Bhagavad-Gita As It Is
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as supreme, Introduction
living entity causes his own, 5.15
of material designations, 3.29
of material progress, 9.18
by material world or energy, 2.2 (6), 2.29, 8.19
by modes of nature, 7.13–14
of pretension to spiritual life, 3.6
via sense gratification, 2.44, 3.27, 15.10
about soul, 2.29
for soul outside Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 3.5
stages of development of, 2.63
surrender blocked by, 15.5
Vedic knowledge free from, Introduction
See also: Atheist(s); False ego; Impersonalism; Māyā
Kṛṣṇa as, 9.19
See also: Living entity (entities), as eternal
Immovable things, Kṛṣṇa’s representation among, 10.25
Impersonalism, Introduction, 3.4, 5.2, 6.15, 7.27, 7.28, 12.3
arguments against, 2.12, 2.13, 5.3, 5.16, 7.24, 7.26, 9.11 (6–8)
in Buddhism, 2.72
compared with devotional service, 2.12, 7.3, 7.24–27, 9.11 (7–8), 9.29, 12.1–6, 12.20
disadvantages of, 4.10, 4.11, 12.1, 12.5 (1–4), 12.20
God realization &, 7.1
Kṛṣṇa & Brahman as perceived in, 11.51
Lord unknowable via, 7.28
in neophyte stage of spiritual life, 7.19
philosophy of, 2.12, 2.13, 2.23, 2.24, 15.1
practitioners of. See: Impersonalist(s)
rejected, 2.12, 2.13, 2.61, 2.72, 4.35, 5.3, 7.24
sense control &, 12.3
as spiritual suicide, 4.11
See also: Brahman; Brahma-jyotir; Impersonalist(s)
Impersonalist(s), 2.7, 2.12, 2.63, 4.12, 4.25, 5.6, 6.23, 7.3, 7.15, 7.24 (2), 10.16, 11.48, 12.1, 17.4
Absolute Truth thought impersonal by, 11.52
arguments of, 7.7, 9.11 (6–8)
attainment of Kṛṣṇa by, 12.3
Brahman &, 17.4
commentaries by, 5.6, 12.1
with devotees, 4.18, 5.6–7, 7.24 (1–5), 9.11 (6–8), 9.14–15, 12.1–7
with sannyāsīs, 5.2, 5.6
danger of hearing from, 2.12
devotees forbidden to hear from, 2.12
falldown for, 4.11, 5.6, 9.25
God realization for, 4.11, 4.13, 18.54
happiness &, 6.23
ignorance of, 4.10, 7.3, 7.24, 9.26, 10.20, 13.23
not intelligent, 7.24
as Kṛṣṇa conscious indirectly, 6.10
Kṛṣṇa derided by, 11.51, 11.52
liberation for, 3.19, 4.9, 6.23, 9.2 (10), 9.12, 18.54
as Māyāvādīs, 7.24 (3)
monists as, 13.25
oṁ-kāra &, 8.11
philosophy of, 1.15, 2.7, 2.12, 3.19, 6.23, 9.11 (7), 9.33, 11.52
Śaṅkarācārya as, 4.12
Supreme as liberation for, 3.19
as transcendentalists, Introduction, Introduction
Vedānta-sūtra misunderstood by, 18.1
worship by, 9.15
See also: Brahman; Brahma-jyotir; Impersonalism
Impious men, four kinds of, 7.15
Incarnations. See: Kṛṣṇa, incarnation(s) of; specific incarnations
Income. See: Wealth
India, 3.20
charity in, 4.28
families of transcendentalists in, 6.42
land in, 11.55 (5)
Manu-saṁhitā &, 16.7
pilgrimages in, 6.12
present-day, 6.42, 8.21
spiritual paths in, 16.24
temples in, 9.34, 11.54 (1)
Vedic authorities of, Introduction
Vṛndāvana in, 8.21
Individuality, 2.12–13, 2.23–24, 4.11, 4.35, 5.3, 7.24 (4–5), 13.23
Indra, Lord, Introduction, 3.14, 7.23, 8.2, 17.4
Arjuna &, 2.33
Bṛhaspati &, 10.24
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.22
origin of, 10.8
planet of, 8.16, 9.18, 9.20
Infamy, Kṛṣṇa origin of, 10.4
Inquiry, proper, Introduction
Intelligence, 10.4
carried away, 2.67
to boat, 2.67
with fruitive work, 3.1
to medicine, 6.34
demons’ lack of, 16.9
for directing mind, 6.34
freed from delusion, 2.52
in goodness mode, 18.30
in ignorance mode, 13.6, 18.32
of irresolute, 2.41
as, 7.10
as origin of, 10.4
represented by, 10.34
