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Loving Raylynn

Page 36

by C. R. Marcum

  “I’m not real fuckin happy about it, but shit Syn…” Jax sighed.

  “Jax look, I’ll try to be less of a dick to her; but no guarantees. She knows how to push my buttons.” Syn said, turning towards his brother.

  “That’s all I’m askin for bro. She’s gonna be around for a long fuckin time, hopefully forever. So, you two are gonna have to figure some shit out. I can’t be in the middle anymore.” Jax said as he leaned against the dresser.

  “I said I’d try.” Syn replied stone faced.

  “Alright, now one other thing. The actual fuck are we supposed to wear to dinner with her people tomorrow?” He asked, adjusting his hat.

  “Really? That’s what you’re worried about? Might wanna worry about that Air Force Uncle of hers little brother, he might not be okay with you dating his precious little Raylynn.” Syn replied throwing a pillow towards his brother.

  “Please, parents love me. Especially moms.” Jax smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  “Shut the fuck up and get outta my room.” Syn replied as they both laughed.


  The afternoon and evening had gone by so quickly that by the time Raylynn was getting home it was completely dark and all the guys were home. She had dropped Ty off at Aspen’s and headed towards the mall. It had taken all day, but she found shirts for all the guys. They were nice button up shirts that she knew they were going to hate. She couldn’t wait to see them all dressed up. She laughed to herself as she left the store, knowing full well how much they were going to fight in the morning.

  Most of the drive home had been spent listening to Avenge Me’s newest album and thinking of Paisley. She had been trying to call and visit with Pais, but she could never seem to catch her. She felt Paisley slipping away, and with the last visit still fresh in her mind; Raylynn was worried. She only hoped that they could repair the relationship before it was too late.

  By the time dinner was done, and Raylynn had finished making the pies she planned to take to her Uncle’s, even though Paisley would make far to many desserts; Raylynn was exhausted. She and Jax showered quickly and excused themselves to bed. She hadn’t had time to swing by the pharmacy to pick up her prescription, but she doubted it would matter much. She was correct, as soon as Jax wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest, she was asleep.

  “I don’t know why we agreed to this.” Jax complained as he buttoned up his shirt. “I look stupid, and this shirt is itchy.”

  “You look great babe and suck it up cause you are wearing it.” Raylynn replied, pulling her black jeans up her legs.

  “Why do you get to wear jeans and a tank top? Why can’t I just wear what I usually wear?” he whined.

  “I’m only wearing this until we get there. My dress clothes are still in my old room. I’ll change once we get there and I introduce you guys.” She replied, knowing that he wouldn’t be happy with that answer.

  “I just want to wear my usual clothes. He’s either gonna like us or not, I doubt our shirts will sway his opinion.” He said, pulling her backwards against him and planting a kiss on her neck.

  “Yeah, probably not but why risk it? Besides, he is going to be wearing the same thing. Thanksgiving is a big deal to Uncle Richard, and I don’t want the bitch known as Katrina to have any ammo against you guys. She already thinks I’m sleeping with the lot of you, we can at least make it seem like you are all upstanding young men and pillars of the community.” She replied, laughing.

  “Hey, we are pillars of the community. Just not the good community.” He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

  “Speak for yourself little brother, I am a pillar in every community.” Syn said with a smile as he opened the bedroom door.

  “Again, knocking would be nice.” Raylynn shot at him, her eyes narrowing.

  “At least you have clothes on this time. I don’t want to ever relive yesterday as long as I live. I may even be traumatized for the rest of my life.” Syn said with a grin in her direction.

  “Whatever Syn, don’t be jealous that you can’t have all this.” Raylynn said doing a small turn before breaking into a full laugh.

  “Yeah, that’s what it is. I must be jealous that my baby brother is locked down to the same chick and I can go fuck a new one every night. Damn, I just can’t contain the envy.”

  “Yeah, but if you had a woman half as bad as Ray, you’d be happy as fuck to be locked down.” Jax interjected before pulling Raylynn against him.

