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Christmas In Mistletoe

Page 14

by Clare Lydon

  Ruby laughed, then sat on the floor next to her. “In our defence, it’s not what we normally do. This is a break from our normal lives. We’re in Mistletoe. What happens in Mistletoe stays in Mistletoe.”

  Fran paused. Was Ruby talking about their situation, too? It was too early to ask. They’d shared two kisses. One way too short. She’d like a do-over.

  Instead, Fran opened her laptop and showed Ruby the designs, which she approved immediately. To be honest, Fran could have shown Ruby anything. Neither of them was concentrating anymore.

  “Tea’s ready!” Dad shouted up the stairs.

  Fran rolled her eyes. “It’s definitely a break. Not normality, thank goodness.” She stood, then held out a hand. “Shall we have tea and cake, then go make that snowman?”

  Ruby got up and dropped another kiss on Fran’s lips. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter 20

  Ruby snapped on the light at the back of the barn. A bright yellow hue drenched the nearest part of the field. The Christmas trees stood in lines, spaced out liberally.

  “If you want to build a snowman, the only way to do it is in a field full of Christmas trees. We can use this field, as this isn’t open to the public this year. Your last snowman was built in your garden, right?”

  “Most of us don’t have a farm, so yes.” Fran shivered, then smashed her gloved hands together, taking in the scene. “This is pretty epic, though. A Christmas tree forest. Even for this hard-hearted Christmas avoider, you can’t get a better location. Or smell.” Fran took a lungful of the pine air.

  Ruby walked up to the nearest tree. “See the tag on the bottom? The trees are colour-coded so my family know how old they are, which to leave, and which to chop.” She shook some branches and the tree danced side to side. “Most households want six-foot trees in the run-up to Christmas, but hotels, holiday parks and restaurants always need them taller and earlier. Plus, larger trees are needed for photoshoots from September onwards, too. Mistletoe Farm grows them to demand.”

  Fran gave a nod. “Makes sense. I never thought Christmas trees were needed until December.”

  “Most people don’t. The first half of the year is spent planting, hand-pruning, shaping and fertilising. The second half is all about getting the trees to businesses, then getting the farm ready for the Christmas onslaught. It’s a year-round business.” Ruby patted the tree fondly.

  “You never thought about going into it?”

  Ruby shook her head. “I love being around it, especially at Christmas. People are always happy when they’re buying a tree. It’s impossible not to be. Plus, it’s in my blood. But so is music. Dad, Mum and Scott have it covered, so Victoria and I can do our own thing.”

  “I love how important family is here. My parents have always been my rock. Perhaps I need to be around more for them, too.”

  “Mistletoe has a way of putting things in perspective.” Ruby stared at Fran. Wrapped up in her new gear, she was still sexy. Ruby wanted to kiss her again. But the snowman came first.

  “You’re not wrong.” Fran stared right back, then pointed at the quad bikes lined up outside the barn. “What do you use those for?”

  “To zip around the fields, and to transport the trees after they’re chopped down. And for looking cool to women, of course.”

  Fran grinned. “Wear a check shirt and I’m surprised you don’t have lesbians queueing up. I’d love to have a go some time.”

  “It can be arranged.” Ruby shivered. She could think of ways of heating up.

  Fran blew out a frozen breath. “I know this is idyllic, but it’s still a little cold. Can we start our snowman?”

  Ruby crinkled her forehead. “I need a little more romance from you, city girl.”

  Fran laughed. “Real life is never quite as romantic as the vision in your head. Like having sex on a beach. Great in theory. In practice, sand in your foof.”

  Ruby shook her head, trying to get the image of a naked Fran on the beach out of her mind. “Foof? Really?”

  “What do you call it?”

  Ruby frowned. “Not foof. Is this what comes of having gay dads? No woman to tell you appropriate slang for your vagina?”

  Fran walked up so close, Ruby could see the whites of her eyes.

  “On the contrary, my dads probably did more research on how to be a mother than any mother alive. To say they were paranoid about it would be an understatement.” Fran knitted her eyebrows together. “I have a feeling foof was my Auntie Christine’s word. She was around a lot when I was little, playing the female role model.”

