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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

Page 25

by M K Drake

  Atticus is distracted from these thoughts by the sound of trickling water echoing towards him. He throws up another small fireball, which Safaya immediately manipulates, extending it along the cavern walls in a line towards the sound.

  The trio walk toward the fountain. It doesn’t take long before they reach an opening with a large pool in the middle. The spring is shooting a jet of water high into the air, with the small tunnelled hole to the surface placed at an angle above it on the cavern wall. The time of day escapes them, but they guess it must be just past dawn, as the light beaming down from the opening has a reddish glow to it.

  “Hurry Atticus, the canteen – fill it now,” says Safaya, “We should leave this place quickly.”

  Atticus nods and proceeds to fill the canteen he brought with him with water from the Scent of Ra.

  Atticus is thinking this is far too easy, surely a source of water with this degree of importance would be guarded better, at the very least booby-trapped. Once the canteen is full Atticus lifts it from the water and closes the lid before tucking it away safely under his cloak. He turns to the others smiling, “Well, that was a bit easy…”

  Atticus’s sentence trails off as the ceiling above them begins to shake, causing a large piece of rock to drop straight towards his head.

  Khan acts quickly and jumps high into the air kicking the falling rock, smashing it into tiny pieces, he lands next to Atticus and looks straight towards Safaya. “Quickly Princess! Form a shield from the earth, to guard us on our journey back, we must be fast.”

  Atticus nods, and the three run back towards the tunnel. Safaya takes the rear, throwing up walls of earth from the ground to protect them from the rocks now falling all around them. Any that get through, Khan manages to obliterate them with his fists and feet, ensuring Atticus’s safety as he keeps the canteen containing the Scent of Ra protected.

  They soon reach the tunnel and have just begun the climb when they hear the sound of rushing water.

  “It’s the fountain, the water is trying to drown us!” shouts Khan. “Safaya, wind funnel now, get us out of here!”

  Safaya stands, bracing herself on the stairway and begins to rotate her arms, she then projects them downwards commanding the air within the tunnel to form a whirlwind and increasing pressure. The power of the wind lifts the trio higher and higher, faster and faster as the water breaks through the last rock barrier in the tunnel beneath them.

  “Faster Safaya!” shouts Atticus.

  The Princess concentrates harder and the wind increases in speed, catapulting them up faster and up through the tunnel entrance.

  Khan lands first catching both Atticus and Safaya as they fall. “Olof, seal that tunnel quickly!”

  Olof doesn’t have to be asked twice, he steps over the entrance and shoots down a barrage of ice to freeze the upcoming water, commanding the ice to embed itself in the rock, stopping any water from the pool to exit the tunnel.

  The heroes breathe a brief, but welcome, sigh of relief.

  Elric steps towards them. “You have it?”

  Atticus smiles and shows the canteen to the others. “And only one booby trap.”

  Ju Long smirks. “Just ‘coz you are the boss now, doesn’t mean you get to choose the easy ones ok?”

  “Heh, you’re welcome to take on the next water fountain named after an Egyptian sun god that wants to drown you or kill you with flying rocks my friend,” rebuts Khan jokingly.

  Ju Long’s smirk disappears. “No, no, you’re fine. Angry Egyptian gods are all yours. I’ve seen those Mummy movies, no curses for me, thank you.”

  Atticus stands and proceeds to help up Safaya. “Thank you, you were awesome.”

  “I know, but your choices on selection were also impressive. Your leadership improves. But, may I make a suggestion?”

  “Always,” replies Atticus.

  “Maybe we should get going?”

  Something begins to beep from within General Crawford’s jacket; he pulls out a small tablet-like device, taps it, and studies it for a moment. “Great, okay, so, according to the coordinates of our readings, cross-referenced with the location given by these Watcher fellows, Shezmu’s location is only a few kilometres from here, less than an hour’s journey. Let’s go.”

  They are about to make their way out of the cavern when Joseph grabs his chest, “Arrgh!”

