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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

Page 9

by M K Drake

  There are several gods of lore who want nothing but destruction; these are usually contained through bindings, agreements held together by powers that are not of Majjai origin.

  There is still much to be learnt of the gods of lore, and the darker nature of those gods given to evil; some would ally themselves with Razakel and the demons if given the chance, and it is something that has worried the Majjai elders for many years. If that day comes, then we can only hope for assistance from the gods of lore who are on our side.

  Chapter 9

  The Journey Home

  Atticus paces around the chamber; learning all of this about Ju Long is a little overwhelming. He trusts Ju Long completely, but there is no denying his past is at odds with what some Majjai will accept. He wonders if, somehow, Mage Marcus actually knew of all this. Atticus trusts his instincts much more these days, and even now, with the jubilance in the air of finding Ju Long and discovering his past, he still does not sit well with how things transpired with Spitfire. He watches the others wait patiently while Ju Long reads through the messages in the box. It appears this Princess Ngozi meant much to him, ‘He was her caregiver after all’ Atticus surmises to himself.

  Atticus then recalls the Horseman. Despite what others have said, Atticus sensed something else within him, that notwithstanding his mission, he is driven by a code of some sort – honour for want of a better word. It has just been overpowered by hatred and darkness.

  “Ok, we need to head back.”

  Everyone turns around to see Ju Long now standing, holding the box under his right arm.

  Atticus can see an urgency within Ju Long’s eyes. “What is the rush? Don’t you want to rest for a little while at least?”

  “No, it’s the Scrolls. They are no longer within the Time Vortex. Ngozi wrote that they were moved, but her father never revealed the new location to her for fear that she would again try to find them. A Watcher sect was given the responsibility of guarding over them, but we do not know which.” Ju Long then turns to Mage Avipaul. “Thank you master, for everything.”

  “You are welcome,” the Clan leader says, and walks with Ju Long to the staircase leading back to the ground above. “We will escort you all back to the tunnel, just in case the Horseman lingers. But first, let me give you this,” Mage Avipaul hands Ju Long a bracelet which he puts on his wrist. “This will allow me to watch over you, even if you are very far away. Remember, I will always be there to help you in your times of need.”

  Ju Long embraces his one-time master once more, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, truly, for everything.”

  “Yes, well, we should really get going, we have to keep moving if we are to outwit this foe that is now against us,” Mage Avipaul steps away and looks towards Ju Long’s companions.

  Atticus and Mage Callan agree, and welcome the help that has been offered.

  They emerge from the tree slowly. Mage Avipaul exits first, holding his left hand high in the air, as if sensing for the presence of the enemy. When he feels it is safe he lowers and waves his hand indicating to the others to follow. Ju Long is the last to enter the jungle, still carrying the box under his arm.

  Thankfully they do not encounter demon or scorpion on their return journey to the tunnel, but as they get closer to it, Ju Long begins to fall behind. No one notices at first until Mage Avipaul holds his hand high again, signalling everyone to stop, “Shhhh, I feel something, a change in... he is returning.”

  They all go quiet, expecting an attack from the Horseman at any moment, but see nothing. It takes a second or two for them to realise that their number is not complete, and check their surroundings, all gazing across the landscape and back to the treeline in the distance. It is then they see Ju Long, standing stationary about fifty meters behind them. He is beginning to shake violently, and drops the wizard’s box to the floor.

  “Quickly! We must get to him before…” Mage Avipaul is unable to complete his sentence, for the transformation has already started.

  Ju Long drops to his knees and roars out in pain as from his back, two giant wings appear and grow in size, his body turns scaly as his clothes rip apart. His bulk increases faster and faster, with his neck extending and his face morphing into the Dragon beast. His roar of pain turns from human to monster as he morphs into his demonic form. Drakor has returned. His size grows more and more, and he flaps his wings, trying to take off, the wind from his motion knocking all of the Majjai off balance, such is its power.

  Olof attempts to slow the beast’s take off by blasting jets of cold air towards its wings, causing them to freeze and be too heavy to lift off. Drakor falls back to the ground, giving Khan and Atticus time to get closer. Joyce uses her ability to create shields to form a dome around them all so there is no way the dragon can attempt to take off again.

