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Demon Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 3)

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by Rae Hendricks

  I roll my eyes at his attempt of even trying to be jealous. Dru doesn’t get jealous, and I am beginning to fully understand why.

  He has too much confidence in himself.

  But being a demon and all, if that’s his worst trait, I’ll take it.

  “So, looks like you need the right motivation,” he says, observing my anger and looking over the scene before him. “Thanks, fox, for your time. You can go back with your owner if you like. We’ll do this again next week.”

  Willow runs off the field at the speed I would expect from a fox whose tail had been lit on fire, and then it leaves the three of us alone.

  “I don't think I have a motivation problem,” I come back with stubbornly, trying to focus on what I am supposed to be doing rather than just how good he looks right now.

  That ache I have now thanks to what I did with Kagan before almost dying has yet to be satiated once more. While I can logically see why there hasn’t been time for that, I just want to have a normal relationship with my men. Just an hour here and there. A girl needs that sometimes.

  “Your powers, especially with the demon blood, will now be linked to strong emotions. Rage. Lust.” He comes up to me, stroking the back of his hand down my arm, and the goosebumps rise once more but for a totally different reason.

  I step into him, my eyes trying to bore into him and tell him what I want without saying it. He just beams at me, our breaths panting between us until he screams, falling to the ground.

  His arm is lit up in a dancing light, and I turn to Ursula. “What is that?”

  “That would be holy fire.”

  I bend down to him, his screams otherworldly, making my heart ache. My fear and guilt are able to stop the flames, but he is badly burned in a way he is not recovering from.

  “Angels can heal!” I remember, reaching from Ursula’s fur to symbolize the connection I want to form with her. I will need all the strength I can get to heal a demon.

  Chapter Four


  I head to the table I sit at for lunch, expecting to be alone as usual, when I spot him.

  He turns around and gives me a half smile, but it enlivens my heart like no one could understand right now. I see there is no food in front of him, and I tentatively lean over and hug his neck. “I don’t understand. How is this possible? The Magistrate said you were missing, and I know you were really ill before that…” I know I have to be careful what I say out here in public. I’m sure the Magistrate has eyes and ears everywhere, especially at the school that they commission to create their precious hunters. Hunters like me. At least, I’m on that list for now anyway. “So, I turned myself in to Adriel. I thought that was the best way to get out of this mess. I don’t know what I should do with this new body and these new powers, if this is permanent or temporary, but at least it’s not a burden on others so much anymore.”

  I hear the hesitation in his confidence. I kinda know what he feels like, because I was like that in the beginning too. When I was given angel blood, though I thought it was demon blood, and had to try to be competitive at the school when I was having trouble with my powers. I didn’t understand why, having been given demon blood, I wasn’t able to perform any of the spells. Now, this is new territory because not only is he a Blood Witch, but he has been infused with hellfire. So, he is a danger to others, especially to angels or those of angel blood.

  I don’t know if he understands the implications as to why this might have been done to him or what we really might be up against in the future. I don’t want to push anything on him with him flailing out there. However, I do want to make sure that he feels some confidence and knows he’s not responsible for this.

  “You don’t need to feel at all responsible for any of this. Other people made these choices for you. If you had been presented with a choice, I’m sure that you never would’ve chosen to have this happen to you. I don’t know what any of that means yet, but I am glad that you’re back. You’re my best friend, after all. I’ve missed you.”

  I hug him again for good measure, and for a moment it feels like old times. Like it’s just me and Jake against the world again. And maybe one day it can actually be that way. In an ideal world beyond the days of the corrupt Magistrate and three guys fighting over my heart, and just trying to survive so we could find ourselves partners on the other side of this in whatever capacity hunters have at that point.

  “I just feel so bad… But I don’t know what to do with myself,” he confesses to me.

  “Well,” I begin, thinking that Dru might get a little pissed but that I need to do this for my friend. “I have mandatory training basically after school. I go to one of the fields and they help catch me up with some of the things I need to know because of my angel powers. Not to mention, of course, I came in late to the game to begin with. They want me to be at my level. To stay here, you know. I would love if you were to, maybe, come with me this time. Possibly, it’s something that you could even start doing. I mean, you’re an excellent student. It’s why you were chosen for that project anyway. And it will make sure we get more time together,” I add to try and motivate him more.

  If I know Jake, he’ll probably feel self-conscious about the night he attacked me and wallow over it, if I don’t give him a more personal motivation for it. If I’ve been missing him with all the things I have going on. I can’t imagine how he felt this whole time dealing with this alone. He wasn’t even allowed to have family with him, from the sound of it. And knowing his mother is still in jail, my cousin and I are all he has, and I don’t even know if there’s still something there with him and Vivi anyway.

  “I don’t want to get in your way. Or hurt you.” The last part he says more quietly. I knew; I knew he would be left with guilt after what he did.

  “You don't need to worry about that. Trust me, I can handle anything you throw at me.” I wink at him, so he knows that I know what I’m talking about and there are no hard feelings.