  Atticus runs to him. “What is it? What is wrong?”

  “So many, so many of them!”

  “So many what, dad?”

  Joseph points to the ceiling as more holes begin to appear on its surface, throwing down rocks and debris to the cavern floor. “He’s back!”

  The leader of the Shezmu followers emerges from one of the openings, carrying a big staff; he scrambles against the rock face and jumps from the wall onto the ground, “Fools! You should have run when you had the chance! Now behold, I’ve brought my own friends!” He slams his staff into the ground, sparking out a bright flash of red light, triggering animalistic noises streaming through the ceiling and all around the cave system.

  The Majjai stand steadfast, preparing themselves for whatever may come through, but nothing could prepare them for this. Thousands of humanoid-like creatures pour out of the holes, all moving in unison, they stream down so fast that the Majjai have no time to react and in moments they are subdued.

  Khan, Olof, and Atticus try to use their magical strength, but the clan leader has another inhibitor crystal embedded in his staff. Joseph is still writhing in pain, and cannot focus an attack of his own. Atticus looks towards Joyce who is trying to create a shield, hoping to overcome the crystal, but every time she tries one of the creatures snaps her hands away from each other. They do the same to Safaya and eventually capture them all.

  Ju Long turns to Atticus, “Dude, how many of those damn crystals do they have?”

  “No idea,” replies Atticus, before looking forward at the clan leader making his way gleefully towards them. “But they still need someone like Shezmu to utilise them; we need to stop them quickly. We are wasting too much time here.”

  The clan leader steps up to Ju Long. “Your friends couldn’t help you for very long now could they?” he says, nodding over to the captured Bhandari Clan and other Majjai.

  “Dude,” replies Ju Long. “Seriously, if you focused on the things going on around you instead of me, you’d get a lot more done I’m sure. I know I’m amazingly good-looking, and my personality is just fabulous, but please, I have to friend zone you.”

  The clan leader slaps Ju Long hard. “You continue to dare! You dare mock Shezmu and his followers? You are truly reckless Majjai. Your friends can’t help you now.”

  “No, but I can!”

  Ju Long grins. “Uh oh, busted!”

  They all turn around towards the voice coming from the cave entrance, where they see Kazmagus standing tall.

  “And who are you? Another foolish Majjai?” asks the Shezmu worshippers’ leader, “Your powers are useless here. I have the crystal, and our numbers far outweigh… you.”

  “My name is Kazmagus, you may or may not have heard of me. If you have, you should know to flee now. If you have not, then take this as a warning to flee,” he says, raising his right arm, sending a signal.

  In a moment, a bright flash, followed by an intense laser-light strikes the inhibitor crystal, destroying it. Pali then swings out of the darkness and somersaults to stand beside Kazmagus. “Told you I could hit it.”

  Kazmagus smiles. “Indeed, and now, it’s my turn,” he says, before raising both of his arms, levitating the Majjai and General Crawford out of the grasp of Shezmu’s followers and lowering them safely behind him.

  Pali gives Ju Long a hug. “You, you really shouldn’t antagonise someone who has you immobilised and really wants to kill you.”

  Ju Long winks at Pali cheekily. “I knew you were there, your perfume is quite distinct, and actually quite nice – I remembered it from the first day we met. But please, remind me never to annoy
you; I do not want lasers burning any part of my anatomy, thank you.”

  Pali laughs. “Best not refuse taking me out for coffee when we get back, then.”

  “Uhum,” interjects Olof, pointing to the horde of Shezmu followers.

  “Oh, don’t worry about them, Kazmagus says they will not be a problem.”

  Pali is interrupted from explaining why by Kazmagus addressing the enemy in front of them. “Last chance, flee… or die.”

  Atticus approaches Kazmagus slowly. “Do you not want us to attack?”

  “Tend to your father Atticus, he needs your comfort more than I need aid in this fight,” Kazmagus looks back towards the Shezmu leader and the rest of his followers. “Very well, you were warned. Those that remain, may you find solace in the afterlife, those that flee, be well, and find the right path, no matter how long the road.” Then, without any more warning, Kazmagus leaps into the centre of the chamber; the followers of Shezmu that remain attempt to overpower him as they pile on top higher and higher.

