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Amelia's Story

Page 8

by C.P. Murphy

  Chapter Eight

  After the church service, David wanted to speak to Amelia to see how she was doing but he noticed that she took off as soon as the service ended. He thought it was odd she didn’t stay to talk to anyone. She was a social person. He found Anna and asked where Amelia was off to in such a rush.

  “I don’t know,” Anna answered. “But I bet she is going back to her bedroom to cry again. Father hit her last evening.” She had snuck up the stairs to see what the yelling was all about but ran back down after her father had struck Amelia, in fear of being punished herself. It sent an uneasy feeling through Anna to think that her father could do such a thing to one of his children.

  David was beside himself. He knew that Amelia was upset as it was and wondered why she deserved punishment. “Why?”

  “I don’t know that either.” She lied. Anna heard the entire conversation until the slap and knew Amelia had mouthed off. She knew better than to tell David that though because she knew eavesdropping wasn’t tolerated.

  David was determined to get to the bottom of the problem. Something was going on and David would find out what, somehow. He spotted Henry talking to someone and thanked Anna for updating him. Then he stormed off towards his father in search for the answers he wanted.

  Henry was discussing the sermon with a couple of friends when he saw his son approach him. “Excuse me, fellows,” he said as he walked towards David.

  David was in no mood to be polite to his father. He didn’t let his father say a word before he demanded, “Father, I want to know what is going on with Amelia. Why on Earth would you strap her?”

  Surprised by David’s behavior, Henry stated, “David, this is none of your concern.”

  “Well, it concerns me now you brought me into it.” He still couldn’t get over the way his father lied to his sister.

  Henry chuckled. He had no idea what David was talking about. “How did I bring you into the situation?”

  David shook his head. His father would stand there and pretend that everything was okay. He knew that his father just wanted him to back down, but he refused. “You told Amelia that you would ask me to watch over her. You never came but she did and she was very upset.”

  Henry didn’t think there was a reason to have David protect her and never intended to ask. He only said that to Amelia so she would calm down and go on the picnic. He didn’t think that she would even remember. “She went with Thomas and I know that he would never do anything to hurt her. I meant to ask you,” he lied again, “Just to make her feel better, but I got sidetracked. Besides, it’s no big deal. Thomas is the one who needs protection.”

  David couldn’t believe the way his father talked of Amelia and sided with Thomas instead of his own daughter. He wanted to tell him what Thomas had tried with Amelia but he promised her he wouldn’t. “Don’t be foolish, Father.” He said. “I hope you are more concerned about your own flesh and blood in the future.” Then he turned away without saying goodbye and walked home. He knew that Amelia would take care of herself.

  Ruth had seen Henry talking to David. They didn’t look like they were having a friendly father and son conversation and she wondered what could cause tension between the two men. She told her boys they could go play with Henry’s younger sons and then she waited around for her turn to speak to him. Finally, David stormed off and Ruth walked over to Henry. As she got closer to him she thought he must have been discussing Amelia. He didn’t look happy, and she knew better than anyone else that letting Amelia down was the only thing that could make him unhappy. “Is everything all right, Henry?”

  He looked over at Ruth and could smile. Ruth had that effect on him. She took all troubles away. “Yes, everything is fine. Care to walk with me?” He asked her.

  Ruth walked close to Henry and wished that he could offer her his arm to hold onto but knew that they would be seen. He had told her many times that their love for each other had to be a secret. She didn’t agree with him. With Henry, it seemed, everything had to be a secret. Only she knew the real reason he was forcing Amelia into a loveless marriage, only she knew what illegal activities he was up to, and she was the only one who knew that he loved her far more than he led others to believe. If anyone could get through to him, it would be her. “Henry, are things okay between you and Amelia? I sense that things are still bad.”

  “She refuses to talk.” Ruth looked confused so Henry continued and told her about the feud he had with Amelia and the slap that resulted from the argument.

  Ruth second-guessed being the voice of reason but she knew that someone had to be. “Henry, you can stop this nonsense.” Henry objected, but she continued, “You know you can. Amelia doesn’t love Thomas, but she loves you and I’m sure she will forgive you for hitting her if you let her marry for love.”

  Henry laughed. How could Amelia marry for love when Daniel Van Martin held so much over his head? Ruth was the only person who he had told, the only person who knew how he felt about Amelia’s marriage. “You know why I’m doing this, besides whom would she marry? There is nobody around here that she is interested in.”

  Ruth was getting frustrated. Henry claimed that forcing Amelia into a marriage was damaging his relationship with the girl but yet he still refused to let her marry on her own. “Oh, you know that isn’t really the point. You are doing this for your own good. It’s selfish of you.”

  “Don’t speak like that.” Henry admitted many things in his lifetime but he would never admit when he was wrong. Though he knew that those weren’t her exact words, he knew what she meant.

  She continued to plea, “Henry, please. Stop what you are doing and then turn yourself in. Perhaps the government will go easy on you if you come forward on your own. Yes, there will be consequences to pay but not the sake of Amelia.”

  Henry thought she was vulnerable to believe that the authorities would be so gentle. They would kill him whether someone blew the whistle on him or if he stepped forward and admitted his crimes. He also knew that she was looking out for Amelia’s best interest and for that he loved her even more. He had to convince her that everything would be fine. For the sake of keeping up his front; he had to convince her he was in favor of the marriage. “Look, I have given my promise to the Van Martins. And, Thomas is a good young man and I know he will provide a nice home for her. Amelia will love him once she gives him the chance.”

  Ruth slowed her pace down. He glanced back and wondered why she was straggling behind. “Don’t you remember what it was like?” She questioned him.

  “That was different and you know it.” He didn’t want to bring up the past. Henry stood still and waited for her to catch up to him.

  “How was it different? Was it because you were not the father?” She didn’t mean to bring up a subject they haven’t discussed in years, it happened naturally.

  Henry was getting emotional and was afraid that someone would see the way he looked or overhear what he or she was saying. “No,” he said in a near whisper. “It’s different because that happened to a couple that was in love. Amelia has nobody to love. I’m giving her Thomas and she must accept that.”

  She wanted to give up. Poor Amelia, she thought, nobody could help her. “Henry Samuels, you are so tenacious.” After arriving at his house, Ruth clarified she was going home. Henry had asked if she would like to come in for tea but she turned him down. “You need to patch things up with Amelia. Don’t let this come between you. Whatever you need to do to fix it, do it.” She continued walking home as Henry stepped inside his house.


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