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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

Page 75

by J E Mueller

  I could only think of Melly being cared for by Kegan and wondered if Kegan truly was able to care for my body too.

  Did the fog show that to you?

  I nodded to myself.

  I wouldn’t doubt it. They wouldn’t risk Kegan knowing unless they truly thought they could convince you.

  Weird, was she important?

  She is, in the most simple terms possible, the Creator of balance. She will continue to roam that realm until she is no longer needed there. Somehow Kegan always seems to be in the right place when a guide has need of her. I’ve no doubt she’ll do her best to keep you safe.

  But why wasn’t she here if she was a Creator?

  Kegan’s story is her own, and I won’t even attempt to explain it. I do hope you’re able to ask her yourself one day.

  At that moment I made it back through the painting. No one was in the common room yet, but it was like a light switch had turned off inside of me. I was ready for bed, and hopefully I would actually be able to sleep.


  I wasn’t sure how long I was out for, but it didn’t feel like enough time. Still, I had no weird dreams of an olive green fog, and I felt mildly rested. At least that was something.

  Either way, I really wished Mare had left me to sleep instead of shaking me awake.

  “Wakey wakey!” she called happily as she shoved my shoulder back and forth.

  I finally gave her a grumble and she stopped.

  “We’ve got fun plans for today!”

  I was not ready for fun plans. I wasn’t even sure what was going to happen with these memories finally sorting themselves out.

  “What plans?” I tried to wipe the sand out of my eyes.

  “Someone spotted some creature texts yesterday. Of course one thing led to another and they didn’t grab them, but they just might be worthwhile enough to nab.” Mare’s voice was a bit too chipper.

  “Might be worthwhile enough huh?” I pushed myself up, hoping my brain would start to wake up with me. Grogginess was clinging to me hard this morning, even with the extra sleep.

  Would adventuring right away be wise? They did say to let the memories sort first, but I really wanted to see Marella sooner rather than later. This project did not sound quick.

  “It won’t be too hard,” Mare continued, “and you’re making great progress with your skills.”

  “Are you trying to get me to agree to this before telling me the details?” I tiredly glared at her.

  “Maaaybe,” she sang, before dropping her voice to a whisper. “We’ve got some things to chat about too.”

  Well now, that had my attention. Still, I acted as casual as possible. “Fine, what floor is this thing on?”

  “The third, but the group we’re meeting is heading to the first floor mini library. Someone saw a few odd books there yesterday as well.” Mare started to move toward the door.

  I got up but hesitated. “What’s with all the odd books but no one’s grabbing them?”

  Mare paused in the doorway. “They were ambushed, but they don’t think the other team knew exactly what they were up to so, hopefully the books are still there. I know books randomly change libraries so it’s hit or miss on a lot of things.”

  With a nod, I followed her out into the common area. “What is with all the ambushes?”

  “It’s a weird matter. I guess Benz was missing for a while, so they were looking more for him than anything.” Mare’s reply was too casual for that topic.

  “I’m guessing he’s not dead or this would be bigger news,” I commented, trying to push carefully for a few more details.

  “No. If someone strong enough dies, you can feel it. It’s almost like… a ripple of power that just hits you. Usually it only happens if someone’s been here close to a year or more and dies,” Mare explained.

  “Oh, well then…” I thought on the information as we left the safety of the common room. That didn’t sound familiar but I was a Dreamer, so maybe I couldn’t feel that?

  Then I remembered. A ripple isn’t what I’d call it at all. “Wait, isn’t it more like shock, like that jolt you feel when you are falling in a dream and then suddenly wake up?”

  Mare stopped and considered it a moment. “Yes, yes it is. But how do you know that?”

  “I think I experienced it before. Didn’t someone die when I first came here? From that… Agmon thing?”

  Mare nodded and continued walking as I followed. “Yes. There wasn’t a huge shock from that but it's enough of the general idea.”

