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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Connie Lafortune

  “That’s all we’ve been thinking about, Quinn. I was there, remember? I won’t need makeup tonight since my face is the color of an ugly rainbow. I’m sorry, baby. Nothing you do or say is going to change our minds, but I’d love for you to listen to us practice.”

  Well crap, if it’s something that means so much to him, who am I to stand in his way!



  Tonight I’m opening the show. It’s something I’ve never done before. If all goes well and the fans accept what I’m putting down, it will be an addition to the tour. It’s way out of my comfort zone, but sometimes we need to push our boundaries. If the audience’s reaction is the same as Quinn’s, well, let’s just say it will be a success.

  The plan is for everyone to take their marks as usual, but Lucas will open with a small intro. The spotlight will be on me as I pour my heart and soul into the lyrics of this amazing song and hope that the audience will read between the lines just like Quinn did a few nights ago. Realizing once and for all who the true villain is in my situation.

  I’m not going to lie, I’m nervous as fuck. When the audience notices the bruises all over my body, maybe then they’ll understand the severity of what happened after the concert.

  We all line up to grab some food before cleaning up and getting ready for the concert. Quinn hasn’t let me out of her sight since we finished practicing and doing our sound check. There’s something bothering her and I need to find out what it is.

  “Baby, do you have a migraine? Want me to grab your medicine?” When she snuggles into my arms, I calm. Immediately.

  “I’m fine, really. I just wanted to get you alone so I could tell you how proud I am of what you’re doing tonight. Especially after what you went through yesterday. I know how hard it is for you to be in the spotlight, but I understand how important it is for you to convey this message. Personally, I think it’s going to be incredible. I bet your fans do, too.”

  “Thanks, but I haven’t pulled it off yet. If all goes well, you can remind me once the show’s over. Remember, we have a date.” We’re next in line, and for the life of me I have no appetite. I grab a few things just to pacify the chef and move on.

  The next few hours fly by. In a few minutes Laid Bare will take their final bow, the crew will do a set change, and then we’re next. Lucas memorized the message he wants to deliver to the crowd and I’m hoping I don’t forget the lyrics. That would be fucked up. I’m pacing back and forth when Trevor slaps me on the back.

  “You’re going to wear out a path in the concrete. It’s a great idea and I’m sure it’s going to knock them dead. No one will ever question who the villain is again. It’s like this song was written just for you. It’s uncanny.” I totally agree, but the only two who understand the full meaning are Quinn and Lucas. The rest of the gang doesn’t know what kind of abuse I endured at the hands of Joseph. But there are a million other kids and adults just like me who can relate to this song. I’m not only singing it for me, but for all of them as well.

  “Well, I’m thankful that all of you were on board, because if you didn’t want to switch things up, I couldn’t have pulled it off. Appreciate it.”

  “It’s going to be epic,” Willow chimes in.

  “Well, you guys are the best and I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to be doing this with.” We were so wrapped up in doing our thing we didn’t take the time to catch Laid Bare’s show. Now that their set is over, we’re on in ten.

  We do our traditional warm up and then we all take our marks. The only difference is after Lucas gives his speech, I’ll be in the spotlight.

  I can feel the restlessness of the crowd. I’m not sure if they sense something is different or if they’re planning another rebellion. Take the bad boy out and watch him bleed. Hopefully after tonight I’ll never have to worry about that again. I just need to get through the next five minutes or so and I got it made.

  Jeff begins the countdown. “In, five, four, three, two, and go—”

  During an ordinary night, Trevor would tap out a beat and then we’d all join in before Lucas would thank the audience for being here. Tonight there’s silence. Then the spotlight shines down on Lucas, without his guitar. The crowd goes wild until they realize he’s not playing or singing. Then, all goes quiet. Cameras are flashing in the silence, the anticipation thick. When Lucas begins his speech, my nerves take hold.

