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Arch Rivals (Super Hero Academy Book 2)

Page 13

by Simon Archer

  Kristen let out a grumble at that. “When you said that Kai-lao was an academy that specialized in metamorphs, Kara, you didn’t mention that they were all cat themed to boot.”

  “Who was I to know that they’d take the whole Kaitsu the Kung-fu Kat mascot thing so far?” Kara responded as she used her powers to shape one of her blank boxes into some kind of energy rifle.

  Eric Meyer was practically bouncing on his heels though, pointing ahead frantically as he did so. “I did! But keep watching! They’re doing it!”

  With only a few seconds before the start of the round, the Kai-lao students did indeed do… something. I thought perhaps the oddity of what they did was one of the many things that were foreign to me, but everyone save Eric was equally transfixed.

  I could only really call it some kind of ritualized dance, as all nine women cycled through a series of those exaggerated poses, shifting into various animalistic shapes as they chanted something that I had to be misunderstanding.

  “White Lioness! Red Panda! Yellow Snake! Green Turtle! Blue Mouse! Violet Monkey! Black Tigress!” they cried in unison. Halfway through, I finally realized what they were shouting about, as they transformed into humanoid hybrids of each animal in turn. Each girl settled into a specific shape though, the color of their uniform aligning with the creature they settled on. “For the honor of Kai-lao Academy, we will punish you!”

  “Oh!” I cried out with glee. “I understand their ritual! They have made a game of matching colors and creatures. Very entertaining!”

  “Just don’t let the entertainment get in the way of beating them,” Matthew growled as he too shifted into his feral form.

  I nodded firmly, retaking my game face as I slammed my right fist into my open palm. “Indeed, Matthew Barbur! I shall lick butts and take faces!”

  I am unsure why, but both Andrea and Kara broke into fits of laughter at that. I resolved to question them about it later as the bell sounded and the match began.


  All in all, our match with Kai-lao Academy only lasted five minutes.

  I had hoped that it would be a challenge, but sadly, it just didn’t turn out to be. While the shapeshifting women were certainly fierce and spirited, I soon discovered that what I thought would be their winning strength, their academy’s specialization in one type of powered individual, was more of a weakness. Though metamorphosis was a versatile power set, when all you have is one tool to win a fight, all it takes is discovering how to counter it, and your plans fall apart.

  That’s exactly what happened to the Kai-lao Kats. Though they could shift into flying animals, none of them matched Aylin’s speed in the air while still having enough power to stop her. Though they could turn into wolves and big cats, Matthew’s full werewolf form was like a wrecking ball in their ranks. Not to mention that they couldn’t bring ranged support like Kara’s gadgets and guns, Eric’s raw electrical blasts, or Kristen’s magnetic manipulation.

  The real proof of our superiority was Andie, to be honest. While the Kai-lao girls all seemed limited to animal shapes and hybrids thereof, Andie’s plasticity and flexibility of both mind and power basically let her beat our foes at their own game.

  Me, I didn’t do too bad myself, even keeping my powers in reserve. While my father had been busy being, well, Lord Inferno, he had ensured that, even when I was young, I was always well-trained, and that training only went into overdrive once I made it to Alexandria. With a pair of gravitic clubs courtesy of Kara’s technopathy, my superior skills let me hold my own more than well enough.

  Still, while it wasn’t a hard battle, I couldn’t help but feel proud of our victory. We were within a skip and a jump from taking the first event, and it certainly helped to be surrounded by a screaming, cheering crowd chanting our names. While I expected as much from Dad, who was practically dancing in his seat at our win, it was Triton’s calm look and reserved smile that caught my eye. When I did so, he flashed me a thumbs-up, and instead of cheering, he mouthed a silent, ‘Good job, Nicholas.’ I didn’t need any more validation than that, but I took a deep breath all the same and reminded myself that this was far from over.

  “Excuse me?” a pained but firm woman’s voice interrupted my thoughts. “Mr. Gateon?”