  “Really? You can’t wait till I close the damn door?” Syn asked seriously.

  “It’s really hard…” Jax said suggestively before pressing his hips against Ray’s behind.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Y’all are some nasty fucks.” Syn groaned with a shake of his head before pulling the door shut behind him.

  “Now that he’s gone, think you could help me out with this situation?” Jax asked, shifting his eyes towards his noticeable erection.

  “Not gonna happen playboy. We have to go like now, so I suggest you think about some old ladies or something.” She replied patting his chest.

  “l’ll be fast, like five minutes. I swear.” Jax said with a grin.

  “You make it sound so appealing, but no. We will not be late to my Uncles house. I want him to like you.” She said placing a small kiss on his lips.

  “Ugh! Fine, but when I get you home Imma tear that ass up!” he growled, smacking her hard on the ass as she headed towards the door.

  “Keep telling yourself that sweetie.” She tossed over her shoulder before taking off towards the living room laughing.

  As Raylynn rounded the corner she was met with a jaw dropping sight. There stood four of the five guys, all of them dressed in the button ups she had bought them. Drake was dressed in black jeans and a white button up that accentuated the darkness of his skin. The shirt fit him like a second skin, and she had to admit that Drake was gorgeous. His muscles flexed as he helped Ty with his collar, and she could almost make out the abs that were now hidden beneath the shirt.

  Ty looked like a miniature Drake, dressed in black jeans and a red button up. He had been working out every night with Drake and Lucas, and Raylynn had to admit that it showed. No longer did Ty look like the baby of the bunch, he looked just as much a part of the group as Lucas. His biceps looked huge underneath the fabric of his shirt and she could see why Aspen wanted him so badly.

  Lucas stood messing with the cuffs of his white button up. She had to swallow a chuckle as she watched him continue to try and fail to button them. His biceps straining against the fabric with every twist of his arm. His emerald eyes stood out bright and his blond hair fell perfectly over the right side. Raylynn smiled when she realized that he had actually shaved this morning.

  She had been so caught up in looking at the others, that she had almost missed Syn. He was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, staring down at his phone. His dark hair freshly cut into a nice fade was on display since he wasn’t wearing a ball cap. She let her eyes trail down to his perfect lips, and her breath hitched when his tongue slipped between them for a split second. She tore her eyes away from his mouth before her thoughts could get her in trouble, and allowed them to glide over his hard chest. The dark blue shirt made his clear blue eyes pop, and the fit of it made her stomach flutter. Her mouth went dry and the extra moisture had found its way to other regions of her body. Syn truly was sex on legs, and the physical reaction Raylynn felt made her feel guilty. She had always been highly attracted to Syn, but she had fallen for Jax so quickly that she never pursued anything with Syn. The two being brothers made her undeniable attraction to her boyfriends big brother even worse.

  “Well, are we ready or what?” Jax asked as he rounded the corner and came to a stop behind Raylynn. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him.

  The drive to Uncle Richard’s went by faster than expected, and Raylynn found herself becoming nervous as they parked the cars in the driveway. She and Jax had
driven her car, and the others had followed behind.

  “Well, are you ready for this?” Raylynn asked, turning her face towards Jax.

  She watched him as she stared out the windshield at the massive house that she had once called home.

  “Jax, are you just gonna stare or…” she asked, snapping him out of his trance.

  “This place is fuckin huge babe. Why the hell did you move out?” Jax asked as they climbed out of the car.

  Raylynn smiled and walked towards the front of the car, as the others piled out and met her there.

  “No seriously, why in the hell would you choose to leave a place like this?” he asked again as they all started towards the front door.

  “Oh, you know…the butler and I had words, and the maid refused to double starch my laundry. I swear, it is so hard to live like that.” She said, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder before turning to him. “You! Ya jackass. I moved out to be with you.”