  Silence and murmurs of ‘Is that it?’ ‘Did we win?’ travel throughout their ranks but these thoughts are soon changed as muffled screams can be heard at the base of the giant stack as followers of different shapes and sizes begin to shoot off into the distance, slamming into the cavern wall. In moments a giant beam of blue light blasts away from the centre, sending all of the remaining Shezmu followers foolish enough to attack Kazmagus to their deaths. They fall into each other with such force that many disintegrate on impact in flashes of fire and falling ash.

  This carries on until only one remains, the leader. Kazmagus walks up to him nonchalantly. “You decided to stay?”

  “Y… Yes… You don’t understand. He is coming, and the foolish human there,” the evil clan leader points to Joseph. “He has forced our hands, for he has instigated the End of Days.”

  “Who told you this?” Kazmagus asks sternly.

  “The demons…, the demons of Razakel, they have a plan, you will all perish, and Razakel will reap the rewards.”

  “Tell me this plan, and die honourably.”

  “You fool, we are all already dead,” the clan leader begins to cackle and laugh into the air of the dark cavern, the sound echoes through the chamber, bouncing around the walls getting louder and louder until he combusts into a massive flame, shooting high into the air and crashing down into a pile of bones, dust and ash.

  “Well, that was a tiny bit ominous,” mutters General Crawford. “We really should get out of here.”

  Atticus nods, “Yes, Olof, Khan, can you help me carry my dad up through the entrance?”

  The two muscle-men of the Majjai Six gladly assist, as they all make their way out of the cavern.

  Khan whispers to Olof. “Did he just defeat well over a thousand enemies without even breaking a sweat?”

  Olof nods. “I’m just glad he is on our side. Finally.”

  Elric, curious as to how Pali and Kazmagus got there so quickly approaches the ancient Majjai. “But, with the way blocked by Shezmu, what was your mode of transportation? No teleportation, no tunnels…”

  Kazmagus smiles. “Ah yes, an old friend of yours gave us a ride; even though I have the power of flight, I would never have got here in time without his help.” As they exit the cavern he points towards Spitfire, sitting proudly in his hyper jet form, glistening in the morning Egyptian sun.

  A Majjai History, Vol 2 Chapter 22: Majjai conduits of power:

  We’ve mentioned previously the different classifications of Majjai, but we have not really explored the source of Majjai powers for those not classed as the Chosen.

  As you well know, the Chosen have powers and abilities embedded into their very selves; alas, most other Majjai need to pair with certain elements or devices to awaken their powers.

  These trinkets, for want of a better word, use certain energies that act as a catalyst for Majjai of other classifications. Some use amulets, others use rings, and some prefer wands or staves. These energies were harnessed from deep within the universe, near its creation. Once a Majjai is paired with a trinket, they are bonded to it for life. Upon their death, the device is handed on to a next of kin.

  Where a next of kin cannot be found, the trinket is stored in the Mage Vault, hidden in a location that only the Majjai elders are aware of. When a new Majjai is discovered, they are matched to a device and the pairing process begins.

  Matching is very important, for if the wrong energy characteristic is paired to an incorrect bearer’s signature, then, although activation of powers will commence, continued usage would mean that the Majjai in question would ultimately be consumed by the negative energy created by the bonding.

  Although an incorrect pairing has not happened for many centuries, some evidence of it is still present. Once a Majjai is consumed by the negative energy, they become what is known as a Dark Majjai. They are not evil, but they lack a moral compass and can be easily swayed to do the bidding of those holding more sinister motives.

  For now, the Dark Majjai reside on a secret island. Its location is highly confidential but it is treated almost like a care home, and the Dark Majjai who live there are well looked after.

  One side effect of the negative energy is of slowed aging, so Dark Majjai live much longer than normal Majjai.

