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Knocked Up by the New Zealand Doctor: A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Doctors of Denver Book 6)

Page 15

by K. C. Crowne

  Nor did I want it to.

  I reached down and took hold of his cock through the towel. Hayden was already hard, and I couldn’t resist running my hand under the towel and grabbing onto his bare flesh.

  The moment I wrapped my fingers around his cock, I’d already gone further with him than I had with any other man.

  He growled through the kiss as I stroked him, my fingertips dancing along his length. And the more I touched him, the wetter I became.

  All I wanted was more.

  “Upstairs,” he said. “Now.”

  I nodded. For the first time in as long I could remember, Hayden and I agreed on something without an argument.

  He took my hand and hurried me up to the third-floor bedroom, my heart beating faster and faster with each step. Once we were over the threshold, Hayden rushed over to the nightstand where his phone was plugged in and opened the nanny cam app so we could hear if the kids needed us. That taken care of, he turned his full attention to me.

  His eyes were narrowed and hungry – hunter’s eyes. He stepped over to me and as soon as he was close, I took hold of his towel and yanked it off, his eyebrows rising in mild surprise.

  The sight of him, fully hard and ready for me, was a sight that I’d fantasized about for years. Now that fantasy had finally come true.

  He closed the distance between us, taking down the straps of my dress and letting it fall to the floor. I stood before him in nothing but a matching, lacy set of black bra and panties.

  “God, you’re fucking gorgeous,” he said, shaking his head as in disbelief.

  I had no idea how to reply. Thankfully, he didn’t need me to. Hayden leaned in and gently scooped me off my feet, carrying me over to the bed and setting me down.

  “We don’t have to go any further than you want,” he said. “But I’m only going to stop when you tell me to. Got it?”

  I nodded. He reached down and placed his hand between my thighs and right as he did, I knew stopping was the last thing on my mind. He teased me through my panties, pressing my clit with his fingertip and causing the pleasure to build by the moment.

  Hayden then pushed my soaked panties aside, and I crossed another bridge with him as he touched my bare pussy with his fingers, moving them inside of me.

  His touch was enough to cause an orgasm to stir. He gazed into my eyes intensely as he brought me closer and closer to climax, and when it ripped through my body I squeezed my thighs together against his hands, holding him in place.

  The orgasm faded, but the look on his face made it clear he wasn’t done with me yet. Hayden peeled my panties off, and I arched my back to undo the clasp of my bra. When I was naked, Hayden positioned over top of me, his cock hanging long and stiff between my legs, his eyes moving up and down my body.

  He shook his head.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing. Just can’t believe what I’m seeing. You’re something else, Gracie. You know that?”

  I blushed, placing my hands on his shoulders.

  I licked my lips and smiled up at him.

  “I thought you said you were only going to stop if I told you to?”

  Hayden chuckled, getting the hint.

  We kissed more and more, and I wrapped my hand around his cock as I guided him toward where I wanted him. And when I felt his head against my lips, a shudder of total pleasure ran through my body.

  I placed my hands onto the base of his shaft, guiding him in more and more.

  There was a sharpness to the sensation when he filled me, as he slowly buried himself to the hilt inside of me. But it quickly faded. Maybe how turned-on I was helped. But when I glanced down to see Hayden’s cock fully inside me, all I felt was pure delight.

  He kissed me slowly as he raised his hips, pushing into me. The second thrust was more pleasurable than the first, and then the third was even better, and so on until he drove into me at a pace that caused my breasts to shake, moans to pour from my lips.

  I watched his muscles work, glided my hands over his broad, powerful back. My moans blended with his grunts and before I knew it, another orgasm rushed through my body. I wrapped my legs around him as the ecstasy caught my body on fire.

  And when it faded, I smiled.

  I was getting exactly what I’d wanted.

  And now I needed more.

  Chapter 18


  It was so fucking surreal. I almost wanted to reach down and pinch my leg to make sure it wasn’t some kind of incredible dream.

  But it wasn’t. Grace Anderson was underneath me, my cock deep inside of her willing body, her soft, shapely legs wrapped around my waist.

  What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  It was wrong. This wasn’t some one-night stand from the pub who I was sleeping with. This was Gracie Anderson; someone I’d known since she was some gawky kid in red Chuck Taylors and braces.

  Part of me wanted to put a stop to it all right then, to tell her that we’d gone too far. But then again, this wasn’t like the wedding, where we’d slipped up and had a forbidden kiss. We were making love.

  But more than that, I was her first. We’d already gone too far to go back.

  I pulled back and slammed into her hard, Grace’s stunning, perfect tits bouncing back and forth as our bodies collided. I’d moved from quick, shallow thrusts to full, deep, powerful ones. And I could sense by the noises coming out of her that I was on the right track to giving her another orgasm.

  “Tell me how it feels,” I growled into her ear, my hands on either side of her shoulders.

  “It feels…it feels so fucking good.”

  I raised my body over hers, putting my weight onto my arms, my muscles going taut, as I drove into her as hard as I could. I wanted to come, to unload myself into her velvety pussy. But first, I was going to make sure she had three orgasms to remember from her first time.

