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Loving Raylynn

Page 28

by C. R. Marcum

  “Just take them already. I want to have the house clean and dinner done when everyone gets home. Oh and text Drake and tell him that I got dinner covered, but do that before you start driving.” She said, dropping the keys into his open palm. “Oh and Ty, if you damage my car in any way, I’ll kill ya.” She finished with a sweet smile.

  “Shit Ray, now you got me all scared to go to the store.” He said, griping the keys tight.

  “Be careful and you won’t have anything to worry about.”

  “Fine, I’ll go,” He said. “I need cash though, so I’ll have to swing by the shop and get some from Drake.” He finished.

  “No you won’t! If the guys see that I let you drive my car, they’ll all want to. Just take my card, the pin is 1118. If you think of anything that isn’t on the list that we need just grab it. I’m gonna work on the laundry until you get back, so if you need anything thrown in just get it together when you get back ok.” She said, handing him her Black card.

  “Ok, but I thought that card was for emergencies only.” He said, taking the card.

  “Not having any food in the house and having a clean place to live sounds like an emergency to me. Now just go already, your fuckin up my rhythm.”

  “Fine, but one quick question.” He said.


  “Is alcohol a necessity? Cause we don’t have any left.”

  “Sure, but how are you gonna get it? You are still only 17 Ty.”

  “I’ll swing by Gold Digger’s. Jerry always gives us good shit. He knows that it’s for the guys, so he doesn’t mind sellin to me.”

  “That’s fine, get enough for the week, and get some Tequila and lemons for me.” She said, heading towards the hall.

  Ty made it home quicker than she thought he would, and for that she was glad. There was still a lot of house to clean, and not a whole lot of time. As soon as he sat the bags on the table, she got right to work; music still blaring behind her.

  She and Ty put all the groceries away and stocked the liquor closet. It took very little time to do with both of them working on it. Once that was done, she started on dinner. Homemade meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans. She didn’t know if the guys liked any of that, but she was hoping. Once dinner was well on its way, Ray got started on the rest of the house. She had done most of the big stuff while Ty was gone, so all she really had left to do was wipe everything off and spray the fabric surfaces with febreeze.

  She climbed out of the shower and got dressed. The guys would be home any minute and she wanted to be in the kitchen when they arrived. She had already called Uncle Richard and informed him of her decision to move in completely with Jax. He was more understanding than she thought he would be, all he asked for was Sunday morning breakfast. He just wanted her home on Sundays.

  She had been in the kitchen long enough to make their plates when she heard the front door open. She made her way towards the living room just in time to see their reaction. She had rearranged the furniture to make it more functional. No longer would anyone have to hurt their neck to see the T.V. She had also lit a few candles, to make it smell nice. Syn was the first one in, followed by Drake, then Jax and Lucas.

  “So? Whatcha think?” she asked, trying to gage their reactions.

  “Did you do this?” Drake asked in his usual gruff tone.

  “Yeah, but if you don’t like it I can put it back.” She said, hoping that she wouldn’t have to.

  “No, I like it. It smells good in here too. What is that smell?” Drake replied.

  “Well, I made dinner and lit some candles. I also got most of the common laundry done. Towels, stuff that got left in the bathroom and our laundry Jax, so if anybody has any dirty clothes in their rooms just take them in the laundry room and I’ll get them done.” She said. “Now come on, put your stuff up and wash your hands. Dinners done.” She finished heading towards the kitchen, leaving them all staring after her.


  “Hey guys, grab your plate and have a seat, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Ray said, once they were all in the kitchen.

  “Damn babe, that looks great.” Jax said, grabbing his plate with one hand and her ass with the other. “Dinner looks good too.”

  “Dude, really. Play grab ass later, some of us are starving.” Lucas said, trying to grab a plate for himself.

  “Thanks Ray, it looks great.” Drake said when she handed him a plate.

  “Hope you all like it. Now, come on let’s eat.” She said, finding a place at the table.

  They guys had all started towards the living room when she cleared her throat.

  “I thought we could all sit together at a table and eat, ya know and talk.” She said.

