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Sex Stories

Page 109

by Mary Jaine

  "I love you too, Sissy, I'll never stop loving you; I want to keep on doing this with you forever! I don't care what mum thinks, or what she says; you're mine now, and I'm keeping you, so there!"

  Lara reached up to stroke Finn's cheek.

  "I don't think mum will have much to say, not now I know what she's been up to!"

  Finn was intrigued by that cryptic statement, but too blown to follow it up; other things were on his mind just then.

  "Come on, Sissy, shower-time!" he grinned, gently pinching her delectable bottom. Lara reached down and lightly dragged a fingernail along his scrotum, Finn gasping as she did so.

  "Will you promise to do all my bits this time?" she smiled tiredly, and Finn gathered her in, kissing her even as he once more squeezed and jiggled her taut buttocks.

  "I'll wash anything you want, as hard or as fast as you want it done, that's a promise, only come on; you're starting to doze, and we both really, really need a shower!"

  After an enjoyable, relaxing hot shower, Finn and Lara retired to bed once again; Finn wasn't sure what the exact time was, but his internal clock told him it was long after four in the morning, and they barely had the energy to climb into bed, but when they did, they slept like dead things.


  Finn woke suddenly, unsure what it was that woke him. A small tremor from Lara, spooned against him, alerted him that something was wrong, and as he put his arm around her, she turned a tear-stained face to him. Finn was nonplussed; he hadn't seen her cry since she was a little girl, but he knew that something must be very wrong to upset her like this.

  "What is it Sissy, why are you crying? Please don't cry baby; tell me what's wrong." he murmured. Lara looked up at him, confusion and guilt in her eyes, and suddenly he knew why she was crying.

  "Finny, what have we done?" she blurted out, tears thick in her throat. "This was wrong, I was wrong, I was so, so wrong! I tricked you into coming here because I wanted this, and it's all my fault; you're my big brother, I'm not supposed to do this with you, I'm not supposed to seduce you like this, I'm so sorry, Finny, now I've gone and broken everything! Please don't hate me, Finny, please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, I just...I wanted you so much, oh Finny...!"

  Finn held her close; right now she didn't need a lover; this was big-brother time, the way it used to be long ago, before they'd grown apart. He held her close to his chest, letting his heartbeat soothe her, the way it did when they were younger and she'd come crying to him over something or other.

  "Shh, don't cry, it's alright, Sissy, it's all alright, don't cry, baby-girl, shh!" he crooned softly, gently rubbing her back as she cried softly against him. "Everything's alright, Lara, I don't hate you, I'll never hate you; this is me, it's Finny, all I'll ever do is love you, remember? I promised you I'd love you forever, and I will, only you, Sissy, no-one else!"

  But even as he calmed her, his own guilt began to churn inside him; supposing she was right? He was her older brother; he was supposed to look after her, not sleep with her, and certainly not do the things they'd already done. Maybe she was right to feel guilty, because right now all he could see was a yawning chasm of problems for them; of all their friends, would anyone accept them as a couple? What about mum and Uncle Mike? They would be mortified, they'd be tainted by what he and his sister had done; incest was illegal, people went to prison for that, so how could they keep this secret, or go back to living ordinary lives again? How could they live with an elephant this big in the room with them? Could he and Lara live as outcasts, cut off from their family and friends, their past, everything that made them who they were? Everything came with a price; how high a price would they have to pay for what they'd done?

  He became aware of Lara's eyes on him, and with that came the certainty that she'd shared every one of his musings. As he looked into her eyes, over and above everything else, he was still aware of just how beautiful she was, tear-ravaged face or not. Her eyebrow quirked up and Finn answered the unvoiced question.

  "Maybe you're right, Sissy, maybe this was all wrong; perhaps we should go, just get out of here and try and pretend this never happened?"

  Lara leaned up on her elbow to look into his eyes, her beautiful eyes huge and luminous, and her expression set and serious.