in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 3.43, 8.7
via Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 2.65, 2.68, 10.10
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.34
loss of, progression leading to, 2.62–63
lust &, 3.40, 3.42–43
many-branched, 2.41
material, compared with spiritual, 2.69
materialists’ lack of, 16.9
meaning of, 10.4 (2), 10.34
mind strengthened by, 3.42
in modes of nature, 13.6, 18.29–32
next to spirit soul, 3.40
origin of, 10.4
in passion mode, 18.31
purification via, 18.51
soul superior to, 3.42
spiritual, 2.69, 3.42, 3.43
steady, 2.52–58, 2.61, 2.65, 2.68
as subtle element, 7.4
as superior to mind, 3.42
transcendental, 2.66
worship of Kṛṣṇa via, 18.70
See also: Body (bodies), material, subtle; Knowledge; Understanding
International Society for Krishna Consciousness. See: ISKCON; Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement
Intoxication, 3.24, 4.10, 4.26, 14.8, 14.17, 17.22
ISKCON, 18.11
See also: Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement
cited on Supreme Brahman as proprietor, 5.10
on devotional service, 7.25
on Kṛṣṇa as proprietor, 2.71
on Kṛṣṇa’s form covered by yoga-māyā, 7.25
Īśvara, Introduction, 15.8
Īśvara Purī, Disciplic Succession
Jaḍa Bharata, 6.43
Jagāi & Mādhāi, 7.15 (9)
Jagannātha dāsa Bābājī, Disciplic Succession
Jagatpati, Kṛṣṇa as, 10.15
Jaipur kings, 2.31
Janaka, King, 3.20, 4.16, 7.15 (2)
Janaloka, 9.20, 14.14
Janārdana, Kṛṣṇa as, 1.37, 3.1, 8.22, 10.18, 11.51
Janmāṣṭamī, 11.54 (1)
Japa, 9.27, 10.25
Jayadharma, Disciplic Succession
Jayadratha, 1.9, 11.34
Jaya Tīrtha, Disciplic Succession
Jesus Christ, 11.55 (5)
Jīva, Introduction
See also: Conditioned soul(s); Living entity (entities)
Jīva-bhūtam, defined, Introduction
Jīva Gosvāmī, Disciplic Succession
cited on Kṛṣṇa as Supersoul, 9.11 (7)
Jīvātmā, 8.3
See also: Conditioned soul(s); Living entity (entities)
Jñāna, 3.41, 5.2, 13.3
See also: Knowledge; Yoga, jñāna-
Jñāna-kāṇḍa defined, 4.33
Jñāna-maya, 13.5
Jñānasindhu, Disciplic Succession
Jñānī(s), Introduction, Introduction
Kāla, Introduction
See also: Time
Kālī worship, 3.12
Kali-yuga, Introduction, 2.23, 2.26, 2.31, 4.1 (5), 4.28, 6.12, 6.23, 6.33, 6.42, 7.15 (5), 8.11, 8.17, 8.21, 10.18, 10.35, 13.26, 14.16, 15.11, 16.8
especially for, Introduction
versions in, 4.2
tā As It Is needed in, Introduction
chanting holy names recommended in, 2.46, 6.12, 8.13, 9.27
characteristics of, 4.1 (5), 6.33, 8.17
devotees in
direction of Lord for, 18.57
See also: Devotee(s)
education in, 10.4 (2)
as materialistic, 9.2 (2)
soul neglected in, 9.2 (2–3)
not spiritual, 13.26
God realization in, via chanting, 8.11
historic position of, 4.1 (5)
ignorance (spiritual) in, 7.15 (9–10), 9.2 (2–3), 14.16
See also: Ignorance; Ignorance, mode of
incarnation of Lord for, 4.8
Kṛṣṇa consciousness needed in, 14.16, 14.17
kṣatriyas in, 2.31
Manu-saṁhitā followed in, 16.7
meditation in, 9.27
monarchy in, 10.27
passion mode in, 14.7
peace in, chance for, 14.17
place of, in universal time, 8.17
prediction of saṅkīrtana for, 4.8
quality of people in, 2.46, 7.15 (7–8)
Rāma’s rule still desired in, 1.36
religious unity for, Introduction
sacrifice for, saṅkīrtana as, 3.10, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 16.1 (9)
saṅkīrtana in, 2.46, 3.10, 3.14, 4.8, 6.12, 16.1 (9)
science in
cow dung’s purity upheld by, Introduction
limitations of, 7.4
