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Griff: A Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 17)

Page 5

by Anna Hackett

  Indy stroked the image. “Thanks.”

  “You seem to have bled off some of the anger you arrived with,” her friend noted.

  Indy wrinkled her nose and stretched her legs out. “Men. Can’t kill them, or castrate them, or smack them in the head with a bat.”

  The faintest smile touched Arden’s lips as she closed her sketch book. “You fought with Griff.”

  Arden knew all about Indy’s history with Griff. “He kissed me.” She threw her arm out.

  “Okay. And it was bad?”

  “No. It was the freaking best kiss I’ve ever had. He churns me up, Arden. He confuses me. I know I should keep away from him, but he draws me back. I’m like a moth with a death wish, drawn back to the flame. On the last mission, he got hurt…”

  “But he’s okay?”

  “The doc patched him up.” Indy blew out a breath. “He’s so angry, Ard. It oozes out of him. In the field, he lives up to the name of berserker. He goes into these berserker-like rages when he fights the raptors.”

  “From what you’ve told me, he has a right to the anger. He was framed, his entire life destroyed. And a cop in prison…I can only image how bad that was. It’s a lot for a man to accept.”

  Indy ran her hand down her ponytail. “I know. I want to help him.” She pressed her lips together. “But he doesn’t want my help.”

  “Indy.” Arden touched her arm. “If he didn’t want your help, he’d ignore you, not fight you. I think you got too close and he lashed out.”

  Thoughts churning, Indy stared at the trees. She spotted Selena sitting at a picnic table. As Indy watched, several brightly-colored birds flew down and landed in front of the alien woman. Selena laughed and held out a hand. The birds jumped onto her arm.

  The woman had some sort of connection with nature. Indy had heard that she was letting the doc and the tech team run tests on her. She’d done some crazy healing on Ash’s girlfriend, Marin, when the woman had been badly injured during an alien attack. Indy was just glad that Selena was smiling and happy. Being the only one of her species on Earth had to be frightening.

  “I’m done,” Indy said. “I’m not getting burned again.”

  Arden started packing up their gear. She gave Indy a piercing look. “If I had a chance to be with the man I loved…”

  The woman’s words drifted off and Indy felt like a terrible friend. “Arden—”

  Arden’s lips pressed together. “Let’s go.”

  They gathered their gear and headed back to their rooms. When Indy entered her quarters, she dumped her gear and instantly went to her special shelf and lit some incense. As soon as the smoky, woodsy scent filled the air, she felt her blood pressure lower. She loved the stuff, and her candle collection. They were lined up on the shelf and she loved trading them with Chrissy. The mechanic had an outstanding collection, which Indy secretly suspected rough-and-tumble Levi gave to her.

  Indy flicked on some more lights and that’s when she noticed the gift on the table in her small kitchen. She stilled, staring at the red wrapping paper and silver bow.

  She frowned. Who the hell had gotten into her quarters? She strode over and tore the paper open. Silky, emerald-green fabric slithered into her hand. She lifted it and stared at the sexy little robe. She fingered the fabric. It was gorgeous and completely something she’d covet.

  Under the robe was a large packet of Arabica beans.

  Ooh. She smiled, set the robe down and lifted the beans, breathing in the yummy scent. There was a white card resting in the wrapping. She picked it up, her belly tightening. It only had one letter on it—G.

  She knew exactly what Griff’s bold, messy writing looked like.

  Damn you, Griffin Callan.

  Ignoring her squirming belly, Indy headed into the kitchen and pulled out her coffee machine. She ripped open the packet and tipped some beans in. She was having another coffee and then she’d contemplate whether she wanted to punch Griff or kiss him.

  Chapter Six

  Griff headed toward the Command Center for the briefing. The doc had done a great job healing up his leg, and today, he only felt the faintest throb from it.

  He hadn’t seen a single sign of Indy and had no idea what she’d thought of his apology-slash-wooing gift. He thrust his hand through his hair and tried to focus on his damn job.

