Arbuthnotiana: The Story of the St. Alb-ns Ghost (1712) A Catalogue of Dr. Arbuthnot's Library (1779)
Page 7
Second Day's Sale,
132 Histoire comique de Francion, and 28 more
133 Voyage de Cyrus, par Ramsay, 2 t, and 19 more
134 Les vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque, par Dacier, 10 t. Amst. 1735
135 OEuvres de Moliere, t. 4th. and 12 more
136 Les poesies D'Anacreon et de Sapho, par Dacier, and 6 more
137 Entretiens de Ciceron, 3 t. and 6 more
138 La vie de L'Admiral de Ruyter, and 11 more
139 Histoire de l'academie royale des sciences, 17 t. avec fig. Amst. 1708
140 Lettres galantes, par Fontenelle, and 19 more
141 Essais de Theodocice, sur la bonte de Dieu, and 6 more
142 De la vie de Richelieu & Mazarine, and 14 more
143 Ciceronis opera, notis Lambini, 8 v. and 7 more
144 Sallustius notis var. et Thysii, 1699, and 3 more
145 Taciti opera, not. var. & Gronovii, bound in 5 v. Amst. 1685
146 Quintiliani institutiones & declamationes, 2 v. notis var. Gronovii, &c. &c. Lug. Bat. 1665
147 Horatii opera, 2 v. cum fig. Ch. Max. apud Sandby, 1749
148 Euripedis tragoediae Canteri, Gr. and 5 more
149 Clavis homerica, per Patrick, 1727, and 8 more
150 Phaedri fabulae, cum notis Laurentii, fig. nitid. Amst. 1667
151 Natalis comitis mythologiae, Gr. & Lat. and 5 more
152 Raii synopsis methodica avium & piscium, cum fig. 1713, and 5 more
153 Cheselden's anatomy, cuts, 1726, Boerhaave's chemistry 1732
154 Clifton's state of physic, and 3 more
155 Tauvry's treatise of medicines, and 5 more
156 Quincy's dispensatory, 1722, and 5 more
157 Cheyne's philosophical principles of religion, and 5 more
158 Stanhope's Thomas a Kempis, cuts, 1759, Peters on the book of Job 1757
159 Bp. Sherlock's discourses on prophecy, and 7 more
160 Beattie's essay on truth, Warburton's Julian
161 Spinckes's sick man visited, and 5 more
162 Rapin's critical works. 2 v. and 7 more
163 Cunn's euclid, and 2 more
164 Davenant on the public revenues, and 6 more
165 Gurdon's history of the Court of parliament, 2 v. Torbuck's debates in parliament, 8 odd v.
166 History of Marshal Turenne, 2 v. and 2 more
167 Hennepin's discovery of America, cuts, 1698, Martin's descript. of the Western Islands of Scotland, 1703
168 Ball's antiquities of Constantinople, cuts, 1729, Laughton's history of ancient Egypt
169 Independent whig, and 3 more
170 Bolingbroke's letter to Windham, and 1 more
171 Bp. Berkeley's minute philosopher, 2 v. 1732, Lee's plays, 2 v. 1713, and 1 more
172 Chamberlayne's state of Great Britain, and 20 more
173 Swift's four last years of Queen Anne, and 2 more
174 Rooke's Arrian's history of Alexander's expedition, 2 v. 1729
175 Cooke's essay on the animal oeconomy, 2 v. 1730, and 12 more
176 Bp. Hurd's introduction to the study of the prophecies, 2 v. 1773
177 Hooper's state of the ancient measures, the Attic' Roman and Jewish, 1721, Pancirollus's memorable things, and 12 more
178 Swift's tale of a tub, Hobbes's Homer, and 13 more
179 Dr. Everard's discovery of the wonderful vertues of tobacco, with his portrait, 1659, and 11 more
180 Pope's works, 9 v. 8vo. 1751
181 Lord Clarendon's history of the rebellion in England and Ireland, with the appendix and heads, 9 v. 1720
182 Parliamentary history of England, 24 v. neat 1762
183 Udal's key to the holy tongue, 1693, and 9 more sewed
184 La Paradis perdu de Milton, 3 t. sewed, and 20 more
185 Milton's Paradise regained 1720
186 Haym tesoro Britannico, v. 2d, and 4 more
187 Barber's poems 1734
188 Ramsay's travels of Cyrus 1730
189 Chubb's collection of tracts, 1730, Baxter on the soul
190 Cumberland's laws of nature, by Maxwell
191 Lord Littleton's history of the life and reign of Henry the 2d, 3 v. boards 1767
192 Fitzherbert's natura brevium 1730
193 Dr. Arbuthnot's tables of ancient coins, weights and measures, boards 1727
194 Blackstone's charter and charter of the forest, sewed, 1769
195 Tyson's anatomy of a pigmie, cuts, 1699, Blair's anatomy of the elephant, cuts 1723
196 Boerhaave's chemistry by Shaw, 1727, and 2 more
197 Lamy's introduction to the scriptures, by Bundy, cuts, 1723, Newton on the prophecies of Daniel, boards, 1733
198 Holy Bible, and 2 more
199 Glas's history of the Canary Islands, boards, 1764, Dobbs's account of the countries near Hudson's Bay, boards 1744
200 Cook's voyage to the South Pole, and round the world, 2 v. with maps, charts, &c. boards 1768
201 La Henriade de Voltaire, avec fig. 1772
202 OEuvres de Mr. Tourreil, 2 t. Paris 1729
203 Histoire de la reformation, par Courayer, 3 t. 1767
204 Nov. ephemerides motuum coelestium, e Cassinianis, tabulis, a Manfredio, 2 v. 1725, and 2 more
