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Sex Stories

Page 79

by Mary Jaine

  We left Shrewsbury in the late afternoon, promising mum we'd be back as soon as Teruko had some free time from uni, and made good time back down to London, arriving a little after eight o'clock. We debated whether we should go out for dinner or raid the fridge, but the consensus was that neither of us wanted to cook after a four hour drive, so Teruko drove us to a Burmese restaurant I'd heard about in Greenwich, not far from the Royal Observatory, where we feasted on Ohno Kaukswe, a spicy chicken and coconut soup with noodles, Ameh-Hna, a red-hot Pork and King Prawn curry with jasmine rice, and Akau-Khe, crispy, flame grilled marinated belly pork strips on a bed of pickled shredded green papaya, prawns, peanuts, and crushed chilli's.

  Teruko was wide-eyed at the variety and taste of all the different dishes, and amused at some of the expressions on my face when I picked up and chewed an innocuous-looking morsel only to discover its predominant taste was heart-stoppingly hot and spicy! All in all, it was a successful evening; plus, she was getting admiring, envious, and downright lustful looks from everyone in the place; my girl really was a head-turner!

  We eventually got back to the flat late, which was not a problem; we both had a free day the next day, and I had plans to seriously ravage my fiancée, which was how I thought of her now, nice and early as a 'good morning' present, and so we tumbled into bed, both of us worn-out by the weekend and just glad to be back in our own little refuge.

  I was awakened by the phone ringing, I looked at my watch, almost 8 a.m., and somewhat groggily picked it up, wondering who it could be as I didn't recognise the number.

  "Hello?" I croaked, and a voice I hadn't heard in several years suddenly took me right back to my school days.

  "Jack? Jack, it's me, Harry! How are you doing, big feller?"

  Harry Waterfield. I hadn't heard from him in years, and now, not two days after talking about him, he's calling me at eight in the morning; this had to be more than a coincidence. "Harry!" I said, "To what do I owe the pleasure? I was talking about you a couple of nights ago to Mr. Fineman, and now you're calling me. What's up?"

  Harry and I both graduated from The Imperial College, we were there at the same time, but Harry was part of the Special Engineering Programme, following a completely different curriculum to me, so I never actually crossed paths with him; a brilliant engineering student like him would have been constantly involved in industrial loan-out programmes, research and development, and innovation and excellence engineering within the engineering design programmes, so it wasn't really surprising, given the size of the student body.

  I could hear the grin in his voice even over the cell-phone line.

  "I understand you had a run-in with old 'Slimy' Fineman and you smacked him around a little over that gorgeous sister of yours, what was her name, Triko? Tenko?"

  I laughed.

  "Her name's Teruko, and yes, he tried to blackmail her into bed, so I gave him an Aussie Coat-hanger that flipped him 360 and knocked the bastard silly! I heard from Mr. Fineman that he tried the same trick with you and you gave him a good battering. How is your sister, anyway? I can't remember her name, I only saw her once or twice, but I remember she was a real knockout."

  "She's...fine, yeah, she's fine. Her name's Sai Fong, she...uh, shares a flat with me in Perivale. Look, Jack, I'd like to catch up with you, your mum gave me your number and your address, I'd like to stop in later, I want to talk to you about this, maybe share some things?"

  I was at a loss as to what I was going to talk to my old friend about after not seeing or hearing from him for four years, but I agreed, so he said he'd see us about lunchtime and rang off.

  Teruko chose then to surface.

  "Who call, Jakku-san, did mummy call, is all well?" she asked anxiously, and I smiled at her, putting her fears at rest.

  "No baby, my old school friend, Harry, you remember him, he wants to come over later today to talk. He asked after you, he still remembers you, because you're so beautiful!"

  Teruko smiled at that and slid closer to me, her lovely body melting into mine as she hugged me, nibbling on my ear as I squeezed and fondled her superb little bum.

  "Husband is big liar, but I like him lie like that, tell me more lie!" she murmured into my neck, but I was too busy exploring the wonders of her bum to think coherently, and when she reached down to squeeze my rapidly inflating cock, I suddenly developed the urge to jam it into her somewhere, anywhere. Teruko got that from my suddenly more serious explorations of her arse and pussy, and shifted her attentions from my neck to kiss in a meandering line down my chest and midriff to eventually take the head of my cock in her hot wet mouth.