  When he turned the corner, he spotted Indy outside the Command Center. She was leaning against the wall, one foot pressed to it. His mouth went dry. She was wearing the tiniest pair of cut-off denim shorts that showcased her stellar legs and a blue tank top that showed off her tattoos.

  She straightened, staring at him boldly as he got closer. He couldn’t read her face at all.

  When he reached her, her arms shot out. She took two handfuls of his Henley and yanked him toward her. Then her mouth was on his.

  Fuck. The kiss was hard, fast, her tongue instantly tangling with his. He reached for her, but she stepped back, shot him one hot look, then spun and entered the Command Center.

  Griff blew out a breath, his hard cock pressing uncomfortably against his zipper. He adjusted himself. Great, now he’d have to go into the briefing with a damn hard-on.

  And he had no damn clue if that kiss was an “I forgive you for being an asshole” kiss or an “I’m pissed and going to mess with your head” kiss.

  When his hard dick wasn’t as obvious, he entered the Command Center and joined his squad. Dom and Ash were standing by the back wall and he found a spot beside them.

  Around them, all the squads and their leaders were assembled. The Enclave’s civilian leader, Niko, was up front having a quiet discussion with General Holmes.

  Pictures of the abandoned town were displayed on the screens on the wall.

  “Okay, everyone, listen up.” Holmes stepped forward, looking his usual polished self. “The berserkers have brought back intel from the abandoned town, Berrima, we’ve been checking on. It’s southwest of the Enclave.”

  More images appeared on the screen. The dilapidated buildings, the ruins of the historic gaol and courthouse, the hidden crops, the traps that had been dug in the ground. Murmurs rippled through the gathering. Then images of the chains Griff had found appeared. The bloodstains, the broken, black alien glass.

  Murmurs turned to shocked hisses.

  “No sign of humans?” Marcus Steele asked. The leader of Hell Squad was frowning.

  “They’re there somewhere,” Tane said.

  Another image appeared. A raptor footprint.

  “Do you think the raptors got them?” Roth, from Squad Nine, asked.

  “At this time, we don’t know what’s going on there.” Holmes clasped his hands behind his back.

  “We believe that humans are living there, and there are signs of the raptors visiting.” Santha, from the Intel team, stepped forward. The woman’s green eyes hardened. “My team have had reports from other small survivor groups that the Gizzida are spreading rumors about the Enclave. That we can’t be trusted.”

  “What?” Marcus growled. “And people are buying that?”

  “People are scared,” Santha said simply. “All I have are snippets of rumors.”

  “And as far as Berrima is concerned,” Santha’s handsome second-in-command, Devlin, said from beside her. “All we know is that something’s not right.”

  “Maybe they’re working with the aliens.” The feminine voice belonged to Avery. The brunette was Roth’s woman, and a former Coalition spy. She knew better than anyone about humans and the aliens colluding. She’d witnessed former Coalition President Howell’s traitorous dealings with the Gizzida, in return for the safety of the Enclave.

  “Noah?” Holmes asked. “Did you run the glass?”

  Noah Kim, head of the tech team, nodded, his long, black hair almost brushing his shoulders. “I ran some tests. I’m not able to definitively say it’s from the octagon, but it’s definitely of Gizzida origin.”

  “These people know something.” Niko frowned at the screen.r />
  “Tane, I need you to find them,” Holmes said.

  There was movement from nearby, and Griff watched Indy step forward. His gut clenched.

  “You need a decoy,” Indy said.

  Holmes frowned. “What?”

  Griff straightened, a trickle of unease slithering down his spine.

  “These people are in hiding, perhaps doing less-than-honorable things in order to survive. They’ll know all about the Enclave, our squads, and us fighting back against the Gizzida. They see anyone military, they’ll stay hidden.”

  Dammit, she was right.

  Indy tossed her ponytail back, staring right at the general. “If they see a defenseless woman, clearly not military, they’ll be more likely to show themselves. Perhaps take her in and spill their secrets.”

  What? Griff’s spine went ramrod straight.

