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Light Bulb

Page 2

by David Barron

courtyard. He smiled rather weakly and pretended to look through his bag trying not to look at her again for he suddenly realised that he was getting rather bright and glowing slightly. The girl looked at him still smiling and talking to her friend about him, behind their books trying not to get seen, but he had seen, and knew he was the topic of their conversation. Ten minutes went by then another two bulbs joined the class and not long behind them Mrs Bra came in, and asked everyone to introduce themselves to each other, which they did. Ron soon found out that the girls name was Pendant and her friend who was sitting next to her was called Rose. At the break in the morning Ron went down to the canteen to have some tea, and seeing an empty table he sat down. Another bulb who had been sitting opposite him in the class, walked over to where he was sitting, and asked if he could join him, saying his name was, Wattie. Ron told him to sit down and then he noticed Pendant and her friend coming in and they had clearly seen him and came right over.

  "Hello its Ron isn't it, and who's your friend?"

  "Ehm this is Wattie we've just met."

  "Oh ok I'm Pendant and this is my friend Rose."

  "Hi pleased to meet you, would you like to join us?"

  "Yes sure that would be great." They sat down with Pendant sitting directly opposite Ron. They talked about the schools they had attended before they had come to college, and what they hoped to do once they had left. Then they talked about music with Pendant saying that she liked those new rock bulbs, Ampere. Ron said he'd heard them but had never seen them although Wattie had been to a few of their concerts and pointed out to them all, that in his opinion they were the leading lights in rock.

  "Listen Ron how do you fancy going to one of their concerts with me next weekend?"

  "Yes I'd like that."

  "Wattie will you be there too?"

  "You bet."

  "Ok so why don't we make it a foursome and we'll all go." Wattie and Ron agreed and so a date and a time were fixed for them to meet up, then they left to return to the classroom. At the end of their first day all were in high spirits, chatting about their experiences of that first day, and acknowledging that it was nothing like school had been a lot more informal for a start. Ron made his way home, and when he arrived back at his carton, he stopped only long enough to get changed and went straight round to Roff's.

  "Hi Roff what you been up to today then; miss me?"

  "Oh hi Ron yes you bet I did."

  "I've been allowed to re-sit my last exam, so with a bit of luck I may yet get into college."

  "Hey that's great Roff, so when do you think you'll know how well you've done?"

  "Well might take a few days, so I've got everything crossed I've done a little better this time; just hope I've done enough."

  "I'm sure you have Roff, I'll keep everything crossed for you as well."

  "How was your first day anyway, let me hear all the details; what was it like?"

  "Well it's a lot different from school, a lot more relaxed for a start, and can you believe it I've been invited to a concert with a girl I just met."

  "I think she's taken a shine to me."

  "That's great and what's this bulbs name then, and what is she like?"

  "Well she's rather sweet and I think she's very bright, at least a two hundred, and right into Ampere the new rock bulbs."

  "Well she has good taste anyway; does she have a friend for me?"

  "Sorry Roff she's already spoken for, but she may have another friend I'll ask her." Ron didn't wish to hurt his friends' feelings by telling him that her friend Rose was already going to the concert with Wattie a bulb he had only just met. He felt quite sorry for him, and wished that his filaments hadn't been blown.

  Next day Ron was up early and took the bus to college where much to his surprise, Pendant and Rose were standing waiting for him.

  "Hi Ron thought we'd wait for you and get you in."

  "Oh that was good of you both." Ron was a bit shy, but he appreciated that this lovely bulb was taking an interest in him, but he still felt a bit bad for Roff. They made their way to classes, and sat through a lecture on fittings, bayonet and screw. Ron hadn't realised that two bulbs had to have compatible fittings to mate. At lunch time they went to the local shops to get something to eat, he would have to bulk up a little; he was feeling a bit light. They had a glassburger and a glass of gas, and then went back for the afternoon lectures. Ron couldn't take his eyes off his new girlfriend for he was sure that what was what she was, and he felt quite proud that she had picked him. When Ron got home that evening he went round to Roff's and told him about his day, for he knew Roff would be hungry for news, but Roff had news for him also.