  “Something happened after the show last night. Something that’s so deplorable that our PR agent wanted to cancel the rest of the tour.” When the crowd becomes heated, Lucas holds up his hands in surrender. “Of course, we vetoed that idea out of the gate. Why? Because we’re musicians. Performers, but we’re also human. We bleed, we hurt, and we cry just like each and every one of you. We get knocked down and we pick ourselves up and we do it again. And for that reason, we’re all here tonight ready to rock and roll thanks to Jet Turner. You can thank him because he’s the reason we’re standing here with all of you tonight. Like me, he has a message, but he chose to sing it for all of you. Put your hands together for Jet Turner, my brother from another mother!”

  The spotlight flips on, I’m front and center, and all eyes are on me. Waiting. Willow begins playing the keys, and then I’m up.

  I open my mouth and feel every word I sing down to the marrow of my bones. “I was born in a thunderstorm, I grew up overnight—” The words to Sia’s heartbreakingly beautiful song Alive bleed through my pores. We’re jamming to the newest rendition by Daughtry’s edgy, tormented version.

  “I’m still breathing, I’m still breathing—”

  “I’m Alive—”

  Every emotion that I’ve held back all these years seems to overflow in this moment. Throwing my head back with my mic pointed to the sky, I scream, “You took it all, but I’m still breathing—”

  When I’m about to sing the next verse, I fall to my knees and implore the audience to absorb all of my pain. “I took and I took and I took what you gave. But you never noticed I was in pain—”

  The song is almost over and to finalize my statement, I throw my beanie in the crowd so my hair tumbles down. Then I reach over my shoulder, tug on my shirt, and throw it into the audience. With my last breath, I stand so they can witness my battered body and broken heart. Without thinking, I scream, “I’m Alive!”


  I don’t think there’s a dry eye in the arena when Jet stands tall, bare from the waist up. His chest heaves with emotion as the glistening sweat trickles down his torso from his gut-wrenching performance. I’m in awe of this complex man who was brave enough to execute this very emotional moment for thousands of his fans. Cutting himself wide open and exposing his pain.

  When the lights flick off, the crowd cheers, chanting his name. Over and over again—Jet, Jet, Jet, Jet—to the point where it’s almost deafening. I watch his retreating back before the lights go out. Clapping hands and stomping feet resonate around the arena. The stadium is alive! Even more so when Trevor taps out the beat and the spotlight is back on Lucas as he begins Distraction. The original opening number for the show.

  I only have eyes for Jet as I watch him slip on a new shirt the crew hands to him. He insisted on this T-shirt and I knew better than to argue. “Karmas is like 69, you get what you give.” Care to take a guess on who it’s aimed at?

  The Sinful Seven is on fire tonight, and if I’m being honest it’s their best concert to date. I’m sure Jet’s opening song will be added for the rest of the tour. Social media is already erupting with pictures, videos, and comments. He’s won them over by sharing his reality and I’m so damn proud of him.

  All of a sudden, my headset is going crazy. “Quinn, someone here is insisting on talking to Jet after the concert tonight. He’s a big dude, but he swears you know him. Name is Mack Blythe from the Hungry Dog Diner.” Mack’s here!

  “Yes, yes! He’s welcome anytime. Jet will be thrilled to see him. Send him out. He can stay backstage with Abby and me.” I’m all smiles
as Abby raises her brows in question. I mouth Mack but she shakes her head like she doesn’t understand. Then the man himself is strutting in like he owns the place.

  “Quinn. Abby. What the hell’s going on with my boy? Who hurt him? ‘Cause I swear when I find out, they’re dead.” I love this uncensored man. To death.

  Abby gets the first bear hug and I get it since he’s known her the longest. I’m next and I can feel his body vibrating with anger.

  “It happened after the show last night. The security team has been fired and there’s a new one in place. He was shaken but he’s back on track. Did you see his performance?”

  “I sure did and it was spectacular. I’m so proud of my boy. But when he took off his shirt, well, let’s just say I was livid. There was no way I could head back to New York without seeing him with my own two eyes first.”

