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A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance

Page 9

by Sabrina Kane

  Rachel, blushing, said, “Yeah, well…um…you know, with volleyball…I just figured, why bother keeping them long? They’ll just break.”

  “Good idea,” Ainsley said, looking at her friend’s nails again, able to now daydream about Rachel doing wondrous things with her fingers now that those vagina-killers she sported before were gone.

  Their new drinks arrived and again, they took turns sipping from each other’s. Ainsley made a mental note to learn how to make coconut margaritas. Perhaps she could serve them at her housewarming party.

  “You know,” Rachel said, “I can’t wait until you move to Carlsbad.”

  “Me either,” Ainsley said. “Then we can just hang out here at the bar after volleyball and then drive back together.”

  “Exactly what I was thinking,” Rachel said.

  “And then hang out in Carlsbad doing whatever,” Ainsley added.

  “Well, until you get a girlfriend and then all of a sudden you have to rush home to her.”

  “Hm, good point,” Ainsley said, nodding sagely. “So, to make sure that doesn’t happen, become my girlfriend and the problem is solved.”

  “Wait a second,” Rachel said, holding up her hand in a blocking gesture. “I can’t promise to be your girlfriend until I see what kind of flower game you bring on Friday.”

  Ainsley cocked her eyebrow.

  “Well, don’t think you’re getting past first base on Friday if your chocolates game sucks!”

  Rachel rolled her eyes.

  “Please. Trust me, my chocolates game has already assured me at least third base.”

  Ainsley’s clit pulsed.

  “Well, trust me, Rach…when you see my flowers game on Friday, you may as well just answer the door naked.”

  Rachel gave a little gasp and Ainsley saw her shift in her seat and cross her legs.

  Ainsley smirked.

  “Good heavens! Did I cause another reaction?”

  Chapter 13

  Amy was so super sweet.

  On Friday, Valentine’s Day, Amy called Rachel from Catalina, where she and Sally had gone for a romantic holiday weekend.

  “Hey, Sally is in the shower,” Amy told her when the call connected. “I just wanted to call to make sure you’re not going out with some sleazy bum tonight named, I don’t know, Chad, who’s going to end up taking you to dinner at Burger King.”

  Rachel laughed.

  “No sleazy bum tonight,” she promised Amy. “I’m going out with a new girl I met named Ainsley.”

  “Ainsley?” Amy paused. “Why does that name sound familiar to me?”

  “I don’t know,” Rachel said. “Oh, wait! Probably because she knows Sally!”

  “She knows…?” Amy paused again. “Wait! Blind date Ainsley?”

  “Yep; that’s how she told me she met Sally.”

  “How did you meet her?”

  “I sold her a house,” Rachel provided. “She’s moving to Carlsbad.”

  “As long as she doesn’t think she’s getting another blind date with Sally.”

  Rachel laughed.

  “Relax. From what she told me, that was their mothers’ doing.”

  “Fine. Wait! Why are you going out with a woman on Valentine’s Day?”

  Because she’s a sexy goddess and for some reason suddenly everything I thought I knew about myself has been upended.

  “It’s a friend-date,” Rachel told her instead and then explained how she and Ainsley had hit it off right away and had decided to be two single but fabulous women hanging together on Valentine’s Day.

  “That actually sounds like fun,” Amy said. “Actually, anything not involving men sounds fun. Well, have a good time. I’m glad there’s no Chad.”

  “Or Josh,” Rachel added. They said their I love yous and their goodbyes and then Rachel continued getting ready. Ainsley was due to arrive in about an hour.

  Rachel was trying to convince herself that this friend-date was really no big deal.

  Just two friends hanging out. That’s all.

  Yet earlier in the shower, she had very carefully shaved every inch of flesh where she didn’t like hair growing, some of it ahead of schedule. For example, she had just shaved her mound and around her vagina on Wednesday and usually, when single, she’d let at least three days pass before shaving that area again. Yet this evening, she had guided her Venus over it once more, as well as over her legs and underarms.