  The sensation as she slowly licked and sucked was unbelievable, then she swivelled around with me still in her mouth to throw her leg astride me so she was now lying on me, her sweet little pussy placed just right for my tongue to attack, which it did. I slid her back a little towards my mouth, and licked in broad strokes with the flat of my tongue from her clitoris to the tempting little pucker of her tight little hole.

  She showed her appreciation by moaning happily, the vibration thrilling through my cock and into my balls, which tightened involuntarily. At the same time I licked and probed deeper into her fragrant, succulent vulva, the taste of her sweet and tangy, salty and delicious as her syrupy nectar flowed in response to my oral stimulation of her pretty little puss.

  I licked and lapped at her while her head bobbed as her tongue curled and flickered around the increasingly sensitive head, drawing me nearer to climax as her lips clamped around me, suctioning in a welter of warm wetness and delightful friction. Her breathing was also beginning to hitch as my ministrations to her tasty little flower began to bear fruit, her bum cheeks flexing and her thighs quivering as she hunched herself more and more firmly against my mouth.

  When I finally rubbed her taut little clitoris with the pointed tip of my tongue, she climaxed with a guttural groan, her pussy and anus winking at me as she flooded my mouth with her sweet nectar, and when I pushed my pointed tongue as hard as I could into her tempting little anus, her moans transmuted into a loud hissing scream as her orgasm intensified in a series of waves that convulsed her pussy and clamped her anus tight, pushing my tongue back out again.

  The force of her orgasm and the thrilling vibration of her throat against my over-sensitised cock head was enough to bring me on, and I came in a rush of spunk, long spurts blasting into her mouth, Teruko choking and bubbling as she fought to keep up with the influx of semen shooting into her mouth and down her throat. I finally stopped shooting, only dry heaves as my cock lurched and twitched in her mouth. Teruko licked and sucked the last sticky remnants of my spunk as it bubbled and trickled out of me, finally licking the head clean of any traces of sperm before slumping down with her head on my thighs.

  She was twitching and quivering against me as the last tails of orgasm chased and whirled inside her, before skittering away to leave her breathless but satisfied. I still had the wonderful view of her delectable vulva to enjoy, a scenic landscape I would never tire of exploring. I licked and gently kissed her on her most sensitive spots, making her mew and giggle lightly as she drifted away on her own personal cloud, mellowing down after the tension and explosive release of our encounter.

  Eventually she must have decided it would be more comfortable to lie next to me than flaking-out on top of me, so she slid off and wriggled around to once again lie in the crook of my arm, her warm little hand rubbing my stomach lightly.

  "Set alarm please, Jakku-san, I will make breakfast soon, but must sleep first; you make me very tired!" she grinned, patting me in mock annoyance.

  "One hour, then we eat!" she smiled, and, with her usual speed, fell asleep almost in mid-yawn.

  We were just setting out some snacks and cold drinks when there was a ring at the doorbell, and when I answered, there was Harry, looking as young and serious as the day we left school. It took me a few seconds to register the fact that he had someone with him, a beautiful girl about Teruko's age, of ob
viously mixed Chinese/Caucasian parentage, then her face clicked into place, and I recognised her; it was his sister, what had he called her? Oh yes, Sai Fong.

  We sat and chatted about school, university, how strange it was that we'd both attended the same university and done the same degree but never once crossed paths, eventually working up to the phone call that morning. The girls had hit it off immediately; Sai Fong had admired Teruko's outfit, one thing led to another, and now they were both in the bedroom admiring clothes, so Harry started first.

  "Jack, the reason I called you was that Mr. Fineman called me and told me what Slimy had done, how he tried the same crap with you he tried to pull on me. I tell you, Jack, I never got so much pleasure out of anything as the day I beat the stuffing out of that scummy little weasel! You know that Mr. Fineman was my Housemaster in school, and he's kept in touch with me since then. He was concerned that you'd go looking for Slimy and teach him a few more lessons, admittedly with full justification, his words, not mine, so he asked me to ask you to leave it be, as a favour to him, unless of course Slimy tries it again, in which case, be my guest while I look the other way!"

