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Sex Stories

Page 96

by Mary Jaine

  "Andy, Andy!" I called. His eyes snapped open and he sat up.

  "What is it, what's wrong? Lindy...?"

  I beckoned him closer.

  "Come in here, baby, and put your robe on; Nana and Grandfather are here!"

  His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock.

  "Oh Jeez, you mean they...both of us...on the sofa...?" and I nodded.

  "They know, baby, and don't worry, it's all OK, Nana's alright, ditto Grandfather; he's been banished to the garden, you might have to go and find him in a minute, but Nana wants to talk to you now."

  His eyes narrowed, and I had to grin.

  "Really, Andy, it's all OK, just make yourself decent and come in here!"

  Somewhat hesitantly, he followed me into the parlour, where Nana smiled brightly at him as she pecked him on the cheek.

  "My goodness, Andrew, you really are the spit and image of George when he was your age; we shall all have to watch out for you, you handsome devil you!"

  Andy, normally so quick on the draw with a witty riposte looked more than a little sandbagged by Nana's charm offensive, given the state she'd found us in.

  "Erm, yes...lovely to see you," he floundered, while Nana's eyes gleamed happily, until finally she took pity on him.

  "Calm yourself dear, you and Lindy are of age, and quite frankly, I can see why both of you embarked on this...whatever you want to call it. Do calm down, darling!"

  Andy stopped alternately flashing beet red and deathly pale as Nana's words sank in.

  "You mean you...I mean, you're not ...?"

  Nana chuckled musically, that sweet, indulgent laugh she seemed to keep especially for us.

  "No dear, I'm not 'pregnant pause', or indeed anything. Just be a bit more discreet in future! Now, the reason I stopped by was to nab the pair of you for dinner tonight. Do come, darlings, it will be fun, and you look so dashing in a dinner jacket! You'll both have to keep your hands off each other, but, as you're now a couple as they say, you can at least torture my friends' eligible sprouts from a distance!"

  Andy grinned at that.

  "You're a mean, hard woman, Gran, that's a terrible thing to do!"

  Nana grinned innocently.

  "Yes, it is, isn't it? And so much fun, too! Eight o'clock sharp, dears, and Lindy, darling, wear something alluring; I want the devastation factor off the scale tonight! Andrew, please go and put something on, and go and find your Grandfather before he falls in the Koi pond again..."

  When he'd left, something she'd said earlier rose up and demanded my attention.

  "Nana, earlier, you almost said Andy...Andrew was my ...half-brother; is that true?"

  Nana looked sideways at me, then shook her head.

  "I suppose I had better tell you, otherwise you'll never let it go. Yes, Andrew is your half-brother; his father is...your Grandfather."

  OK, I never saw that one coming; Grandfather George was...Andy's father? This was Level 9 on the scale of bizarre shit my family had gotten up to.

  "Go on, please," I heard myself say as I tried to bring myself back into focus. Nana pulled me closer, once again rearranging my robe as she told the tale.

  "When your parents got married, Chloe was already pregnant; she'd been up to her usual tricks, and she and George had been having a little fun, only she got caught. Her dear mother was my best friend, and I couldn't let her be alone and just have a child like that, so your father, who'd always been her good friend, agreed to marry her; I think he thought it was all a bit of a lark. So he did, just to give the baby a name."

  Ah-ha, so that was why my parents seemed so unconcerned about each other's dalliances; they really weren't interested, they'd only gotten married to give Andy a name. Poor Andy, but now that uncanny resemblance to Grandfather made sense. I was still a little shaken, though.

  "But Nana, doesn't that mean Andy's my uncle too, if he's daddy's half-brother...?

  Nana smiled secretively, then winked, possibly the dirtiest wink I'd ever seen.

  "Lindy, Lindy, that isn't so, and for a very good reason; Andrew isn't your uncle, because George isn't your father's father; your father comes by his decadent nature honestly, darling girl!"

  Now I was shocked.

  "Nana!" I gasped, "you mean...?" and she smiled wickedly.