  I turned my attention back to the field and the Kai-lao student standing before me. She was the one all in white, White Lioness if their initial chant was right. Even though the battle was over, she retained those same cat-girl features, though up close, I could see the distinctively leonine roundness of the ears and features of the tail that lashed behind her. The white fur matched her uniform, and while her long, straight hair matched her Eastern features, its brilliant white color contrasted with her tanned, golden skin. The moment I looked to her, she bowed crisply.

  “As captain of my team, I wanted to thank you,” Lioness announced as her head bobbed back up. “You and your team fought with great honor. If we were to be defeated, I am glad that it was at your hands instead of…” Her voice trailed off at that.

  I smiled, flattered by the beaten heroine’s words, and offered her a bow of my own, as seemed to be the Kai-lao custom. “Your team fought hard and well. To turn that around, if you had beaten us, I would feel just as honored.” I held out a hand to her. “Thank you. Maybe we’ll get the chance to work together in the defense event?”

  “Perhaps we will,” she said frankly as she took my hand and gave it a firm shake. “My entire team looks forward to it.” Lioness smiled brightly at me, and I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked, even smudged with dirt and bruises from our battle.

  And that made me think about Aylin. Something was up with her, and now that she’d helped me pull my head out of my own ass, I needed to find out what was wrong. I didn’t let my own smile waver though as I waved to Lioness before she rejoined her team. No need to let the Brand team or the Carter team, both no doubt watching every moment of this, think we had any weakness or problems.

  Most of my teammates were soaking in the praise, Eric especially sparking as he bounced around and waved his arms like the spazz he was. Not that I’d stop him. I liked to see him happy like this, but I noticed that Aylin was already floating towards the locker rooms. I wasn’t the only one either as Andie was also glancing towards where the alien princess was flying away.

  I followed after Aylin and slowed as I got to Andie. Leaning in so as not to alert anyone else, I whispered, “Do you know what’s up with Aylin?” When she blinked at me, I added, “I noticed you talking to her before the match.”

  She wrapped a stretchy arm around my shoulder as she walked with me. “I don’t know for sure, but she seemed really out of it like her mind was a million miles away or something. She said she was just anxious, but between you and me, I think there’s something else up.” She nodded towards Kara. “Kara thinks so too, and we both think the best thing to do is for you to talk to her.”

  “Considering I was already going to, I’d say you’re right, but that makes me wonder…” I flashed Andie a grin before glancing over my shoulder at where Kara was bowing to another of the Kai-lao students. “Is that why you two were suspiciously quiet on the comms during that fight?”

  “Guilty as charged.” Andie snuck a quick peck on my cheek before she slipped away. “You can discipline us later… oh God, I hope you do… but for now, you should catch up to Aylin.”

  “Yes, you’re right on all counts,” I answered with a low growl. I didn’t let Andie get away without a swat on her perfect ass. Who cared who was watching anyway? With that settled, I broke off into a jog toward the back of the arena, leaving the cheering throngs behind as I tried to catch up to Aylin.

  It was harder to find her than I thought it would be. She wasn’t in our team locker room as I would have thought, and she wasn’t in the women’s showers either, though, to be fair, I had to take that on the word of the attendant there. I was starting to get progressively more worried when I had an epiphany. I backpedaled to the shower attend
ant, one of the many workers at the arena. She was working on folding towels and looked up with a smile as I returned.

  “I didn’t expect to see you back so soon,” the brunette said in a chipper tone. “Found your friend that quickly, did you?”

  “No, not exactly,” I replied, “but if you can answer me a question, I think I will.”

  She folded her arms behind her back and nodded. “Well, we here at Orion Arena are here to help our guests and competitors. So, what can I do for you, Mr. Gateon?”

  “Is there a way to get up on the roof here?” I gestured upward. “I don’t mean in the stands, I mean the actual roof. And not a powered way.”

  That would be easier, and I didn’t want to blow my power on this if I could avoid it. I would if I had to though. Aylin’s well-being was more important than a match, no matter how important. After all, we were guaranteed to go on to the next round.