  "If I thought for one second you really mean that, Finn Elliot, I'd kill you myself! I'm allowed to have five minutes of cold-feet, and that's gone now; what I can't do is forget how I feel about you, or pretend I never loved you; don't ask me to do that, because it's just not possible! Everything that comes after this weekend, we'll handle, OK? I'm not letting you go, no matter what. I think we can have a life together, a good life; it's a gamble I'm willing to take. There are no real certainties in life, Finny, but I'm certain of one thing, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes; I love you, and I'll always love you; you belong to me, and I'm not giving you up; my life for you Finny, and only you!"

  Finn felt his eyes pricking as Lara opened her heart for him, and gave up everything for him. It stunned and humbled him that she was willing to give up everything, her whole life, to be with him. She'd said things he didn't know how to say, stirring him inside, making him understand properly just who she was and what she meant to him, and what he meant to her.

  She leaned closer and kissed him once, softly.

  "I know I can't be your sister anymore; this whole "Sisterfest" thing has taken care of that; so that leaves two other choices; you can be my lover or my best friend. I already have a best friend, so I guess that leaves my lover, so that's what I choose!"

  Finn looked closely at her, unsure how to describe his thoughts and fears for their future, if they even had one, but as he made to speak, Lara touched his lips, silencing him.

  Stop worrying Finny, and stop over-thinking things; once you finish uni, are you coming back to Ledbury?"

  Finn shook his head emphatically; the thought of living out the rest of his life buried in the rural heart of Herefordshire, a paradise for expats from London, instead felt like a particularly grim form of living death to him. Lara grinned at his expression.

  "Neither am I, Finny. Once you graduate you'll find a job; hopefully it will be in London, or Birmingham, or maybe overseas; whichever it is, I'm coming with you; wherever we go there'll be no-one who knows who and what we are. As far as I'm concerned, this weekend is the start of a new life for me; I'm no longer Finn Elliot's little sister, I can't be, and you can't think of me that way anymore; now I'm your girlfriend, and one day, when I can figure out how, I'll be your wife, or as near as we can get. Satisfied?"

  Finn's mind spun and teetered as he tried to catch his mental balance. Somehow, in a couple of well-thought out sentences, Lara had solved their problems, all except the biggest one: mum.

  "You forgot one thing, Sissy. What happens when mum finds out and goes fucking fruit-loops at the pair of us? You know what she's like; she's going to go Terminator on me, then make you mop up the bloodstains!"

  Lara grinned slyly.

  "And that, my darling Finny, is where my secret weapon comes in; I know how to back mum off permanently, so long, auf weidersehen, adios muchachos, the end, period!"

  Finn looked skeptical.

  "Come on then, my spunky little sex-bunny, share, convince me!"

  As he said it, something clicked in his head, something Lara had said earlier about their mother, something about what she'd been getting up to. He pulled Lara closer and kissed her on her nose.

  "You said something about this earlier, last night, whatever, something about mum, wasn't it?"

  Lara looked up at him, a sprite of mischief dancing in her eyes.

  "I said that I doubted mum would have too much to say about what we're doing, because I know what she's been up to!"

  Finn grinned a little unsurely.

  "OK, now you've piqued my curiosity, so I'm going to bite; just what exactly has mum been up to?"

  Lara pushed Finn until he rolled onto his back, imm
ediately pulling herself closer so she was lying on his chest, her face a couple of inches from his.

  "Well, Finny, I left the house a couple of weeks ago to run down to Haley's place and left mum alone in the house. I got half-way to Haley's when I realised I'd left a CD I'd promised her back in my room, so I went back to get it. When I got home, the back door was open, so I went in that way instead of using the front door, which was lucky; mum was on the phone in the hallway, talking to Uncle Mike."

  Finn nodded, not seeing any wrong-doing here; Uncle Mike was their mother's younger brother, so what?

  Lara paused, her eyes dancing with suppressed glee.

  Finn waited, until the suspense got to be too much.

  "Well, so what? Get on with it, Lara, or let me up; I need some breakfast!"

  Lara smacked him lightly on the chest, more a mild rebuke than any kind of assault.

  "I'm coming to it Finny, give a girl a chance to tell the goss, this is really juicy!"

  Finn grinned resignedly; when Lara was ready, she'd tell it in her own way, so he contented himself with squeezing and jiggling her bottom while gently scraping a fingernail along her crinkled little rosebud, making her wriggle against him..