  With his massive, bony tail, Drakor knocks the remaining Majjai Six to the ground. Safaya uses her command of the elements to shake the earth beneath the dragon’s legs, destabilising it.

  Mage Callan helps Mage Avipaul to his feet, and they run to the snout of the beast. The Bhandari clan leader holds his hands high, and shouts towards the fully transformed Ju Long.

  “Calm my boy. Remember who you are!”

  But Drakor’s original personality has taken hold, and the dragon bellows, “I am Drakor, commander of the armies of Draconus, Soldier Prime. Who dares to attack me?”

  Atticus spies the wizard’s box, it has spilt its belongings, amongst the items he can see a portrait of a young girl, he thinks it can only be Princess Ngozi. He rushes towards it and grabs the painting while the dragon is distracted.

  Mage Avipaul continues to try and get through to Ju Long, “No! You are Ju Long, the name given to you by your soul-bearer. Look inside yourself and you will see you have gained a soul! The most noblest of things!”

  “You lie, it is impossible, I serve…” the dragon pauses and closes his eyes, looking within himself.

  Atticus sneaks around and hands the painting of Ngozi to Mage Avipaul.

  The Mage holds the portrait above his head to show the dragon, “You see, you saved… Her!”

  Drakor opens his eyes and sees the portrait of Ngozi held in front of him, he gulps in a mass of air before exhaling, as the memories of his soul and his person begin to merge. “My princess, is she safe?”

  “Yes, you did well my boy, you saved her and a million other daughters.”

  “I remember now, the order, it was wrong, then… I changed. My name, I am… I am, Ju Long, the Dragonheart, I serve… humanity. I am Majjai… and you, you are my friends, my family.”

  Olof walks up to Ju Long’s snout, and strokes it, “Yes broder, we are family.”

  Ju Long begins to morph back to his human form, Mage Callan covers the eyes of Safaya and Joyce as quickly as he can giving Olof time to take off his robe and cover his friend.

  Atticus picks up the wizard’s box and puts everything back inside, as he does so he notices another painting, one of Ngozi and Ju Long together, he is holding her on his shoulder and she is smiling a huge beaming smile. Atticus closes the lid carefully and hands the box back to Ju Long, “You sure you’re ok now?”

  “I am fine mate. In fact, I’m better than fine. I can control it now.”

  “Control what?” asks Atticus quizzically.

  Ju Long steps back and indicates to everyone to step away, he closes his eyes, concentrates and in seconds is able to transform into his dragon form, he looks down for a moment, making sure he can see the robe quickly to get dressed before changing back to his human form, which he does as quickly as before.

  “Ok, so we now have a dragon on our side; that can only be a good thing right?” Atticus asks as he turns to Mage Callan.

  “Let’s hope so dear boy, let us hope so.”

  Mage Avipaul pulls a communications crystal from his person and hands it to Ju Long, “You can always call me with this,” he says. Then he points to a rock formation not too far away. “The tunnel entrance is just b
eyond those rocks.”

  “You are not coming with us Master?”

  “I think not. Mage Marcus and I do not see eye-to-eye. The Mecha Knights infuse technology with our powers; we…, we feel that things should be more natural,” he waves his arm towards the jungle, as he does so, the trees slowly follow his motion and move from side to side.

  The Majjai Six look on in awe until Mage Callan breaks their attention, “Come now, we must head back, I’m pretty sure Elric is keen to make sure Ju Long is safe and well, and indeed all of us, too.”

  The group say their final goodbyes to the Bhandari Clan and head over the rocks to the Trainjet tunnel, and begin the journey back home.

  # # #

  Atticus wakes with a start as his alarm clock blares its morning welcome. Wiping his eyes he recalls the events at Dragonclaw Mountain. Mage Callan had made sure everyone made it home safe before heading off to Wysardian Manor to inform Elric of their Indian adventure. Atticus is glad they saved Ju Long. Even though everything happened within a day, it felt like they were traversing the jungle for weeks, such was the humidity. The crisp, mid spring air of England was much more welcoming and helped him achieve a much appreciated good night’s sleep.

