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A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance

Page 13

by Sabrina Kane

  “And you might as well prepare to scrub in too,” he added, telling her that the patient, a fifty-seven-year-old woman was in the ER now.

  After telling her boss that she’d get there asap, she turned to Rachel.

  “Hey, sorry, but I need to go.”

  “Totally understand,” Rachel said. “I’m just bummed you can’t eat first.”

  “I know! And after you cooked for me!” Ainsley pouted. “Walk with me,” she said. She needed to get her stuff from Rachel’s bedroom and bathroom. As they headed towards that part of the house, Ainsley said, “I really hope you’re not thinking terribly of me. Especially dashing off after our first night together.”

  Rachel laughed.

  “Ains, really, don’t worry. I may not be surgeon but I might as well tell you that as a real estate agent, there will be plenty of times when I won’t be available when you want me.”

  Ainsley decided the patient could afford to wait for the length of a decent kiss. Turning Rachel to face her, she brought her face down and claimed Rachel’s lips in a passionate one that was part longing, part appreciation.

  “Thank you!” she whispered afterwards. Then she set about finding her belongings—her dress, underwear and high heels from last night—and placing them in her small travel duffel. Then she slipped out of her pj pants and pulled on a pair of jeans. Next, the gray Stanford sweatshirt she had slept in came off. She covered her breasts with a sports bra and then put on a black fitted tee.

  “Speaking of inconvenient schedules,” Rachel said, watching her. “I won’t be able to make volleyball tomorrow.”

  Ainsley looked over at her, an expression of dismay on her face.

  “Two showings,” Rachel said with an apologetic shrug.

  Going into the bathroom to collect her toiletries, Ainsley said, “Well, fuck! I guess that means the rest of us will go back to totally sucking tomorrow!”

  In a moment, she was ready to go. She found the Skechers she had brought with her and slipped them on.

  “This means you’re seeing me tonight,” Ainsley stated, heading toward the front of the house.

  “Ooh! Yes, ma’am, Dr. Janowicz! I love it when you’re so bossy!”

  Ainsley laughed.

  “Sorry! I didn’t mean to be! But, seriously, you are seeing me tonight…”

  “I can’t wait, really. And, seriously, the bossiness does it for me.”

  Ainsley laughed again.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Okay, I’m ready,” Ainsley said, her travel duffel slung over one shoulder. “Wait…what are you doing?”

  Rachel was sliding her feet into a pair of flip-flops that were by the front door and gathering up her purse.

  “Tell me, Ms. Brilliant Surgeon…were you going to just flap your arms and fly to the hospital?”


  She had no car!

  “You are so fucking amazing!” she exclaimed.

  And so fucking cute!

  They had only just gotten out of bed less than an hour ago. Rachel was still wearing her pj shorts and a black ribbed tank but with no bra. And her hair, though pulled back into a ponytail, had that “just woke up after getting fucked” messiness to it.

  “If you need a second to change…” Ainsley said, forcing herself to ignore the desire beginning to percolate in her core.

  Rachel waved it off.

  “Nah. I’ll drop you off and head right back here.”

  “Fine, but just so you know…I might have trouble keeping my hands off you during the ride.”


  And that ended up being true.

  Ainsley didn’t know what it was about her, Rachel and cars but a pattern certainly seemed to be developing…

  No sooner had Rachel navigated her Tesla onto the I-5 to head south to Encinitas than Ainsley, disregarding personal safety somewhat, leaned over, pulling her body mostly out of the seatbelt and began kissing Rachel’s right shoulder. When she raked her teeth over it, as though preparing to take a bite, Rachel groaned and then said, “God, I can’t wait until you get done at the hospital.”

  Ainsley smiled to herself.

  “Well, if you can’t wait…” she murmured just before reaching up and guiding the strap of Rachel’s tank off her shoulder.

  Rachel gasped but didn’t protest, although the pace of her breathing suddenly started increasing.

  In a moment, Ainsley had Rachel’s right breast free from the shirt and exposed.

  “Jesus…” Rachel sighed.