  “Well, he’s going to be happy to know you’re here.” I hope. Fingers crossed that I’m doing the right thing.

  “Amelia, you remember her from the diner. Right?” When I nod, he continues. “She had tickets to tonight’s show and something came up so she couldn’t go. When she found out I had a business meeting in the city, she gave one to me. Reason I’m here, and I’m glad I took her up on the offer.”

  We all chat for a few more minutes and then Mack relaxes and we enjoy the show. I’ve no doubt when Jet bounds off the stage, Mack will beat me and join him first. He’s Jet’s family so he has every right to.

  Three encores and the audience is screaming for more, but the guys are exhausted. As they head backstage, one of the stagehands gives them each a bottle of water and a clean towel to wipe down their sweaty faces. Jet’s the last one through the door and his gaze finds mine instantly. Almost immediately, he sees who’s standing beside me.

  “Mack, what the fuck are you doing here?” He scoops up the man like he weighs a feather and gives him the biggest bear hug ever.

  “I can’t take my eyes off of you for a second, can I? Let me look at what those fuckers did to you, boy.”

  Jet’s self-conscious now that his time in the limelight’s over, but he takes off his shirt so Mack can inspect him. Yep, the big guy’s none too happy.

  “All I can say is it’s a good chance that security team is gone because they’d have to answer to me!” His voice booms through the large room and everyone turns to look.

  And, right on cue, Brett ambles over to see who the stranger is. Jet bristles, instantly.

  “I don’t believe we’ve ever met. I’m Brett, and I’m in charge of security for the tour.”

  “The name is Mack, and I hope you weren’t responsible for what happened to my boy here.” Crap! I couldn’t help noticing the light bulb that went off in Brett’s pea brain when Mack mentioned “boy”.

  “I wasn’t responsible, and you can rest assured that the men who were no longer work for me. Did I hear you correctly? You called Jet your boy. Is that right?”

  Mack’s a smart man and he can smell a rat a mile away. He’s quick to cover up since he doesn’t trust the asshole any more than we do. “It’s a figure of speech, is all. He ain’t no relative of mine or anything like that. He worked for me way back in the day.” I’d say we’re all pretty sure we need to break up the party. Brett’s not a friend, and he doesn’t need to know anything personal about Jet or anyone else.

  “Let’s go grab a drink, old man,” Jet says. “We have a lot to catch up on since we haven’t seen each other in forever.”



  I’ve been on a high ever since last night. Singing that song in front of thousands of screaming fans was cathartic. Now I feel like I can finally move forward and leave my past behind. Quinn was absolutely right when she said that Joseph Lawless doesn’t define who I am. I do!

  It was great catching up with Mack, too. The drinks flowed like water and we all chatted for hours until our driver whisked him away to the airport. I’m glad he was able to witness me purging my heart and soul through my music. And everyone agreed, I’ll be opening for the remainder of the tour. For once, I’m good with that.

  Thankfully, today’s a travel day with a day off in between. Works great for me since I want to spend my day off buried inside my sexy PR agent. I kinda like the sound of that. A month ago, not so much, but now more than ever. Just goes to show how things can change in such a short period of time. Sometimes for the good! Speaking of good, she’s taking her sweet-ass time in that bathroom.

  When the door opens, she’s all business as usual. Oh, that won’t last long.

  “Have you checked your feed this morning? Social media is blowing up with clips from last night! Here, check out this post.” When she hands me her phone, I want to throw the phone and grab the girl, but I don’t dare. Quinn’s scary when she’s in business mode.

  “Baby, I’d much rather check you out. You’re far more interesting.” She giggles when I sit up and bury my face between her luscious breasts. No place else I’d rather be. Scratch that, between her thighs is pretty amazing, too. I love it when she tugs on my hair and rides my face. Fuck, now my dick’s hard again! And of course she can feel it rubbing along her thighs.