  I dropped down to my elbows, taking her face into my hands and watching her stunning features tighten into an expression of total pleasure. I didn’t let up, pounding her relentlessly with the full power of my body.

  Then her eyes closed, her mouth opening into a round “O.” Her walls clenched around my thickness, and she came.

  This time, I did it with her. I threw my head back and let out a long, rapturous groan as my cock drained into her. My noises blended with hers, and together we reached the heights of pleasure.

  And then we came down together. Our bodies still, we both breathed in heavily as the last traces of the orgasms moved through us.

  I held Grace close, her slender, warm body tucked perfectly into mine. But before I could get too comfortable, she shot up and looked around.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “What is it?” I asked, her reaction making me wonder if I’d look up to see Ryan and Carly standing at the entrance to the room.

  “We’re in Ryan and Carly’s bed.”

  I laughed, sitting up and giving her a kiss as I pulled her back down.

  “It’ll be our little secret.”

  “Yeah,” she said with a smile. “That, among other things.”

  We kissed. And before too long we were asleep in one another’s arms.

  I woke up the next morning bright and early, eager for my hike. I checked my phone to see that it was a little after five thirty. But before I rose out of bed, I took the time to savor the sight of Grace still sleeping. Her hands were folded under her face, her chest rising and falling, the sheer covers draped over the round curve of her hips.

  Last night…it had been something else. Maybe the mistake of a lifetime. But in that moment, all I cared about was burning the sight of her into my memory.

  When I was ready, I tore my eyes away from her and stopped by my room to throw on some hiking clothes, then to the girls’ room to make sure they were still sleeping. Sure enough, the girls were out like lights. I had a feeling they’d be up soon, so I decided to hurry down and get some coffee going while I had the chance.

  As the hot water
boiled, I found myself thinking about Grace over and over, how she looked while we made love. There was no doubt in my mind that our lovemaking had been something special, something I’d never experienced before.

  And the fact that she’d been a virgin? That was something else altogether. How was it possible that a woman like her, as gorgeous and funny and smart as her, could have nearly reached her thirties without sleeping with a single man?

  It was bizarre. But I didn’t have too much time to think about it before cries sounded from the baby monitors. As I hurried up to the nursery, I considered waking up Grace for some help. But I changed my mind, deciding to let her sleep.

  I changed the girls, dressed them, then brought the pair down for breakfast. Right as I had them in their highchairs, a voice spoke out from behind me.

  “I can get their breakfast. Have your coffee.”

  I turned and there she was. Gracie was dressed in an oversized T-shirt that came down to her mid-thighs, her hair still mussed from what we’d gotten up to last night. She stepped over to the girls, leaning across the kitchen bar and bending over enough that the bottom of her ass peeked from under the hem of her shirt.

  It was enough to make me rock hard, to wish I could have her again right then and there – after tucking the girls in for a quick post-wake-up nap, that is.

  She turned and flashed me a quick smile that I couldn’t quite make out before going for the girls’ food.

  I knew we had to talk about what happened last night.

  “So…” she said, as if reading my mind. “What are you thinking? About last night?”

  Grace stepped over to the microwave to pop the food inside.

  “I’m thinking you wore the wrong thing if you want to have a rational conversation about s-e-x.”

  Her eyes flashed wide, and she quickly glanced down at the T-shirt. When she realized what I was talking about, she pulled the hem of the shirt down to try to cover her nearly bare legs. But that only had the effect of showing off her cleavage.

  She grunted with frustration.

  “Try to focus on what we need to talk about.”

  “Alright, alright,” I said. “Here’s what I’m thinking. We got caught up in some stuff last night, like the sexual tension that had obviously been building between us.”

  She nodded, glancing away. The microwave chimed and she took out the food.

  “And now, the sexual tension is gone. We slept together, it was nice, really nice, to be honest. But it shouldn’t happen again.”

  Grace said nothing as she spooned the food onto plates, splashing a little milk to cool it off before placing it in front of the girls.

  “That’s what you think?” she asked.

  “That’s what I think. How about you?”

  “Sounds good to me. I mean, what are we going to do – date or something?”

  The word “date” came out heaped with disdain, as if she couldn’t think of anything more unappealing.

  “Yeah, right? I mean, imagine us dating.”

  She glanced back at me from where she was next to the girls, rolling her eyes and smirking as if agreeing with me. Her ass was still poking out, and I couldn’t help but glance at it before going on.

  “Anyway, we’re cool. No weirdness?”

  “No weirdness. That is, unless you make it weird.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Silence hung in the air as she fed the girls. For once, I was tongue-tied.

  “So,” she said, breaking the silence. “You’ve got your hike this morning.”

  An idea occurred to me.

  “Well, thing about that is…you want to come?”


  “Come with – you and the girls.”

  “On your hike? Are you serious? I thought this was like, your happy place or something. You want to do it with a group?”

