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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 56

by J E Mueller

  I felt a rumble course through the ground, and a strong tingle of magic. “Let’s go!” I called, instantly snapping into my running magic, knowing full well what was coming.

  That thing… the demon called Beleth from that portal was here, and back, and I wasn’t certain if we had time to make it to safety. I knew he’d remember me though, so I knew I had to distance myself.

  “Run!” I called to the others and took off.

  I tried to make a beeline back but felt a strange tingle in front of me. I managed to slow down in time and only just hit the wall in front of me. Damn invisible shields. I cursed loudly and moved quickly, magic full blast, along the side of the wall. It felt endless, even with how quickly I was going. How could it be so large?

  I stopped. Beleth was following me and had the magic to spare. One of us would tire first, and since this creature had just joined the fight, all bets were on me. Clever. I punched the wall. It didn’t help the situation, but it helped clear my mind.

  “So, I’m stuck on this side, and that’s that huh?” I said aloud. I could feel that more demons were spawning. “You know you can’t get more than two feet in there, so you’re keeping me out here.” There was still some magic in my sword. I could fight a bit longer, but this was not going to end in my favor.

  I let my magic stretch a moment. In my haste to get around the wall, I had gone much too far for anyone to be able to reach me in a reasonable amount of time.

  I could hear cackling behind me. There was no reason to turn around. I had already felt their approach. Lesser demons - four of them. I could take down two fairly easily. Four would be tough, maybe even impossible. Not to mention Beleth was blocking me here.

  Finally turning to face the demons, I shook my head. They all had turned their arms into spears, ready to fight. The cackling hadn’t stopped and I was fairly certain one was muttering ‘contract’ while the other three went on about how quickly I was going to die. It wasn’t impressive. Everything I had heard from all the fights I was in before.

  Not waiting for them to strike, I launched myself forward. My quickness caught them off guard and one was soon vanquished. The Blessed magic in my blade dropped drastically. Without even trying to fight another, I took off away from Reawakening, the other three close at my heels.

  I made the call to continue running away from aid. If I did die, they still stood a chance of living, and Danni would need all the extra help she could get.

  Halting suddenly, two of the demons sped past me and I was able to take a swing at the third. It managed to block and lash back at me. A rhythm quickly picked up to the fight but I let it drop and took off running once the other two made it back. Continuing my run, I tried to keep Reawakening a short distance from myself. A wide arc around it was better than heading off into even more unknown trouble.

  Again, I halted and was able to vanquish a second demon. Two down, two to go, but my sword barely had enough Blessed magic in it for a third. Not giving myself time to think about the depleting magic, I picked up my run again.

  Something felt wrong ahead of me and I skidded to a stop. Both myself and the demons chasing me hit the wall, though I hit it less intensely. Taking advantage of the moment, I stabbed the one closest to me, ending its time in this world.

  There was no more Blessed magic on my side. I could feel Beleth’s magic shield surrounding me. I felt the runes hiding in my pockets. Carefully, I cracked one open and instead of calling a shield over myself I cast it on the demon. Surprised, it didn't halt for long before trying to strike at me. The shield prevented it from hitting -instead the claws hit the walls of the shield.

  “Can’t be broken from the inside.” I smirked. “So until that wears out…” I glanced around, trying to figure out my next move.

  The demon tried slamming into me and I sidestepped it, letting it fall. It hissed at me, but I continued to ignore it. I needed a plan before it figured out it just needed to run into something hard enough a number of times. I watched it continue to hiss at me and beat on the inside. Maybe I did have time.

  Of course, that would have been too easy. Beleth decided to finally show himself. His towering height made me stagger back a few feet and I found myself pressed up against the wall. With a smirk he smashed down on the demon’s protective shield, destroying it. The demon laughed with glee, just before Beleth snapped his fingers, causing it to go up in smoke. If the show of power was meant to scare me, it worked.

  “I guess this is the part where you offer me a contract?” I asked, half joking, half too terrified to think of what fate was about to fall upon me.