  Ruby licked her lips, never taking her eyes from Fran. “Have you had a lot of sex on the beach?”

  “It’s a one and done kinda thing, isn’t it?”

  Ruby leaned in. “I was talking about the drink.” She gave Fran a loaded stare. “When you have sex on the beach, how do you like it? Strong and quick? Or slow and savoured?”

  Fran looked her right in the eye. “Depends on my mood. But right now? Strong and quick.”

  A spark of desire ignited inside Ruby, and it was all she could do not to throw Fran down in the snow and kiss her into next week. However, a little like sex on the beach, sex in the snow wasn’t advisable. At least the beach had heat. The snow had no saving grace.

  “I’ll remember that.” Ruby tore her eyes from Fran and shook herself, then dropped the small backpack she’d been carrying to the ground. “Shall we make your childhood dreams come true and set about making Steve the Snowman?”

  Fran laughed. “Steve? Really?” She stamped her feet. “I was thinking more Shantelle the non-binary Snowperson.”

  Ruby’s laughter crackled in the air. “Shantelle it is.”

  They packed a large snowball each, then began to roll it, packing more snow around it as they went. Fifteen minutes later, they both had sizable snowballs. Ruby carried on with hers, instructing Fran to roll another. Then she stamped out a patch of snow in between two eight-foot Norwegian spruces, and rolled the largest ball onto it.

  “Can you help me lift your first one?”

  Fran walked over. Together they lifted the body onto the base, then the head onto that.

  Fran breathed in again. “I could happily die in this forest, the smell is incredible.”

  “Please don’t, your dads would not be pleased with me.” Ruby patted the tree beside her. “The smell comes from the Norwegian spruce. This is the one to buy if you want the true Christmas feel.” She paused. “Are you getting the Christmas feeling here?”

  “If I wasn’t, I might actually be dead.” Fran frowned. “I just thought, though: we didn’t bring anything for the face. It’s a blank snowperson.”

  Ruby gave her a hang-on-a-minute look, then picked up her backpack. She took out a carrot and handed it to Fran. “Nose.”

  Ruby then produced two shiny buttons. “Eyes.” She grinned. “You can draw the mouth.”

  Finally, Ruby took out a hat and scarf. “These are our special snowperson items. We’ve had them since we were kids.”

  Fran shook her head. “You really have thought of everything.”

  “I aim to please.”

  They dressed the snowperson. Fran drew its mouth, then they stood back.

  “Not bad,” Ruby said. “How do you feel? First snowman since your youth. Your first non-binary snowperson ever.”

  Fran gave her a beaming smile. “I feel a sense of accomplishment. Which is crazy, because I just rolled some snow. But it’s so much better than if I finish a spreadsheet or meet a sales target. That’s just something off my to-do list. Something else will replace it, as sure as night follows day.” She patted their creation. “Whereas, Shantelle? She’s a work of art. We created her from thin air. There’s something to be said for that, isn’t there?”

  “It’s what I do every day with music.”

  Fran held Ruby’s gaze. “You make gorgeous music, have I told you that?”

  Ruby flushed. If she’d heard those words dropping from Fran�
��s lips a few months ago, she’d have dismissed them as music exec waffle. But now Ruby had got to know Fran, she felt the sincerity behind them. Plus, Ruby had just made a snowman with Fran. She’d kissed her. Right now, the pulsing thought in her brain was that she’d like to do it again soon. But preferably, somewhere warm. They’d already had a snowy kiss. She was ready for something different.

  “Thank you,” Ruby said. “I’m trying to get better at taking compliments, especially from you.”

  Fran curled her mouth into a smile. “That’s the best you’ve done yet. Much better than your rebuff in the club months ago.”

  “I didn’t know you then.”

  “You didn’t give me a chance.”

  Ruby knew she was right. She held out a hand.

  Fran took it.

  “Let me make it up to you with some hot chocolate. If you ask nicely, I’ll lace it with rum.” Ruby paused. “I was thinking the barn office? It has heating, a hot chocolate machine and booze. Plus, it’s away from all of our families.”

  Fran gulped. “I like the sound of all those.” She dropped her gaze, staring at their joined hands.