  “Drive very, very carefully,” Ainsley said. She then unclicked her seatbelt and thus unfettered was able to reposition herself so she could easily bring her mouth down to Rachel’s already hard nipple, which she sucked on delightedly, her own nipples hardening in reaction to what she was doing.

  Not wanting Rachel’s other breast to feel ignored, Ainsley reached over and fondled it over the shirt’s material. All the while, her mouth lavished attention on the aroused nipple it was suckling on and licking.

  “Ainsley, my lord…” Rachel said.

  Not wanting to make the nipple sore from too much attention, Ainsley gave it one last, forceful pull with her lips, scraping her teeth along the erect nub, and then took her mouth away. Provided Rachel still wasn’t scared off by sapphic sex, Ainsley planned on spending a lot of time paying attention to those beautiful breasts later tonight. For now, though, she helped Rachel readjust her top so that the redhead was once more completely covered. Then, Ainsley sat back in her seat properly and refastened her seatbelt, silencing the Tesla’s insistent beeping.

  Rachel groaned as she squirmed in the driver’s seat, Ainsley guessing that she had gotten Rachel’s juices flowing.

  “How long are you going to be?” she asked. “Not that I am trying to rush you while saving someone’s life,” she quickly added. “But…how long are you going to be?”

  Ainsley laughed.

  “This is going to take several hours, babe,” she answered. “Unless I decide the surgery can wait, but I’m guessing it won’t. You may as well just plan to do whatever today without me.”

  “Well, you’re going to need someone to pick you up, aren’t you? Or are we back to you trying to fly again?”

  Ainsley felt her heart warm at Rachel’s consideration.

  “You really are amazing,” she said. “Hey, do you want to stay at my place tonight?”

  “Perfect!” Rachel said. “My first showing tomorrow is in Del Mar anyway.”

  “I hope it’s not too early, that showing,” Ainsley said nonchalantly.

  “Ten a.m. Why?”

  “Because I really, really, really want to keep you up late tonight,” Ainsley answered.


  Ainsley was done by four o’clock that afternoon. The surgery could not wait. The patient, a Crohn’s disease sufferer, was not in the best of health even looking past the Crohn’s and so Ainsley did not want to risk delaying. Quite frankly, the colectomy was only going to be a stopgap measure. The female patient, pushing sixty, needed a lot of other issues addressed, which Ainsley went over with the family after the operation was complete and the patient was in recovery.

  As usual, she wished she could look forward to spending the time following up with the family, making sure her recommendations were followed and her concerns addressed. But she was not a small-town country doc who would run into these people at the grocery store one day. She was a top-ranked surgeon in one of the biggest hospital systems in the United States. She literally had to just rely on most of her patients taking responsibility for their own care once she was done with them in the OR. There were follow-up visits, of course, to make sure her patients were healing properly from whatever surgery she had performed for them, but once those were done, Ainsley had no control over what those folks did next for their own well-being.

  In the female staff locker room, she changed out of her scrubs, putting them in the laundry basket. They’d be cleaned by the laundry service and returned to her pre-op locker in
the surgical prep room. She put her favorite pair of Crocs, which she wore for all her surgeries, in her locker and put her Skechers back on. Just then, her phone chirped.


  Ainsley smiled. Rachel.

  She tapped out a reply stating that she’d be downstairs in no more than ten minutes. She had already dictated her post-op notes after meeting with the family earlier, using the small digital voice recorder in her office. Her assistant, Kyle, would get those input into the computer on Monday. This meant that her work here was done and she was free to go.

  “Great work today, doctor,” Famke, one of the new med school interns said, coming into the locker room.

  “Thank you,” Ainsley said. Famke and some other interns had been allowed to observe the operation from the viewing gallery today. Normally, Ainsley would have spent a few minutes chatting with the young woman, asking if she had any questions about what she’d seen but Ainsley was anxious to get downstairs to Rachel. Nonetheless, her sense of mentorship kicked in.

  “Listen,” she said, stopping as she headed toward the exit, “are you considering a surgical residency?”

