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No Stone Unturned

Page 47

by Frank Morin

  In any other situation, the thrill of such awesome power would have made him laugh. Buried in earth, he just grinned and leaped upward, ripping at the ceiling of his little prison with fingers strong enough to rend the toughest stone.

  In a frenzy, he tore through the loose earth and climbed eight feet before bursting free. The passage was mostly filled, but a two-foot space near the ceiling remained clear, and Connor greedily breathed in the rich-smelling air.

  The sounds of titanic struggle drew his gaze and he crawled back up the tunnel. After twenty feet, he reached the edge of a huge underground cavern that must have been created when the two monsters crashed together and began to fight.

  Two monsters?

  Connor hadn't thought anything else could surprise him, but he was wrong. Evander was nowhere in sight. In his place reared a mighty, man-shaped giant that stood at least sixty feet tall. It sported four massive arms and a muscled torso that made Connor's enhanced bulk seem pitiful. Formed of earth and stone like the elfonnel, its head looked vaguely like Evander. It was fighting the elfonnel, pounding on the beast with fists the size of wagons.

  Connor stared in awe, the lone witness as the two monsters struggled in the huge cavern they'd formed, crashing into each other again and again. Evander's giant grabbed the elfonnel by the head and swung it, nearly smashing Connor flat.

  They probably wouldn't even notice if they squashed him. That was a bit insulting, given how much effort the elfonnel had expended tracking him down.

  Then the giant drove the elfonnel upward with elemental strength. It burst through the ceiling, and light flooded the hidden battleground as the plain overhead collapsed inward.

  Not waiting to see if the monsters would seal the hole again, Connor tapped marble and blasted himself up through the hole, soaring high into the air. He laughed, drinking in the fresh air and savoring the cool breeze across his dirt-coated skin.

  A nimble little flying craft that looked like an armored chair, zipped up next to him, matching his speed perfectly, rumbling with the power of quartzite thrusters.

  Verena was piloting it.

  She was wearing thick furs, a helmet, and strange goggles that couldn't conceal her blue eyes that glittered with joy. She gave him a dazzling smile.

  "Need a ride, stranger?"

  Chapter 74

  Connor and Verena landed on a low hill where the leadership team was gathered. The armies were assembled nearby, facing the plain. Ailsa was overseeing a team near the Sculpture House. Led by Jok, the Boulders there were setting up long tables with supplies of power stones to resupply troops.

  Rory waited for him in the center, with Anika close at his side and Ilse and Erich flanking them. Aonghus stood near them with Camonica, who was scowling at the Grandurians. Teachers, school administrators, high lord representatives, the other champions, and their captains made up the rest of the leadership team.

  Hamish, who was wearing a unique armored suit, with leaves of stone for the breastplate, broke away from Jean, who had been standing beside him, holding his hand and grinning with radiant joy.

  Seeing Hamish again was like returning home. Laughing, Connor rushed to meet him. They collided and gripped each other's arms, laughing even more. It was so good to see Hamish again, all his worries faded away under renewed optimism. Somehow, everything would be all right.

  "What are you wearing?" Connor asked, stepping back to examine Hamish's suit.

  "It's a long story," Hamish grinned, pulling a breadstick from a pouch at his belt and offering half of it to Connor. For once, he accepted without hesitation.

  Hamish was taller than Connor remembered, and far more muscular, although that effect might be due to the suit. "But what about you? What have you done to your skin?"

  His skin was still ebony from the enhanced granite, and his muscles quivered with power, even though he wasn't tapping it. "It'll pass." He couldn't explain what Ailsa had done to the powder in front of everyone.

  Jean rushed over and gave him a hug, eyes glittering with joy. "Oh, Connor, we were so worried. They said the monster had trapped you."

  "It did for a minute, but I'm all right."

  She retreated to stand with Hamish again and took his hand. It looked like she didn't plan to ever let go, and Hamish couldn't look happier. Connor's heart sang to see them so happy together. For years he'd plotted against Hamish and Stuart to win Jean, but now it felt absolutely right that she had chosen Hamish.

