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Sex Stories

Page 126

by Mary Jaine

  "Having trouble?" asked Nim as I tried once again, and when I turned to her, I was flabbergasted, literally lost for words; gone was my cute, adorable, playful sister, and gone also was the sexy little water-nymph who'd played and sported with me so nakedly in that forest pool; in their place was the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen.

  She was dressed in a figure-hugging, scarlet dress of some stretchy, sparkly material, strapless and backless, almost indecently short, the hem only just covering the curve of her bottom, with long sleeves that left her smooth shoulders bare. Her shoes were the same shade of red as her dress, with slim, elegant, five-inch stiletto heels, and the lace tops of her nude stockings were just visible under the hem of that sexy, sexy dress. Lip-gloss the exact same eye-searing scarlet as her dress finished the ensemble.

  Her hair was brushed and curled, shining and golden about her shoulders, with a peek-a-boo curl in front to accent her lovely face and beautiful green eyes. A black velvet choker, with a brooch set with a single green stone accented her long, white neck and complimented her eyes.

  I was stunned speechless at the perfection of the picture she presented; her physical beauty hit me like a hammer-blow, as did the realisation that this beautiful girl was mine.

  Nim posed artfully for me, winking sexily and giving me a quick twirl and shimmy so I could admire her smooth back and the curve and ripple of her flanks under that clingy dress as her hips switched.

  I tried to say something, to tell her what a goddess she was, but I was truly struck dumb; I'd always thought my sister was a hottie, but this was the first time I'd ever truly seen her as the beautiful woman she really was, and I was speechless, trying to say so many things at the same time that nothing came out except a series of 'uh-uh-uh...' noises.

  "Like it, baby? It's all for you, Roly-poly!" she asked, and smiled happily when I nodded dazedly, like a dumb-struck idiot, still too shaken for words.

  Nimmie grinned and took the mangled black tie from me, turned me around so I was facing the dressing mirror, and deftly re-tied it for me from behind, adjusted the knot, and patted me on the shoulder. She looked pensive, almost sad for a moment, and when I looked enquiringly at her she smiled sadly.

  "Dad used to make me tie this for him; he could never remember how it went, and mum's left-handed, so she always did it wonky; it's been a long time since I tied a black tie, Roly, but it suits you; now you're dressed to kill! Just remember one thing, Agent 007; you're with me tonight, so no swanning off with some exotic beauty, you got that?"

  As if I could ever look at another girl when I already had perfection by my side! I eventually managed to haul my jaw back up off the floor and click it back into place, and a sharp, pleasant, almost ecstatic thrill shuddered through me as she slid her arm through mine and patted my hand.

  "C'mon Roly, take me to dinner," she smiled, her smile broadening when I tried to say something coherent, and she pulled my head down to gently rub noses with me.

  "Calm down, sweetie, it's still me, you know!" she grinned, and straightened my lapels. "OK Roly, you ready?"

  I swallowed a couple of times, then nodded, grinning back at her when she smiled at me, and so, my balance restored, I escorted the most beautiful girl I'd ever known down a long and sumptuous hallway, to another set of dark polished doors.

  As we approached, the doors swung open, just like before, only now the room was, if anything, even more lavishly appointed than anything we'd seen so far; the long table in the centre of the room was set for a magnificent dinner, crystal goblets and mirror-polished silverware throwing sparkles, glints and glitters everywhere I looked, while huge silver vases, urns, and pedestals held gorgeous sprays of flowers all along the length of that magnificent banqueting table.

  Nimmie gasped at the sheer opulence of it, her eyes shining at the knowledge that she was attending a banquet in such a lavish setting, that the two of us, ordinary people from an ordinary family, with ordinary lives, could be here to share, if only for a short time, in this world of privilege and entitlement.

  Everyone else seemed to be already there, but the last couple to come in was the spectacular raven-haired couple I'd seen that first day. Nim stiffened, and I thought something had happened, perhaps she'd changed her mind, but then I saw that she and the dark-haired girl were stock-still, their eyes locked together, and both had little half-smiles on their faces.