  "Cut it out, baby, I'm trying to tell you something!" she protested. "Anyway, as I was saying, mum was talking to Uncle Mike, but it was stuff I never thought I'd ever hear her say, ever; she was telling him how much he filled her up, and how sore her pussy was but how much she missed his big cock filling her up, and how she wished she could be with him right there and then so he could fuck her some more, and how she wanted to go there again soon so he could fuck her all weekend, stuff like that!"

  Finn was open-mouthed in shock; mum? Uncle Mike? Oh my God! His head whirled as he tried to think of the two of them, his mother and her younger brother, naked,, all weekend long. It was...he didn't know what it was, but now, his mother's long weekends away at her brother's place in Oswestry, her cryptic telephone conversations with Mike, half words and silences, now it all made sense. As he thought about it, the corners of his mouth quirked up; no wonder she'd been in such a good mood lately!

  Finn looked up at Lara, her grin mirroring his own.

  "The dirty, randy cow!" he grinned, "All that stuff about helping Mike with his business, all that 'I'm staying over because we have so much to do...' bullshit, and all the time she's up there getting parked-up by her brother? Her and Mike, who'd have thought it! I can't believe it, I talked to her day before yesterday on the phone from Mike's place, she was telling me to pick some stuff up from the supermarket, and all the time Mike's hunched over her...oh God, that's an image I didn't need! Now we know why he always sounds so fucking hammered, she must be sucking him dry! I suppose that's one way to make a happy man very old...!"

  Lara pealed laughter, partly at the images Finn had conjured up for her, partly at his reaction.

  "There, so now you know, so when she gets up on her high-horse about you and me boinking ourselves comatose, there's the perfect counter-strike right there!"

  Finn slid his hand down to gently cup her pussy as his other hand squeezed and fondled her firm little bum-cheeks.

  "Speaking of boinking...!" he grinned, watching Lara as she grinned and slid up along him, turning slightly so she was now lying on top of him. Her lips caught his as her hand snaked down between them to hold and squeeze his rapidly erecting cock, and they kissed deeply, his fingers rubbing and caressing her pussy as her fingers encircled and squeezed his cock, jerking him to full hardness.

  "What are you doing, you bad girl?" grinned Finn, "Don't you know what happens to bad girls who do nasty things like that?"

  Lara paused what she was doing, leaning up to look into her brother's eyes, and deliberately squeezed and rubbed him even harder.

  "Do they get their poochie's filled-up with their brother boyfriend's nasty, runny, sticky spunk?" she lisped, rubbing her stiff nipples across his chest. That did it for Finn; in one swift motion he rolled over, pinning her under him, holding her taut little bum cheeks as he slid between her thighs. Lara gasped as his thick cock hot-dogged her pussy lips, scraping gently across her clitoris and making sharp little zings of pleasure zip through her.

  "Oh Finny, that's so nice, do that again!" she husked, so he obliged, gently sawing his cock back and forth across her swelling pussy.

  Lara closed her eyes as he stimulated her clitoris with his cock, never once penetrating her, just frotting her perfectly. It was having its effect on him too; the sight of his gorgeous sister writhing naked underneath him, the heat and damp of her eager pussy sliding along the length of his cock, her soft gasping mewing sounds as she rubbed against his hardness, all these were trying to make him come, hard.

  As he sawed back and forth, the hard bead of her clitoris rubbed against him, both of them gasping at the heightened sensation. It took all his will-power to hold back from just ramming himself into his sister's tight pussy and fucking her senseless.

  Lara began to push more determinedly against him, rubbing herself against him as he rubbed against her, her eyes tight shut as she humped enthusiastically against him. Finally, she reached up, pulling Finn down to her, and as their lips met, she came in a rush of sweet-scented fluids, bathing Finn's cock and balls in her aromatic ejaculate.

  That was too much for Finn, his hoarse shout of bliss mingling with her muted scream as orgasm overtook them both. Something convulsed deep inside him as a jet of semen burst from him to coat Lara's belly with a glaze of hot, creamy spunk, spurt after spurt pumping from him to paint her belly and pool in the dimple of her navel. Lara held and squeezed his cock, directing the spurts of semen, finally letting him go as he sank down beside her, a contented look on both their faces.