  “We never eat in here.” Lucas said matter of factly.

  “I know, I just thought it might be nice.” She replied.

  “Yeah well, you can do what ya want, but Imma go watch the game.” Syn replied, heading towards the living room again.

  “No. We can all sit at the table and eat. It won’t kill us.” Drake replied, sitting at the head of the table.

  “Thanks Drake.” Ray said, waiting for everyone to find a seat.

  “Don’t mention it kid.” He said, cutting into his meatloaf before popping a bite in his mouth.

  Ray looked around the table and watched as they all began eating.

  “Does it taste okay?” she asked nervously.

  “It’s delicious babe.” Jax said, shoving another bite in his mouth.

  “Really good.” Ty agreed.

  “Good, I’m glad you guys like it. So, I wanted to talk to all of you, but mostly you Drake.” She said, straightening up in her chair a bit. She didn’t know why she felt nervous all of a sudden, but she did.

  “What about?” Drake replied.

  “Well, I went home today, and Katrina kinda told me to leave. So, I just grabbed all of my stuff and left. So, I was hoping that it would be okay with you if I officially moved in here…with you guys.”

  “Babe, you already…”

  “I know how you feel Jax, I need to know how Drake feels about it, the rest of you guys for that matter.” She interrupted.

  Everyone at the table turned and looked to Drake. Ray watched him, waiting for an answer.

  “So, what do you think Drake?” she asked.

  “I mean, I thought you already did.” He started, “but if you need it to be said, then yeah, you can. I already consider you family Ray.” He said, his usual rigid features softening slightly.

  “What if I say no?” Lucas chimed in.

  “Well, then you can leave. She cooks and cleans. You make a mess and try to burn the house down making popcorn.” Drake answered.

  “I vote we kick him out anyway. He smells bad and I don’t like his face.” Ty added with a laugh.

  “So, was there anything else you wanted to ask, or was that the only thing?” Drake asked, bringing the laughter to a halt.

  “No, that was pretty much it.” She said, smiling.

  “Good, so is that why you cleaned up and cooked dinner? Cause ya know you didn’t have to do any of that.” He said.

  “Not really, I just wanted to eat something other than pizza for dinner and cleaning doesn’t bother me.”

  “Well, I will say that you are a damn good cook.” He added.

  “Thanks Drak…”

  “Shit!” Lucas exclaimed, scaring the entire table.

  “The fuck is wrong with you?” Syn asked, confused.

  “Well, ya know…we kinda made plans for tonight since Ray wasn’t gonna be here.” Lucas replied.

  “Why did I have to be gone?” she asked looking to Lucas.

  “It’s just a party Ray. We haven’t had one in awhile, so we invited a few people to come over, that’s all.” Lucas replied.

  “And I assume these people like to wear very little and tend to get very happy the more they drink?” she asked.

  “Very little and I get very happy the more they drink.” He replied
with a wink.

  “Okay, so why did I have to be gone for the party?”

  “It’s just a respect thing babe, we don’t really know how to be now that you live here. I mean, you’re the first girl to even stay overnight in the house, let alone move in.” Jax said.

  “Oh. Well, I just restocked the liquor closet, and honestly, as long as the other…girls…keep their hands off you and my tequila then I say let’s have a party.” She said with a smile.

  “Yeah?” He asked with a cocky grin spreading across his face. “What if they can’t keep their hands off me?”

  “Did they leave my tequila alone?”

  “Nope, they said they needed a shot of tequila so that they could run their hands all over the sexiest guy at the party.”

  “Let’s just say that my tequila is the last thing they would touch, and who said you would be the sexiest guy at the party?” she asked with a smile.

  “So…we can have a party then?” Lucas asked again once all the laughter died down.

  “I don’t care guys, I’m pretty sure I’ve been here for a party or two.” She replied just as the doorbell rang.

  Lucas jumped up so fast that his chair tumbled backwards and he took off towards the door.

  He returned a moment later looking defeated.

  “Ty, your Aspen is here.” He said quietly.

  “God Lucas, don’t seem so sad to see me.” She said from behind him.