  "Yes dear, I know, shocking isn't it! Your Grandfather and I have always had a ...relaxed attitude to what the other does; our marriage was pretty much arranged to tie up the family businesses, and we were hardly consulted; I wasn't exactly straining at the leash to get married, not with all those lovely Oxford and Cambridge undergrads to road-test, and George was having far too much fun bouncing French-Moroccan film actresses off the walls of his Mayfair penthouse; our parents had to literally frogmarch us down the aisle!"

  She paused to catch her breath, her eyes alight with memory.

  "We just saw no need to...limit ourselves, just because our parents saw fit to shackle us together; he was absolutely gorgeous then, I have to admit, and I did love him, I still do, more than anything in the world, but I wasn't IN love with him, and he was pretty much the same about me; as long as we kept it off the lawn so as not to frighten the dogs, or off the ballroom floor to avoid stains, we did as we pleased. Your father's real father was such a sweet boy, and so pretty; Nigel looks just like him, and so do you, and poor, confused little Freddy."

  My head was spinning with all this information. Nana took my hand and squeezed it gently as she once more brushed the hair away from my face.

  "Bit of a shock, eh, finding out your sweet old granny's actually a louche old society tart?"

  I snapped around to stare at her, to see her wicked grin again.

  "Relax Lindy, I told you all this so you'd know who and what we are, and probably explain a bit about your parents, too."

  But there was one thing that felt so bad right now, and I could feel it in my chest, wanting to burst out.

  "Nana, what you said...about...daddy, Grandfather, but he's not my Grandfather...?"

  Nana took me by the shoulders and pulled me around to look into my eyes.

  "Don't you even think that, Linda! George is your Grandfather, you're his granddaughter, and he adores and worships you! It's not about the blood, it's about the bond; when you were six, and you had that bad bout of flu, it was he who put your cot outside on the terrace to cool you down, and sat up night after night to watch over you, and it was he who sat with you day after day while your parents were off God knows where; it was he who taught you how to swim, played tea-party with you, took you to the seaside, and read you to sleep on his lap, and it was he who created all those funds so his favourite granddaughter would never want for anything! He is your Grandfather, in every way that counts, and you are his granddaughter, and don't you ever forget that!"

  That burst the floodgates, and I spent the next few minutes soaking Nana's designer blouse, but she didn't seem to mind. When my bellows had died down to the occasional snotty sniffle, she took me upstairs and pushed me in the shower while she went to find Grandfather and Andy. When I came down, most of the ravages repaired, in a light summer dress, I spotted the three of them under the Gazebo in the rose arbour, chatting amiably. Andy had found time to put on an England rugby shirt and a pair of shorts, and as I walked up, I was once again struck by just how much he resembled Grandfather; difference was, now I knew why. I slipped up next to Grandfather as he stood, and put my arms around his waist; right now I needed my Grandfather, and he seemed to understand that.

  "Do you hate me, Grandfather?" I asked him in a small voice, and he looked puzzled.

  "Why would I do that, Lamb-chop?" he replied, genuinely puzzled, and I indicated Andy.

  "This morning...Andrew and me..."

  Grandfather hugged me closer, and his morning smell, a sweet mixture of Walnut Mix pipe tobacco, fruit drops, and Yardley Citrus and Wood cologne once again washed over me.

  "I was...shocked, Lamb-chop, but this is your home, and you're both of ag
e, so no, I have nothing to say; you'll work it out, Lindy!"

  I kissed him and took Andy's hand. He tried to pull me into his lap, but Nana looked pained.

  "In a chair, darling, there are enough to go around!"

  I grinned and sat sedately while Nana finished briefing Andy on the upcoming dinner, and then they were leaving. We walked the grandparents to their car, then stood waving at the front door until they were out of sight; I wonder what they would have thought if they'd known Andy had his hand up the back of my dress, inside my panties, gently tickling my bumhole and teasing my pussy. I was hopping from one foot to the next, trying not to squirm, getting an odd look and a knowing smile from Nana, and I promised myself I'd kill him, slowly, preferably by humping him to death...

  Once they were out of sight, I spun round, only for him to get there first, his lips crushing mine even as his hands slid down to squeeze my bum, pulling me up tight against him so he could rub his bulging crotch against my suddenly tender slit.