  I then convince him to eat a few bites for lunch. Afterward, we go our separate ways, promising to meet up after class is out.

  After class, Jake easily finds me while I make my way out to the fields. It has turned into such a routine; I walk in silence. I say almost nothing to Jake, until we’re about to enter the field, seeing Dru in the distance. “I’m sorry. I’m usually in my head in these moments. There are a lot of things that we have to catch up on. But you should know that Dru can be trusted. Maybe even just watching will help you learn to use these powers, when we need them. And I will try to find time to explain it to you, but I do think there will come a time you will need them. I don’t want to overwhelm you or stress you out with all the details right now. Just know that things are going to get worse before they get better, and I do want to be here for you.”

  Jake shakes his head. “I don’t like the secrets. I can understand why you think that I would be stressed out or scared to hear the truth of things, you all figured out. Even Adriel told me that he is leaving it to you whether or not I’m to know everything. The thing is, I barely even know what’s happened to me. I don’t remember a whole lot of what happened when I was away. I remember Dru being there, and spending time in some kind of hospital getting the feeling I was sick. I don’t remember much else until I attacked you. I remember this need to see you, to find you, and then whatever is in me took over. What scares me the most is the fact that I don’t know myself and I don’t know why any of this is happening. I don’t want anything hidden from me, though I understand the need for the right time and place. So please, as soon as we can find somewhere appropriate, I need you to tell me everything. I know that I will be by your side as well with you in any way that I can.”

  We approach Dru, and he is visibly annoyed by Jake’s presence. I don’t know if it’s because he just wanted some alone time with me, or because he’s just not too keen on mortals. Jake is basically mortal compared to the two of us, in fact, now he would be the most normal mortal person in our inner circle.

  “You really don’t need any distractions right now. I’m glad that he was allowed to come back to school and all, but I can’t train you and save you from him at the same time.”

  “He’s here to watch and see if he wants you to try to train him. I think he can help us.”

  Dru scoffs, but I know he’ll come around. When it comes to me asking him to do things, he’ll do it for me. It’s one of the things that I’ve learned about him. It’s one of the reasons why I am so attracted to him, even though he is supposed to be my enemy. And even though he was being an ass to me in the beginning. Well, he seemed like he was being one. Really, he was just trying to be as straightforward as he was allowed to. As far as demons go, he’s a pretty redeemable one whether he likes the label or not.

  “Right, but not a peep.” He points his finger at Jake and Jake sits down on the grass away from us and crosses his heart.

  “I suspect that this is going to be a good training session. I think that with your friend here you’re better focused, even though he is a little strange.” I hit Ursula with a strange look at her assessment of Jake and the situation. I’m glad she could feel the uptick in my motivations and mostly my powers. I never realized how much I needed my best friend here with me and safe to focus, but I bet she’s right.

  I turn my attention to Dru, though, and I just want to drool. It’s like he’s worn the sexiest thing possible because he wants to distract me. Maybe it’s exactly what he does want to do to prove a point. He’s one of those teachers. I thought Adriel was bad, no, Dru was the worst. He always had some kind of backwards philosophical lesson. And his training is brutal.

  I take just a moment to allow my eyes to rake over his body. He has nothing on his top half but an open vest showing his perfectly sculpted chest, and a pair of tight pants that have chains dripping off of them. His hair is gelled, no hat today, and to be honest I just would rather have at it with him right here and now.

  We still haven’t consummated this relationship. I haven’t done that with anyone but Kagan still, and something about the fact that I’ve done it once now, I just feel like I’m ready to do it again and again and again… Is that normal?

  “I hope you aren’t asking me that.” I turn bright red and look at Ursula, not having realized she could hear that thought. I wasn’t trying to project it to her. “Sorry, that one was just very loud.”

  I approach him nonchalantly. I just want a kiss or something from him. A little time for affection now that everyone is busy with something, albeit something that’s supposed to be saving my life and possibly the life of others in the future, but it still sucks.

  As I place my hand on his chest, feeling his warmth, I tried to control the fact that my holy fire wants to erupt like it did before. Apparently, lust is very strong in making that happen.

  I bring my face close to his, my lips wet, hoping that he’ll go ahead and make a move or at least allow me to make one. But I have to be slow in coming about it, otherwise he’ll push me away.

  “Come on, Riley, we don’t have time for this right now.”

  “There’s never time. Just make time. Just for a few moments right now. Just a kiss.”

  I think I’m being rather seductive, giving Dru my bedroom eyes or what I think are bedroom eyes, but maybe I just look ridiculous. Aside from that one experience I am still lacking knowledge in that department.

  Not only does he not give in, but he hits me with the most polarizing question.

  “Why do you want me, Riley?”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, what… do… you… get out of this with me? Why do you want to kiss me, a demon? It’s useless. Trying to make it work between you and me, one who is going to be a hunter, possibly famous one, is stupid. You have two other men to choose from, one is an angel. I may not be the worst of demons but I’m still a demon. I’m bad news. You should just walk away while you still can.”