  I suddenly realised that there was some kind of communication going on. Her strange conversation with me in the cabana earlier that day came back to me, and then I understood; this was the girl she'd shared her epiphany with, the couple she'd connected with so profoundly, the couple she believed were just like us.


  Dinner, and the entertainment that followed, are just a blur in my memory; I remember how lavish, how wonderfully presented the banquet was, but it's only brief flashes; my full attention was taken up by Nimmie. All through that evening I watched her, absorbed in the interplay of her sparkling eyes, her beautiful, kissable, rosebud lips, her smile, her every expression as she talked, laughed, giggled at a silly pun, or gasped in amused shock at a risqué comment or spicy joke.

  I barely tasted that marvellous meal. How could I when the most desirable woman in my universe, my perfect goddess in a pantheon of one, was sitting close enough to me to smell her hair, taste her perfume in the air between us, and thrill to the feel of her smooth, perfect thigh every time it brushed against mine?

  My next clear memory is dancing with her, feeling her curve and undulate so perfectly against me as she held me close, and of the lights glittering deep inside her emerald eyes and glinting in the glossy golden hair tumbled so artfully about her white, perfect shoulders.

  Everything before that is a blizzard of half-remembered images: a club of some sort, flashing and flaring lights, thumping dance music, girls dancing on a podium, but I didn't really register any of it; my head was too full of my golden goddess in a red dress. When she gently kissed me, and led me from that dance-floor and back to our room, the last vestiges of our old life fell away, and the start of the second half of my life was begun.

  Now, and at last, I was no longer Naomi Redman's older brother; now I was finally, fully and irrevocably her husband, she was my wife, my source of joy and my sole reason for living, and we were never going to be parted.

  Part 14: Naomi

  That final evening at that incredible house, resort, call it what you will, is burned into me forever; as we danced, after the best, most spectacularly lavish meal I'd ever had, funny things were happening inside my head; any feeling I had for Rowan my brother was draining away as Rowan, my husband, flowed in to take his place.

  I could feel him changing too; something was happening to him, I could feel it pulsing through him, in the way his arms tightened around me and his hands caressed me. Roly had changed, something had changed him, I could see it plainly in his eyes and in his smile when I gazed up at him.

  That was when I knew we had to leave; I needed my husband right then, and I knew he needed me, and so we walked in silence back to our room. My head was too full of what had just happened to fill the silence with empty chatter, and I could tell Roly was the same, his fingers knotted in mine like he never intended to let go.

  Walking back to our room, along those plush, hushed corridors, holding hands so tenderly with Rowan, is one of the most vivid memories I keep to this day; something inside me knew for sure we were walking to our new lives, and I was bubbling inside with anticipation, ready for mine to begin.

  Mixed in there was a little fear, too; that old cliché about the first day of the rest of your life kept repeating itself in my head, because it was; the second we left that room, the world had changed, it had become a scarier place because of what we had become, but I knew, all the way through and deep down into the bedrock of me, that this was right, it was ours, and we would make it through.

  As the door clicked open, Rowan whirled me around and into his arms; I thought he was going to kiss
me, but his expression was serious.

  "Nim, once we go in there, there really is no going back, you do understand that, yes? Everything we did before, all of it, no matter what we said when we were doing it, we can still walk away from it, let it go, and work on going back to being ourselves. But things have changed. I think you can feel that just as strongly as I can. Once we go in there, like this, it really is the end of everything that we've ever had before. Knowing that, are you really, really sure about this?"

  The look of concern and care on his face was so sweet and loving I just wanted to kiss him, hard, and never stop, but I made myself look him square in the eye so he could see that what I was about to say was the truth.

  "Never more sure of anything, Rowan. I brought you here for just that reason: to make you my Roly-poly forever. All I want is for us to change our world, for you and me to be in our own world, just you and me. I always wanted this, I made sure it happened just this way, and I have no intention of backtracking, walking away, letting this go, nothing. You and me, Rowan, it's always going to be just you and me. Is that clear enough for you, have you got it now?"