  In the near distance, the sound of running could be heard so we froze. Magic lightly sparkled along Mare’s fingers before vanishing. “Clove,” was all she said, and a few moments later Clove almost ran directly into us.

  “Oh good!” She breathed heavily for a moment. “Mare, I need to borrow you.”

  Mare gave her a confused look. “What’s wrong?”

  Clove glanced at me for a brief second before replying to her. “There’s too many Agmon and Darkoril. We keep getting cut off and separated and Cane is on a piece she thinks might be very powerful. It’s been calling to her.”

  Mare gave a firm nod. “Let’s do this then.”

  Clove hesitated. “I don’t think you should come on this one,” she said to me. “It’s going to be pretty bad today. It’s already been pretty bad today, and I…” She sighed. “I would rather you get better and stronger first. You’ve already died once, and I don’t think we’ll get so lucky next time.”

  The sound of worry and concern caught in my throat. “Normally, I’d want to fight you on that.” Random memories of adventuring with her flashed through my mind. “I am still tired though. Maybe you’re right. Some hardcore training this week and then maybe I can be of more help?”

  Clove breathed a sigh of relief. “Now that sounds like a solid plan.”

  Mare frowned, likely wanting someone else who could help with the artifact but she nodded as well. “You’re probably right. Let’s be off then.”

  Clove gave a quick wave, and then the two of them were off. I wondered what I should do now, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to continue on and try and find the library down here on my own. Summoning my bow, I went in search of it myself.

  Getting to the library was a little more work than I expected though. Honestly, it was a lot more. I had to do some sprinting and fending off a few of those electric hedgehogs, but I eventually found it. It was such a relief to finally get in there I almost didn’t notice the group that was already there.

  “Ze?” I said, surprised.

  He looked over at me as I entered. “Oh, hey. I didn’t know you were doing library things today.”

  I barely recognized Kaden from my first day here so we both nodded at each other before I replied to Ze. “I said I’d check down here to see if there was some sort of monster compendium. Any sort of information on what could be outside would be great, though I’d take an inside one as well.” I sunk into one of the desk chairs. I wasn’t sure if I was just stupid tired from my run through the halls or if this was the best chair ever. I felt far too tired. There was no way I got more than two or three hours of straight sleep.

  Ze glanced at his friend and they both shrugged. “Haven’t seen anything like that down here. I’d suspect if there was an indoor guide it’d be on the second floor. I bet an outside one would be more on the fourth floor.”

  “Of course. That’s exactly where I want to go.” I sighed. “At least I tried here first.” Vaguely. Not really. Though there was nothing wrong with someone else having the answer for me. If anything, it was wonderfully convenient. I wonder what people Mare was referring to now and what they saw yesterday.

  “Do you come here a lot?” I asked Ze.

  “Eh, probably. After three weeks I think I’ve spent more time here than not,” he admitted.

  I nodded and glanced around the room. It was a cute little library. It didn’t seem like creatures actively entered this room so it could be a nice little hideaway. T
he longer I sat, the more tired I began to feel. Dreamer was right, all I wanted to do was sleep. How could one be so tired when they were already sleeping? It didn’t make much sense but whatever. I closed my eyes for a moment. What should I do next?

  I felt a hand on my shoulder give me a small shake. Startled, I opened my eyes.

  “You okay?” Ze asked.

  Yawning, I nodded back at him. “Yeah, fine.”

  “You sure? I tried talking to you, but you seemed pretty out.” Ze looked skeptical.

  “I am tired. Probably still recovering some.” I couldn’t seem to stop yawning now.

  “Well, we’re heading back. Why don’t you come with. You should sleep somewhere safe,” Ze stated, motioning to the closed door.

  “Yeah, but if I sleep, I won’t get anything accomplished. Mare wanted to concentrate on something today, but got borrowed by Clove for a few,” I replied vaguely. I wondered if this was the group Mare had wanted to meet up with first. Ze was in on some things from what I gathered, but they didn’t seem to actually be up to anything.