  “I think I’m gonna be sick!” Lucas screeched before pretending to puke in the bushes beside the front porch. “You two are so sweet it literally makes me sick.” He said as he stood and wiped his hand across his mouth.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass in front of my uncle. It really wouldn’t be a good look for you. It would definitely leave a horrible first impression.” Raylynn said before pushing him backwards off the porch and into the very same bushes.

  “Now I wish he had thrown up, that shit would have been funny as fuck!” Jax said through his laughter.

  Everyone stood laughing as they watched Lucas struggle to free himself from the deep bushes.

  “Somebody help me damnit! This is the biggest bush I’ve been in in a very long time!” he yelled just as the front door opened.

  Quiet swept over the group as Richard looked out at the lot of them. Raylynn took in the scene before her and doubled over in laughter.

  “Hey Uncle Richard, Happy Thanksgiving.” She said as she got herself under control.

  “Hello sweetheart. I’m glad you were able to get the whole gang to agree to come and enjoy the holiday with us.” He said as he pulled her in for a hug.

  “It was no problem, they jumped at the chance.” She replied hugging him tightly.

  “Ty! How are you son? Haven’t seen you around here in quite a while.” Richard asked over Raylynn’s shoulder.

  “I’ve been good sir, really good. Just busy with school and stuff.” Ty replied, shaking Richards outstretched hand.

  “Those grades still holding up?” Richard asked.

  “Of course, my brother would kill me if I let my grades slip.” Ty replied with a smile. “Oh speaking of, this is my big brother Drake.” Ty said, motioning for him to come forward.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ray and Ty have told us a lot about you and thank you for the invite.” Drake said as he shook Richards hand.

  “Its my pleasure. You have done well with Ty. He’s such a good young man. You should be very proud.”

  “I am, Ty makes me proud every day.” Drake replied with a glance towards his little brother.

  “I understand that, I have two young ladies that make me proud daily as well.” Richard said smiling.

  “Umm guys, did you forget about me or? I mean I could use a little help down here.” Lucas called from the bush.

  Richard turned with a chuckle and reached his hand out for Lucas. “You must be Lucas, Raylynn has told us a lot about you.” He said as he pulled Lucas to his feet. “And those big bushes will get you every time, trust me I know.” He chuckled as he clapped Lucas on the back.

  “I apologize for that.” Drake said shooting Lucas a look.

  “It’s fine, really. I remember what it was like to live with a group of guys. Needless to say, I much prefer to be outnumbered by girls, they smell better and have better manners.”

  “Yeah, you could have imparted that bit of wisdom before I moved out. I had no clue how miserable it is living with these guys.” Raylynn said with exaggerated disgust.

  “Oh you love it!” Lucas exclaimed.

  “Don’t make me feed you to the bush again.” She replied smiling.

  “Now why are you always so mean to me?” Lucas asked, throwing his arm over Raylynn’s shoulders.

  “Because it’s fun that’s why. Now please get your arm off me before I have Jax handle my lightwork.” She said ducking out of his reach.

  “I’ll do it without her asking.” Jax said laughing.

  “Fine,” Lucas said pouting. “but I’m not gonna sit next to you at dinner.” He finished.

  “Oh No! You are breaking my heart.” Ray mocked.

  “So, while listening to you two argue like siblings is highly entertaining, I still don’t know these two gentlemen.” Richard said looking towards Jax and Syn, who were standing on either side of Raylynn.

  “Sorry Uncle Richard.” Raylynn said sheepishly.

  “No need to apologize sweetheart.” Richard said sweetly before turning his attention to Syn. “Now who do we have here?”

  Syn took a deep breath and extended his hand.

  “Hey, I’m Syn, I mean Jaysyn. Everyone just calls me Syn, and pretty boy over there is my baby brother Jaxon.” He said shaking Richards hand firmly.

  “Well, it is nice to finally put a face to the names. Raylynn has told us a lot about you two. It is nice to meet you Jaysyn.” Richard replied before turning his full attention to Jax.

  “It’s nice to meet you sir and thank you for having all of us.” Jax said, his tone calm.

  “I’m glad you were all able to make it.” Richard replied coolly.