  Roly's eyes never left mine for a second, his gaze searched my face, probably looking for any sign of hesitation, any lingering doubts, but there were none; I wanted this, more than anything in the world, and suddenly that sweet, boyish grin of his broke through, and his hands were holding my bottom, squeezing and kneading my cheeks as he held me against him.

  "Then, Miss Naomi Louise Redman, will you marry me?" he smiled, and when I smiled back, he swept me up and kissed me in a perfect storm of kisses, while I laughed and choked as I tried to get a word in edgeways.

  "Roly, stop it, no, stop, let me say something, stop it, no, ROLY!!"

  He suddenly let me go and plopped me back down on my feet, grinning as I wobbled for a second.

  "That's better, phew, let me get my breath back! Now, where was I? Oh yes...of course I'll marry you, you big silly arse, what did you think I'd say? Only you, Roly, remember?"

  Roly grinned like a pumpkin and yanked me close again.

  "Good, now we've got that out the way, let's go. I feel like some naked lust and debauchery. You in?"

  Silly question, of course I was, so I let him lead me into the room, and waited for the door to click shut behind us. As it did, he grabbed me and kissed me properly, a long, breathless, intense kiss that made my nipples stand up and swell, something he felt as he ran his hands over my breasts and around my waist, to once more grab my bum and squeeze it. I could feel his cock pressing against my mons, and it was making me feel very sexy indeed; I couldn't help grinding against him as we kissed, enjoying the way he groaned into my mouth at the delicious friction.

  "Off...take it off..." he gasped, helping me as I frantically slid the sleeves down and wriggled out of that clingy little dress. Rowan's eyes lit up when he saw that all I was wearing were my hold-up stockings; I couldn't wear panties, or even a thong, under a dress like that, so I didn't wear any, and I got to watch his eyes as they literally glowed while he stared me up and down.

  Of course I posed for him; he'd seen me in just about every position possible, there was no need for false modesty now, so I posed and teased him, arching my back to push out my rock-hard, throbbing nipples, and slapping my bottom to make the cheeks jiggle and bounce the way he liked before pulling them open so he could see my secret places again.

  Rowan growled softly, and next thing I knew, his hands were all over me again, cupping and squeezing my breasts and lightly pinching my nipples even as he ground his bulging cock into the cleft of my bottom. I whined and pushed back against him, gasping as his teeth gently scraped my neck, giving me goosebumps and making my nipples throb even more.

  I heard the muffled sound of him undoing his clothes, and suddenly I was pushed up against the door, my bottom thrust out, and my pussy filled to the brim with his surging, steel-hard cock as he slammed into me, knocking the breath from my lungs with the strength of his thrust into me.

  I nearly shrieked at the sensation of being filled so suddenly, so completely, and when his hand slid down my tummy to gently rub and pet my pulsing clitoris in time to his powerful continuing thrusts, then I did scream, as the most powerful orgasm I'd ever experienced ripped and shattered its way through me, shredding my mind with the primal force of it.

  Again and again thunderclaps battered through me, until I felt like the electric centre of the storm, white light blazing from my every pore, blinding me with its intensity, and sparking and fizzing from my fingertips, to ground once more deep inside the core of me. My convulsing pussy squeezed and rippled along the length of his fat cock, and he gave a coughing roar as his soft warm hands clamped around my swollen tits.

  "Ooohh GOOODDD!" he shouted, his body stock-still, rigid and tense as jet after powerful jet of hot spunk squirted into me, warming and filling me, making me his all over again. He emptied himself into me endlessly, more than he'd ever come before, filling me and squeezing out from my overfilled pussy, to trickle in hot rivulets down my inner thighs.

  His warm breath on my neck finally roused me from the dream-like state I'd been in after such a shattering orgasm, that and his arm around my waist as he steadied himself.

  "Nim...Nimmie...sweetie... are you OK?" he murmured in my ear, finally bringing me all the way back to reality, and I reached back to hold his head closer to the curve of my neck as he grazed so delicately there.