  “Hey, Aspen. Don’t take it personal, he’s waiting on the girls to get here. We’re having a party and he has no manners.” Ray said standing.

  “Oh a party huh? Sounds fun.” Aspen said, taking a seat on Ty’s lap. “I’m gonna need to borrow something to wear then.” She said, looking down at her current apparel.

  “Yeah, sweats and a tank isn’t gonna cut it, besides I have that red dress of yours in my room.” Ray replied, clearing the table.

  “Ok, so why are we still standing here. We need to start getting ready. Bye guys.” Aspen said grabbing Ray by the hand and pulling her towards the living room.

  “Slow down, the clothes aren’t going anywhere.” Ray said as they reached the hallway.

  “I know, I just don’t wanna leave Ty alone in a room full of skanks that’s all.” She replied, pulling Ray a little faster.

  “Fine, but I can walk by myself ya know.”

  “Well put some pep in your step then.” Aspen said exasperated, just before the doorbell rang again. “Shit, let’s go!”


  The music was goin, and the house had filled up quick. Leave it to Lucas to invite every chick in the neighborhood. Syn took a look around the room, surveying the scene. Drake sat in the oversized chair, beer in hand talkin to Todd. Lucas was on the couch, a chick on either side of him. Jax was in the kitchen bartending, and Ty was learning the ropes.

  “Hey stranger.” The voice said in his ear.

  “Ashlee, it’s been a while.” He said, looking the brunette up and down.

  “You know my number Syn, all you had to do was call if you missed me.” She said, pressing her back against the wall.

  “Been busy.” He said, taking a step closer to her.

  “To busy to play with me?” she asked biting her bright red lip.

  “Who says I wasn’t playin wit someone else.” He said, pressing his palm to the wall next to her head.

  “Now I’m jealous. Is that what you want Syn? For me to be jealous?” she asked, resting her hands on his chest.

  “No reason to be jealous, I play with whoever I want, you know that, besides, Joey said you been with his ugly ass most days. I thought you were off the market.” He replied, finishing off his beer.

  “Wouldn’t matter even if I was, I’d always be down to play with you Syn.” She said batting her eyelashes at him.

  “I…” he stopped, his mind losing all focus when he heard all the whistles coming from behind him.

  He felt her before he saw her. Raylynn. He turned just enough to get a good look as she entered the room and she was a fuckin goddess on earth. The purple heels she had on pulled his eyes straight up to her impossibly long legs. She had to have poured herself into the dark wash jeans she wore. They fit like a second skin, and hugged her in all the right places.

  He let his eyes linger on her thighs and what rested between them for longer than he should have, but the thought of dipping his tongue into her sweet, wet pussy was all that ran through his mind. He let his eyes travel up her stomach to her perfect tits. The black and purple corset she wore pushed them higher, and he found himself wondering if she had on the matching panties.

  He felt himself getting hard, and he ached to see what her heels would look like wrapped around his neck. He shook off the thought and continued his ascent. Her long dark hair fell in that sexy ‘I don’t give a fuck’ way that she wore it. His eyes traveled to her full, sexy lips, and all he could think about was claiming her mouth. He wanted to see if she could take all of him. He wanted to watch her wrap her lips around his cock, and lock eyes with her as she swallowed him.

  He allowed himself to find her eyes then and he swallowed hard when he found that she had found his eyes too.

  “Are you even listening Syn?” Ashlee asked, pulling him from his daydream.

  “I need a beer.” He said, pushing himself away from the wall and leaving her standing alone.

  ‘The fuck is wrong with you? Raylynn wont ever fuck you, or suck you off on the couch, or let you taste that sweet pussy of hers on the kitchen table. So stop! No matter how bad you want to press her against the wall and fuck her until she screams, it aint gonna happen. All your ever gonna get with that girl is some badass daydreams and blue balls.’ He thought as he made his way through the crowd.

  “I see Ash found you.” Jax said nodding towards the brunette.

  “Yeah, actin like I was supposed to miss her ass or somethin.” Syn said leaning against the doorway.