  “You’re insatiable! The sun’s barely risen but you have twice already. I’m a little sore, can we snuggle so I can catch my second breath?” Well, I can’t deny her anything.

  “Woman, you’re killing my ego. Come here.” I pull her against me and tuck her safely in my arms. I love it when I can feel her breathing against my neck. It calms me.

  “Sorry, I’m exhausted since I only slept for an hour or so. Although, it was worth it since we had a chance to hang out with Mack and the gang. He’s so proud of you.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad he decided to come but I wish he had told me first. We could have given him a heads up about what was happening. I can’t imagine how he felt when he noticed all my bruises. Kinda like déjà vu, I bet.”

  She sighs and snuggles in closer. “It’s obvious the two of you have a very special relationship. Maybe someday you’ll feel comfortable enough to share a few Mack and Jet stories. I’d love to hear them.”

  I’m angry at myself for not wanting to share everything with her. She’s proven time and time again that she’s trustworthy. And now Mack is her friend as well as mine.

  It’s time to give her another truth. “One of the reasons it’s so hard to confide in you is because for years I was told to shut up. Be quiet. Don’t tell. “That whatever happens in this house, stays in this house.” I realize now that these words were threats. The only way Joseph could control me. Then you come along and want to know all of my secrets. All of my truths, without judgment. If you can be patient with me just a little bit longer, I promise you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me. Now I have a better understanding of why you hold back and find it difficult to open up to people. I know when you’re ready, you’ll trust me with all of your truths.”

  “There’s something that’s been heavy on my heart that I’d like to share with you now. It’s time—” Her fingers press against my lips.

  “Only if you’re ready, Jet. I don’t ever want to feel like you owe me anything. Just remember, there’s nothing you could possibly tell me that would change how I feel about you. Ever.”

  “The little girl in the photograph was my older sister, Jolie. She was a year older. She drowned when she was only six years old. It was the worst day of my life.”

  Quinn’s holding me so tight that I swear nothing could fit between us. And I’m good with that. I don’t feel smothered, or claustrophobic. I actually feel like there’s been a weight lifted off my shoulders. It’s one of the most euphoric sensations I’ve experienced in a long, long time.

  Quinn doesn’t ask any questions and for that I’m grateful. Since that’s all I could give. “Thank you for gifting me with another piece of the puzzle. I love you even more today than yesterday and I can’t wait for tomorrow, Jet.”

  I quickly change the
subject. “Now, if we can only figure out what Brett has up his sleeve, we can stay one step ahead. Why are we letting him stick around?”

  “Steve, the new head of security, is certain he has an ulterior motive. So he wants him to stick around to find out what happens. He assured me that he’s not a threat, just kind of stupid. Which I must totally agree on.”

  I really don’t want to talk about Brett or Steve, so I decide to change the subject.

  “Are you still sore or can we fuck like rabbits again?’ A swat to my chest is the only answer I get. Doesn’t she realize that I’m twenty-six years old and I’m at my peak? Not my fault she knows her way around the bedroom.

  “I heard every word you said, Jet Turner. Oh, and don’t blame my poor vag, she hasn’t seen so much action in years nor has she ever had to accommodate someone of your girth and size.”


  Men, all you need to do is mention the size of their package and their egos inflate a thousand times. In Jet’s case, it’s well deserved since he is the whole package! And as much as I’d love to participate in some extracurricular activities, I am really sore. Not complaining. Just need a breather in between is all.

  There are still so many questions running through my mind about Jet and his childhood. But I keep telling myself, in due time. I can’t push him any further since he was open about his sister in the picture. I’m devastated for his mom and him. I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a child and then have to go on since you have someone else who loves you and depends on you. Jet’s life is one devastating tragedy after another. I’m going to cherish everything he’s willing to share and not push anymore. I’m positive it will all come out when the time is right.

  While he’s busy packing, I take this time to answer a few emails. That’s one thing about my job, it never ends. It doesn’t matter whether I’m on the road or in the office, it’s something I need to constantly stay on top of.


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