  “There is, but it’s for employees and maintenance workers only…”

  “Thanks, I’ll just--” I began to say as I turned on my heel, but the attendant caught my arm before I could leave.

  “Hold on, cowboy!” She giggled a little as I turned back to her with a sheepish look. “You didn’t let me finish.” With a gesture for me to lean in, she did so herself as she lowered her voice into a conspiratorial whisper. “Normally, it’s off-limits, but you and your friends saved my mother when Fulgurite attacked Alexandria a couple of months ago.” She tucked her free hand into her pocket and pulled out her ID badge. “You’re a hero, and if you need to get up to the roof, I’m going to help.”

  The attendant slipped the badge into my hand, and I smiled my thanks. Before I could say a word, she pointed down the hallway.

  “Take the door there, my badge will unlock it, and then simply follow the signs for the roof access. Badge again, and you’re good.” She grinned. “Just bring that back for me, okay? I want to pay you back, but I also don’t want to lose my job.”

  I snapped her a salute. “You have my word. Thank you!” I was off before she could even wave.

  The route was exactly as she described. Through the door, a second or two to get my bearings by the signs, then it was up several flights of stairs, terminating in a sturdy steel door with another security lock. A swipe of the badge, a pleasant beep, and the door opened out onto the roof of the main management building of the arena.

  I didn’t quite compute just how tall Orion Arena was until I stepped foot out onto the open roof. The view was amazing, made even more so because by the seeming lack of the usual antenna and HVAC equipment you’d find on most roofs. They probably used some next-gen technology to preserve the swooping architecture of the stadium. Either way, the glittering skyline of Alexandria was laid bare for all to see here as later afternoon turned to twilight. It looked like our final match would be at night.

  More importantly, though, I found what I was looking for. Sitting at the edge of the roof was Aylin. She was staring up at the stars as they started to come out in the twilight purple sky, just as I expected her to be. I remembered when she first arrived, when we talked about the stars and her enthusiasm at Eric’s love of astronomy.

  “Figured I’d find you up here,” I called out as I walked up to her. She didn’t startle so much as she froze, but only for a moment.

  “I am sorry for inconveniencing you, Starlight,” she said softly without taking her glowing eyes off the sky. “I simply… needed a moment. Besides, I did not think that anyone would notice I was gone.”

  I sat down beside her and bumped her shoulder with mine. “First, I just had to walk up some stairs, well, once one of the attendants helped out.” Aylin finally broke away from the stars to grace me with her gorgeous face, the swirling patterns on her skin pulsing as she met my eyes. “Second, if you think we wouldn’t notice you slipping off, you’re being silly.”

  “Oh.” Her lips formed a perfect bow as she said that, then a blush burned into her cheeks. “I was not trying to be silly, especially as this isn’t anything humorous.”

  “I didn’t-- No, to explain it would just complicate it.” I put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Look, I didn’t get a chance to thank you before. You know, for getting my head out of my ass.”

  Aylin’s brows scrunched together, an expression that made a pulse run down her markings from the wrinkle on down. “Head…? Oh!” This time she smiled just a hair. “I understand that figure of speech. You need not thank me, Starlight. I am simply happy to have been of some help.”

  Though her tone was mostly happy, there was a faint undertone of something else, an uneasiness or doubtfulness that just wouldn’t go away. This wasn’t the first time I’d detected it in her. She gave off that feeling a fair few times when she first came to us, but it seemed to go away as we sort of adopted her into our crazy little family. In the build-up to the World’s Finest, though, it had come creeping out more and more. I’d caught it at the start of the last match, but I thought I’d quashed it.

  “Look, Aylin…” I let out a soft sigh as I shifted my arm from gripping one shoulder to fully embracing her. “I know something’s wrong. Something’s got you twisted up, so please tell me.” I smiled as she stiffened once more. “You trust me, right? Because, if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I can’t help.”

  Yeah, I knew that was a bit hypocritical to say right then, but simply saying it told me what I had to do myself… but only after I made sure Aylin was alright.