  "I'm fine, Roly, better than fine, I'm engaged!" I grinned, jumping as his hands lightly cupped my breasts, even that gentle contact with my swollen and over-stimulated nipples sending a sharp electric thrill all the way through me to my still twitching and trembling pussy. I could tell he was smiling as he once more slipped his hands down to hold my hips as he kissed the nape of my neck.

  "That's right, Puss-Cake, you're mine now, and one day, when I work out how, I'm going to stand next to you and say 'I do', so you better keep that pasted right at the top of your mind, because it's going to happen, I promise."

  Rowan had never once broken a promise to me, and I knew him so well that I knew he meant it; my Roly never gave his promises lightly, so now I knew for sure; nothing would get in way to make it happen for me, so I was content.


  Our shower together was as restful and soothing as ever, but I was still thrilling from his promise to me, and he picked-up on that, his soft hands and gently questing fingers as he lathered my back and shoulders telling me he was feeling my excitement as surely as I was. My little gasps and giggles when he touched or brushed a particularly sensitive area kept piling the clues up in front of him, telling him what I wanted: I wanted him, again, any way he chose; now it was my turn to make him feel as good as I did right then, and he soon realised that.

  When I handed him my towel and grinned at him, he began gently drying me off, the feel of him patting me with that thick, warm, decadently soft towel making my skin tingle wherever he laid his hands. When his hands swiped between my legs, the thick softness of the material rubbing along my labia heightened my need and desire for him, making my breathing deep and tremulous every time he stroked me; I began to get the feeling that was what he'd intended all along, especially as he'd paid the same meticulous attention to my nipples, with roughly the same result!

  When he'd done arousing me all over again, he sat behind me on the bed and carefully, gently, brushed and untangled my wet hair, towelling most of the water off before letting me finish with the dryer. The heat from the dryer made my skin glow pinkly, looking almost like a sex-flush, and there was some of that too; my nipples were stiffly erect again, and my labia were warm, and slightly itchy; they were swelling, engorging, because I was horny; I could even catch the scent of my arousal. Luckily, the means of dealing with that was sitting two feet away, watching me intently.

  At last, after an eternity of brushing my hair, and letting the hot breath of the hairdryer play over my back and shoulders, he took it from me and switched it off, and fluf
fed my hair out, before suddenly sliding his hands under my arms and cupping my breasts once more, the friction of his palms on my nipples making them 'pop' out and throb pleasantly. Rowan kissed the side of my neck even as I jumped at the double-sensation of his warm lips and my nipples standing to attention again.

  "Like that, do you?" he breathed, his hot breath in my ear making me squirm as all kinds of other tingles and zings shot up and down inside me, once more grounding in my pussy and starting an itch I only knew one way to scratch.

  Rowan knew exactly what he was doing to me; he'd learned these last thirty hours just what it took to make me sigh, to make me buck and hump, and to make me scream like a banshee, and right there and then I wanted him to make me do all those things; I wanted him inside me, in any way he wanted, making me feel as good as he'd ever done this entire weekend.

  Without any warning, he yanked me down next to him, his hand clasping my bottom as his lips found mine, and we kissed like two souls possessed, deeply, madly, almost painfully. His thick erection prodded and rubbed against me, and I took every opportunity to squirm into the right position to feel that solid meatiness rub and scrape along my labia, teasing and tormenting my bullet-hard clitoris as I rubbed my drooling slit against his hot fullness.

  As I ground and humped against him, my body dissolved in an endless fire-cracker string of small, hot little orgasms, each one hotter, more fulfilling, more intense than the one before. Roly knew what I was doing. His breath was like a furnace on my face and neck as we strained and ground together, no longer holding back the least amount of pleasure, all inhibition lost in our sweaty dance, his cock frantically sawing and grinding against my hot pussy, until:

  "Oh God, Nim, oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!"!! he bellowed as he came in a massive muscular convulsion, his body rigid while his iron-hard cock pulsed like a fire-hose, blistering-hot jets of spunk spraying from him, spurt after spurt, spattering against my belly and smearing me in a creamy white froth from nipple to labia.


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