  “Yeah, she was askin about you and Lucas, swear ta god bro she would probably take all of us at once if she thought it would make you happy.” Jax said laughing before holding up a drink.

  “No doubt, fuck, she almost has. Drake the only one that hasn’t fucked that chick.” He replied, grabbing the drink from his brothers hand.

  “Shit, that’s right. She’s the one that fucked Ty that night. Poor kid. I mean she’s alright for a quick fuck, but she aint that good.”

  “Gotta fuck her from behind to even hit a wall.” Syn said with a laugh.

  “Who?” came the voice from behind him.

  “Shit babe, Imma need to find someone to take over here so I can peel you outta them jeans.” Jax said looking her up and down and up again.

  “Not gonna happen playboy. It took me way too long to get into this outfit for you to just rip it off me. Besides, I wanna dance.” She replied, leaning over the table, and pressing her lips to his.

  He watched as she leaned further over, her perfectly round ass on full display. She had her legs slightly spread, and her ass swayed in time with the music.

  ‘ I could peel them jeans down just enough to slip in, and you’d let me, out here, in front of everyone. You’d moan and push back against me, and you’d cry out when I slid my cock inside you and filled you up. I’d grab that hair and pull you back harder and harder until you couldn’t hold back anymore and you had to scream out my name. I’d feel your sweet pussy come around my cock and I would fuck you harder until I came. You’d love every second of it.’ Syn thought before shaking himself out of it.

  “You need a refill bro?” Jax asked, nodding to the empty glass in his hand.

  “Fuck, yeah. Imma need more if Imma be fuckin with Ash tonight.” He said, looking towards Ray before turning back to Jax. “ Gotta prepare mentally for that shit.”

  “Gotcha.” Jax replied handing his brother another drink. “This one’s stronger.”

  “So, I take it I have to actually ask for a shot huh?” Raylynn said, just enough sarcasm in her tone to make him want to pin he
r against a wall and occupy her mouth with something else.

  “Shit babe, I’m sorry.” Jax said, reaching for the bottle. “Wait, did you say a shot?”

  “Yeah, that’s the only way to drink tequila.” She said. “In fact, pour three.”

  “Damn babe, tryna get fucked up tonight or what?”

  “Somethin like that.” She said, reaching for the salt and lemon slice.

  “Yes ma’am.” Jax said, pouring the shots.

  “Syn, take a shot with me.” She said, sitting the first one in front of him.

  “I’m good, you go ahead. You playin catch up now. I’m up three.” He said, leaning back against the wall, watching.

  “Fine, more for me then.” She said before licking her hand and sprinkling it with salt. “Hold this.” She said handing Syn the lemon slice. “After I take the shot, put it in my mouth kay.” She said lifting the shot glass.

  ‘I’ll put somethin in your mouth alright.’ He thought before nodding.

  He watched her lick the salt, and the sight sent a shiver down his spine. She lifted the glass to her lips and tipped her head back, pouring the amber liquid down her throat. She turned her head and took the lemon slice out of his hand with her teeth.

  “Damn, that was sexy as fuck.” Jax said when she done.

  “Whatever.” She said, giving Syn a sideways glance. “Not my fault you guys been hangin with girls that can’t take shots.” She said picking up the second shot.

  “Take a shot with me?” she asked looking to Jax.

  “Fuck yeah I will.” He said, lifting his glass.

  “No, like this.” She said, placing her glass between her tits and licking her palm. She ran her hand down her neck and sprinkled the salt where her hand had been before placing the lemon slice between her teeth.

  He growled low in his chest. He wanted that shot. He wanted to lick her neck, to taste her, but instead he watched Jax walk around the table and pick her up and sit her gently on the table. He watched her open her legs for his brother, he watched her hook her legs behind his and pull him in. He watched his brother lick the salt from her neck before dipping his mouth to her tits. He saw Jax’s hand slide between them and saw the look on her face when he found his target. He watched his brother down the liquid before dropping the glass. He watched Ray drop the lemon from her teeth just as Jax went for it. He watched her tongue play against Jax’s lips.


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