  Then, after the shower, she had put on her Victoria’s Secret Pure Seduction shimmer lotion. Not only did it make the skin on her legs and arms buttery soft, but the scent was pure sex. When she wore it, there was no need for perfume, especially since she had a special trick of rubbing just a bit of the lotion between her breasts. Usually, it was her date night-only lotion.

  No big deal! It’s a friend-date! It has the word “date” in it!

  In any case, between the shaving and the lotion, Rachel suspected that right now, her skin was among the smoothest surfaces on the planet.

  Now, after her phone call with Amy, Rachel was telling herself how it was also no big deal, really, that she was now putting on the new bra and panties set she had just bought yesterday and that were definitely not Tuesday-going-to-work underwear. The bra was a super-soft lilac-colored lace which supported her round breasts perfectly and which her dark nipples were clearly visible through. The panties, a thong, matched and were high-waisted, accentuating the curves of her upper legs and ass in a way which Rachel found rather artistic.

  Dressed only in her underwear, she spent some time admiring herself in the mirror, turning this way and that, pleased with the reflection beamed back at her no matter the angle.

  She had to admit, she looked hot.

  And she had to admit, she was tired of pretending this was no big deal.

  Tonight was a big deal.

  A really big deal.

  She wanted to look hot and seductive for Ainsley and if by some miracle things progressed past the friend-date stage, Rachel knew she wanted to be ready for that. She wanted Ainsley to be able to unwrap her and go hungry with desire at what she was wearing underneath the new black dress she also bought for tonight. She wanted Ainsley to want to consume her. Most importantly, she wanted to know if what she was feeling towards Ainsley was real.

  Was her desire for Ainsley real? And was she capable of acting on it? Kissing a woman? Fucking a woman?

  Was her overall attraction to Ainsley real? Because at this point, Rachel knew, it wasn’t just about desire any longer. She was attracted to Ainsley because of Ainsley’s smarts and her wit and her athleticism and just because of the way she felt connected to the woman!

  She needed to know all this…

  A little over half an hour later, she was ready. The new short black dress fit like a glove and it’s cleavage-revealing neckline would certainly give Ainsley something nice to look at throughout the evening. Her red hair was curled but pulled back into a playful ponytail so her long neck was on show. For a pop of color, she chose a pair of red chunky earrings made from an exotic stone, the name of which she’d forgotten.

  Since Ainsley was spending the night, Rachel padded on bare feet after getting dressed to the guest room down the hall from her own bedroom and, like the obsessive realtor she was, gave it another once over, making sure it was neat and presentable. Last night, she swept the hardwood floors, dusted all the surfaces and cleaned the attached bathroom. The sheets and blankets on the bed were clean, the pillows fluffed and the aroma diffuser which was usually kept in the living room was now working in here, making the air smell tropical with scents of coconut and pineapple. Again, thinking like a realtor, she unplugged the diffuser. It had been running long enough and had done its job. The tropical-scented air would last a good while and Rachel didn’t want it to become overpowering and so she brought it back to its normal place in the living room and then switched out its fragrance cartridge before plugging it in again. Now, instead of a tropical scent, in ten minutes the room would smell
like someone was baking cookies—a comforting and homey aroma meant to make people feel right at home.

  She hurried into the dining room to make sure her chocolate display was still on point. She had spent a lot of time setting it up earlier and had even photographed it. She’d share the photos on Insta and Snap later but not now. She and Ainsley were already following each other on those two platforms, as well as on Facebook, and she didn’t want to ruin the surprise.

  Back to her bedroom and another obsessive check of her appearance, this time with the black stilettos. God, she hoped Ainsley also wore heels. Rachel knew that even if Ainsley showed up wearing Birkenstocks, she’d be the hottest woman in this time zone, but if Ainsley wore heels tonight…she’d be the hottest woman in this hemisphere.

  And my date!

  Speaking of which…

  The doorbell rang.


  Ainsley was wearing heels. Good god, was she wearing heels.

  Rachel almost lost her grip on reality when she opened her front door and saw the lovely woman standing on her porch. She even staggered a bit.

