks with Khan’s interruption and he phases back into visibility before he can make sense of what he saw. True to Khan’s words, a rustling sound can indeed now be heard.

  The Majjai lie still. The rustling continues and is joined by a sniffing sound coupled with heavy footsteps.

  “Blood,” Scourge hisses. “I smell blood, feed I must.”

  Scourge emerges behind the stump where Ju Long is tied. His monstrous body almost distracts from his vampiric, bat-like face dripping with saliva, sizzling against the ground as it drops. “Ahh, a sacrificial gift. This is nice. Who sent you boy?”

  Khan signals to the others to encircle Scourge. They all move silently through the undergrowth, trying not to give themselves away. The wind whistling through the forest aids their camouflage.

  “Well boy? Answer me!” Scourge stomps his heavy left foot to the ground, shaking the nearest trees as he does so. “Wait, I… I recognise you. Ju Long. But…” Scourge takes another whiff of the air before flicking out a tongue towards Ju Long’s wound. The demon takes a moment to taste the blood, “What is this trickery? You are Majjai, but your blood, it is…”

  “Now!” Screams Khan, with the Majjai in position, the call to arms does not give Scourge the time to finish his sentence as the Majjai pounce quickly.

  Khan knocks Scourge to the ground while Olof quickly cuts Ju Long free. The ground shakes with Scourge’s fall, the trees vibrate and shake some of their wares to the ground. Safaya pushes Joyce to safety as a heavy branch collapses, breaking into two. Ju Long grabs the two pieces and uses them to smash against Scourge. The beast feels no effect as it rises from the ground and swings its mighty tail in a circle, felling all of the Majjai in a single motion.

  “Ha! You Majjai are always underestimating us. Your end is coming soon. We may have been defeated at Aria, but there is a bigger game at play. The Horseman cometh. And he will destroy you all!”

  Marcellus gets up first, readying his whip, a giant mystical weapon, forged from the ore of a meteor, glistening with its infused gemstones that give it its power. He flicks it high and fast towards Scourge, “You lie, The Horseman does not serve demons!” he screams as the lash just misses its target.

  “An alliance, Majjai. Where Razakel has bound an agreement. Where you all will die, and we will live!”

  “We know about the scrolls demon, what gain would you have with your master trapped in his realm?”

  The other Majjai have now recovered and congregate around Marcellus as Scourge stomps his massive tail violently to the ground sending more vibrations through the earth. The demon opens his wings as wide as he can, they crackle and click as they extend, slime dripping from the flexing membrane between the joins, creating puddles of thick ooze on the ground. Scourge flaps his wings forward with such force that it creates a gust of wind that again knocks the Majjai to the ground.

  Olof is the first to recover and sends his ham
mer soaring towards the demon. It catches Scourge square in the chest, sending him flying back into one of the giant trees behind where he was standing. The trunk cracks as the impact sends a pressure wave through the air flinging dirt and debris in all directions.

  Joyce throws up a shield to protect the Majjai, Scourge stands again, but is struck over by Marcellus’s whip, followed by a massive mound of earth thrown by Safaya, using her command of the elements. Joyce, Atticus, Khan and Ju Long collectively fire a barrage of fireballs towards the now weakened demon, creating a giant cloud of dust.

  Everything goes silent as the trees begin to still and the echoes of the battle fade. The dust soon settles and Scourge stands, broken, and wheezing. “Enough. I yield.”

  Atticus walks up to him, “We trusted you! What is your real name? They found the bodies of the Snugglebottom family. The family you murdered!”

  “Ah, dear boy. It was all necessary to fool you. Their blood did taste magnificent, if it is any consolation.”

  Khan pulls Atticus back, “Do not get too close to this one, he is cunning. This is not over.”

  “Oh Khan, you are far too insightful,” Scourge raises his tail again, but this time taps it to the ground in a pattern, “Now!” he screams.

  Out of nowhere Shadow Wolf and Alvarez appear. The latter quickly transforms into his more beastly form and barrel rolls into most of the Majjai. Atticus and Khan, separated from the others, still stand but are now the new targets. Alvarez bellows and runs towards them.

  “Come demon, I’ve prepared for your return!”

  Alvarez, undeterred from Khan’s warning, continues his charge.

  Khan stands steadfast, prepares his fist, and charges it with blue Majjai energy. As the demon closes he thrusts his fist forwards stopping Alvarez in his tracks with a giant crash of hand against skull. The two bounce back from each other, Khan much more skilfully, somersaulting backwards and landing on his feet, facing the demon. Alvarez is dazed and barely moves.


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