  Holmes nodded cautiously. “That’s a good idea, Indy.”

  “And I’m the best one to go in,” she added.

  “No,” Griff growled.

  Several heads turned in his direction. Indy shot him a hot glance before turning back to the general.

  Was Holmes actually considering this insanity? Griff swallowed another growl.

  “You’re not trained,” Griff said. “Send in a female squad member.” He glanced over at Squad Nine on the opposite side of the room. The tough, trained women were all standing against the wall, watching the proceedings intently.

  Indy shook her head. “These people are clearly smart and scared. They’ve stayed alive by trusting their instincts. They’ll sniff out military training in an instant.” She held her arms out, her gorgeous tattoos gleaming under the lights. “I’m the opposite. I’m no threat.”

  Griff took a step forward, barely controlling the urge to snatch her up. “No fucking way.”

  “You’re not in charge of me, Griff Callan.” She looked back at Holmes. “Send me.”

  Indy wanted to help.

  It’s what Gareth would do. Her brother had been so gung-ho, rushing into everything, always wanting to help and protect.

  “No.” Griff sounded extremely pissed.

  She didn’t give a damn. She was maybe thinking of forgiving him for being a dick, but that didn’t give him the right to dictate her life.

  “Your idea has merit, Indy,” Holmes said with a nod. “Plan the mission out.”

  Elation tore through her. “Thank you, I’ll—”

  She heard a low male curse, then big hands gripped her hips. A second later, the world tilted, and she was lifted off her feet.

  She gasped and found herself tossed over a hard shoulder.

  What the fuck? “Put me down!”

  “Not until you see sense.”

  Griff strode out of the Command Center, and in their wake, there was nothing but silence. From her upside-down vantage point, she could see everyone staring at them. Most people looked amused. Arden shot her a concerned frown, and Cam from Squad Nine gave her a thumbs-up and a wink.

  Damn the man. She was going to kill him.

  Once they were out in the corridor, he strode away from the Command Center.

  “I’m going to you make you pay for this,” she hissed.

  He didn’t respond.

  She banged a fist against his back. Of course, he was all rock-hard muscle, and paid no attention to her attempts to beat him up. “I’m going to…” She didn’t know, but she’d come up with a fitting revenge.

  “Put itching powder in my shirt like you did when you were eight?”

  The old memory made her pause. God, that had been hilarious. A way for a desperate little girl to get the handsome older boy’s attention.

  Stay focused, Indy. Griff wasn’t a boy and she wasn’t that starstruck little girl.

  The next moment, he shouldered through a door, and a slap of humidity hit her skin. The sharp stench of chlorine filled her nose. They were in the indoor pool area. Thankfully, the space was currently empty, the water glimmering under the lights.

  Her world turned again and he set her down on her feet.

  She spun to face him. “What’s your problem?”

  “You and your death wish.”

  “I want to help!”

  “Not you. They can send somebody else.”

  Indy suddenly realized that Griff was incredibly tense. His hands were curled into fists, and the muscles in his neck were strained.

  She swallowed. “We all have to do our bit, Griff. The aliens won’t let us be.”

  “You do it from behind your comms desk.”

  She shook her head. “I want to live, and that means I have to help the fight any way I can. I want to live—for my friends who died, for my parents, for Gareth.”

  Griff winced and turned away, staring at the pool.

  “You never talk about him,” she said quietly.

  Griff jerked. “Don’t do this mission.”

  “I have to.”

  He turned to face her, his features ravaged. “I can’t lose you too.”

  God. How could this man make her so angry one second, and then make her want to soothe him the next?

  “You won’t. I’ll be smart, careful.”

  A shudder ran through his body. “I want to protect you. I want you untouched by all the aliens’ shittiness.”

  “I’m already touched by it. We all are. It’s not about staying removed from it, it’s about how we deal with it. We keep moving forward, and when we can, we find some sweet in the middle of all the shit.”

  He shoved a hand through his hair. “I’ve seen how bad things can get. I see it every night in my fucking dreams.”