  Aylin chewed on her lip as she broke away from my eyes, though I figured it was a good sign when she began to relax and melt into me. “I do trust you, Starlight. I trust all of you. You are… special to me.” She let out a soft sigh. “But I know that you are upset yourself, that Lord Inferno’s presence weighs upon you--”

  “But you helped me out some with that, and the rest? I know what to do now.” I hugged her warmly. “Even if I’m wrong, the best way to help me out is to be in a good place yourself. You might think you’re hiding your feelings from us, but I’m not the only one who knows something’s up.”

  Her eyes flared with light at those words as she straightened back up and snapped her gaze to mine. “Oh, no. I hope that I haven’t caused anyone else distress too! I… I simply thought that I could find my place on my own.”

  “Find your place?” I frowned a bit as I searched for the answer in those blazing eyes. “You’ve got a place: right here with us.”

  “But I…” Aylin’s blush darkened furiously as she searched for the right words. “While I am happy that you have taken me in, given me friendship I did not think I would find here on Terra, I… I am worried that I do not have a role… a purpose among you. I came here…” Her voice trailed off as she chewed on her lip again. “I thought I was coming here to find others to lead one day, to fight my father and free my world, but instead… I am merely a follower, another burning corpse.”

  Though my mind was a bit numb at this revelation, I found myself instinctually saying, “I think you mean warm body, right?”

  Her fists clenched as she thumped them onto her lap. “Vot’s Rings, I can’t even understand your language well enough to not keep making mistakes.” She shook her head frantically, and the quivering in her voice heralded tears to come. “My powers are simply a pale imitation of your majesty, Kara Johnson is far smarter than I could ever hope to be, and Andrea Baker has a heart and intensity I could never match. They are your sun and moon, so why would there ever be a place for me?”

  I didn’t need to hear anything else. It all made sense now, and she didn’t need to get worked up anymore, not when I had an answer. I pulled her to me, and before she could protest or cry or break down more, I kissed her. It wasn’t a chaste thing or a quick kiss, nothing that could be misconstrued. No, I captured her mouth, staking my claim as I sealed a promise of far more to come with that searing kiss.

  At that moment, I could feel her energy, that power that she was so quick to belittle in herself, as the infinite maelstrom inside me found a mat
ched pair. It was more than that spark or tingle of attraction, it was as if the power inside both of us came from the same place, and together, they formed a perfect union… much like I thought Aylin and I could make together in other ways.

  When our lips finally parted, Aylin was panting. I cradled her face with my hands, never breaking eye contact as I smiled softly at her.

  “Aylin Ajlal, your place is with me, with us,” I said in careful, exacting words. “I think you’re far more powerful than you think you are, and we need someone who can be strong, be powerful when I can’t be. More importantly, though, I love you, and I want you.”

  Faintly glowing tears formed in her eyes, but I thought these were more of joy. Still, I thumbed them away as they fell down her cheeks. “If Andie is my Sun and Kara is my Moon, you, Aylin, are my Stars.”

  “But what if--” she began to question, but I cut her off with a finger over her lips.

  “No more questioning,” I warned firmly before softening my tone. “You said you were looking, so believe me when I tell you this is how it is. You know what that kiss felt like. Even if you picked now to be the time to stop trusting me, that’s got to mean something.”

  It was almost as if Aylin had needed me to order her to quell her doubts because she sniffled and seemed to calm some then. “Among my kind, that is called yodanu, a melding of energies. The power I wield is in all my kind, though much weaker, and when that power finds its match, a wavelength that suits it, it is supposed to feel as our kiss did.” She closed her eyes and finally smiled. “It is a sign that two people are meant for each other. I never expected to find my yodanu on this world, where no one else had our power.”

  “So, does that mean you’re taking the position?” I flashed her a teasing smirk. “Because I could maybe get Kristen to be my Stars…”

  “No!” Aylin cried out, then she repeated herself in a softer voice. “Uh, I mean… yes. Yes, I will be your Stars, Starlight. I wanted a place by your side and in your heart, and if it means I must become stronger, I will do so. I swear this to you.”


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