  We kissed and rubbed together, then he released my bum to slide my zipper down so he could pull my dress down in one quick move. As I was now standing there in just my panties, I grabbed his sports shirt and tugged it off him, then kissed him some more as he slid my panties down.

  I wanted to have him in my bed, but Andy had other ideas, tugging down his shorts so his thick, swollen cock jutted out from his groin; as soon as I saw that, I couldn't have cared less where we did it, just as long as I got that back inside me, where it belonged! Luckily our makeshift bed was still more or less intact, and suddenly Andy was pulling me onto him to sit astride him and slowly feed that wonderful pants-python into my sopping wet pussy. I nearly saw stars as he once again parted my lips as he slid into me, and I responded by humping and hunching madly on top of him while he rammed into me.

  Neither of us could keep up that kind of pace, and I broke first, screaming into his neck as my orgasm scythed through me, filling me with white light and pulsating, glowing heat. Andy barked out a sort of coughing groan as I tightened around him, then the feel of his cock swelling and pulsing inside me as he filled me with his thick spunk was more than enough to set me off again.

  I slumped down against his chest, savouring the texture of his chest hair against my cheek, the long, soft, almost downy black hairs beginning to shroud his chest and outline his abs, with the sexiest line of dark hairs leading to his navel. Andy was never going to be a bear, but I was glad he wasn't one of those waxed, spray-tanned, asexual, anaemic-looking shop-window mannequins, either.

  A trickle of sweat oozed down between his pectorals, and, on impulse, I intercepted it with my tongue-tip, just to see if it tasted as fresh as it smelled; I'm pleased to report that it did: tangy, salty, all kinds of other, more subtle hints, but all him, all Andy.

  I don't know how long we lay slumped there like that; I was captivated by the slow pulse of his heart, the sound of his breathing, the fresh, salt-tinged smell of clean male, and the comforting feel of his arms around me, with his big, soft hands clasped firmly around my bum; I knew for a fact that he would hold me like that forever if I were to ask him, and that was enough for me.

  I was almost asleep again when he patted my bottom, jarring me out of my reverie.

  "Breakfast?" he enquired, and with that I realised how hungry I was. I didn't want to move just yet; my Andy-pillow was far too comfortable, but then he tried a distraction tactic I'm sure the UN have outlawed; he began kissing me; little nibbles at first, but persistent, and I began to take an interest, and kissed him back, and before I knew it we were snogging like crazy. To my way of thinking, we hadn't done anything like enough kissing in the last two days, so, as long as he was still inside me, and still interested enough, it was time for some intense lip-hockey.

  As we kissed, I could feel him firming-up again inside me; he'd never really gone completely soft, and now I could feel that lovely girth filling me again as he warmed-up. Suddenly, he rolled us onto our sides, then once again, so I was on my back underneath him, and he began to thrust into me. Since we'd already had one great session, I knew he'd take a while to get to the boil, and so I zoned-out as he hammered himself into me, mini-orgasms rolling through me again and again as I lost myself in what we were doing.

  The feel and scent of him above me, his lips hungrily searching mine out again and again, the sensations deep inside me as he powered his thick cock into me endlessly: I was in heaven. I think I came at least ten times as he rammed into me, but when he shortened his strokes and pulled my legs up over his arms, I knew he was close, and when I came one last time, I tightened involuntarily around him, making him gasp out loud as I pushed him over the edge. His cock shuddered and pulsed inside me, once more flooding me with his creamy spunk.

  Andy slumped down, his heart hammering against mine, his body hot and shiny from his exertions; he looked so delicious I'd have gone around with him all over again; alas, it was not to be; poor lamb was drained by his exertions, as was I, so we spent the next little while recovering enough strength to stagger upstairs for a refreshing shower so we could go out and find brunch somewhere.

  When we got back home, after having done a little shopping to fill the fridge, Andy lured me upstairs and once again yanked my panties off; I should have fought him off manfully, defending my honour with the last of my strength, but I was far too busy tugging his pants down to give a shit; all I wanted was a mouthful of man, and Andy was too much of a gentleman to refuse me, only this time I didn't have it all my own way.