  They turned to each other for a final kiss, Finn holding her to him as he once more kissed her the best way he knew how. When he let her go, Lara rolled onto her back, a slightly glazed expression on her face.

  "I never knew you could kiss like that, baby, you can't escape now. You'll have to keep doing that to me forever!"

  Finn rolled on his side to look into her eyes.

  "OK, it's a deal, only..."

  "What, what is it Finny?" asked a suddenly apprehensive Lara.

  Finn grinned.

  "Don't ask me to do that again right now, I'm nearly dead here, so please, please, can we go to breakfast, I need food!"


  After a quick shower, they dressed, a little more conservatively this time; Finn in jeans and a polo shirt, and Lara in a tank top and tight shorts and a pair of gladiator sandals. As they were leaving the room, Lara grinned and pulled down her shorts at the back to show Finn she wasn't wearing any panties.

  "Why the commando, Sissy, were you expecting any action at breakfast?" grinned Finn. Lara thumped him on his upper arm.

  "No Finny, unless, of course, the mood takes you and just you can't resist me; just don't forget why I brought you here, though; this isn't a weekend mixer, you know; this is an advanced, intensive course in how to rampantly shag your little sister, only, I guess I'm not your sister anymore, am I? In any case, what we've done so far is just the entrée; I expect the main course later, stud-boy!"

  Finn grinned at her forthrightness.

  "Just what are you expecting then, fiancée of mine?"

  Lara smiled back, her eyes sparkling at hearing what Finn had called her, pulling her tank-top tight so her nipples stuck out at him.

  "Thank you for that, Sweetie! And today, surprise me, baby! All I want is earth-shaking, bed-breaking, window-rattling, monkey-fucking; I want to make noises only bats can hear, and I want to shift this place off its foundations, so put that inventive, dirty, over-sexed little mind of yours to work on it, stud-muffin. I expect to be hyper-fucked today! Just remember, I didn't bring you here to admire the bloody décor!"

  Finn pulled her close and kissed her as he pushed her shorts down to the tops of her thighs, allowing him to fondle her firm, rounded little rump, squeezi
ng and gently pulling apart the satiny globes, making her gasp as she kissed him back.

  "I've got all the scenery I need right here! Love you Sissy!"

  Lara ground gently against him as her hands slid inside his shirt to caress and squeeze his solid back muscles.

  "And I love you too, Finny, never forget that; this weekend was supposed to make you mine, but you should know one thing; I was always yours..." she murmured into his neck as she nuzzled him.

  Finn released her; appealing as Lara was right now, with her tight little shorts pulled down to her thighs and her shapely, sexy bottom available for him to squeeze and jiggle, the lions were roaring, and he needed food, so, reluctantly, he pulled her shorts back up and kissed her one last time.

  "OK, Sissy, I'm done, I'll top-off your tank later, but now feed me, Pretty Lady!"

  Lara led the way, following the tiny inset LED's on the walls blinking in time to her bracelet, along a corridor Finn hadn't seen yet, to another pair of double doors.

  As they approached, the doors swung open into a large, airy, brightly lit atrium set up as a reasonable facsimile of an outdoor bistro, circular tables with centre umbrellas scattered randomly, with a long table along one wall filled to overflowing with food, hot and cold, to cater for every breakfast taste, and a coffee bar with a pair of Baristas ready to make any coffee requested.

  Finn quickly filled two plates with toast, scrambled eggs, and sausages, and brought them back to the table where Lara was seated. As they ate, other couples at adjacent tables chatted with them, the room filled with the sound of conversation and laughter.

  Finn noticed Evan and his two sisters circulating around the tables, stopping to chat and laugh with everyone, charming hosts seeing to their guest's needs. Lara tucked into her breakfast with a will, eventually sending Finn back to the buffet to bring her a selection of fruit, and as they talked about what had happened between them, Finn glanced up to see Evan grinning at them

  "Finn, Lara, may I join you?"


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