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End of the Line | Part 1

Page 3

by Levi, Casey

  “You can just get dressed out here.” Reed raised an eyebrow at her, and Kristen gasped when she realized what she had said. “I mean, uh… so I can go shower. That is if you’re done?”

  Reed paused for a moment. “Yeah, sure.”

  Kristen grabbed her clothes and hygiene bag off the dresser and went into the bathroom. Shutting the door, she leaned against it and let out a deep breath. She could not believe she had just said that to him. As much as she would not mind seeing the rest of his body, she was not trying to come off as an obsessed girl drooling over him.

  After composing herself, she set her things down on the counter and turned on the nozzle to the shower. Turning it to the hottest temperature she could stand, she stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower. The hot water washed over her body, and she could feel herself relaxing. As she washed her body, she could not help but let her mind wander to Reed. She knew that she still felt something for him, but what exactly? Was it love? Lust? Or something else? She wished that she could just tell him how she felt, but how do you tell someone something that you don’t understand yourself?

  She finished showering, got dressed, and dried her hair- pulling it up in a ponytail. She put on a light rose blush and some mascara. She never much cared for makeup. Because she never learned how to put it on, so this was as good as it was going to get for her. About twenty minutes later, Kristen smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She walked out of the bathroom and frowned. Reed had left the room already. She was hoping that they could have gone down together, but he no longer had those feelings for her. She shook her head at the thought and grabbed her purse off the dresser.

  Kristen stepped off the elevator and into the lobby. She hadn’t noticed when they first arrived that there was a massive fireplace in the center of the room, with big oversized recliners that surround it on both sides. She found her friends waiting in the lounge area on the other side of the fireplace. She looked over at Reed. His navy-blue button-down dress shirt made the blue in his eyes seem darker like the depths of the ocean, but it also added a dangerous aura.

  As she approached, Reed leaned closer to her. “Kristen, you look really nice.”

  Kristen could smell the scent of his cologne drift up her nose as he leaned back. “Thank you. You look really nice too.”

  “We all look great! Now can we go eat?” Julie said as she linked her arm with Kristen’s and walked them towards the restaurant.

  * * *

  As they walked into the restaurant that was built inside of the hotel, Reed mentally kicked himself in the ass. He knew Kristen looked nice, but what he had wanted to say was how beautiful she really looked. In a way, he felt like he was back in high school all over again, with a crush on the most popular girl in school, and he was that nerdy kid that did not stand a chance. He could not wrap his mind around why every time he was around Kristen, he was at loss for words, and as much as he wanted to tell her that he still had feelings for her, he could not bring himself to do it.

  They followed the host to a table near a large fish tank that was built into the wall, and Reed liked how it made the room look more exotic. Their table was towards the back, and a small lantern set a romantic mood. He could not help but laugh privately at the thought of a romantic dinner with the six of them.

  They settled down into their seats, and the waitress took their drink order. It did not take long for everyone to decide what they wanted, and for some reason, he could not even remember what he had ordered. It was some creamy Chicken Alfredo dish, with Basil. His mind seemed to be distracted with Kristen, and her sitting next to him did not help either. She smelled so good, and it reminded him of that night.

  Their conversations seemed to be the same, and he found himself not wanting to pay attention. He was annoyed by Mairland, who kept trying to place her hand on his thigh. He had to tighten his jaw so he would not snap at her. Why couldn’t she take the hint? He did not feel that way about her, and he did not know how many times he had to tell her. She always found some excuse to sit next to him or find some reason to touch him.

  Even with everything that was going on, his focus remained on Kristen throughout dinner. He was fighting an inner battle with himself and was losing. Turning back to the conversation, it seemed that they had decided to go and check out a few night clubs close by. He knew that a few strong drinks were what he needed right now and that he could push these feelings back down where they belonged.

  “Let’s hit the town and see what’s goin’ down!” Bodie said leaning back in his chair and crossing his hands behind his head.

  “Hell yes! I’m ready to party.” Aran said with a grin.

  “I’m down. What do you think Kris?” Julie looked over at Kristen with a hopeful smile.

  The last time that He and Kristen had danced together popped into his head, and he sure would not mind doing that again, only this time with no interruptions. He wanted to touch her. Run his hands over her curves, and cup that round ass. His mind was turning to all the dirty thoughts at that thought, and he had to shift himself in his seat.

  Kristen and Julie stood up from their seats and headed towards the restrooms. He wondered what was going on. Kristen hardly ate her food, and he wondered if it was because of him. He sat there, impatiently waiting for them to return. He was tempted to get up and see if they were okay, but then they appeared from the lady’s room. Julie sat back down at the table next to Aran, but Kristen stayed standing.

  “Well guys, I think I’m going to call it a night.” Reed could tell that she was trying to avoid looking at him.

  “What?” Bodie sat straight up. “You’re not going to go with us?” He began to protest.

  “No, I’m pretty exhausted from the trip and everything, but you guys go and have fun.” She forced a smile.