  He manoeuvred me around somehow so my pussy was over his mouth, and, as I suckled him, he lapped away at me, driving me crazy, sending waves of good stuff charging through me, until I came in a screaming climax that set him off, flooding my mouth with tasty man-fat, pulse after pulse of the stuff, making me wonder where all this was coming from, after the morning we'd had. Still, I decanted him thoroughly, and once I'd licked him clean, we were able to finally sleep in my bed, his hands clutching my bum possessively while I kissed and licked his chest and neck until I fell asleep, fucked to perfection by my man.

  I awoke in the golden light of early evening, feeling rested and wonderfully refreshed. Andy was fast asleep, spooning me, his tummy and chest lovely and warm against my back, with his arm held protectively around me. I loved the feel of him hugging me; I always had. It occurred to me that we'd never actually had a cross word between us, nor a single argument; whatever he'd said, I always just took for granted he was right, and we'd never been at swords-point over anything, not even from my earliest memories; it was almost as if we were two halves of the same thing.

  Freddy was another story; we'd never been able to develop even an entente-cordiale, let alone a normal sibling relationship; from early days everything about him had rubbed me up the wrong way, and our interactions would invariably degenerate to the point where I ended-up dragging him by the scruff of his neck to the Koi pond, with every intention of shoving him in and keeping my foot on his neck until he stopped squirming. Andy saved his life so many times...

  I suppose in hindsight he'd been pretty much harmless, if more than a little repulsive, but the episode in the park just two days ago had put him outside the pale with me. Andy was still protective toward him, even if currently furious, but he was lucky I wasn't deciding his fate just now, because being tied in a sack with a starving pack of rabid weasels would have been the least of his problems...

  Andy woke while I was musing, his big arm pulling me closer even as he kissed the back of my neck.

  "Hi Lindy!" he murmured, making me flush with pleasure and wriggle delightedly as the hairs on my neck stood up; every time he called me 'Lindy' it seemed to have an extra little spin on it, and only he could say my name that way. Even today, all these years later, no-one can call me 'Lindy' the way he does.

  "Are you ready to go forth and torture Gran's dinner-guests?" he murmured, roving his hands over me, not trying to excite me or anything, just re-acquainting himself, as it were.

he last thing I wanted to do was sit around a dining table while Nana and her depraved old swinger friends rehashed their glory days, but I couldn't very well tell Andy that; instead, I tried to think of a way to fend off that idiot, Barty Reeves-Wood. Barty was the kind of too-rich, public-school lout who calls girls 'totty' and slaps them on the bottom as though he had a right to; as those things piss me off, coupled with his disgusting habit of continually swilling good champagne like a hog in a dinner jacket, which gave him breath bad enough to take the shine off a marble fireplace, I resolved to make him truly miserable.

  The way I saw it, I was owed some compensation for not being able to sit next to Andy and interfere with him under the table.

  Mother and I are about the same size, and as she dresses far too age-inappropriately, I had no compunction about rummaging through one of her dressing rooms for a designer dress she'd never worn, and never will.

  When I came down, hair brushed and curled, I was buttoned into a tiny, figure-hugging, black, sequinned 'fuck-me' cocktail dress that was backless, side-less, and pretty much front-less, nude stockings, and a pair of Louboutin's with lethal steel spikes for heels that she probably wasn't even aware she owned.

  Andy was waiting for me at the foot of the stairs, looking delicious in his dinner jacket, crisp dress-shirt with a subtle pleated front, and antique carved Jet studs. He grinned when I did a twirl for him, then grabbed me to slide his hand up my dress and squeeze my bottom while he kissed me.

  "Bloody hell, Lindy, I've changed my mind!" he grinned. "Screw the dinner, I'd rather rip that off and eat you!"

  As that was exactly the effect I'd been shooting for, I could relax; now, all I had to do was to manoeuvre Barty the idiot into position for me to clobber him good and proper; those spike heels were either going through his feet and into the floor, or I was going to hammer one in each ear and see if I couldn't make them meet in the middle. Nana wanted mischief and pyrotechnics; I would do my level best to give her some.


  All in all, it wasn't too bad an evening; I spent most of it trying to be demure while having to watch Andy being fawned-over by various incarnations of Lavinia Trust Fund-Obscene Wealth.


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