  Chapter 31

  The Torment of the Demon

  Atticus pats Spitfire’s door, glad that he has returned back to their ranks, “Nice to see you Spitfire. I hope Pali wasn’t too rough with you?”

  Spitfire rumbles. “I actually do not recall much of the repair process, but I feel even better than new. Thank you Pali.”

  The young Mecha Knight tips her head towards Atticus and Spitfire. “You are most welcome; the least I could do was to upgrade some of your parts after what happened.”

  Atticus’s attention returns to Joseph, who now looks much better, he sits propped up against Spitfire. “How are you feeling now dad?”

  Joseph wears a strained smile. “Just fine my boy, need a few moments and I’ll be right as rain.”

  Kazmagus steps over and ushers everyone away from Joseph. “This was foolish, there are many other ways to learn and use powers, if you desire such things. But I understand the trickery – and the burden imposed on you.” he hovers his hand above the Amethyst as Joseph groans, and then pulls his hand away, shaking his head. “Only a World Ender can remove this; it is doubtful any will do so willingly.”

  Joseph splutters. “Well,” cough, “I best make use of this until we can persuade one.”

  Kazmagus helps Joseph to his feet, concerned. “I have seen the good in you through the bond, Joseph. Your strength lies there. Your love for Atticus is your greatest power, let us see if it is enough.” He turns towards Elric, noticing his apprehension on his face, “Do not worry Elric, the torment of the demon Razakel is under control. I own this soul, and no monster will be allowed to rule within me. I do still stand on the cusp of light and dark, but… I do not fear this. I battled with his essence for eons within The Void. I control his evil. It brings a newfound clarity to me; I understand much more, can see much more.”

  Atticus finds the words slightly strange, and the fact that Kazmagus talks of being on the cusp concerns him. “So you see both evil and Majjai?”

  Kazmagus turns towards Atticus. “What you see as evil is simply another point of view. But not one I agree with, you will be glad to hear. I hear torment in the demon world. The Skarvakian flames are getting larger; it is a mystery that needs to be solved, because those voices are getting louder each day. Do you not hear it?”

  “Skarvakian?” asks Elric. “You have mentioned this before, that the demons call their homeland Skarvak?”

  “Yes! It is in my scrolls, have you not read them? Judging by your energy, you’ve had an incredibly long time. You are from much older times than these others. Have you been meddling, Elric? Or was it that fool, Myrddin?” Kazmagus doesn’t wait for an answer and returns his focus to Atticus. “And you, boy…
, I still do not know what to make of you. I have a theory, but it is impossible… unless. No, it cannot be.”

  Elric interjects quickly. “The boy, he is in the prophecies, the rightful Chosen One; he bears the mark spoken of in legend and verified by myself and the one you call a fool, Myrddin. Verified from the very scriptures that lie there in your tomb.”

  “Ha, those scriptures were not all written by me,” replies Kazmagus. “My followers must have continued my work; perhaps they located the seer staff, the Staff of Mages.”

  Safaya’s eyes widen. “I have heard of this – you all should really study more Majjai history. The Staff of Mages has the ability to control lifeless matter, it gives energy to the inorganic, making it alive. Its bearer is given a gift: a glimpse into Time Infinite.”

  “Very good,” says Kazmagus. “I’m glad the legends live on. The Staff of Mages has a purpose, it is needed to…”

  “Enough of this,” orders General Crawford. “You all may think you have time to chitter-chatter, but I have a mission. And I’m not going to wait around for you all to talk Majjai bloody history. We’ll have time for this later. Right now, if I understand correctly, we have to get inside Spitfire, take to the skies, get to Shezmu, take his head, and somehow stop the Apocalypse by finding some old Scrolls? Yes?”

  Kazmagus looks General Crawford up and down. “You are not Majjai, but you have heart – and you are also correct.” Kazmagus looks over to Atticus, Ju Long, and Professor Sprocking. “I sense the ability of sky travel within all of you, fly with me, we will follow the mighty Spitfire.”


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