  Atticus grabs his glasses and gets ready for school. It appears Joseph has again already left for the day, but he has left a note. Atticus picks it up to read.

  Hey, breakfast is in the oven, my attempt at pancakes, I know how you love them. I’ve gone out to meet with Marcellus, will see you later this afternoon. Don’t forget to lock the door and set the alarm.

  Love you,


  Atticus checks the oven quickly and spies the pancakes. Grabbing some syrup from the cupboard, he sits down and indulges in one of his most favourite of foods. The syrup, along with the powdered sugar he adds to the already sweet breakfast, surrounds his taste buds. The pancakes remind him of both his mother, Sophia, and Joyce. Joseph has made a valiant effort in getting these as close to how Sophia used to make them, instilling a warmth within him that somehow, some way, makes him feel she is still with them.

  He recalls, too, the first time Joyce came into the kitchen, unbeknownst to him at the time, as he had a mouth full of pancakes and could not actually reply properly. For some time after that, she called him “Pancake man.” She hasn’t done so for a while now, though. Atticus hates the distance that is now between them; he misses Joyce immensely, but is still afraid of how his own judgement would be affected if their relationship continued, and that she herself would be more of a target for the demons and their evil leader. How could he ever forgive himself if something happened as a result of them being in love?

  He is glad only the Majjai Six and the Professors had any idea of their relationship; it makes it easier to keep his feelings a secret from their enemies. Maybe one day, he thinks to himself, one day, when the threat is no longer there, we can be together again.

  As he washes his plate after breakfast he hears a knock at the door. He dries his hands on the soft towel placed carefully over the handle on one of the cupboards on the breakfast bar central table, then rushes to see who has arrived.

  Atticus looks through the peephole to see Ju Long and Olof. He opens the door to greet them. “Hey guys, will be one minute.”

  Atticus grabs his coat and bag, sets the alarm, and locks things up, then heads out to meet the other two Majjai.

  “I do miss teleporting to school; it used to make things so much easier in the mornings,” Ju Long moans, portraying a veneer of nonchalance over the events yesterday.

  “Rather the walk than be ambushed be humans or the Horseman, my friend,” Olof strides towards the gate and opens it to the street, allowing both Ju Long and Atticus through before closing it behind him.

  Atticus wonders again about their new enemy. He didn’t sense his intentions as evil; it was almost as if he sensed the Horseman felt he was actually working towards a noble cause. “Olof, how do we know the Horseman is evil?”

  “We do not. All we know right now is that he hunts us. Although he could have easily destroyed us yesterday, yet he did not. This is puzzling.”

  “Well, from some of the stories I can recall from Drakor, I do not think he can harm us. I vaguely remember some things about something called Time Infinite and his banishment, but the memories are still flooding in, it will take time to sort in my head.”

  “Well, your head is big enough, so I doubt space is an issue,” Olof smirks.

  “Says the blonde,” Ju Long winks towards Atticus while pointing his thumb at Olof.

  The jesting between them helps the time go quickly on the walk to school. They pass through the gates of Wysardian Manor early enough to see the front grounds teaming with other students. Some parents drop their children right up to the gates and hurry back to the main road to their cars before any over-zealous traffic wardens decide to appear and issue tickets, but most students are old enough to make their own way there.

  Atticus spies a group of boys all playing football together, another group throwing around a Frisbee. He misses those carefree days, when all there really was was home and school, with the odd interesting event. The world of demons has made things much more complex – and more dangerous.

  The bell sounds loudly, signalling for everyone to head inside. Atticus, Ju Long, and Olof meet up with Khan, traversing through a sea of younger and older peers. Joyce and Safaya are already at the main doors, and the group heads away from the non-Majjai students towards the main Majjai hall.

  Mage Callan is waiting near the Majjai entrance and speaks the words to open the door, “Farasi Bakhwar!” The giant doors swing wide and close behind the Mage and students after they step through. As the doors interlock, the hall they have just entered bursts into light, revealing the statues of Majjai of the past. The marble floor echoes with the sound of their footsteps while they make their way forward.