  "Hi Ron just been told that I have scraped a pass so I will be coming up to the college next week; what do you think?"

  "Oh Roff that's great news, but I didn't think you would get told so soon."

  "Seems I was on top of the pile, the ones near the bottom will have to wait a few more days yet."

  "Brilliant Roff this means you'll be able to get the bus with me from now on, and it'll be like old times again."

  "Yeah I can't wait; I honestly thought I wouldn't pass, just sat hoping and praying you know." The two friends laughed, they had known each other for a very long time, and Ron had been a little sad when Roff had not passed his exam the first time around. Now at least there would be someone at college he could really tell all his innermost secrets too. That night Ron lay in his box and thought how good it would be when Roff turned up, and sat next to him again in a classroom. He had missed him so very much. Next day Ron told his new friends all about Roff and how he had passed his exam and that he would be coming up the following week. Pendant could tell straight away that Ron was very close to his friend, and was glad for him.

  "Listen Ron you seem to be great friends with Roff, so I presume you'll be wanting him to join our merry little band, so he will definitely be needing a partner for the concert."

  "He will come wont he?"

  "Yes he will; seems he loves the same bulbs as you do." Ron laughed.

  "Ok then I have another friend, she's not on the same course as us, but she's a good looking bulb, and if I can persuade her to come with us, then Roff could partner her."

  "What's her name pendant?"

  "Oh she's called Osram, I think she's foreign."

  "Right well if you ask her I'll let Roff know, and see what he thinks, but I'm sure he'll be up for it." They made their way into class they were getting a lecture from the Head Light today.

  Ron and Roff go to a Rock Concert

  It was the day of the concert and Roff was eager to meet up with Ron's new friends; he'd seen them a few times at college, but hadn't been able to join their company, they had stuck him on a different course, and his breaks never seemed to coincide with theirs. He had managed to keep up with Ron though as they got the bus to college together in the mornings, and then met up again in the evenings to go home. Ron liked this time as he would tell Roff what kind of a day he'd had and Roff would tell him all about his. They stood together outside the venue waiting for the rest of the gang. Then Ron heard his name being called, and looked to see Pendant and the rest waving from the top deck of a bus that was just pulling up to the stop near to them. Ron and Roff waved back, and went forward to meet them off the bus.

  "Hi Ron is this your friend then?"

  "Yes this is Roff."

  "Roff this is Pendant, and this is her best friend Rose, and this is Osram."

  "Hi." Roff looked at Osram she was a very lovely bulb, and was rather dusky he thought. They all joined arms and made their way into the door of the venue, handing their tickets to the cashier, and walking through to find some seats near the front of the stage. The place was getting quite mobbed, and soon the whole place was charged with electricity, everyone lighting up, to show their appreciation. Then the room went dark as Ampere appeared on the stage, the room erupted with screams and shouts. The lead singer started off with Heart of Glass, and then the group went onto p
lay Bright Spark. The bulbs went wild, and some were up dancing in the aisles to the heavy beat of the music, which was played on glass synthesizers. Roff got up and twirled Osram from her seat into the aisle, and danced her right down to the front of the stage where they stayed till the end of the concert seemingly having a great time. Ron was not as good a dancer as Roff, but he too got up and danced around pendant. Rose and Wattie stayed in their seats kissing and cuddling, and didn't seem to be taking any notice of the others lost in each others arms. The end of the concert saw the group play their new hit single Rock a Bulb Baby, and then the lights were switched on and it was time to leave. Pendant turned to the gang.

  "Look it's still early yet any one fancy going to McBulbs for a glassburger?" Everyone said they'd love too so they linked arms and walked to the restaurant, and settled down at one of the round tables, where there was plenty of room for them all to sit down and chat, whilst eating their glassburger's. They had all enjoyed themselves so much that they decided that they would make it a regular thing and start going out as a group whenever they could. On the way home Roff was very happy and made sure that Ron knew that he and Osram were now an item. Ron was very happy for his friend. Ron looked out of the bus window and pointed at something in the street.

  "Look there Roff do you see that light?" Roff looked but could not see anything.

  "What light?"

  "Not bad how's yourself?" Roff seen the joke and laughed

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