  Rage and pain crash over me, and I feel like suddenly I regret having Jake here. He is now witnessing a very private moment that might end up in me breaking down. I’m sad, heartbroken. Is Dru trying to break up with me?

  But then I settle on the anger. We’ve been over this already. Not to mention the fact that he’s been the one trying to insert himself in my life, the one who has been showing over and over how redeemable he is. Flirting with me. And now he’s saying I shouldn’t fall for him? It doesn’t make any sense, and my blood boils.

  I want to lash out at him, to slap him, and I’m literally seeing red, my vision blurred.

  I hear a scream, but it’s not coming from Dru. It’s coming from Jake, and I turn around and see him, my vision instantly evening out. When I turned back around to Dru, I see his body is completely consumed in flames. But these are not the flames of Angel Fire. They’re not pure and white looking. They are dark and rampant. It is hellfire.

  “And this is what I’ve been trying to teach you. I hate that I had to goad you like that, but you had to see. Here, demon powers are now just as important as your angel powers. Because you’re going to at some point have to fight those that are somewhat immune to angel powers, maybe even angels themselves, depending on if all their ranks agree with Adriel not. You need to use everything at your disposal. And demon power comes only from emotion. Usually negative emotion. Strong emotion. I made you angry, and you made me burst into flame. You should know what demons can do. With how diluted the blood might be in you, I can’t say for sure what you will be able to do, but there’s a chance you’ll be able to manipulate people’s emotions and manipulate their actions. And you should be able to infuse weapons with hellfire. And Jake,” he says looking over my shoulder where Jake stands, still stunned from what he witnessed, “I think that’s a place for us to start if you decide you want to do this. Being in your situation means you would be great with a weapon. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen hellfire used with a sword.” Dru winks at Jake, and I push him with all my might. I am a little shocked when he actually barges.

  So, I can push around a demon now. That’s pretty cool.

  “Come on, you had to know somewhere deep down that it wasn’t real. That I was just trying to get a reaction out of you.”

  I shake my head. “No, I have to admit that I didn’t have any idea. It hurt me. Do you really feel that way?”

  “Sometimes, I do wonder what makes me deserve you. The daughter of the man who was my savior. I’m never going to deny that I’m a vile creature or deny some of my base instincts, even for you. Is that something you should have to handle?”

  I whisper in his ear. “There’s nothing to handle. I just want to be with you.”

  “Okay, I feel like I’m interrupting a private moment, so maybe I should go.” I turn to look at Jake and laugh a little. I can tell he’s at least partially joking. Taking a jab at us, which makes me feel even better about where he’s at mentally.

  “I think that Ursula and I are going to go practice with each other and Jake can have a turn.” I walk away from Dru, wondering when that moment arrives when we finally get to be together what it will be like. Will it be slow and sensual, passionate and desperate? I don’t know.

  I turn to Ursula and focus on the connection between us, knowing that our biggest weakness is the fact that we still don’t have fighting in tandem down pat yet. “Let’s do this,” I tell her, taking a stance. I am so ready to be a better witch, a better angel, and a better demon.

  Once I am, I will use it to avenge what happened to my father and what happened to Jake. Even what happened to me.

  I look at Jake for a moment and think about what I’m gonna tell him and that it should be soon. He’s right, he does have a right to know what happened to him. I’m just afraid of how he’s going to take it all. Especially after everything that the Magistrate has done to his family. How much more can he handle before he’ll break?

  Chapter Five

  With the sun almost completely down and tiring, both Ursula and I sit down
in the grass as Dru and Jake go at it.

  Jake is into his training, and I am not about to stop it just because I'm ready to go home. I am so proud of him right now.

  It isn’t the same as having angel blood or adding demon blood into the mix, though he had that already, but there must be something more to having hellfire right there in his veins. Especially considering he was able to be powerful enough to kill me as an Aurora Witch when nothing had succeeded while being experimented on at the office of the Magistrate.

  As often happens, in the quiet of my current life, my mind instantly goes to the two men missing in my life.

  Adriel has not come to see me since the revelation broke on how I was chosen for this life I am living. While I am sure he has better things to do than hang out at a school and teach me how to fight, I can’t help but think it’s not a coincidence. I worry about what it means for us, or if he is simply giving me a little space.

  And then there's Kagan who can't find the time to see me. I don’t even want to think about what he's doing that's keeping him away - schmoozing with all the high society witches that aren't me, since I am too much of a freak to be included now.

  I don’t know why I get so much crap here for being privileged. I lost that Graywood privilege the moment I became an Aurora Witch.

  I pull out my cell phone and look at it, debating on what I want to do as Ursula cuddles up next to me, liking my hand stroking her fur much more now than she used to. I appreciate it, even though I know she needs to get a human form at some point to fight with me. I feel like it brings us closer that I could be affectionate with her.

  Before she was so standoffish, only logic-minded. I could tell that she wanted to protect me and care about me, but it just wasn’t the same.

  I think some of my compassion is leaking into her, that and now that it’s off her chest that she felt like what happened when my father died was her fault, she feels like it’s okay to be honest and open up her feelings to me.


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