  Reed sat there and watched as she walked away. He wanted to get up from the table and go after her, but instead, he just sat there and watched her walk away until he could not see her anymore. He felt like that was all he ever did, was just sit there. Thinking about it, it made him feel like less of a man knowing that he never went after her. He had gone after her in the past, but never actually truly went after her. As he really thought about it, that was what he needed to do all along.


  Chapter Four

  Kristen woke with a start. At first, she hadn’t recognized the room, but slowly it came back to her. She had been so tired when she had gotten back to the room last night, that she did not even remember falling asleep. She changed into a pair of boxer shorts and a white tank top. After she had brushed her teeth and washed her face, she crawled into bed to read one of her novels that she had brought with her.

  Sometime during that hour, she had fallen asleep. She did not even hear Reed come into the room- wait, Reed! She rolled over on the bed and noticed that his was empty. Letting out a deep breath, she rolled back over and pulled the covers over her head. She did not realize that being around him was going to be so hard.

  About an hour later, Kristen finally climbed out of bed to get ready for the day. They were going to go to the beach first today, then lunch and some sightseeing after that. She felt excited to go to the beach. In all the years that she had lived in California, she had never once gone.

  Climbing out of bed, she walked over to the dresser and pulled out her cherry red two-piece swimsuit, a pair of faded blue jean shorts, and a black see-through tank top. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun at the top of her head and headed downstairs.

  The hotel was massive, that it took her a few minutes to find the breakfast cafeteria. When she found it, she entered the room, and found Bodie and Mairland already sitting down at a table next to the buffet. She walked over to them and pulled up a seat across from Bodie.

  “Good morning beautiful.” Bodie smiled at her as she sat down and pushed a glass of orange juice towards her.

  “Thanks.” Kristen took a sip of the juice. “So how was your night? Did you guys go anywhere fun?”r />
  “Nah., We checked out a few places close by but didn’t stay very long.” Bodie said leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms across his chest.

  “So where is everyone?”

  Mairland cut Bodie off before he could say anything “Obviously not here.” She rolled her eyes.

  “And obviously I can see that.” Kristen mumbled under her breath.

  “Hey Kristen, can I ask you a question?” Mairland raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow. “How does it feel sleeping in a room with a man that you’ll never have?”

  “Really Mairland?” Bodie chided.

  Kristen gritted her teeth as she clenched her jaw tight. What was Mairland’s problem with her? Did Mairland and Reed really have something going on, still? She doubted it, because if so, why was her and Reed sharing a room, and not Mairland and Reed? She really did not know what to do anymore, but she was sick of this twisted love triangle she found herself in.

  Kristen took another sip of her juice, and decided she needed some coffee. She slid her chair out and stood up from the table. Turning around she bumped right into Reed’s solid chest of muscle. Again. She almost lost her balance, and Reed almost dropped his tray of food. Without thinking about it, she grabbed his tray and set it down on the table, then turned around to look him over.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were right there.” Kristen looked at him apologetically.

  “Wow Reed. You sure know how to train them.” Mairland snickered.

  “Will you seriously give it a rest already?” Bodie glared at Mairland and stood up from the table. “Aye Kris, don’t listen to her.”

  Kristen looked up at Reed, and then walked away from him and the others. She did not really have an appetite anymore, so she just grabbed her a cup of Columbian coffee with some creamer. When she returned to the table, Aran and Julie had joined them. She sat down next to Julie and said her good mornings. She tried to listen to their conversations as she drank her coffee, but she could not stop thinking about Mairland. The girl was just evil.

  Kristen just wanted to get out to the beach already and have some fun. So far, this trip had been a nightmare, and she was tired of letting Mairland get to her. She knew that she should not let it bother her, but it was so hard when every malicious remark she had made, had something to do with Reed.

  Julie nudged her in the side, and she looked up at her friend’s worried expression. “Kris you need to stop letting her get to you. You know damn well what she’s trying to do, and you’re letting her.” Julie whispered towards her ear in a harsh tone.

  Kristen just nodded and finished her coffee.

  * * *

  Reed woke up early that morning. He laid in bed staring at the ceiling with is arms folded behind his head. He closed his eyes and listened to the faint sound of Kristen’s breathing. Last night when he had gotten back to the room, she was already asleep. She had fallen asleep reading one of her detective books again, and he could not help but smile- it would not be the first time he had tucked her in to bed after she had fallen asleep reading. Reed could not help himself and brushed a strand of her hair away from her face. He set her book on the side table and turned her lamp off.

  He changed into a pair of basketball short that hung loosely on his hips and climbed in bed. He laid there in the dark thinking about that night. The night club had been fun. He thought about the hot blonde that he had danced with, and the way she had sexually rubbed up against him. He honestly could not tell you how much he had drunk that night, or the temptation he had of wanting to take that blonde into the bathroom for a little fun. He needed to release this sexual tension he had building up.

  Pushing all thoughts down, he sat up swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his hands down his face. He needed to clear his head, and he was going to do it the only way he knew how. He changed into a pair of clean clothes, put his shoes on, and headed down to the gym.

  Reed ran until his legs could not run no more. Stepping off the treadmill, sweat dripped down his chest and face. He grabbed a towel to wipe his eyes and turned his iPod off. Looking at the clock he realized he had been down here longer then he had wanted. Kristen was already awake, and most likely down in the cafeteria. He had wanted to talk to her about everything, but now he would have to wait until they could be alone. Grabbing his stuff, he headed for the room.