  Verena joined him and slipped under the crook of his arm. She had shed her bulky flying furs and helmet and felt perfect there beside him. He really wanted to kiss those minty lips of hers, but another thunderous clash from the battling monsters on the plain drew him around.

  "Glad you're safe, lad," Rory said.

  "It was pretty close," Connor admitted. "That things smart, and it's got amazing elemental mastery."

  Rory nodded. "Redmund and Padraigin have organized every Sentry we've got to shield this hill, but I doubt they'll hold if that thing gets a chance to focus on us."

  "Let's hope it doesn't," Connor said, tapping quartzite to study the distant battle.

  Evander's giant and the elfonnel were fighting with undiminished savagery across the plain. Huge areas had collapsed in on the sunken ruin, and Connor cringed to think of that ancient secret destroyed after remaining preserved for so long. He wished he'd gotten a chance to explore it more.

  Connor turned to Ilse and extended a hand. "Are we okay?"

  "We've reached an accord. All other concerns are on hold until the current threat is resolved."

  Shona joined them, glaring at Verena. "Then there will be consequences."

  Connor met her angry gaze. "Right now, you will respect the peace."

  Her eyes widened and she stood taller. "You forget your place, Connor."

  "You're wrong." He scanned the gathered men and women. "We cannot face that monster divided. I've fought it and seen what it can do, and I believe my place is at the head of this united army. Either accept that, or challenge me here and now."

  The high lord representatives clamored objections, but Lord Dail silenced them. "We are no longer playing a game. Today war has descended upon our school and we face the very real threat of death and destruction. This is a military matter, and we will accept the decision of our military commander. Captain Rory, what say you?"

  All eyes turned to Rory, who considered Connor for a moment before giving him a wry smile. "You've come a long way from the scared boy I met by the river, lad. You're right, though. We need the Blood of the Tallan to lead this fight. I will support you."

  Aonghus laughed and pumped his fist in the air. Camonica, who could have argued that she should assume command, gripped Connor's hands in both of hers, her expression adoring. "You are Blood of the Tallan, Connor. You're our nation's one and brightest hope. I'll follow you to the gates of Tallan's Fury."

  That was more than a little unnerving, but he patted her hand. "Thanks for your support."

  Ilse gave him a tiny nod. "Until the Machtig Riesen is destroyed."

  "That's a great name," Connor said. It was so much better than Maid.

  "I am not calling the elfonnel some Grandurian gibberish," Shona snapped. She still glared at Verena, but looked torn about what to think about his usurping command of the armies. On one level, it strengthened her position, but it also gave him far greater independence from her. As each of the others added their support, she didn't dare oppose him though.

  "I was thinking of calling it the Doom," Connor said. "It really is the Daddy of All Other Monsters."

  Verena frowned. "You know, that doesn't really spell--"

  "Work with me," Connor said. "New names aren't as easy as I make it look."

  "But what if it's a girl?" Cameron asked as he and Tomas joined their captain.

  "Depends on who raised it," Verena said.

  "I know who raised it." Aifric drew closer. "Somehow, High Lord Dougal is responsible."

  "My father can
't raise an elfonnel," Shona scoffed. "Go heal that broken mind of yours."

  "He may not be able to raise it, but he may be the only man alive who might be able to control one after it forms."

  "She might be right," Verena said. "I've heard it's possible, and he's clever enough to do it. But where did he get one?"

  "Why would he want to control a monster like that anyway?" Shona demanded.

  "To gain power over the Blood of the Tallan," Aifric said

  Connor was amazed she would risk saying so much, revealing things that no Healer would know. If her true identity was revealed, she'd be executed.

  "I don't care who raised it or who's controlling it," Connor said. "We have to destroy it. Then we'll find out who's responsible and they can pay for the mess they caused."

  He turned to Ivor, Padraigin, and Redmund. "What do you say, my friends? Will you follow my lead in this?"

  Padraigin grinned and made a graceful curtsy. "I'd say the Tir-raon is pretty well broken at this point so yes, I will join with you."