  Safaya steps closer to Mage Callan. “How is Serenity, sir?”

  Mage Callan smiles, appreciating the concern for his own life beyond the Majjai walls, “She is absolutely fine, thank you for asking. She left early this morning to meet some other Watchers in Cairo. She decided to call the heads together to try to locate the Watcher group assigned to hide the Scrolls – if we know about them, then there is every chance the demons also know.”

  “Will you be going to help?”

  “Serenity can take care of herself now-a-days. I’ve given her a few lessons in combat and a protection trinket. She can always contact me if there is a problem.”

  The conversation brings them to the main Majjai assembly hall. Elric meets them at the door as the other Majjai students fill the seats in the large chamber. The Mecha Knights stand near the stage, which is set in its own, opulent style, with large, cushioned mahogany chairs for the lead Majjai Professors and a larger, central chair for Elric.

  “How are you all? Mage Callan filled me in on everything. Ju Long, I’m so glad you have returned. We must spend some time together and explore your more beastly side. But you need to be careful; if Draconus hears of your existence, he will not be pleased. You did destroy his army after all.”

  Ju Long nods. “I do have questions though. Who created the Time Vortex? And Barmak – I had no control over what happened in there. I was like a ping pong ball, being bounced through time.”

  “I wish I could answer. Myrddin is not the only meddler of time, but from what I’ve learnt from the scrolls within the Tomb of Kazmagus, he spent much of his time fixing the mistakes of others.” Elric ushers them all to sit. The Mecha Knights join the Majjai Six, with Pali taking a seat next to Ju Long, who can’t help but turn a little red.

  Atticus watches as Elric traverses the steps – again wearing trainers – up to the main stage and central pew. The hall goes quiet as Elric taps the conventional microphone attached to it. Atticus looks around. He spots some students pointing towards Ju Long and can see them mouthing the word “dragon” amongst others. He is somewhat relieved that he
is not the centre of attention for once, but it has taken the news of one of the Majjai Six being half-human half dragon for it to actually happen. He is so relieved and relaxed at this that he didn’t even notice that Joyce had sat next to him. She reaches over and takes his hand. Atticus’s spine tingles, and he thinks for a moment to move his hand away, but decides not to. The touch is warm and welcoming, and relaxes him even more, Joyce leans over to whisper into his ear.

  “You had pancakes this morning didn’t you?”

  Atticus is startled at how she could know this, “Huh, but, how..?”

  Before Atticus can finish she points to his trouser leg, which shows tell-tale signs of syrup and powdered sugar. They both giggle and return their attention to Elric.

  “Good morning students! What an impressive sight you all are. Recent events have proven once again that we guardians’ are the defence for this realm. And we are doing a pretty good job. Your bravery, each and every one of you, is immense. Especially in the knowledge of what we face. Our friend Spitfire is still undergoing repairs, and hopefully…”

  A massive crack of thunder interrupts Elric, its soundwaves smashing through the chamber, forcing most of the Majjai to cover their ears.

  Atticus stands, but is unable to hold his balance; he feels uneasy, something is coming, something powerful.

  The students begin to scatter as Mage Callan shouts for everyone to clear the room. The Majjai Six and The Mecha Knights assist Mage Callan; apart from Joyce, who spots Atticus stumble and slump back down into his chair holding his head.

  Atticus moves back and forth. “He’s coming! Razakel – I can feel his power. He is close!” He tries to compose himself as Joyce holds him; looking up, he sees Elric on the stage, looking upwards.

  “The Void! It is the Void! But how?” Elric shouts to Professor Sprocking.

  Atticus rises, and with Joyce’s help, slowly makes his way to the stage. He looks above Elric, and sees what resembles a black hole forming, swirling, but not inwards, it is swirling outwards. A bolt of red lightening shoots down from it; Atticus uses all his strength and manages to move Elric out of the way, pushing Joyce back from the blast as well. Elric and Atticus get up together and dodge another massive blast of red energy. Then, as soon as The Void appeared, it closes, in a violent inward vacuum, sucking in some chairs as it withdraws.


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