  He shook his head and said nothing.

  “Guess that saves us both from arguing about why I’m stupidly declining.” My laugh didn’t sound like it was coming from me. The hysterics were slowly settling in.

  He conjured a sword, and with another snap of his fingers, it was on fire. Of course it was on fire. Couldn’t just stab me with a plain old boring sword could he? What was it these creatures fed on again? Fear? Determination? I had no idea. I tried to calm myself down, remind myself of what was important. Danni was safe. Lydia should have made it back to safety. Everyone should have for that matter. I think I successfully had all eyes on me. While this wasn’t a good thing, everyone else was safe. I guessed I would just have to take this fight up on the other side.

  I closed my eyes as he moved to stab me.

  Suddenly, everything felt cold and I gasped for air. I looked over to see Danni in her spirit form dragging me back. I went through the wall! I looked at her in shock.

  “Well, get running, idiot!” she yelled at me, thrust me back into my body, and was gone.

  For a moment I stood on shaky feet. I could see the demon, Beleth, was equally surprised.

  Then I was gone.

  I don't remember the forest ever moving so fast around me. Or my heart beating so fast. Everything was a whirlwind but I couldn’t stop. I needed to be as far into safety as possible.

  When I saw the buildings I knew and realised I was safe. I let myself collapse near the middle of Reawakening’s land. Several people walked by confused as to what was going on. Some stopped, but I waved them on. Not knowing me, or what else to do, they continued on their way.

  I took deep breaths and sent out my energy trying to find the others. They were all together, it seemed just on the outskirts. I knew they’d recognise my magic and decided to let myself relax. The hysterics were still causing my body to shake.

  “You’re an idiot,” I heard Danni say as she sat down next to me.

  “But everyone is alive,” I replied. I didn’t have a great argument.

  “Barely. You almost died,” Danni countered.

  “True. Thank you.” I tried to nod my thanks as best as I could from the ground. “I’ve no idea how you found me in time.”

  “I had been watching you from the spirit realm since I got back to safety,” she explained. “I knew it wasn’t much longer once you were trapped, but I needed that demon to appear before I could actually sneak in and help. He would have certainly noticed me otherwise.”

  “It was brilliant!” I agreed. “I wasn’t ready for that trap.”

  Danni nodded slowly. “That is new. He seems much more powerful than before. I’m not sure how that’s possible. I don’t know if I want an answer, but we may need to get it.” She glanced away from us. “Oh, there are your friends.”

  I could hear them running and decided to finally sit up.

  Lydia flung herself around me and we crashed back onto the ground.

  “What did you do, you dummy?” She hugged me tightly. “I knew that signature from the terrible battle at Ashgrove and there was no way you could have gotten out of it easily.”

  “Who said it was easy?” I laughed, looking over at Danni. “Spirit magic has its perks and Danni knows how to use them well.”

  Danni shrugged, not sure what to say to the whole group.

  “Can you tell us what exactly is going on now?” Lee
asked, concerned.

  “And why so many of us were called to help?” Rosalie chimed in.

  I nodded. “Let’s get somewhere a little less public.” I watched the curious faces continue to stare at our group as they went about their day.

  Danni nodded. “This way,” she said, leading us toward the temple.

  Lydia helped me up but wouldn’t let go of me as we walked. “I thought you were gone.”

  “Me too.” I held onto her just as tightly. “Me too.” I didn’t know what all needed to be done, but I didn’t know if I was ready for whatever else was on the other side of safety. Not after that encounter.


  Once we were all in the back room with the shrine Danni took over talking and explained what was going on. Key didn’t seem bothered or surprised by most of the news. Lee and Emmyth kept looking at me for confirmation. Poor Rosalie and Jareth had the hardest time taking in what was going on. The angels weren’t saying a word to any of them about this, and their denial was strong. Lydia took over talking for a bit there, having already gone through her own anger, denial, and more anger again. Then the stage was Danni’s once more.