  Ivor shook his head slowly, but smiled. "I said I hoped you had some good ideas, but this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

  "It's a start," Connor said, extending his hand.

  Ivor took it, his grip firm. "Then I'm interested in seeing where we go next."

  Redmund scowled at the others. "The head uncovered to the elements takes the brunt of the storm."

  "But the socks least-washed gain a strength unmatched by any other," Connor responded.

  Redmund frowned, and Jean said, "That's disgusting, Connor."

  "And it doesn't make any sense at all," Verena added.

  At least she didn't punch him in the face.

  Hamish leaned close to Connor and whispered, "You've stolen an entire army! I love it."

  "Now that the chain of command is secure," Rory said, his tone crisp. "Can someone tell me how by the Tallan's twisted memory we're going to destroy that thing?"

  "Our best chance is if Evander destroys it," Verena said.

  "I can't see how he summoned that giant," Ivor said.

  "It's not a summoning," Hamish said. "Evander's raised his own elfonnel, although I'm surprised they can both unleash the earth at the same time in the same place."

  "That's perhaps the greatest risk," Verena said. "We've been studying elfonnel, and we have first-hand experience, but if one of those monsters gains the upper hand, they may be able to absorb the elemental power of the other."

  "Are you suggesting if the elfonnel defeats Evander, it'll grow stronger?" Connor asked.

  "It's possible," Verena said.

  Jean spoke up. "But from my research, the living elements can really only be defeated by other living elements."

  "Let's hope Evander wins," Connor said. "But let's plan in case he doesn't. What can we do against it?"

  "Sometimes dropping a mountain on them helps," Verena said, glancing up that the towering heights of Mount Murdo. "Although against earth, it may not be such a good idea."

  "Not to mention such a catastrophe would destroy the entire Carraig," Lord Dail exclaimed.

  Connor said, "Lord Dail, I want you and the other representatives to return to the inner city and organize a full evacuation."

  Lord Dail paled. "Do you have any idea how complex an undertaking that is?"

  "Would you prefer everyone dying if those monsters decide to fight closer to the castle?"

  As the group scurried off, Connor said, "Let's get everyone resupplied, especially the tertiary affinities. If we unite all of our elemental powers, we might be able to tip the battle in Evander's favor."

  "I'll inform Ailsa," Jean said, breaking reluctantly from Hamish and trotting away toward the Sculpture House.

  They began discussing the best way to mobilize their troops against the elfonnel, but Padraigin exclaimed, "Look!"

  Connor tapped quartzite and saw that the elfonnel was sinking into the earth. Evander's giant was beating it with thunderous blows from all four arms, smashing it so fast and so hard that its armored hide was cracking.

  "I think he's winning," Rory said, looking relieved.

  Within seconds, the elfonnel faded from sight and the giant stood tall, staring down at the spot where it disappeared.

  "He did it!" Shona shouted, and a cheer rippled through the army.

  Then the giant spun and started lumbering toward them at a terrifying run.

  "What's he doing?" Shona asked, sidling next to Connor, opposite Verena.

  "It looks like he's coming for us," Ivor said, sounding nervous.

  "Evander wouldn't attack us," Connor said.

  "Unless he's lost control," Verena said, eyes wide with worry. "It can happen."

  "Tallan take it," Connor muttered. "That's replacing one monster with a worse one."

  "We need to prepare," Ilse urged as the giant closed to within half a mile, still charging full speed.

  "Boulders form ranks," Connor ordered. "Striders take to the field. All tertiary Petralists prepare to repel the giant."

  Captains scurried to relay commands, and soldiers formed ranks, fear replacing joy as they faced the onrushing monster. Connor felt terrified to think of Evander losing control. It was his army under attack, his soldiers about to die in the face of that monster, and the thought filled him with towering anger.

  "Verena, get in the air," he urged. "I've got to stop him."

  "You can't," she said, gripping his hand. "I can't lose you."