  Famke nodded.

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said.


  Ainsley groaned inwardly. Was she a “ma’am” already? She supposed she was to someone still in med school.

  “Are you here on Monday?” Ainsley inquired.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be doing rounds with Dr. Jefferson.”

  “Great,” Ainsley said. “If you have any questions about today’s procedure, come find me if you have time.”

  Famke’s face lit up.

  “Thank you so much, doctor! I will!”

  “See you then.”

  She hurried out of the hospital, hoping no one else would stop her.

  “Quickly!” she exclaimed to Rachel, getting into the Tesla. “Drive before someone needs me to pop a zit for them!”

  Rachel, laughing, put the car in gear and guided the car out of the parking lot and toward the nearest street.

  “Yay! You brought the chocolates!” Ainsley said, noticing the boxes on the car’s backseat.

  “Hello!” Rachel said in a teasing voice. “What else were you planning on having for dinner tonight?”

  As they drove, Ainsley was thrilled when Rachel kept her hand on her leg. Earlier, once today’s procedure had been completed and her mind had been free to consider other, non-medical things, Ainsley had started worrying that perhaps Rachel, having had much of the day to herself, would reconsider her foray into lesbianism and want to go back to a platonic friendship.

  But when they stopped for a traffic light, Rachel leaned over for a kiss. It was passionate and yearning and she only pulled away when the car behind them honked because the light turned green.

  It was just a kiss but it made Ainsley ecstatic.

  “Whoa!” Rachel said half an hour later when they reached Ainsley’s condo in San Diego. “Get a load of that!”

  Waiting on Ainsley’s doormat was an arrangement of flowers, all of them yellow pansies. Ainsley pursed her lips. She knew who they were from.

  “Fucking Casey,” she muttered, picking up the arrangement, which was in a simple glass vase with wrapping indicating that it had been delivered by Casey knew Ainsley’s favorite flower was the pansy because Ainsley thought the pattern on the petals looked like a cute stuffed animal face.

  “Maybe they’re from another admirer,” Rachel said teasingly. “I would imagine you have tons!”

  Ainsley read the little card attached to the vase.

  “Nope,” she said, and then read the card aloud. “‘Please reconsider. Casey.’” She sighed. “I’m just going to throw them out.”

  “No!” Rachel said. “They’re pretty! Here, give them to me, you flower abuser.”

  Ainsley, laughing, handed the arrangement to Rachel and then they entered the condo.

  She was starving and she wanted a shower. But she also wanted Rachel, who was currently at Ainsley’s dining room table adjusting the pansies just so. Coming up behind her, Ainsley wrapped her arms around the other woman and pressed her chest against Rachel’s back. This elicited a pleasant-sounding moan from Rachel.

  “So…” Ainsley said, stopping to plant a kiss on Rachel’s neck, just below her ear. “I am famished.” Now, she moved her left hand down into the waist of the skirt Rachel had on. She felt Rachel go a little limp in her arms with anticipation. Ainsley played her fingers along the top edge of the real estate agent’s panties.

  “Why don’t we order pizza?” Ainsley suggested. She then slipped her fingers into Rachel’s underwear, enjoying the feel when her fingers encountered that bald mound. Rachel really did a good job of keeping it smooth and Ainsley rubbed it, pressing her fingers against it somewhat firmly.

  “Fuck, I’ll eat anything you want,” Rachel said in a barely audible whisper. “Pizza. Hamburgers. You.”

  Ainsley groaned. She rewarded Rachel with a nibble on her earlobe at the same moment she reached her long fingers down even more to make contact with Rachel’s sex, delighted to discover how wet her new playmate was.

  “Oh shit,” Rachel squeaked. She reached both her arms up and wrapped her hands behind Ainsley’s neck. It turned Ainsley on even more because it seemed like such a gesture of surrender; as if Rachel was telling her without words, “Do what you want. I won’t resist.”

  Ainsley smiled.

  It was going to be a lovely Saturday evening…

  Chapter 19

  Rachel had a hard time holding back the laughter she wanted to let loose.