  “I can wake you up. Come on.” Ze patted my shoulder and joined his friend at the door.

  Well, it was better than nothing. Getting up, I joined them in heading back.

  As we walked out of the room it dawned on me I hadn't said much to them. "What were you two doing here today? Anything fun?"

  Ze shrugged. "Not really. Been researching varying techniques for self defense." He gave Kaden a look until he nodded. I wasn’t sure if there was a reason but it seemed innocent enough.

  "Oh, that could be useful." I hadn't thought much on that side of things. "Clove was thinking of trying to do lessons on combat techniques sort of thing. Defense would be equally useful."

  Kaden snorted. "Clove doesn't care about defense."

  Ze laughed. "Yeah, I think she's very hit and kill more than anything else."

  "Guess we'll have to emphasize it. Someone else I'm sure could teach it. Everyone doesn't need to like the same way of doing things." I shrugged. I'd consider it more after a nap.

  “She doesn’t care what others have to say. It’s her plan or the highway,” Kaden continued on.

  Ze frowned. “Now might not be the time for this.”

  “What? Being honest? Complaining about how terrible of a leader we have? If you’re not useful for something, you’re ignored at best. I wouldn't be surprised if she used us as bait for things.” Kaden wouldn’t let up.

  “She’s not the best leader but she’s not that bad,” Ze replied at a much lower tone.

  Kaden didn’t seem to get the complain quietly hint. Instead, he stopped in the middle of the hall to continue on, his voice slowly getting louder until nothing else around us could be heard. “Not that bad? There have been too many missions she’s come back from and others didn’t make it back. Also similar excuses. We separated looking for x-thing to cover more ground. They weren’t with me. We did all we could.” The last words were more mocking than not, before he added, “She won’t do anything for you if it’s not in her best interest. It likely won’t ever be.”

  That's when I saw something moving behind him in the hallway. I couldn’t help but freeze. The words I wanted to say wouldn’t leave my lips. I just pointed, my arm shaking.

  Kaden paid no attention to me. His rant continuing.

  Ze thankfully was able to talk despite his surprise. “Just turn around already and look, you idiot.” His voice was sharp and frantic.

  Kaden turned around and paled. “That’s not a first floor creature…” he barely whispered as it considered us from the other end of the hall.

  “No. That’s from outside,” Ze agreed.

  The killer creature I had just met a terrible fate with seemed to want to torment me more.

  “I might be able to turn us invisible, but it can still hear our footsteps, so that may not actually do much,” Ze whispered.

  “Can we be invisible and stand still hoping it passes us?” Kaden just about begged.

  “It’s almost as wide as this hallway! I don’t think that’ll work.” Ze tried not to panic.

  Kaden summoned up a fireball. I hadn’t seen mage gifts like this in action yet, but I didn’t think they’d work. The appearance of magic was all the creature needed to charge at us.

  Finally, my brain worked and I convinced my feet to move. “Run!” I called, turning the other way.

  “I’ve got this,” Kaden called as he stood his ground.

  I glanced back as he shot fireball after fireball but the creature, even though it was screaming, didn’t even try to stop.

  “Run!” Ze echoed, now several steps behind me.

  “I’ve got this!” Kaden screamed with all the defiant attitude he had, shooting fireballs one after another.

  I couldn’t look. I turned the corner just as I heard magic stop and something cutting through flesh. There wasn’t so much as a cry. I felt like I was going to be sick and had to stop by the next corner. I doubled over, wishing the wave of nausea would leave me.

  “We need to keep moving,” Ze said, catching up to me. “It won’t stay occupied for long.”

  “We can’t outrun it,” I cried. Just what I needed, tears, nausea, and more death.

  “I’ve got an idea. Do you trust me?” Ze asked, pulling me upright.

  “I don’t know!” I replied honestly. I could suddenly hear claws along the wall heading toward us.