  “You have nightmares?” she asked carefully.

  “Indy, I…I don’t want to talk about it. And not because I don’t want to talk to you.” He pulled in a shuddering breath. “No questions. Not right now.”

  For the first time, Griff let her see the demons haunting him. They flickered in his eyes—hungry and twisted.

  Her throat tightened. “Okay. But, I have to do this mission, Griff.” She gave him a small smile. “Besides, I’ll have backup. Some wild, crazy, tough berserkers.”

  His arms flashed out and he yanked her to him. She didn’t even stop to think. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight. She pressed her face against Griff’s neck, breathing him in.

  “I’ll keep you safe,” his words a growl as his arms tightened. “I’ll keep you safe from everything that might hurt you.”

  Indy felt a reluctant burst of warmth in her chest. But it was tinged with a pinch of worry. Why did she think he wasn’t just talking about the Gizzida?

  Chapter Seven

  The Hawk’s skids touched the ground, and Griff watched as Tane wrenched open the side door. Indy drew in a deep breath and rose out of her seat. She patted the pockets of her jeans, and then hitched up the straps of her backpack.

  She looked like some disheveled university student. Her hair was loose, her jeans ripped at one knee and streaked with strategically placed dirt, and her simple red T-shirt was rumpled and faded. A leather necklace circled her neck, the pendant resting between her breasts. Her hair was tangled, like she’d been busy surviving on her own.

  “Be safe, Indy,” Tane said. “We’ll be watching your back.”

  She nodded at Tane. The rest of the berserkers called out their goodbyes and good lucks.

  Griff couldn’t handle it anymore. He launched out of his seat, shouldered past his squad leader, and pulled Indy into his arms.

  She shot him one wary look before he slammed his mouth down on hers. It was hard, furious, and he poured all his emotions into it.

  When he pulled back, her lips were red.

  “No risks,” he growled. “Be safe.”

  “I will.”

  “We won’t be far away.”

  She smiled. “I know.”

  Then she dragged in a breath, pulled away from him, and leaped out of the Hawk. She looked back, the quadcopter’s rotors making her hair dance around her face.

  She turned and walked toward the trees, in the direction that would lead her to Berrima.

  Grinding his teeth together, Griff dropped back into his seat. Tane closed the door, and the Hawk rose.

  Which was lucky, because Griff was barely holding himself back from leaping out of the aircraft, scooping Indy up, and taking her far, far away.

  They’d dropped her well outside of the town, but not too far. Fuck. She was still at risk. She was out there, alone, and who knew if there were raptors, or any of their other, fucked-up alien creatures around?

  He leaned forward, pressing his head into his hands.

  “You want to talk about it?” Tane asked.

  Griff raised his head. Every single member of his squad was staring at him. “Why does everyone think I want to talk?”

  “Saw you cart her out of the Command Center, bro,” Hemi said. “Thought you were pulling the big brother, family friend thing. But you just laid a hot and heavy one on her.”

  Levi snorted. “These two have been striking sparks off each other for months.”

  Hemi crossed his brawny arms, looking at Griff expectantly. “Spill. Cam is itching for the details.”

  “No sign of anything.” Indy’s voice came through their earpieces, interrupting the interrogation. “Eww. I think I stepped in kangaroo crap.”

  “Acknowledged, Indy,” came Arden’s cool voice. The other woman was standing in as their comms officer.

  Hearing her voice made something crack open in Griff’s chest. “She’s mine.”

  His squad mates all traded glances.

  “She know that?” Levi asked.

  “I’ve told her. She’s not on board yet.”

  “Ah. Well, I think you have your work cut out for you,” Hemi said.

  “I’ve known her forever. I’ve wanted her forever.” Hell, he’d loved her forever. Maybe not in a romantic way at first, but he’d always cared about her.

  Then, he’d wanted her when she’d been throwing herself at him. And there had been far too many lonely nights in prison, when thoughts of Indy were the only things that got him through.

  Now… Now, he loved her, and wanted her.


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