  Mr. Crawley was going to get an earful later from his new wife.

  Again, he was insisting on offering a well-below-asking number for the lovely bungalow-style house Rachel had just shown them in Oceanside. And like a typical man, he was mansplaining his reasons for doing so, spouting some bullshit about being certain it was all just a matter of finding the right sellers who were willing to deal.

  Well, the Akaabas—a lovely couple originally from Nigeria—were reasonable people, but not stupid people, and Rachel tried to patiently explain to Mr. Crawley that she was certain in the time it took her to submit his low offer, a much better offer would be made by someone else.

  Meanwhile, his wife, who had seemed like she was on the verge of orgasm the entire time Rachel was showing them the house, was glaring at him. She kept trying to get a word in edgewise, only to be stopped each time by her husband who was insisting they’d need the extra money he was trying to save them.

  Probably rethinking your decision to marry him, huh?

  In the end, Mr. Crawley won the day again. But Rachel suspected he was going to discover it was a Pyrrhic victory once his wife got him alone.

  Rachel might have been more annoyed by having wasted time with this couple again if her first showing today, in Del Mar, hadn’t gone so well. Not only did the buyer love the house, she loved it so much that she offered full asking price because she didn’t want to miss the chance to own it. It was a $2.2 million-dollar sale and while Rachel had been showing the Crawleys this house, a notification had come in on her phone informing her that offer had been accepted!

  After she had seen the Crawleys out, Rachel stayed in the empty house, enjoying the silence and thinking things over.

  She really wanted to talk to Amy. She needed to talk to Amy. She had other friends, of course—some of them were even lesbians, like Amy—but none held the place in her heart which Amy did and what Rachel was going through right now needed the ear and counsel of her bestest best friend.

  Last night with Ainsley had been beyond amazing! And Rachel was still stunned now that she had not only had another night of great sex with a woman but that she had absolutely loved it. She was getting wet now just thinking about it.

  Ainsley had really taken care of her last night! Rachel was discovering just how multi-orgasmic she could be in the right hands. She had had to beg Ainsley to stop after the fifth one, sayi
ng she needed a rest, that her pussy was too sensitive after having been finger-fucked so expertly that when she came that fifth time, Rachel wondered if her back would break because she had arched it so acutely.

  And so Ainsley had let her rest. They had spent quite some time just kissing, snuggling and fondling. Rachel was learning that she couldn’t keep her hands off Ainsley. It was as if she had been awakened to how erotic the tactile aspects of sex were, something she had never experienced with a man. Ainsley’s body was so sensuous, her skin so buttery smooth, her breasts so soft, and Rachel wanted to touch it all!

  And there was so much of Ainsley! When the doctor was lying on the bed, her long frame stretched out all for Rachel to see, it was a mouth-watering sight, an embarrassment of riches, almost. Last night, Rachel had explored all of her lover, with her lips, her hands, her tongue, trying to memorize her every inch so at times like now, she could picture it all.

  But after Rachel had rested for a while last night, Ainsley had started stoking her fire again and soon there was Ainsley’s head between her legs again to make her come a sixth time, making Rachel scream out with the intensity of it.

  She picked up her phone. She suspected Amy and Sally were still on their romantic Valentine’s weekend up in Catalina but she also knew Amy wouldn’t mind if she at least sent a text asking her for some girl-time this coming week.

  Surprisingly, an instant after sending the text, Amy replied.

  Tomorrow @LVM? 3?

  Rachel checked her calendar and determined that, yes, she could meet her bestie at La Vida Mocha at three o’clock. She tapped out a response saying so and sent it and then was about to gather her things to leave the house she was trying to sell when her phone rang.

  “Hey!” she said, the smile evident in her voice.

  “God, we suck without you!” Ainsley moaned in lieu of hello. From the background noise of the call, Rachel guessed she was driving.

  She laughed.

  “It’s nice to feel wanted,” she replied. It would have been wonderful to play volleyball with Ainsley and the girls but the commission she’d get from the sale of that Del Mar house made the sacrifice worth it.


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