  Ruby squeezed it tight. “In that case, let’s go.” She turned her head. “See you tomorrow, Shantelle.” Then she pulled Fran towards the barn.

  Ruby ignored the heavy thud of her heart as she flicked on the office lights and shut the door. She switched on the radiators, quickly followed by the Nespresso machine. Then she grabbed a couple of hot chocolate pods from the stash in the drawer beneath, ignoring the slight shake in her hand.

  Fran took in the space, before coming to a stop at the wall of Christmas tree photos. “These trees are so pretty.” She reached out a hand to touch one. “Are these the photoshoot trees you were talking about?”

  Ruby nodded. “Yep. Those are the nine-foot trees. We import them from Denmark or Newcastle when they’re three years old, then we grow them for seven to ten years. We used to name them when we were younger, but we stopped after a while because we got upset when we had to say goodbye. It turns out, you can get attached to trees. I said goodbye to one I really loved earlier in the year. Nettie. She was 12.”

  “She had a great life here. Also, Nettie is a great name. You have good taste.”

  Ruby raised an eyebrow at Fran. “I’d say I’ve still got it now.” Ruby gulped, then turned her attention back to the drinks. “I’m doing two hot chocolates, unless you prefer a coffee?” She caught Fran’s gaze and every hair on Ruby’s body stood to attention.

  “Hot chocolate would be perfect,” Fran replied.

  Ruby tried not to focus on the lips that had uttered that.

  Focus on the hot chocolate.

  Not Fran’s lips.

  Hot chocolate.

  Fran’s lips.

  Ruby took off her outer layers and made the drinks. Then she grabbed the rum from Dad’s desk drawer. “My dad keeps this here so he can pretend he’s in one of those old cop shows on TV, where they always kept booze in their desk drawers.” Ruby paused, undoing the cap. “Can I tempt you?” She held up the bottle of Brugal.

  “Tempt away.” Fran took off her hat, gloves and coat, then sat on the sofa. She held out a hand to accept her hot drink as Ruby sat beside her.

  Fran took a sip, and a sound escaped her mouth that did nothing for Ruby’s heightened senses. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

  “I’m fully qualified in hot chocolate and rum therapy.” Ruby’s gaze collided with Fran’s, and Ruby’s confidence stuttered. She took a sip of her drink to keep her hands and mouth busy.

  “Have you brought many women to this office?” Fran’s stare was uncertain.

  Ruby shook her head. “Just like Friday night, you’re the first.” She crossed her heart with her hand. “Not many good-looking, available lesbians travel through Mistletoe Farm, believe it or not.”

  Fran’s shoulders relaxed as she laughed. “Okay, I do believe that part.”

  “As well as the field, this is where I come to escape the family. I love coming home in December, but living with your parents, as we know, can get a bit intense. Especially when you’re used to your own space.” She tapped the sofa beneath them. “This is even a sofa bed when needed.” She pointed towards the door on the opposite wall. “Behind that wall is a shower room with a loo. Plus there’s a duvet, sheets and pillows in the cupboard. You could live in this office.”

  Fran looked up at the massive windows that went from ceiling to waist-height, open to the barn. “It’d be a little like living in a goldfish bowl.”

  Ruby got up and dropped the blinds. When she turned to Fran, Ruby could tell she was thinking the same thing.

  They had privacy now.

  Exactly what they’d been craving since they met up this time.

  Without a word, Ruby put her drink on the nearest desk, then took Fran’s and did the same. When she turned around, Fran was standing next to her, want flaring in her crystal-blue eyes. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been dying to kiss you ever since my parents interrupted us.”

  Ruby’s bum hit the desk as Fran closed in on her. Now she was sitting, she and Fran were the same height, their lips level.

  “Parental interruptus is a real thing. Let’s make it a distant memory.” Fran leaned in and pressed her lips to Ruby’s. Slow, sensual.

  Ruby’s heart felt like it catapulted through her chest.

  Then Fran gently pulled away.

  Ruby caught her breath, and let her eyelids flutter open.

  When she did, Fran’s blue eyes were staring right at her.

  “You asked me earlier if I favoured strong and quick, or slow and savoured.” Fran dropped her hand to Ruby’s belt buckle.

  Ruby closed her eyes. Holy shit.