  Ainsley was dressed in a short and sleeveless black cocktail dress with an asymmetrical hemline which displayed those unbelievably long legs of hers that appeared even longer because of the open-toed high heeled sandals on her feet.

  That gloriously golden blonde hair of hers was down, just like the day Rachel had first seen her, and through it shone the light of the streetlamp across the street from Rachel’s house, creating a yellow halo around Ainsley’s head.

  The woman was stunning and Rachel’s body reacted. With a delicious ache, her nipples tightened which apparently opened up a circuit connected to her clit because that little nub started vibrating.

  “God, you look fucking amazing!” Rachel said.

  “So do you!” Ainsley said, and Rachel let the other woman practically feel her up with her eyes.

  “I’d ask you to come in,” Rachel said, placing her hands on her hips and making a show of examining Ainsley again, “but for some reason, I don’t see any flowers. And I know you couldn’t possibly hide anything in that dress.”

  “Oh, right! The flowers!” Ainsley said, snapping her fingers. “There was a problem with that.”

  “And that problem was…” Rachel prodded, relishing the obvious anticipation Ainsley was creating within her.

  “I couldn’t carry them all by myself,” Ainsley told her. “So I enlisted some help.” She turned her head slightly to the left. “Oh, boys!”

  Rachel gasped as suddenly, from behind the side of her garage where they had been hidden, five men appeared and marched up towards the front door. Each guy was carrying an enormous arrangement of flowers. And these weren’t just run of the mill flowers. In fact, Rachel couldn’t identify most of the species in the bouquets the men were carrying. She did manage to spot a few birds of paradise and a couple of different types of lilies. She also thought one of the arrangements contained orchids, but the rest she had no idea about. The flowers might have come from another planet for all she knew.

  But each arrangement was unique, colorful and gorgeous! And so large that each man had to hold his burden with two hands.

  Rachel stood aside to let the men in and mutely pointed to her coffee table in the living room when she was asked where she’d like the flowers put. When the men were done and walking out of the house, it suddenly looked as if a garden had sprung up.

  “Oh my god!” Rachel exclaimed, her voice muffled because both of her hands were still covering her mouth in surprise. She turned to Ainsley and threw herself at her, embracing her tightly. “Thank you so much! They are perfect! This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me!”

  “No, no, no,” Ainsley began. “Your mother gave birth to you. That was pretty amazing. But I’ll gladly take second place.”

  Rachel still in Ainsley’s arms looked, up at her and into her eyes, realizing finally that this wasn’t just a crush.

  She was about to allow Ainsley to enter the house now that the admission fee of the flowers had been paid when her eye caught something parked in front of her home.

  “Wait!” she exclaimed, coming around Ainsley. “Is that a limo?”

  Ainsley laughed.

  “You didn’t notice that before?” she asked.


  That didn’t surprise Rachel. A dinosaur could have been standing next to Ainsley and all Rachel would have seen was Ainsley.

  “No bullshit, Ains,” Rachel went on, “when I opened the door and saw how you looked, I saw nothing else.”

  “Oh my god! You have such a silver tongue!”

  Rachel smirked.

  “Yep. I guess you’d better snatch me up before some other woman gets to take advantage of my special tongue.”

  “Oh my god!” Ainsley repeated, laughing. “You are trouble!”

  “I am. Now, what’s with the limo? It is so cool!”

  So Ainsley explained to her that after thinking about it, she decided she looked too cute to be driving.

  “Besides, now we can truly enjoy ourselves and relax and not have to worry about how much we drink.”

  “I love it! Such a good idea! But, damn, Ains, I hope you didn’t break the bank tonight with the flowers and the limo…”

  Ainsley scoffed.

  “Hello? Surgeon!” she said. “Trust me, it’s unconscionable how much money I make. Not that I’m complaining!” she added hurriedly.

  Rachel laughed.

  “Well, come on in.”

  Now it was Ainsley who put her hands on her hips.

  “Um…not so fast, Ms. Hamill,” she said. “I am not an easy girl. You promised me chocolates.”