  “We break for the front door, lure it out. There’s plenty of room, and once there I can invisible us. It’s just another hall over,” Ze assured me.

  “I’ve no idea where we are.” Directions weren’t my thing and this place was already a labyrinth.

  “Follow me.” Ze grabbed my hand, pulling me into a run.

  I refused to look back as we dashed down the halls. I knew that thing had to be on our tail. I knew it wouldn’t stop until we were dead. Even after that, it likely wouldn’t stop until everyone else was dead as well.

  I really hoped this plan could work, but I had little faith in it. These things, deformed and scary as they were, could still hear perfectly fine. Who knew that would be a horrifying trait.

  Part of me prayed there would be no one in the kitchen to distract the monster. If it just followed us, we might stand a chance. I wasn’t positive, but I knew keeping the others safe was worth whatever was to happen next.

  Around this corner and that, I saw the front door‒and the freaking thing was open. For once it was a good thing, though it being open for whatever reason probably let the damn creature in, in the first place. Damn it. We kept up our run regardless. I dared look back, I don’t know why, but I did. It was getting too close. Ze had a firm grip on my hand though and didn’t let me slow.

  As we reached the threshold Ze, flung me around the corner. I had forgotten there was a half wrap around porch here and crashed into the railing. I gasped a moment for breath, but felt magic cover me. We were invisible and not a moment too soon. The creature came rushing out, only to not see us. Ze tiptoed to my side and pointed back at the door. With a slight tug of my hand he slowly crept back and around the monster.

  With every step I thought for sure my racing heart would give us away. The creature looked around confused and took a step down the first stair. Carefully we continued to inch toward the door. Ze reached it first and waited there for me. The spell would likely break at the weird barriers between areas. My gut churned loudly, still upset from the stress and now also from the running. Just two more steps. One more… Ze stepped in and the magic cut off but we were there, we made it.

  The creature wiped its head around quickly, but Ze pulled me in before it could react, shutting the door firmly behind us. A terrible clawing sound could be heard from the other side.

  I dropped to the ground, tears pouring from my eyes in an endless waterfall. How did we survive? I glanced up at Ze who just shook his head and sat down next to me. Whatever he was thinking, it seemed to be about the same thing I was. How did we do this again
, and so soon?


  I had no idea how much time had passed but finally my legs started to cramp up and I had to move. “What now?” I said, rubbing my legs in hopes they’d quickly feel normal again.

  “We go back, relay what happened, and hope that everyone closes the fucking door.” Ze shook his head. “Why would anyone go outside?”

  “Maybe they didn't,” I replied. “It could have been a Dreamer at best.”

  “At best?” Ze raised an eyebrow. “What’s at worst? Something outside can open doors?”

  “Well, that wouldn’t be far fetched. Terrifying, yes, but I don’t see how there are only creatures without hands,” I replied, not wanting to think more on it.

  “That… that is not something I want to think about.” Ze shook his head and finally stood up, offering me a hand up. “Let’s go back.”

  “Yes. Let’s get back.” I didn’t even want to think about the fact that eventually I would have to go outside. Marella’s artifact was out there, happily moving from place to place. I clutched at my stomach as it threatened to churn up whatever was inside of it.

  When we got back both of us looked worse for wear. Mare instantly came up to us wondering where we had been and what happened. I didn’t know what to say. Ze seemed to.

  “Well, Kaden is gone,” he said looking down for a moment. “I’m not sure what happened, but basically the front door was left open and one of those creatures, the ones that can take a million arrows that we just become pals with, got inside. Kaden thought he could take it down with fire spells,” Ze explained, leaving the rest open for interpretation.

  Mare shook her head. “His spells weren’t that strong. He refused to practice. Fire might have been just the thing.” She sighed. “I hope he lived well enough for his judgement.”

  Her last words made me wonder exactly how he would be judged, but it wasn’t for me to say. A lot of actions and events went into this. Or so I desperately wanted to believe.


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