  Danni seemed tired, but a lot more comfortable talking to others than usual. What had she seen in her past lives? It seemed to be having an impact. Instead of shrugging every other sentence, she was standing tall. It was strange knowing so much suddenly. Knowing, in so many lives, I had control over the gate time and again. I knew how to see the true value of a soul, where it needed to be to learn, grow, or just be sent away since there was nothing more I could do for it. I knew I was just a player stuck in this endless loop - trying to balance out the demons and angels. There had to be a better way.

  “So what now?” Lydia asked, nudging me.

  “I’ve no clue,” I admitted honestly. “There’s an easy way to fix the stupid gate so that things can go back to exactly how they were. I don’t want the easy way. It’s clearly not right and I’m not going to murder an innocent to let it continue on this way.” I huffed.

  Everyone was staring at me.

  So, I explained without mentioning what type of soul was needed. If it was possible, I was going to avoid that route altogether.

  Rosalie stood up, and walked over to the door. “This is a temple, right?”

  Danni nodded. “The main room has all the common deity statues present.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded and left.

  Jareth shook his head. “So, angels are okay with sacrificing someone if it means fixing this, huh?”

  “The ones that helped with the initial setup were.” Danni shrugged, resuming more of her normal posture. “I can’t say if they all actually know or not.”

  “That goes against pretty much everything I believe.” Jareth sighed and hung his head.

  “Well, while we’re giving everyone a life crisis here, may I join in?” Key smiled and moved to sit next to me.

  “How so?” I asked curiously.

  “It would appear that the Mad King is still up to his misdeeds despite us previously thinking he was gone for good,” Key explained calmly. “How do we actually get rid of him once and for all? He was confirmed to be vanquished. Regardless of fixing the gates or not fixing them and doing something else… I’m tired of him haunting me.”

  That was a great question. This whole disaster was his fault and getting rid of him and whomever his apprentice was would certainly help prevent a lot of future problems.

  I shrugged. “I’ve no idea how to do that. Yet.”

  “Maybe we should sleep on it,” Danni suggested, drawing the attention to herself. “It’s getting late. Everyone’s been fighting. We all need food and a clear head.”

  “I have been wanting to look around again,” Key admitted.

  “Might be a good idea,” Lee agreed with her.

  Key smiled sweetly at him before looking at me. “Of course, if this was me, this is when a terrible plan would form in my head and I’d try to rush off.”

  Lee eyed her carefully. “Are you implying Tella is going to be rash? She’s much too level-headed.”

  “Since when?” Lydia laughed. “Clearly you haven’t been adventuring with her.”

  “I’m a good cousin.” I gave a sweet smile to my cousin before sticking my tongue out at Lydia.

  “And terrible at avoiding trouble,” Lydia retorted. “You only had to make it back here and if you signaled me that would have been enough.”

  I rolled my eyes at her, but she was probably right. “Well, I don’t have a crazy plan right now, so the worry is misplaced.”

  “Good.” Key smiled sweetly. “So, you’ll join us for dinner, a tour, and show us rooms?”

  There wasn’t a way to simply avoid it so I nodded. Going straight to bed honestly sounded better, but I understood her reasoning. Keep me busy until I was too tired to do anything else.

  After a very late lunch, Danni mostly took over the tour and Key was filled with questions. It appeared not much had changed in several years. As everything started to wind down I was glad to get to bed. Lydia was out in almost an instant but it took me longer to doze off.

  I noticed Danni appeared in her spirit form.

  I raised an eyebrow at her but got out of bed and moved further away from Lydia so as to not to wake her.

  “I may have a crazy plan,” Danni confessed.

  “And Key was worried about me.”

  Danni smirked. “If you’re willing to go along with it, now is the perfect time.”

  “What’s the crazy plan?” I sighed. I was rather tired already.

  “It’s a three-day journey to the perfect neutral zone. We can’t create exactly what you’re looking for, but I know we can banish all the demons and angels from here.”