  “Which are inside,” Rachel said, taking Ainsley’s hand and leading her through the front door, loving it when Ainsley entwined their fingers together.

  Already, this was the best Valentine’s Day Rachel ever had.

  Chapter 14

  As soon as the door closed behind them, Ainsley wished she could just strip off all her clothes and then help Rachel do the same. Rachel just looked unbelievably gorgeous tonight! There were not enough flattering adjectives to describe the way Rachel looked. When Ainsley had first seen her, she had felt lightheaded and as a doctor, she made a quick self-diagnosis…

  Dizziness caused by brain ischemia due to all the blood in my body flowing straight to between my legs.

  Earlier, when Rachel had hugged her in thanks for the flowers, Ainsley’s core had clenched, arousal had streamed out and her nipples had become marbles.

  And when Rachel took her hand just now, Ainsley swore she might come.

  “Ta-da!” Rachel exclaimed after leading Ainsley through her house to what was obviously the dining room.

  Ainsley gasped, her eyes as wide open as possible.

  On the dining room table was a display of chocolates unlike anything Ainsley had ever seen before.

  There were two tall and narrow boxes that were both wavy in shape, standing on their ends. Each box contained at least, by Ainsley’s estimation, forty pieces of square-shaped chocolates and each piece was decorated with a gorgeous abstract or geometric design, no two the same. The two boxes, with their combinations of decorated chocolates in all sorts of colors and patterns looked like two works of modern art Ainsley would expect to find in a museum.

  Something about one of the pieces of chocolates in one of the boxes caught her eye.

  Is that an A? Wait…does that one have an L on it…?

  Suddenly she saw it!

  “Holy fuck!” she blurted out. “Is that my name?”

  It was. Seven of the chocolates in that box had artsy and colorful letters printed on them, spelling out her name.

  She turned to Rachel, who was practically vibrating with excitement.

  “This is so amazing!” Ainsley said, pulling Rachel into her arms. This time, perhaps because they were in the privacy of Rachel’s home rather than outside on the front porch, their embrace im
mediately took on a higher level of intimacy.

  With her eyes closed, Ainsley breathed in the scent of the shorter Rachel’s hair while slowly rubbing her hands along the real estate agent’s back. Meanwhile, Rachel was again gently nuzzling Ainsley’s neck like she had done when they had embraced after their night together in San Diego nearly two weeks ago. It made Ainsley’s center molten and her clit throb, especially because one of Rachel’s hands was on the back of her waist, just above her ass.

  “The chocolates are perfect,” Ainsley whispered.

  “Mm,” Rachel purred, “glad you like them.

  As Rachel spoke, little puffs of her breath caressed Ainsley’s neck and even managed to steal past the neckline of Ainsley’s dress only to spend the briefest of moments whispering along the tops of her breasts.

  Oh my god…

  “We should probably go soon, huh?” Rachel asked, again causing those puffs of warm breath to fondle Ainsley’s skin. Her center throbbed now, demanding attention.

  “Yeah, we probably should,” she concurred. Yet still they didn’t separate. Instead, the hand which Rachel had on Ainsley’s lower back pressed a little more firmly and this had the result of their two pelvises coming into tighter contact. For her part, Ainsley’s pressed her hands tighter on Rachel’s back, mashing their breasts together even more.

  What’s happening…?

  She needed to know.

  “Is this part of your attempt to get your flirt-rating increased to a ten?” Ainsley whispered.

  “Maybe,” Rachel replied. Another puff of breath stole into Ainsley’s dress. “But maybe not.”

  Her heart thudding, Ainsley said, “Going to make me work at finding the answer, huh?”

  “Yep. And you have all night.”

  By now, Ainsley’s center was an inferno, her clit a tiny pulsing heartbeat in her soaked panties.

  She moved her right hand lower on Rachel’s back and then pressed it against Rachel’s hip, rubbing it in a slow circular motion. She then felt Rachel actually shuddering in her arms, burying her face deeper in her neck and Ainsley was suddenly on the verge of having a small orgasm.

  “Fuck, Ainsley,” Rachel breathed.


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