  “I completely forgot until last night that every third Saturday is already a group hike. I offer a monthly hike to some of my older patients who’ve had heart troubles in the past or are recovering from surgery. And there are a few there to get some exercise. It’s nice – just a quiet little stroll on Cherry Creek Regional Trail. More of a walk than anything, and we’re never out more than an hour or so. What do you say?”

  She smiled. “That actually sounds kind of nice.”

  I grinned right back. “Then let’s get moving.”

  Chapter 19


  “God, it’s like we’re moving in together.”

  Hayden stepped back from the trunk of his car, the space loaded with the girls’ strollers, along with a million other things we might need. He flashed me the sly smile that let me know he was only fooling around, but I wasn’t sure I was in a mood to joke around.

  I’d woken up that morning feeling weird about what had happened. I’d had sex with Hayden Frost. And not only that, but it had also been my first time. Just losing my virginity would be enough to process on its own. But having done the deed with the man I’d been fantasizing about since I was a girl?

  Part of me still felt like I was in a dream, like it hadn’t actually happened.

  But it had. And as much as I wished I could play it chill, be the cool girl who was fine with some no-strings-attached sex with a hot guy, I wasn’t so sure.

  “You OK?” Hayden’s voice snapped me out of my daze as I was in the process of double checking the girls’ car seats.

  “Yeah, fine.”

  Hayden flashed me a smile as he turned his attention to the gear packed into the car, making sure it was strapped in and ready to go.

  Get it together, Grace, I told myself as I finished giving the girls their once-over. You had sex – that’s it. You don’t need to act like you’ve just been emotionally traumatized or something.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  I nodded, saying nothing as I opened the passenger side door and slid in.

  Hayden started the car, some mellow classical coming from the speakers as he pulled out of the driveway.

  I needed to say something, anything, to let him know I was fine and that I wasn’t going to be spending the hike up in my own head.

  “Cool…uh, violin.”

  Nice, Grace.

  He glanced over and smiled for a beat before turning his attention back to the road.

  “Like it? You’ll never guess the name of the composer.”



  I had to laugh. “Are you serious? Please don’t tell me you’ve got such an ego that you only listen to musicians with your name.”

  He chuckled. “Nah. I may be a little full of myself, but I’m not that bad. No, I had a patient tell me that my name was the same as her favorite composer. I decided to give it a listen out of curiosity and he’s pretty damn good.”

  The girls smiled and giggled, sounding their approval of the music.

  He turned it up a bit, and I took the opportunity to lose myself in it – better that then talking about what had happened last night. Though I knew it would only be a matter of time before the subject came up.

  What would I say? Hell, I didn’t even know how I felt about it.

  After a thirty minute or so drive, we reached Cherry Creek Trail, a beautiful little hiking spot in Glendale. The place was packed, tons of other outdoor enthusiasts all making their way up and down the trail, the creek that ran parallel to it shimmering in the morning light. Oak trees towered over the scene, covering the trail in dappled light. The weather was perfect, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

  We parked and took out the girls, then loaded them into the strollers before getting our gear for the morning and strapping it on. Once we were ready, we headed down to the meeting area where a group of two dozen or so seniors were awaiting us.

  “Good morning,” Hayden called out. “Glad to see another amazing turnout for the hike today. Lucky for you though – I’ve got all of your addresses in my phone. So had any of you decided to play hooky, I’m totally fine with
driving to your places and getting each one of you out of bed myself.” Laughs sounded from the group.

  He had a smile on his face as he addressed the crowd, and it was clear to see he was totally comfortable speaking in front of a group. I was as amused as all of the seniors until the sight of him addressing a crowd, having them laughing, reminded me of the wedding when he’d given his speech at my expense.

  That was enough to wipe the smile off my face, to make me feel confused and conflicted about it all.

  Hayden finished up his speech.

  “Now, I’m sure you all are wondering about the new additions to the group today.”

  One of the seniors, a spry older woman with a sparkle in her eye, spoke up. “You’ve got a beautiful woman and two kids since the last hike? You work fast, Dr. Frost.”

  More laughs.

  “Now,” Hayden said. “As much as I agree with your assessment, Martha, this is my good friend Grace, and the two adorable-as-all-hell girls are her nieces, Lily and Rose.”

  He craned his neck, appearing confused.

  “The thing about twins, though” he said. “Is that they’re hard to tell apart.”

  I wasn’t sure what he was talking about at first, but then I glanced at the girls and remembered that I’d put them in matching outfits.

  “There’s an easy way to tell them apart,” I began with a smile. “Rose has the red flower headband – red for Rose. Lily’s is the yellow one.”

  “And there you have it,” Hayden said. “Now, I know the girls are as adorable as they come, but let’s try to keep the cheek-pinching until after we finish the hike. As always, if any of you are having any dizziness or shortness of breath spells while we are walking, please let me know right away. Let’s go!”

  With that, we were off. The hike — more of a brisk walk — took us down the length of Cherry Creek, and after a few minutes the fresh air was already working its magic on me. I pushed the girls in their double-stroller, and Hayden made his rounds through the group to make sure everyone was feeling alright and keeping up.


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