  “Richard sweetheart, are we going to allow our guests in or should I serve them on the porch? Not to mention the bugs that have no doubt made their way into the house by now.” Katrina stated flatly as she stepped out onto the porch with them.

  “I do apologize for my manners, please follow me.” Richard said as he turned towards the door. “The turkey will be done in just a few minutes, please make yourselves at home in the family room. I’m sure the game is already on.”

  “Paisley should be in there already. There are drinks behind the bar, help yourselves.” Katrina added, intertwining her arm with Richard’s.

  “Ray, can you show them the way? I need to finish the yams.” Richard asked.

  “Yeah, no problem.” She replied before both her aunt and uncle disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Well guys, follow me.” She said with a giggle as she pushed her way to the front of the pack.

  The guys had done well impressing Richard, and they all looked great in the dark wash jeans and button ups Ray had bought them. She wondered to herself how long it would take before one of them realized that they were the only ones dressed up. Even Uncle Richard, whom she had always seen dressed well was in jeans and a t-shirt.

  Raylynn smiled at the thought and led the boys through the two hallways to get to the family room. When they turned the corner, there sat Paisley, legs tucked up beside her, watching the game.

  Raylynn stopped in her tracks as she quickly took in Paisley’s appearance. She was wearing workout sweats and a tank top. Her usually perfect hair was casually thrown up in a messy bun, and she didn’t have a speck of makeup on. Had it not been for the bracelets on her wrist, that sat atop the scars, Paisley would have been unrecognizable. Raylynn had almost forgotten what Paisley looked like naturally, and truth be told she was stunning. Raylynn just wished Paisley could see it too.

  “Hey girl scout, long time no cookies.” Lucas said as he flopped on the couch next to her.

  “Could you please scoot over and be quiet? I’m trying to watch the game.” Paisley said with an eye roll.

  “Oh come on, you know you missed us. Its okay, you can say it.” He replied with a chuckle.

  “Keep telling yourself that jackass.” Paisley snapped.

  “Lucas, shut up and leave her alone.” Drake said sternly as he sat in the chair next to the couch.

  “Hey Pais, how’s everything
going?” Raylynn asked leaning in and giving Paisley a hug.

  Paisley sat unmoving as Raylynn hugged her. “Hi, now move please. I told dad I’d fill him in on the game and you are blocking the television.” She said, her voice low and angry.

  “Sorry, Its just really good to see you.” Raylynn said with a sigh.

  “Well you can see me from over there.” Paisley said flatly, pointing towards the gray lovesac across the room where Jax had made himself comfortable. “and last time I checked you didn’t need to touch someone to see them.” She added.

  Raylynn stood and stared for a moment. She had known that Paisley was upset, and she understood her trauma. She just never expected her to be so cold. It was like everything that made Paisley who she was, was left on the floor of that dirty locker room.

  “Hey Pais. I’ve missed you.” Ty said, taking a seat on the couch across from her.

  “Okay, hi everyone. I’m so glad you all can see me, now please shut it so I can watch the damn game!” Paisley all but yelled.

  The room went silent as everyone stared at her.

  “Shit, girl scout is feisty today. It kinda turns me on.” Lucas said, breaking the heavy silence that hung over them.

  “God I fucking hate it here!” Paisley huffed before she pushed past Raylynn and disappeared down the hallway.

  All they could do was watch her go. Raylynn wanted to follow her, but she was afraid that would only make things worse. She felt the all too familiar sting as the tears filled her eyes. She silently wondered if coming to dinned had been a good idea after all. Her mind was spinning and the panic in her started rising. She felt as if she were on the edge and that any moment the ground would collapse from beneath her. It was then that she felt not one body, but five.

  Jax had pulled her backwards against his chest and held her tight. Syn stood beside them and rubbed her arm. Ty stood in front of her and leaned his forehead against hers and gripped her shoulders. Lucas and Drake stood beside them and each had a hand on her arm. She was being held together by these men that she called family.


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