205 Moeurs des sauvages Ameriquains, par Lasitau, 2 t. enrichi de figures en taille, douce Paris 1724
206 Traite des maladies des femmes grosses, par Mauririceau, 2 t. Sydenham opera medica, and 1 more
207 Morgagni adversaria anatomica omnia, 2 v. 1719
208 Histoire de la guerre Chypre, par Peletier, 1685, and 3 more
209 Baglivi opera omnia, 1704, and 6 more
210 Ap. coelii de opsoniis & condimentis, sive arte coquinaria, notis Lister 1705
211 Scriptores rei nummariae veteris, Rechlenbergi, 2 v. 1692
212 Gronovii de pecunia vetere, Gr. & Lat. Lugd Bat. 1691, Spanhemii de usu numismatum antiq. Amst. 1671
213 Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos, figuris Eneis ad vivum fabrefactis, per Calas 1664
214 Speculum Orientalis & Occidentalis que Indiae navigationum, a Spilbergen et le Maire, figuris ac imaginibus illustrata 1619
215 Burnet archeologiae philosophiae, and 5 more
216 Blasii anat. animalium, and 5 more
217 Newton philosop. naturalis, 1713, and 1 more
218 De Moivre miscellanea analytica, 1730, and 9 more
219 Le droit de la nature et des gens, par Pusendorf, and 1 more
220 Elemens des mathematiques par Prestet, and 5 more
221 Il pastor fido di Guarini, Parigi 1656, Aminta del Tasso, filli di Sciro
222 Kircheri lingua AEgyptiaca, Romae, 1644, Butler's English grammar and history of bees 1634
223 Historia insectorum, a Raio Lond. 1710
224 Osservazioni della pontificia, da Bolseno, and 5 more
225 Alpini de medicina methodica, Lug. Bat. 1719, Le Clerc histoire de la medicine, 1702, and 1 more
226 Guillimanni de rebus Helvetiorum, and 4 more
227 Traite du commerce par Ricard, Amst. 1721, and 3 more
228 Tournefort institutiones rei herbariae, 3 v. tabulis Eneis adornata Paris 1700
229 Lucretius de rerum natura, ap. Benenatum Lutet. 1570, and 2 more
*229 Dictionaire Italien et Francois, par Veneroni, 1710, and 2 more
230 Juvenalis & Persii satyrae, notis Pratei, Delp. Paris, 1684
231 Terentius notis Cami ib. 1675
232 Plautus, 2 v. notis operarii ib. 1679
233 Miscellanea curiosa sive ephemeridum medico-physicarum Germanicarum academiae, 11 v. fig. 1686
234 Biblia Hebraica, 5 v. Pa
ris ap Car. Steph. 1556
235 Tijou's book of drawings for iron gates, &c. 1693
236 Macqueen's essay on honour, Morocco 1711
237 A treatise of specters or straunge sights, visions and apparitions appearing sensibly unto men 1605
238 A volume of plays and 3 more
239 Fleury's ecclesiastical history, 5 v. 1727
240 Motte's abridgment of the philosophical transactions, 2 v. 1721, Lowthorp's abridgment of ditto, 3 v. bound in Morocco 1705
241 Philosophical transactions, v. 27th, Morocco, ditto v. 25 and 28, and some loose numbers
242 Pope's Homer's Iliad and odyssey, 11 v. uniformly bound 1715
243 Les principes de la philosophie de Descartes, sisteme de la religion protestante, par Pigorier
244 Histoire de l'eglise et de l'ectpire par le Sueur, 8 t.
245 Images des grand hommes de l'antiquite gravees, par Picart
246 Howell's Italian, English, French and Spanish dictionary, 1660, Newman's concordance 1698
247 Guicciardin's history of the wars of Italy, and 6 more
248 Gianone's history of Naples, 2 v. neat 1729
249 Harris's collection of voyages and travels, 2 v. cuts, 1744
250 Howell's history of the world, 4 v. 1680
251 Leslie's theological works, 2 v. l. p. 1721
252 Prior's poems, l. p. 1718
253 Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, variis lectionibus edidit Kennicott, v. 1st, sewed 1776
254 Spence's polymetis, first impressions, half bound and uncut 1747
255 Histoire de France par Daniel, 3 t. 1713
256 Friend opera omnia medica 1733
257 Cowper's treatise on the muscles, fine plates, Lond. 1724
258 Cowper's anatomy, much damaged Oxford 1698
259 Eustachii tabulae anatominae Romae 1728
260 Mathiolus comment. in Dioscoridem, cum iconibus, Venet. 1565
261 Hippocratis opera omnia Gr. & Lat. Foesio 1624
262 Gregorii astronomiae, physicae & geometricae elementa 1708
263 Hevelii machinae coelestis 1673
264 Apollonii Pergaei conicorum 1710
265 Euclidis elementa, Gr. & Lat. Gregorii 1703
266 Flamsted historiae coelestis 1712
267 Guillim's heraldry 1679
268 Gordon's itinerarium septentrionale, cuts 1727
269 Locke's works, 3 V. 1727
270 Barrow's works, 2 v. 1716
271 Histoire du concile de Trente, par Courayer, 2 t. 1736
272 Grabe septuaginta interpretam, 2 v. corio Morocco fol. deaurat. Oxonii 1707
273 Novum Testamentum, Gr. Millii charta max. corio Morocco, lin. rub. fol. deaurat. Oxonii 1707
274 Dugdale's monasticon Anglicanum, by Stevens, 2 v. cuts, boards and uncut 1722 and 1723
275 L'antiquite explique et representee en figures et le supplement par Montfaucon. 15 t. Paris 1722
End of the Second Day's Sale.