  I was still a little puzzled as to why he had felt the need to trek all the way across London to tell me something he could have said over the phone, so I sat back and waited for a little clarification. It didn't take long in coming.

  "The other reason I wanted to talk to you face to face about this was to ask you if Slimy got it right. Before you go ballistic, I wanted you to know that when it came to Sai Fong and me, Slimy was right; Sai and I, we've...we''s..."

  I'd never seen Harry at a loss for words before, nor looking as flustered as he did right then. He looked helplessly at me for a second, drew a deep breath, and started again.

  "Sai Fong and I are...together, we're a couple, we have been for almost a year now. My father knows, and accepts it, he only wants Sai to be happy, and me, and we are. I wanted to tell you, out of all my friends because I think you'll understand better than any of them...because I think you and Teruko are in the exact same boat as us, aren't you?"

  I was impressed that he'd put it together from so few clues, but not unduly concerned; he'd shared their most intimate secret, that he was living as a couple with his sister, and I owed him a similar confidence. I grinned in relief that he hadn't come here to preach or moralise, rather to share and support, and my respect for him notched-up even higher. The Headmaster, Mr. Gould, had once told us that the most honourable man in the school was Harry Waterfield, and I could see he was right.

  "I'm impressed, Harry-boy, how did you manage to work it out so quickly?" I grinned, and he grinned back, suddenly looking again like the fresh-faced, handsome schoolboy who'd been the object of so many town girls' fantasies.

  "I could see it all over your face! I was dreading this, but seeing you like that made it a lot easier, believe me!"

  The girls chose that moment to descend on us, modelling various outfits and costume jewellery, for all the world like two teenagers going through their mother's wardrobe. Harry pulled Sai Fong down to his level and kissed her, her expression of confused shock changing into a big grin as he whispered in her ear and kissed her again. Teruko looked on in incomprehension, her eyes widening as she watched Harry kiss his sister, then she grinned and looked at me, bending down to kiss me lightly on the cheek.

  "Friend Harry love his sister too, no?" she grinned at me, getting a pinch on the bum for it as I grinned back at her.

  "Oh yes, darling, we're not alone, now we have friends to share our secret with!"

  Sai Fong slid down into Harry's lap, her arm around his neck.

  "So tell me, Jack, how long have you and Teruko been...close?" she smiled, her eyes alight with interest as Teruko blushed.

  I slid my arm around her as she stood next to me, my hand kneading and rubbing her hip.

  "We finally got together on Friday, so only three days ago, although it feels like a lot longer; in fact, it feels like a lifetime," I offered.

  "Teruko has been hinting forever, I was just too dense to see or hear it, so she kind of took matters into her own hands, without too much resistance from me, I have to admit!"

  Sai Fong laughed delightedly.

  "It was just the same for Harry and me; he couldn't take a hint, even though I practically battered down his bedroom door to get him alone! You men are so...blind sometimes, especially when something's right under your noses; I sometimes wonder how the species ever manages to keep going, if you two specimens are anything to go by!"

  Harry grinned at that, and even I had to smile; she was probably closer to the mark than I wanted to admit...

  Lunch was fun; Harry and I caught up on old friends, school days, and had a good laugh about the way we'd dealt with a mutual problem, while Teruko and Sai Fong were obviously beginning what would become a deep friendship. I was sorry to see them leave, but they'd accepted our invitation to dinner on Friday, and we'd told them to stay over so Harry and I could enjoy a few beers together. Teruko and Sai Fong hugged like they were long lost sisters being parted again, already missing each other. I was happy she'd found a friend with so much in common, now she had someone to share, shop, and gossip with.