scientists in, 11.33
soul &, 2.17, 2.22
sense gratification in, 17.16
spirituality minimal in, Introduction
sun-god in
Vivasvān as, 4.1 (3)
See also: Vivasvān
Vedic rituals & studies difficult in, 2.46
war danger in, 16.9
women unprotected in, 16.7
yoga pretenders in, 15.11
yogic sense control &, 8.12
Kalki, Lord, 8.17
Kalpa defined, 8.17
Kalpa-sūtras, 11.48
Kāma. See: Attachment; Desire(s), material
Kaṁsa, King, 4.8, 9.34, 11.55 (4), 16.20
Kandarpa (Cupid), Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.28
Kapila (atheist), 2.39 (3), 10.26
Kapila, Lord, 4.16, 7.15 (2)
cited on transmigration, 8.25
compared with atheist Kapila, 2.39 (3), 10.26
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.26
& mother, 2.39 (1), 10.26
Sāṅkhya philosophy of, 2.39 (1–5)
Kāraṇodaka-śāyī Viṣṇu, 10.20
as action for material body, 8.3
advantages from, 16.16
akarma &, 4.16–18, 4.19
birth according to, 2.18, 2.27, 8.3, 13.5, 14.3, 15.8
bondage of, 2.50
change of, via knowledge, Introduction
defined, Introduction, 8.3
devotee sees Lord’s mercy in, 12.13
freedom from, Introduction, 2.47 3.31, 4.14
fructification of reactions of, 9.2 (4)
of fruitive work, 2.47
as Gītā’s subject, Introduction
happiness & suffering due to, Introduction
for killing, 14.16
laws of, Introduction, Introduction
as noneternal, Introduction, Introduction
from pious activities, 2.8
reactions due to, Introduction
See also: Sinful reaction(s)
time &, Introduction
vikarma &, 4.17, 4.19
See also: Action(s); Birth-death cycle; Fruitive activity; Material life; Sinful reaction(s); Work
Karma-kāṇḍa, 2.42, 2.46
defined, 4.33
See also: Fruitive activity
Karma-yoga. See: Yoga, karma-
Karmī(s). See: Materialist(s)
Karṇa, 1.8, 2.35, 11.26, 11.34, 18.78 (1)
relatives of, 1.8
Kārttikeya, Lord, 2.62
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.24
parents of, 10.24
Kāśī, king of (Kāśirāja), 1.5, 1.16–18
Kaṭha Upaniṣad cited
on Lord as a person, Introduction
on soul, mind, senses, & sense objects, 3.42
Kaṭha Upaniṣad quoted
on devotional service, 8.14
on Kṛṣṇa
abode of, 8.21
as cause of all causes, 7.6
devouring all, 11.32
known via surrender, 8.14
as maintainer of all, 2.12
as near and far from us, 13.16
as supreme eternal, 7.10, 15.17
on mind, 6.34
on soul, 2.20, 2.29, 13.13
on spiritual world, 15.6
on Supersoul & tree of body, 2.20
on surrender to Lord, 8.14
Kauṣītakī Upaniṣad quoted on Lord’s fulfilling desires, 5.15
best of, 10.37
Kṛṣṇa as, 8.9
Keśava, 8.22
Keśī demon & Kṛṣṇa, 18.1
Keśi-niṣūdana name for Kṛṣṇa explained, 18.1
Khaṭvāṅga Mahārāja, 2.72
Kidnapping, punishment for, 1.36
Killers, Kṛṣṇa’s representation among, 10.33
of animals. See: Animal slaughter
by Arjuna, 2.19, 2.21
authorized, 18.17
of demons by Lord, 16.20
of elders forbidden, 1.39
eternality of soul doesn’t excuse, 16.1 (13)
of humans. See: Murder; War
karmic reaction for, 14.16
by kṣatriya, 2.31, 18.47
Lord’s, of demons, 16.20
murder as. See: Murder
necessary sometimes, 2.21
punishment for. See: Punishment; Sinful reaction(s)
of soul impossible, 2.17–21, 2.23–24
in war, 1.45
of Arjuna, 1.46
of pure devotees, 12.13–15
King(s). See: Government(s); Kṣatriya(s); specific kings
Kingdom of God. See: Spiritual world
Kingdom of Pāṇḍavas, 1.16–18, 1.31–35
Kīrtana in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. See: Chanting in Kṛṣṇa consciousness
Knower as factor of action, 18.18