  Fran cupped Ruby between her legs and pressed down. “What about you?”

  When did Fran’s tone get so low?

  “When the mood takes you, do you like strong and quick, too?”

  Ruby gushed everywhere. “Fuck, yes,” she replied.

  Fran gave her a sultry grin. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” Then she slid her hand around to Ruby’s bum cheek, and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

  Ruby didn’t care if it was true. At least they had today.

  Fran slid her tongue into Ruby’s mouth.

  Ruby’s senses exploded. Her fingers reached around Fran’s waist and pulled her close. Ruby’s breath tangled in her chest, her whole body shaking with anticipation.

  This was no-nonsense Fran. The Fran that got business deals done. The one Ruby had issues with.

  However, in this situation, Ruby was all for the take-charge-and-get-things-done Fran.

  Especially when the thing getting done was her.

  That thought sent Ruby’s body into overdrive.

  Fran’s teeth pulled at Ruby’s lips, sucking them into her mouth. Her hands slid up Ruby’s front, grasping her breasts through her top. Her strokes were rough, and Ruby wanted to lie back on the desk and give herself fully. Strong and quick was exactly her type.

  Ruby’s breath began to sprint as Fran’s fingers tackled her belt buckle, then made short work of the button on her jeans, then her zip. Fran held Ruby’s stare as she eased down her jeans and underwear, and Ruby shuffled them that little bit further.

  Then she trailed her fingers back up between Ruby’s legs, inserting her thigh there, too, pushing Ruby’s legs apart.

  Fran parted their mouths, then bent her knees, licking her tongue all the way up Ruby’s neck to her mouth.

  Ruby trembled.

  “I can’t wait to feel you,” Fran whispered in Ruby’s ear, just as her fingers connected with Ruby’s clit.

  Ruby dropped her head backwards and took a huge intake of breath. What was Fran doing to her? The first touch and she was almost on the edge? Really? Ruby closed her eyes and focused. She was not going to come within seconds. She wanted fast, but also, something to remember.

  Fran was certainly making sure the final part

  Fran brought Ruby’s head back up and kissed her with hot lips. Fran’s fingertips worked in circular motions, until Ruby’s vision went blurred. She was so wet. So ready. Fran’s fingers on her were the best.

  That is, until moments later, when Fran curled them into Ruby, grabbing Ruby’s arse cheek to steady her.

  The best just got upgraded.

  Fran’s touch ignited something inside Ruby, and she clutched the desk with her other hand.

  As Fran moved into her, tantalisingly slow, she returned to Ruby’s lips for a bruising, passionate kiss.

  Ruby groaned into Fran’s mouth, then spread her legs as far as her jeans would allow. The fire inside Ruby, contained until then, suddenly spiralled out of control. Her body shook some more. Her breath quickened. It was a personal wildfire and there was nothing Ruby could do.

  Nothing she wanted to do.

  Fran’s tongue was all over her neck now as her fingers caused Ruby’s heart to boom.

  Ruby grasped Fran’s shoulders and clenched her teeth. As Fran’s rhythm increased, Ruby’s brain buzzed, the fire inside burning bright. Ruby’s breath came fast, shredding into the air as she struggled to keep up with the pleasure that was rampaging through her body.

  But Fran didn’t let up. Her kisses were perfection, her hands exquisite, her touch immaculate. It was almost more than Ruby could take.


  As Fran ramped up her passion, Ruby squeezed her eyes tight shut. When her muscles clenched, she knew she was close.

  With one more exquisite stroke, Fran tipped Ruby over the edge, and she came in a torrent of longing, clinging to Fran. Her body lit up with want as Fran ravished her some more.

  A few moments later, Fran stilled, kissing Ruby’s neck, her nose, her eyelids. Then those gorgeous, soft lips landed back at Ruby’s mouth.

  Ruby’s eyes sprang open, her breathing still irregular. Not a surprise as Fran’s fingers were still deep inside her. Ruby wanted to stay here forever. She took a deep breath and shook her head, staring into Fran’s eyes. “I’d say strong and quick wins the day.”

  Fran gave her a smile, before withdrawing. Then she kissed Ruby’s lips once more. “I’m in total agreement,” she whispered.


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