  The rest of the week was pretty mundane; I had to go back to work after my long weekend, Teruko was back at classes and studying hard, determined to be a credit to mum, and so it went until Friday. I had an early finish, so I swung by the college and picked her up, intending to take her shopping and pick up some beer and snacks for the evening, and maybe buy her anything she wanted, as a reward for being so damned beautiful. We parked the car behind Lewisham Docklands Light Railway station and took a shortcut through the station itself, talking about the dinner that evening, when a hand grabbed my lapel and jerked me to one side. As I flailed for balance, somebody hit me, hard, on the side of the head and I collapsed dazed to the concrete floor of the station concourse. I looked up to see a skinny, dreadlocked youth wrestling with Teruko, trying to grab her pendant and its gold chain as she gamely fought back, his hands holding her wrists as she tried to push him away.

  "NO!" I shouted, "Let him have it, you'll get hurt!"

  He turned to look at me, grinning, and reached out and deliberately squeezed her breast as he licked his lips.

  I saw red, surging to my feet, the look of smug victory on his face turning to one of shocked panic as I closed with him, my open-handed slap spinning him around, to catch another stiff-arm that jarred in my shoulder, I hit him so hard; it must have knocked his teeth loose. Moving with a speed I didn't know I possessed I closed with him again as he slumped against the ticket machine. His hand dived inside his jacket, I saw the dark gleam of something black in his hand, and heard the loudest noise of my life as something hit me with stunning force on the side of the head, spinning me around.

  The taste and smell of brass filled my mouth and nose, flickering images of mum, Teruko, grandad, childhood images, teddy-bears, shooting stars, favourite toys, the smell of fried onions, the taste of hotdogs, barley-sugar, mum calling me for school, the glint of sun on Teruko's hair, whistles and dogs barking, people and faces I knew, the feel of Teruko's lips on mine, snapshots of my father, all sharply felt and experienced again as though new-minted, all riffled through my mind like a magician stacking a deck of cards. I saw the ground rising up, heard a siren wailing, dimly realising it was Teruko screaming, and then the chaotic blizzard of images in my head tumbled away as I slid down into the deepest, darkest trough of blackness, warm, comfortable, velvety soft, and silent.

  Jack is gone; it has been so many months now since my Jack was gunned-down, but it still feels like it happened only yesterday, I remember it like it was only yesterday. I cannot stop the nightmares and the remembering; I hear that loud noise, and Jack looks at me, his eyes fade and darken, then all the blood, my Jack's blood, all over his lovely face, my hands, his life pouring out of his head and soaking into the station floor.

  I scream and scream, but no-one h
elps me, no-one wants to get involved; instead they stand back to give him air, and stare, and take pictures on their mobile phones and to send to their friends; the death of my life and hope is just another bad thing that happened today, in a city where bad things happen all the time, but it is the end of all for me. I wake up crying, knowing it is no dream, there is no warm hand on my hip, no soft breath against my cheek, no-one to break and banish my loneliness, no Jack, just remembering, and loss, and tears.

  Jack is gone, and I still see their blank faces; don't they know this is my world pouring away in crimson rivulets on the concrete floor? I ask and beg and plead for help, and blank stares and shuffling feet are the only answer until at last policemen come, and with them ambulance men in green jumpsuits, they try to take Jack away, but I can't let him go, they are supposed to make him wake, and smile, and breathe again, but he is not breathing, he is not moving, his blood is all over me, the floor, his face, in his eyes, but he doesn't blink, he does not flinch, how can he be alive, when his lifeblood is all over me, and the floor, and still more is pouring out of his head?

  The police are kind and gentle, not like the police back home, they try to make me go with them but I will only go with him, I promise whoever will listen that I will give him my heart if it will make him live, I can see he is not breathing, I can feel no heart beat, that man took my Jack away from me for no reason, and now he has no heart left to beat for me, his chest is still and silent, and no breath escapes from his mouth; I hold my Jack closely and my world has stopped; so much blood, all of his heart's blood is here, how can he live when there is none left for him?

  Jack is gone, he is already in the dark, he has made no preparations for the ancestors, has sent no word ahead for them to prepare the way, how will they know he is looking for them? If I could take my heart out of my chest and put it in with his so he can live again I would do it, but now I see him with tubes in his head, and in his nose, in his arms, a mask on his face, his eyes closed, not moving, the only sound is the sound of the machines, machines to breathe for him, machines to give him blood, machines to feed him, machines to make his heart beat.


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