  After showering, he threw on his swim shorts, and a black tee. He shook the water from his hair, and it fell lazily across his forehead. He decided it was good enough and headed downstairs to the cafeteria. He walked over to the buffet and grabbed a plate of biscuits and gravy, with a side of bacon, and a fresh cup of coffee. He spotted Bodie, Mairland, and Kristen sitting at a nearby table, and headed towards them.

  As he neared the table, he could here Mairland making a mean remark to Kristen. He was about to say something, but Kirsten suddenly stood up from the table and ran right into him. He moved his tray to the side just in time, but stood there as she grabbed his tray, set it down, and then turned back around to look him over. She said something, but then Mairland made another unpleasant remark, and then she was gone. Dammit. She was always walking away from him.

  * * *

  After breakfast, they packed up the vehicles and headed for the beach. When they arrived, Kristen climbed out of the back of the jeep. They walked towards the shore, and she could feel the mist of the ocean spray on her skin; the coldness of the water giving her goose bumps. The waves crashed down against the shore, she breathed in the fresh air, and felt excited to be there.

  They found a great spot near the water, and she enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her skin as she took off her shorts and tank top. The guys began setting up a volleyball net they had brought, and Kristen could not help but admire the view. Reed was so gorgeous with his olive skin, and she found herself staring at his taut stomach and how it flexed every time he laughed at something Bodie said.

  “Mm. I would take a piece of that again.” Mairland said, eyeing Reed up and down.

  Julie snorted in disgust. “Give it up Mairland.”

  “What? I am just saying. He’s not too bad to look at, but he’s even better to touch.” Mairland turned towards Kristen as she said that last part.

  Kristen could not stop herself from saying it. She needed to know. “What the hell is your problem with me?”

  “Honey I don’t have a problem. I’m just taking back what is mine.” Mairland said as she stood up.

  “You talk about him like he’s property. You don’t own him.” Kristen could feel her cheeks flush with anger. She was so sick of Mairland acting like Reed was her property, and this had to stop. Now.

  “Oh, but sweetie, I do.” Mairland walked closer to Kristen. “Who do you think is the one that always comes back to me? Knocking on my door late at night when he needs to find that sweet release?” Mairland pressed herself up against Kristen. “Do you really think that he would come to you, someone who wouldn’t know what to do with a man like him?”

  “Alright Mairland, that is enough. I’m sick of this obsession you have with Reed.” Julie walked up and pushed herself in between them. “You need to back off Kristen, and I mean now, before I smack you and that pretty little mouth of yours.”

  Mairland smirked at Kristen and raised her hands up in surrender. She walked back over to her towel and laid down on it. Julie turned towards Kristen, and playfully nudged her in the side. “I got cha girl.”

  Kristen smiled at her friend. “I know.” She was thankful for that too, because sometimes she would not know what she would do if she did not have Julie.

  “Alright, who’s ready to play?” Aran called out.

  Kristen and Julie walked over to the guys, and Kristen pushed her confrontation aside. She knew Mairland was just trying to get under her skin, and she decided that it was not worth it. That Reed was not worth it anymore either.

  She felt excited to play volleyball; even though she was never great at the sport, but now was not the time
to dwell on her lack of abilities.

  “So how we are playing this. Guys against girls?” Aran said teasingly.

  “I never said I was playing. I only came to enjoy the view.” Mairland flipped her white blonde hair as she stared at Reed.

  “Mairland come on. That’ll leave us with an odd number.” Julie huffed in annoyance.

  Mairland rolled over on her towel. “I don’t feel like getting all sweaty. Besides, with an image like this? You boys might be distracted, and that wouldn’t be fair of me to do that to Kristen.” She raised her head up and smiled curtly at Kristen. “No offense.”

  Even though she knew what Mairland was implying towards her, she did not feel the heat of rage inside her. She knew enough was enough, and she had, had enough. It was time for her to take charge, and she was not going to play her game anymore. She knew what she felt for Reed, and whether he felt the same or not, she was not going to hide it any longer.

  “We don’t need the drama queen. Reed and I challenge you three.” Mairland looked up at her, and Kristen gave her a bittersweet smile.

  Julie snorted, and they all looked over at her. “No offense Kris, but you suck at volleyball.”

  “I accept your challenge!” Aran said, winking at Kristen.

  “Awe shit, we’ve got ourselves a game!” Bodie said bouncing up and down with enthusiasm.

  Kristen turned towards Reed with a serious look. “You won’t hold it against me if we lose, will you?”

  “I don’t like losing, so it depends.” He said mischievously.

  She looked at him questioningly. “On?”

  Reed cleverly walked up to her and leaned down so his mouth was against her ear. “On how you’re going to make it up to me if we lose.”

  Kristen felt her stomach drop, and when he stepped back, she could see the corners of his mouth curve up. Something about the threat in his tone gave her an excited shiver, and she filled with anticipation. She did not know if he was being serious or not, but something told her that he was profoundly serious.


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