  “How?” I replied a little too loudly. She had my full attention. I quickly glanced at Lydia to make sure she was still asleep before turning back.

  “Forever ago, Mist told me the altar wasn’t for everyone. Only those meant to guard it. I knew for a fact it didn’t do anything for anyone who wasn’t attached to the gate. Several had heard its tales and tried. So, that was enough to satisfy that question. Today I felt the magic in it. Of course, we know I’m not meant to guard the gate. My magic is green, not purple. So why? Why could I feel something when no one else did? I decided to see if I could do what you did. It worked.” She paused and glanced over at Lydia.

  I did as well and saw the steady rise and fall of her chest. There was no way Danni could wake her, anyway.

  “So, what did you see?” I whispered.

  Danni paced for a moment. “Nothing,” she replied honestly.

  I tilted my head in surprise. “Nothing?”

  She nodded firmly and continued. “Nothing. It was frustrating. I wanted to see something. If it brought me somewhere new then why couldn’t I see anything? Just darkness. I needed light…” Danni trailed off, lost in thought. After a moment she met my eyes. “I wanted light, and so there was light. Stars appeared all around me, glowing softly and happily. It came to me that things here could be fixed. They could be moved and altered, but I couldn’t just change things too drastically here. I could create alternatives. It’s who I am.” She smiled and then smirked. “Or I could be sacrificed again.”

  I looked at her with a mixture of surprise and horror.

  “Of course Mist would do everything she could to imply you needed to kill me to fix the gates. You need a Creator to do that. She has done her part by keeping me from finding out sooner, but we can finally end this cycle.”

  I had no idea how to respond. “I’m surprised Kegan would be friends with such a person…”

  “She is here for the Balance. Mist was keeping it by letting the cycle continue for some of us, and everyone else was getting the lives and growth their souls needed.” Danni shrugged, not even remotely upset. She had had time to work this out for herself.

  Nodding, I took in everything she said. If she had accepted her title as Creator, then that was that. “S
o, what do we do now? What’s the next step in the crazy plan.”

  Danni shrugged. “This is where it gets extremely complicated. Getting there will be the easiest.”

  I stared in disbelief. “You’re joking.” Leaving here and getting anywhere with so many demons around was not going to be easy, let alone the easiest.

  “Nope. After we get there we’ll need to make a structure for this ritual to work. It can be small. I’m thinking stones in the ground so it can just be buried later.”

  “Okay, that’s not too bad,” I replied, following along.

  “To create this place there will have to be a few sacrifices.” She held out a hand before I could argue. “It’s reasonable. We’ll banish the evil with a corrupted soul. You and everyone else want to get rid of Romulus, correct?” Seeing me nod, Danni powered on. “Banishing the angels is a little tougher. Not sure how we’ll do that, but they need to go too since this realm is already falling apart. We can’t get rid of one and not the other. It needs time to rebuild. Maybe we could find a volunteer. I wouldn’t have to destroy their soul, but they would have to be willing to be a caretaker of this new world as well. Much like how those who are in charge of the balance here come to be.”

  I really hated that someone still needed to go, but maybe we’d think of another way. I shook off the thought. “What would that new world entail, anyway?”

  “We should walk and talk. We’ll want to get some distance. Likely we’ll get a few days before the demons realize we left. They’re not very bright,” Danni commented.

  I could agree with that fact for most of them. However, just leaving wasn’t going to work for me.

  “I can’t just leave Lydia behind.” I sighed.

  “You know Blessed attract more demons,” Danni pointed out. She wasn’t angry or disappointed by the suggestion, just simply stating the fact.

  Too true. The words weren’t what I wanted to hear. “Still wouldn’t feel right.” Not to mention everyone who had just come to help us. It felt like it would be a slap in the face. Just oh thanks for helping with this part of the plan. Glad you didn’t die, but we’re going to sneak off now so later! No, I couldn’t. I shook my head. “After everything they’ve just done, we should let them know what’s going on. Maybe they could follow at a distance instead, but I’m not just abandoning them.”


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