  Oh, he wanted to kiss her so bad, but instead released her hand. "I can't let him destroy my army. I can at least slow him down."

  Besides, Evander might not be coming for everyone. He might only be coming to exact revenge upon Connor for breaking the secret, ruined city. Dying again was not really something Connor wanted to do, but he couldn't let hundreds of other people die just because they happened to be standing between him and Evander.

  He sucked on marble, preparing to launch himself over his troops and charge Evander's giant. There had to be a way to remind Evander who he was, to reason with him.

  If not, he'd make Evander choke on him.

  Evander's giant bellowed, "Beware!"

  "He can talk!" Hamish exclaimed.

  The ground behind them shook, and Connor spun toward the Sculpture House. Boulders were scattering as the ground under the long tables of power stone shook.

  Then the elfonnel exploded out of the earth, gaping maw snapping up the entire cache of power stones and half a dozen Boulders too slow to escape. Its entire immense bulk erupted out of the ground like a breaching whale, and it crashed back to the earth, looking as healthy as it ever had.

  It trumpeted, a sound like the exploding mountain above Alasdair, and pivoted toward the people fleeing in disarray, focusing on a pair of women, running toward Connor, but hopelessly too far away.

  Aunt Ailsa and Jean.

  Chapter 75

  "Jean!" Hamish shouted, and quartzite thrusters erupted under his feet and hands, shooting him into the sky. Connor blinked. That was fantastic!

  Verena leaped aboard her Swift and took off a fraction of a second behind Hamish. Connor longed to rush after them, but he had taken command and he had to organize his army. They were about to get caught right between renewed fighting.

  But he couldn't just watch Ailsa and Jean die.

  "Striders, get over there and pick up stragglers!" he shouted.

  Padraigin was already running, her long, graceful legs fracking as she tore down the hill, with Lorcc matching her pace and a dozen Striders giving chase. They'd reach the fleeing women in seconds.

  They didn't have that much time.

  The elfonnel lunged, snapping down at Ailsa and Jean, the sight burning into Connor's mind with searing terror.

  Jok reached them half a heartbeat faster. Grabbing the ladies, he threw them into the air with a mighty heave of his max-tapped granite arms. They just barely cleared the snapping beaks of the elfonnel's many tongues.

  So it gobbled up Jok ins
tead, its huge jaws ripping a six-foot trench in the ground.

  Relief for Jean's and Ailsa's survival mingled with renewed horror at Jok's abrupt end. Connor took a step toward them, but Shona gripped his arm.

  "Let others save them. You have to save the army."

  Hamish crossed the distance with amazing speed, catching Jean right out of the air before she could crash back to the ground. Verena arrived half a second later and caught Ailsa.

  As she banked away, the elfonnel charged after her, and the ground beneath her exploded, striking the Swift a brutal blow that threw it into a wild spin. Verena hadn't taken the time to strap herself in, and both she and Ailsa tumbled off the flying craft.

  Padraigin and Lorcc caught Ailsa as she fell, then raced back toward the army lines with her held between them.

  Verena tumbled the other way, toward the monster.

  Three of its beaked tongues snatched at her, and she made a pitiful display of defiance by punching at them. Amazingly, the first two beaks somehow missed her, sliding just past her torso.

  The third one clamped onto her shoulder and her scream echoed across the plain, striking Connor's ears like daggers. With quartzite-enhanced vision, he clearly saw the panic on her face as the elfonnel's tongue yanked her into its open mouth.

  Chapter 76

  The sound of the elfonnel's enormous jaws slamming shut on Verena rang through Connor's soul like the Tallan's own laughter. He stood rooted in place while the echoes of it screamed all the way down to the deepest recesses of his mind.

  Verena was gone.


  Connor screamed so loud something tore in his throat. Fear burned his guts, so deep, so tangible it was like claws ripping his innards. It was swept away by an all-consuming rage so vast it made the insanity of marble seem laughable. That rage boiled up through him and drove all fear aside.

  "Oh, what a tragedy," Shona said, actually looking shocked, but not quite sad.


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