Knower of field
& field of activities, 13.27, 14.3
living entity as, 13.1–3, 13.5
See also: Conditioned soul(s); Living entity (entities); Supersoul
of body & nothing more, 18.22
end of, Kṛṣṇa as, 11.38
as factor of action, 18.18
goal of, Lord as, 9.17–18, 13.18
in goodness mode, 14.11, 14.17, 18.20
in ignorance mode, 18.22
as, 11.38
creator of, 10.4
Kṛṣṇa’s, 2.20, 6.39, 7.26, 11.38
compared with living entity’s, 5.15, 5.16
lack of. See: Ignorance; Illusion
material, 10.4 (2)
compared with spiritual, 9.2 (2), 10.4 (2)
of material world & its origin, 15.3
in passion mode, 18.21–22
of past, present, & future, 6.39, 7.26, 8.9, 11.7, 18.61
phenomenal & numinous, 7.2
purest, Kṛṣṇa consciousness as, 9.2
spiritual. See: Knowledge, spiritual
of utility of violence, 2.21
Vedic. See: Knowledge, Vedic
Knowledge, spiritual, Introduction, Introduction, 2.2 (6), 2.8, 2.11, 2.13, 3.3, 3.6, 4.7, 4.14, 4.16–20, 4.33–42, 5.16–18, 6.2, 6.8, 6.39, 7.1, 10.4 (9), 11.7, 13.3, 13.19, 13.20, 14.7, 14.11, 15.5, 15.10, 16.23, 18.17, 18.20, 18.22, 18.64, 18.66, 18.73
about Absolute Truth, Introduction, 5.20, 11.52
about action, proper & improper, 18.30,
advantage(s) of, 2.11, 2.20, 2.51, 4.10, 4.19, 4.20, 4.37, 4.39, 8.28, 9.1, 9.2 (9), 10.3, 10.18, 11.55 (1), 15.1, 15.3, 15.10
detailed, 9.1–2 (11)
equipoise as, 4.22
God realization as, 7.17, 13.25
illusion removed as, 2.13, 4.35, 5.16
independence as, 4.20
karma changed as, Introduction
liberation as, 4.9, 4.14, 4.17, 4.35–39, 6.15, 7.4, 7.7, 13.24, 13.35, 14.2
peace as, 4.38–39, 5.29, 15.17
perfection as, 2.52–53, 14.1, 15.20
reestablishment of relationship with Lord as, 2.16
relief from suffering as, 2.45, 4.35, 9.1, 9.1
return to Godhead as, 4.9, 11.43, 13.35, 15.15
satisfaction of mind as, 4.20, 4.22, 17.16
self-realization as, 2.1, 6.37, 7.17, 9.2, 9.2 (8)
sinful reactions removed as, 4.19, 4.37, 10.3
supreme goal attained as, 13.35
transcendence as, 2.52–53
by Arjuna about universe, past, present, & future, 11.7
authority for
qualifications for, 2.7, 2.8, 2.12, 2.13, 13.5
See also: Spiritual master(s)
of basic truths, five, Gītā presents, Introduction
best of, Kṛṣṇa offers to Arjuna, 14.1
of Bhagavad-gītā, 2.12
See also: Bhagavad-gītā; Bhagavad-gītā as it is
about body, soul, Supersoul, & liberation, 13.35
Brahman as, 13.18
as brahminical quality, 18.42
classes of persons eligible for, 13.25
to boat, 4.36
to fire, 4.19, 4.37
to lamp, 10.11
with material knowledge, 9.2 (2), 10.4 (2)
to sunlight, 5.16
to weapon, 4.42
complete, definition of, 7.2
complete & perfect, Kṛṣṇa source of, 7.1–2
degrees of, 18.64, 18.78 (4)
disqualifications for hearing, 18.67
from Kṛṣṇa Himself, 18.75
Kṛṣṇa praises, 9.1–2
of self & Supreme Self, 3.41
as confidential, 9.2, 9.2 (11)
confidential, most, 15.20, 18.64–65, 18.66
about constitutional position
of living entities, 18.73
of one’s self, 2.51
culminates in surrender, 18.66
cultivation of, 12.12, 16.1, 16.1 (6)
detachment required for, 2.20
determination in Kṛṣṇa consciousness &, 2.41
alone understand, 13.19
try to give, 15.10
about devotional service, 10.10
devotional service in, 7.17–19, 15.20
disqualifications for hearing, 18.67
distribution of. See: Preaching Kṛṣṇa consciousness
as eternal, 9.2, 9.2 (10)
with faith lacking, 4.40
about field of activity & knower of activities, 13.5, 13.19, 13.27, 14.3
“fire” of, karmic reactions &, 4.19